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Thread: 2 bottles 1-AD, 2 bottles 6-OXO

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2004

    2 bottles 1-AD, 2 bottles 6-OXO

    Hey, I'm stuck in Iraq right now and am preparing to start a 1-AD cycle. I've used it before but followed the directions on the bottle and used only 2 caps per day (200mg total I think) one in the morning, one at night. That gave me a 4 week cycle without any dosage changes. THen I followed that up with one bottle of 6-OXO, four pills at night til the bottle was empty.

    I'd like to start another cycle in a few weeks, but I have just two bottles of 1-AD left and 2 bottles of 6-OXO. After reading the posts here, I'd like to change the dosage this cycle. Any recommendations? Like I said, I'm stuck in war zone and can't just run out to the store to stock up on more.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    In The Dope Show
    Prohormones are a waste of money, next time mail me your cash.

  3. #3
    cycle two bottles of the 1ad. start on with 1 and then gradually go up to three pills. take more pills when you think your body is used to the andro, dont just jump into taking 3 pills and then when your towarsd the end of your cycle pyraimid down to 2 pills for the last week and then end it with 1 pill for three days. i saw the best reasults doing this way.. **** what he says its the best **** out there right now.....have a good cycle and train hard

  4. #4
    ps kill some mother ****ing terrorist

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