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Thread: My 1st Cycle and Need Help! With my Stats!!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2001

    My 1st Cycle and Need Help! With my Stats!!

    Ok First here are my stats:
    Im about 5'7, 175-180 and 10% bodyfat.

    This is my first cycle so I want to make sure its perfect or at least try my hardest to do so.
    Im gonna eat about 3,000 calories per day, w/ 300 grams of Protein a day. Ive done this plenty of times so this is no problem.

    I want to use the Deca and D bol cycle, I know to get Nolvadex, and Clomid for Post cycle. I also want to use Clenbuterol. I will also use Milk Thistle while on the D-bol. I also want to use Clenbuterol.

    But, my main questions are:
    1. What is the best way to take these(doses) w/ not as many side affects?.
    2.How can I prevent water retention,especially in the face?
    3.Is there a way to prevent the acne?
    4.What is the absolute best way to keep my gains?I know to use Clomid,but can I also use a OTC Supplement too?
    5.I would like to get lean and big at the same time is this possible w/ this stack??
    6.And any other Tips, or pointers to gain mass, or get lean or anything I would greatly appreciate it.

    I have learned a GREAT deal from this board and I want to thank everyone that has replied and will reply, you guys are the shit!!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Some kind of padded room...wearing some kinda white jacket...can't!
    These are just my opinions:

    1. What is the best way to take these(doses) w/ not as many side affects?. DBol 25-30 since this is your first cycle will do you fine, Deca at 400-600

    2.How can I prevent water retention,especially in the face? For the water retention I would say armidex to prevent it from converting to estrogen, but that shit is expensive, up to you.

    3.Is there a way to prevent the acne? If you're prone to it accutane might help, shower anytime you sweat, use a loofuh brush and tan.

    4.What is the absolute best way to keep my gains?I know to use Clomid,but can I also use a OTC Supplement too? Clomid of course, for supps, you should be using creatine after, glutamine after and if you like while, most people are on glutamine year round.

    5.I would like to get lean and big at the same time is this possible w/ this stack?? Depends of your diet and your training

    6.And any other Tips, or pointers to gain mass, or get lean or anything I would greatly appreciate it. Stay on this board and just keep learning like we all do

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