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Thread: On & Off Cycle...... Ha!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Chicagoland area

    On & Off Cycle...... Ha!

    Alrighty...... I was reading M&F and saw an ad for a pruduct called On&Off cycle. The add claimed : this is the most powerful anabolic stack ever developed!!!..
    Week 1-2 :Incrseased sex drive and early morning wood. INcreased in aggresiveness and muscel strenght. Size and definition becomes apparent.

    Week 3-4: Muscles exploded with intence pumps. Muscles will acually feel tinglly and super strong.

    Week 5-8: Sex drive is againe turned on at full strenght. The most drimatice size and strenght of the cycle are experienced. Mind blowing pumps are felt for a week. Feelings of extreme confidence, savage workout drive ect...

    With an add like that my ass RAN to GNC and bought a Cycle! mmmm... those little glossey black pills were hypnotic, they begain to speak to me... " Wanker... with us your future in bodybuilding/powerlifting is inevidable.We have been that missing link that you've been searching for. This is it!!!
    So with my hopes held high i began religiouslly take these black beauties. I had dreams of Ronnie Colmans and Craig Tituss slapping me high fives as I lined-up on stage. When I awoke..... nothing.... no wood as promised. Thats alright... " If I build it, they will come." I down 4 of my black goddess pills and head to the gym. Blaa... Had some of the worst workouts of my life.
    Maybe some modivation will do me some good. So I grab a Muscular Development and sit on my white porcillen throne. I flip passed the usall DD-cup goddesses... and stare in awe at a true Christ figure thee' Markus Ruhl. Ahhhh.... one day. But wait, there it is!!! On shiney glossey paper.. the ON & OFF add!!!! Ahhhh.... the goodness of 2-test-c-thp
    19-nor-4-empd ect..... building blocks of the elders!!!!

    WAIT A ****ING SECOND!!!!!!!!

    I grap my bottles of On&Off...look at the lable... my bottle has neither of these ingrediants. It has all herbal stuff.... Black willow what??

    Neadlesslly I was pissed!!! How can GNC carry a product thats in a mag, and have it be a different product?? I took it back and asked the clerk " why" He said he didn't know or cared as he bopped to the blareing R. Kelly song " Thank Heaven for Lil' Bitchs" I got my money back and got some old fasion creatine and whey protien. Can anyone explain to me this accorence??
    And where is the right place to get " steriods light" ??

  2. #2
    they have two versions of on and off cycle, a streiodal version(andro and ph's) and a non-steriodal version. im guessing you got the non-steriodal version.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    right behind ya
    You can use half the bottle you have now and see how it works, then go and exchange it for the other one for no extra charge.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Chicagoland area
    I guess i need to do my research before hand, it was an impulse buy b/c I had read a lot of good things about it. No where does it say in the magazine or GNC that their are two versions so I had no idea.
    Just a heads up, the herbal version does NOTHING! Nadda, total waste of money.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    if your gonna buy that stuff though, i am 100percent sure u can find it cheaper online then crappy GNC, JMO though

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    erie, pa (area)
    wanker, that was funny sh@! man.......thanks i needed that

  7. #7
    LM1332 Guest

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