So my neck was F'd up bad. I drive alot for my job and it kills me in the car. I started taking pain killers and I dont post when not straight up, I found a good but cheap chiropractor, Im going to give it a try, kid at work had the same thing from training, had an mri and all, chiropractor helped him a lot so Im willing.
Life update, I ended up getting the job I interviewed for, county job, good pay, great benefits and all holidays and vacation. They even have wellness center just for county employees. This may sound funny, but PRAISE GOD I'm living the dream I've always had for my life

Real soon things are going to be real good. Second chance at life.......I still don't believe it. The next 3 weeks are going to be crazy, I'm going to try to get 3 jobs I have going done, I want to leave my boss with no issues, they are great people, was bitter sweet to land this job, real tough to tell them I was leaving, they were counting on me. I was the enforcer with the other employees, something they just don't have in them, I was the missing link. So I have to hustle out work like crazy then for the new year start my new job, 2019 going to be great!
As far as training, still banging legs, cardio and ab's, but no upper body until I get my neck squared away a little bit, I cant deal with that shit and not taking pills anymore.