Ive been hearing alot about different forms of 1-Test, and i was just wondering how well it works and what kinds are good. In Anabolics 2004 they were also saying that it may be outlawed soon?
Ive been hearing alot about different forms of 1-Test, and i was just wondering how well it works and what kinds are good. In Anabolics 2004 they were also saying that it may be outlawed soon?
It will be illegal soon, methyl-1-test is the best, and it works very well.
ok thanks bro. i think im going to try it out. i talked to some guy in the gym and he said it worked really well
Do lots or research before you take M1T!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It's a legal steroid and it CAN do damage. Do a search on AR... theres been alot of threads lately on it.
For sure. thanks
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