Hey bro's, I am getting ready to do my 1st prohormone cycle. It is a stack of ergopharm 1ad and 4ad. I am a 22 years old, 190 pounds, and about 10% body fat. I have researched this topic tremendously and now all I need is your guy's final touch on my dosages. Here it is:
Week 1:
Day 1-100mg 1ad/300mg 4ad
Day 2-100mg 1ad/300mg 4ad
Day 3-200mg 1ad/600mg 4ad
Day 4-200mg 1ad/600mg 4ad
Day 5-300mg 1ad/900mg 4ad
Day 6-300mg 1ad/900mg 4ad
Day 7-300mg 1ad/900mg 4ad
Week 2:
400mg 1ad/1200mg 4ad
Week 3:
500mg 1ad/1500mg 4ad
600mg 1ad/1800mg 4ad
Week 1:
600mg 6oxo divided morning and night
Week 2&3:
Week 4:
I was very hesitant on jacking up the 4ad the way I did. I wasn't sure if I should stick around 900mg or not. What do you guys think about that? Is it way to high? I know clomid and nolvadex would be better pct too, but I am still working on getting some. My wrestling trainer at the college I attend is trying to get some for me, but is that really needed? I know it is better to be safe than sorry, but it is just hard for me to find.
Also, what other things should I take? Milk thistle, Saw Palmetto, Flaxseed oil, R-ala? And can I still take protein powder and a multivitamin? Or will taking all these things be kind of an overkill.
Hey guys, thanks a lot for your help. I know this is a lot, but I just really trust and value your guy's opinion. I don't know what I would do without you. Thanks again, peace.