Mind and Muscle Issue #18 is Now Available at


Issue #18 features a Roundtable with Patrick Arnold, Will Brink, Bruce Kneller and Par Deus on Methylated Steroids, as well as articles by Lyle McDonald on Periodization and Nandi on Hyperthyroidism and Testosterone levels, to name a few. Additionally, the issue features a wealth of information regarding 5 new Avant Labs products, as well as discounted product stacks based on body-type.

The complete Table of Contents is as follows:

Thus Spoke Dante by Tkarrde
Council of the Gods: A Roundtable Discussion with Patrick Arnold, William Brink, Bruce Kneller and Par Deus on Methylated Steroids
Periodization for Bodybuilders Part II by Lyle McDonald
The Effects of Hyperthyroidism on Testosterone Levels by Nandi
Olympic Hypertrophy Training by Marc Lobliner
Chemically Correct: Deprenyl by Novick
What is Olympic Weightlifting? by Fortified Iron
Pharmaceutical Phenotype Enhancement Part II by Loki
Confessions of a Madman by Roy Harper
Don’t Be That Guy Reloaded by Dio
Carb Cycling Q&A by Twin Peak
-Introducing 3 New LeptiGen™ Formulas
-Q&A on the New LeptiGen™ Formulas with Par Deus
-Introducing H.E.A.T. Stack™
-Introducing Sesamin™
-Introducing INSTONE
-Product Stacks
And More!