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Thread: Gearheaded’s crazy EXPERIMENTS log

  1. #81
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    are you talking about the blend the UGL makes ? if so I don't know shit about brewing gear (I don't want to know, don't want to be tempted).

    OR are you talking about me normally taking single esters and mixing them together rather then using a blend ?
    if so. what I mean is that all I'm doing it taking my Tren base from the vial, my Test base from the vial, my Winstrol, and my Anadrol, and simply drawing it all up into a 3cc syringe and then dropping the plunger on that all into my lat.
    I'm not worried about any 'homogenous' anything just as long as it all gets in the muscle
    I was talking about the uGL however you prompted my thinking... they do not just take a little of this, and a little of that.
    I am sure that it is all one big batch made together. I made a batch by a little of this and a little of that in a vial a long time ago. Serum levels were probably all over due to not being homogeneous.
    I do the same thing you do.

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  2. #82
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    Quote Originally Posted by charger69 View Post
    I have a silly question... the specific gravity has to be different so how do you get a homogeneous solution??

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    The specific gravities may be diffetent but they are all dissolved in the same carrier oil and solvent.
    (with reference to a solid) become or cause to become incorporated into a liquid so as to form a solution.

    Each hormone/ester is incorporated in the liquid via solvent unless something is introduced to crash it.

  3. #83
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    its nearly impossible for the average person/lifter to generate enough volume and homeostatic stress in a single workout for a single body part to justify that one body part needing a whole week to recover.
    sure theres a time and a place for traditional bro splits. like me being on one now. or again for guys that are super strong.

    heres what I say in another post to clarify
    you'd likely be better off doing body parts 2x per week rather then 1x per week anyways

    'bro splits' where you only hit one body part per week are generally best suited for beasts that are super strong and big to begin with.
    they create enough homeostatic stress and volume in one workout to require a whole week of rest for that body part. . your average 200 pound guy benching 275 does not.

    think about it. a 250 pound beast trains chest. lets say he does bench press for 405 for 5 sets of 12, then on to incline dumbbell press hitting the 150s for 5 sets of 15.
    well volume = sets X reps X weight moved. so go ahead and tally up how much volume this guy has already pushed and he's only two exercises in.
    [his total volume is going to be 3 times that of your average gym rat . just because the weight he is pushing for reps alone]

    again this guy is creating a ton of homeostatic stress in a single workout. he's going to need a whole week for his chest to recover. . but you and me are not near this strong. we can't push that weight and volume. our chest will be ready to go in just a few days.

    thats why higher frequency works better for the majority of people. we are not near strong enough to accumulate enough volume in one workout to require a whole week for that body part to recover. we'll do better hitting it again in a few days
    Good point! I actually remember reading another of your posts about training and about your logic on that specifically. Thanks

  4. #84
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    Quote Originally Posted by Obs View Post
    The specific gravities may be diffetent but they are all dissolved in the same carrier oil and solvent.
    (with reference to a solid) become or cause to become incorporated into a liquid so as to form a solution.

    Each hormone/ester is incorporated in the liquid via solvent unless something is introduced to crash it.

  5. #85
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    its nearly impossible for the average person/lifter to generate enough volume and homeostatic stress in a single workout for a single body part to justify that one body part needing a whole week to recover.
    sure theres a time and a place for traditional bro splits. like me being on one now. or again for guys that are super strong.

    heres what I say in another post to clarify
    you'd likely be better off doing body parts 2x per week rather then 1x per week anyways

    'bro splits' where you only hit one body part per week are generally best suited for beasts that are super strong and big to begin with.
    they create enough homeostatic stress and volume in one workout to require a whole week of rest for that body part. . your average 200 pound guy benching 275 does not.

    think about it. a 250 pound beast trains chest. lets say he does bench press for 405 for 5 sets of 12, then on to incline dumbbell press hitting the 150s for 5 sets of 15.
    well volume = sets X reps X weight moved. so go ahead and tally up how much volume this guy has already pushed and he's only two exercises in.
    [his total volume is going to be 3 times that of your average gym rat . just because the weight he is pushing for reps alone]

    again this guy is creating a ton of homeostatic stress in a single workout. he's going to need a whole week for his chest to recover. . but you and me are not near this strong. we can't push that weight and volume. our chest will be ready to go in just a few days.

    thats why higher frequency works better for the majority of people. we are not near strong enough to accumulate enough volume in one workout to require a whole week for that body part to recover. we'll do better hitting it again in a few days
    An additional thought to consider... From an older guy.... Keep an eye on what you're really working. Most compound exercises work secondary muscles as well. For example, if I tried to do back twice a week, and chest twice, and then arms twice a week... I'd be working my biceps and triceps (directly and indirectly) 4 times a week. My old-ass tendons would be toast.

    Weather you're doing the bro-split, or twice/weekly, or whatever else, effective programming is essential.

  6. #86
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    Quote Originally Posted by Charlie67 View Post
    An additional thought to consider... From an older guy.... Keep an eye on what you're really working. Most compound exercises work secondary muscles as well. For example, if I tried to do back twice a week, and chest twice, and then arms twice a week... I'd be working my biceps and triceps (directly and indirectly) 4 times a week. My old-ass tendons would be toast.

    Weather you're doing the bro-split, or twice/weekly, or whatever else, effective programming is essential.
    Lots do chest and tri back and bi.

    I personally cant bear to not do tri and bi together.

  7. #87
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    Quote Originally Posted by Obs View Post
    Lots do chest and tri back and bi.

    I personally cant bear to not do tri and bi together.
    I like the synergy of supersets with bis and tris. I know that I should probably change up, but nothing else compares.

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  8. #88
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    Quote Originally Posted by charger69 View Post
    I like the synergy of supersets with bis and tris. I know that I should probably change up, but nothing else compares.

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    Its not that for me.
    Its walking around looking like I just did bis and tris that gets me.

  9. #89
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    as a personal trainer I have a pretty good idea about exercise selection and how to hit muscle groups to try and get them to grow.
    however, I CANNOT get my own chest to grow worth a shit. its my weakest body part. it has no size and fullness at all.
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	fullsizeoutput_38d.jpeg 
Views:	103 
Size:	355.9 KB 
ID:	174980

    I've tried plenty of different training techniques.

    so the next step possibly. I'm going to start injecting all my bases and suspensions (test suspension, tren suspension, winstrol) for preworkout strictly into my upper chest. I'm also thinking of using Hyaluronic acid to try and fill out the chest and help with some fullness/size.

    anyhow, what are your guys thoughts on running short ester gear and SEO into my upper chest to try and develop some fullness ?

  10. #90
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    as a personal trainer I have a pretty good idea about exercise selection and how to hit muscle groups to try and get them to grow.
    however, I CANNOT get my own chest to grow worth a shit. its my weakest body part. it has no size and fullness at all.
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	fullsizeoutput_38d.jpeg 
Views:	103 
Size:	355.9 KB 
ID:	174980

    I've tried plenty of different training techniques.

    so the next step possibly. I'm going to start injecting all my bases and suspensions (test suspension, tren suspension, winstrol) for preworkout strictly into my upper chest. I'm also thinking of using Hyaluronic acid to try and fill out the chest and help with some fullness/size.

    anyhow, what are your guys thoughts on running short ester gear and SEO into my upper chest to try and develop some fullness ?
    I inject upper high straight above the nipple with short esters and get the least pain there but that may not be what you want and may want to move near insertion points on the inside.

    It seems most localized growth i get is in daily or eod pinning closer to insertions.
    Biceps seem to work best toward the top and bottom extremities anyway. No science, only observation and what I feel.
    Your chest looks great btw.

  11. #91
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    as a personal trainer I have a pretty good idea about exercise selection and how to hit muscle groups to try and get them to grow.
    however, I CANNOT get my own chest to grow worth a shit. its my weakest body part. it has no size and fullness at all.
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	fullsizeoutput_38d.jpeg 
Views:	103 
Size:	355.9 KB 
ID:	174980

    I've tried plenty of different training techniques.

    so the next step possibly. I'm going to start injecting all my bases and suspensions (test suspension, tren suspension, winstrol) for preworkout strictly into my upper chest. I'm also thinking of using Hyaluronic acid to try and fill out the chest and help with some fullness/size.

    anyhow, what are your guys thoughts on running short ester gear and SEO into my upper chest to try and develop some fullness ?
    First off, your chest looks great. If I were to see how to make it better, I would probably work it by itself. I am by no means at your level, but try the following:
    Incline press- bar to the bone at the bottom of the neck SUPERSET with incline flues
    Bench superset with pec dec
    Incline dB press- db’s touching ( it also works tris.) superset push up
    Pulley chest cross superset dips
    Try the reps 15,12,10,8 and increasing the weight. Pushups and dips should be hard enough and use reps to get the pump.

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  12. #92
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    Dont you love how charger rubs it in?
    "I am by no means at your level..."

    "I am gonna have your traps soon obs"

    What a twat right?
    I swear to God he says something about getting my calves and I quit.

    "Oooooh I gonna have calves as big as yours in a few years obs..."


  13. #93
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    Btw gh you have an awesome v taper in your frame itself. You really are set up for this.
    You are already beefy as hell.

  14. #94
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    Quote Originally Posted by Obs View Post
    Dont you love how charger rubs it in?
    "I am by no means at your level..."

    "I am gonna have your traps soon obs"

    What a twat right?
    I swear to God he says something about getting my calves and I quit.

    "Oooooh I gonna have calves as big as yours in a few years obs..."

    You need to show us your calves first. You do not understand ho thick your traps are.
    I am trying to make the ultimate BB.
    Obs traps, Sil’s wide back, Rads abs, and Kelkels legs. Still missing body parts that I will get.

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  15. #95
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    Quote Originally Posted by charger69 View Post
    You need to show us your calves first. You do not understand ho thick your traps are.
    I am trying to make the ultimate BB.
    Obs traps, Sil’s wide back, Rads abs, and Kelkels legs. Still missing body parts that I will get.

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    My delts are my only good quality man.

    Rest of me is shit slung together on a weird shaped frame. You are way past me all around.

  16. #96
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    And you stay away from my poor little calves!

  17. #97
    Join Date
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    Ok i choose...

    Attachment 174989

    Her ass and puss

    And her tits

    Attachment 174988

    My pecker and tonight.

    Awww just either one.
    Last edited by Obs; 11-21-2018 at 09:06 AM.

  18. #98
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    I am happy on the progress with my hams however I need wider quads. Open for advice.
    I am going to try and do leg exercises with a close stance thinking that maybe the sweep will help.

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  19. #99
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    Quote Originally Posted by charger69 View Post
    I am happy on the progress with my hams however I need wider quads. Open for advice.
    I am going to try and do leg exercises with a close stance thinking that maybe the sweep will help.
    it seems like now days , if you compete in open bodybuilding , you can never have enough legs (unless your big Ramy). so Legs are something that can always use more size. where back in the day too big of legs was not aesthetic. so I'd say yeah, keep focusing on that outer sweep and getting more 'X' frame status

  20. #100
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    Quote Originally Posted by Obs View Post
    Ok i choose...

    Attachment 174982

    Her ass and puss

    And her tits

    Attachment 174983

    My pecker and tonight.

    Awww just either one.

    reminds me of some movie back in the 80s where these two guys were able to build the perfect babe on their computer then resurface her into real life. sounds like a fun job

  21. #101
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    Quote Originally Posted by Obs View Post
    Btw gh you have an awesome v taper in your frame itself. You really are set up for this..
    I think my structure and small joints help. but think I need about 15+ pounds of more actual muscle on my frame (and thats just to maybe one day fit in the classic physique division is all)

    of course we are never ever big enough . I watched an interview with Roelly Winkler today on MD . he said he looks in the mirror and thinks he's too small . lol, he was the most muscled guy on the Olympia stage !!
    Last edited by GearHeaded; 11-20-2018 at 10:28 PM.

  22. #102
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    Quote Originally Posted by charger69 View Post
    I like the synergy of supersets with bis and tris. I know that I should probably change up, but nothing else compares.

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    I agree. The pump from doing supersets with arms is awesome. I started with an upper/lower/off split. I have started doing a push/pull/legs split and I like it so far. I just have to stick with it for more than a few weeks...I get impatient lol

  23. #103
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    I think my structure and small joints help. but think I need about 15+ pounds of more actual muscle on my frame (and thats just to maybe one day fit in the classic physique division is all)

    of course we are never ever big enough . I watched an interview with Roelly Winkler today on MD . he said he looks in the mirror and thinks he's too small . lol, he was the most muscled guy on the Olympia stage !!
    You got that right. The way to counteract the “not big enough”, is to evaluate yourself year after year. Try and make new “versions” of your physique. Go into the year with specific improvements.

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  24. #104
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    as a personal trainer I have a pretty good idea about exercise selection and how to hit muscle groups to try and get them to grow.
    however, I CANNOT get my own chest to grow worth a shit. its my weakest body part. it has no size and fullness at all.
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	fullsizeoutput_38d.jpeg 
Views:	103 
Size:	355.9 KB 
ID:	174980

    I've tried plenty of different training techniques.

    so the next step possibly. I'm going to start injecting all my bases and suspensions (test suspension, tren suspension, winstrol) for preworkout strictly into my upper chest. I'm also thinking of using Hyaluronic acid to try and fill out the chest and help with some fullness/size.

    anyhow, what are your guys thoughts on running short ester gear and SEO into my upper chest to try and develop some fullness ?
    I can't speak to pinning in the chest
    But a prayer press with a dumbbell helped me a lot w my chest development.
    Fat grips help since you're only using your palms to hold it up.
    A lot of people do it w plates. It's hard to get enough weight and ROM w those.
    Squeeze at the top, get a great contraction mid chest, hard to achieve w any other exercise.

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  25. #105
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    Quote Originally Posted by HoldMyBeer View Post
    I can't speak to pinning in the chest
    But a prayer press with a dumbbell helped me a lot w my chest development.
    Fat grips help since you're only using your palms to hold it up.
    A lot of people do it w plates. It's hard to get enough weight and ROM w those.
    Squeeze at the top, get a great contraction mid chest, hard to achieve w any other exercise.

    Sent from my LG-LS993 using Tapatalk
    What is a prayer press? Incline dB press with dB touching?

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  26. #106
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    Quote Originally Posted by charger69 View Post
    What is a prayer press? Incline dB press with dB touching?

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    Flat bench
    Using single dumbbell
    Pic of how to hold dumbbell attached (DB professionally represented by a dry erase marker)
    I like to keep elbows about 45° from body.
    Then your just press it off your chest and squeeze at the top, repeat

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  27. #107
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    I think my structure and small joints help. but think I need about 15+ pounds of more actual muscle on my frame (and thats just to maybe one day fit in the classic physique division is all)

    of course we are never ever big enough . I watched an interview with Roelly Winkler today on MD . he said he looks in the mirror and thinks he's too small . lol, he was the most muscled guy on the Olympia stage !!
    Totally agree.
    Got no idea how he can wipe his ass

  28. #108
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    Quote Originally Posted by HoldMyBeer View Post
    I can't speak to pinning in the chest
    But a prayer press with a dumbbell helped me a lot w my chest development.
    Fat grips help since you're only using your palms to hold it up.
    A lot of people do it w plates. It's hard to get enough weight and ROM w those.
    Squeeze at the top, get a great contraction mid chest, hard to achieve w any other exercise.
    going to give these a try today . I have done something similar in the past but with using two dumbbells pressed together tight rather then a single dumbbell . the two dumbbells kinda make your chest have to contract the whole time just to keep the two dumbbells pressed together.
    but I'll give the dingle dumbbell a try as well.

    I'm open to any new exercises at this point. my shoulders always want to take over my chest exercises. not just front delts, even my rear delts end up getting more pumped and worked from a set of cable flies then my damn chest does. its weird. my shoulders will get so pumped up and painful I can barely finish a Chest workout.

    thats partially why I was thinking of trying hyaluronic acid in the pecs. its supposedly really helps facilitate a strong pump and muscle connection with the muscle you inject it in.

  29. #109
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    reminds me of some movie back in the 80s where these two guys were able to build the perfect babe on their computer then resurface her into real life. sounds like a fun job

    -*- NO SOURCE CHECKS -*-

  30. #110
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    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel View Post
    Nice body!
    I look at her head and wonder if I dare look downstairs.

  31. #111
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    so it has been confirmed..

    Stenbolone will be ran at the very end of this current cycle. 500mg per week for 6 weeks.

    I may just consider that part of my 'cruise' if I run it solo
    Last edited by GearHeaded; 11-21-2018 at 08:26 PM.

  32. #112
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    so it has been confirmed..

    Stenbolone will be ran at the very end of this current cycle. 500mg per week for 6 weeks
    Please note everything about your demeanor, lifts, etc.
    I want to know if it gives the explosive effect I was told or if it was just a rep pushing his brand.

  33. #113
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    Quote Originally Posted by Obs View Post
    Please note everything about your demeanor, lifts, etc.
    I want to know if it gives the explosive effect I was told or if it was just a rep pushing his brand.
    yeah will do . thats also why its probably best to run it solo, or at the most with a very light compound

  34. #114
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    yeah will do . thats also why its probably best to run it solo, or at the most with a very light compound
    Dude that ran it called it supertren.
    I hope he was right

  35. #115
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    Quote Originally Posted by Obs View Post
    Dude that ran it called it supertren.
    I hope he was right
    well would be nice if it lives up to its hype, and even at that only 500mg per week. thats nothing and would sure be convenient, as I'm currently running like 300-400mg per day right now. thats why going on the Sten at only 500mg per week would be pretty much like a low dose cruse phase.

  36. #116
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    well today was an awesome shoulder day.. but one big problem, it wasn't shoulder day it was chest day today damnit . so again I tried to isolate my chest, but my shoulders, especially my rear delts, just kept taking over.

    I even pinned some tren and some NPP in each pec yesterday hoping that a little bit of soreness would lead to a better mind muscle connection . but my damn shoulders got so pumped I could barely move my arms, let alone destroy my chest.

  37. #117
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    well today was an awesome shoulder day.. but one big problem, it wasn't shoulder day it was chest day today damnit . so again I tried to isolate my chest, but my shoulders, especially my rear delts, just kept taking over.

    I even pinned some tren and some NPP in each pec yesterday hoping that a little bit of soreness would lead to a better mind muscle connection . but my damn shoulders got so pumped I could barely move my arms, let alone destroy my chest.
    I fought this until I stopped training shoulders for a couple months. It didnt matter what I did just walking in the gym blew my delts up.

  38. #118
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    one thing I like about using insulin, is that if you take 10iu when you first wake up it gives you a valid excuse to break into the pumpkin pie first thing

  39. #119
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    one thing I like about using insulin, is that if you take 10iu when you first wake up it gives you a valid excuse to break into the pumpkin pie first thing
    I am already on my second 10iu injection of novolog.
    Due again at 2pm then 6pm

  40. #120
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    Quote Originally Posted by Obs View Post
    I am already on my second 10iu injection of novolog.
    Due again at 2pm then 6pm
    turkey day = insulin day . we'll all be about 10 pounds heavier this time tomorrow

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