Ok First here are my stats:
Im about 5'7, 175-180 and 10% bodyfat.
This is my first cycle so I want to make sure its perfect or at least try my hardest to do so.
Im gonna eat about 3,000 calories per day, w/ 300 grams of Protein a day. Ive done this plenty of times so this is no problem.
I want to use the Deca and D bol cycle, I know to get Nolvadex, and Clomid for Post cycle. I also want to use Clenbuterol. I will also use Milk Thistle while on the D-bol. I also want to use Clenbuterol.
But, my main questions are:
1. What is the best way to take these(doses) w/ not as many side affects?.
2.How can I prevent water retention,especially in the face?
3.Is there a way to prevent the acne?
4.What is the absolute best way to keep my gains?I know to use Clomid,but can I also use a OTC Supplement too?
5.I would like to get lean and big at the same time is this possible w/ this stack??
6.And any other Tips, or pointers to gain mass, or get lean or anything I would greatly appreciate it.
I have learned a GREAT deal from this board and I want to thank everyone that has replied and will reply, you guys are the shit!!