Alrighty...... I was reading M&F and saw an ad for a pruduct called On&Off cycle. The add claimed : this is the most powerful anabolic stack ever developed!!!..
Week 1-2 :Incrseased sex drive and early morning wood. INcreased in aggresiveness and muscel strenght. Size and definition becomes apparent.
Week 3-4: Muscles exploded with intence pumps. Muscles will acually feel tinglly and super strong.
Week 5-8: Sex drive is againe turned on at full strenght. The most drimatice size and strenght of the cycle are experienced. Mind blowing pumps are felt for a week. Feelings of extreme confidence, savage workout drive ect...
With an add like that my ass RAN to GNC and bought a Cycle! mmmm... those little glossey black pills were hypnotic, they begain to speak to me... " Wanker... with us your future in bodybuilding/powerlifting is inevidable.We have been that missing link that you've been searching for. This is it!!!
So with my hopes held high i began religiouslly take these black beauties. I had dreams of Ronnie Colmans and Craig Tituss slapping me high fives as I lined-up on stage. When I awoke..... nothing.... no wood as promised. Thats alright... " If I build it, they will come." I down 4 of my black goddess pills and head to the gym. Blaa... Had some of the worst workouts of my life.
Maybe some modivation will do me some good. So I grab a Muscular Development and sit on my white porcillen throne. I flip passed the usall DD-cup goddesses... and stare in awe at a true Christ figure thee' Markus Ruhl. Ahhhh.... one day. But wait, there it is!!! On shiney glossey paper.. the ON & OFF add!!!! Ahhhh.... the goodness of 2-test-c-thp
19-nor-4-empd ect..... building blocks of the elders!!!!
WAIT A ****ING SECOND!!!!!!!!
I grap my bottles of On&Off...look at the lable... my bottle has neither of these ingrediants.It has all herbal stuff.... Black willow what??
Neadlesslly I was pissed!!! How can GNC carry a product thats in a mag, and have it be a different product?? I took it back and asked the clerk " why" He said he didn't know or cared as he bopped to the blareing R. Kelly song " Thank Heaven for Lil' Bitchs" I got my money back and got some old fasion creatine and whey protien. Can anyone explain to me this accorence??
And where is the right place to get " steriods light" ??