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Thread: balance motivation log

  1. #41
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    Quote Originally Posted by Obs View Post
    What about someone like me that burns both in pretty much any amount I eat?

    I have proven to myself through mapping bg levels that I naturally shred carbs fast but even if I eat a ton of fat there is no real added storage.
    this means your really efficient at utilizing DIETARY fat for energy. some people are not. some peoples bodies are way more prone to storing dietary fat, and then after its stored they use it as energy if needed.
    some people are so prone to storing dietary fat , that if they had not eaten a single meal for months and were on the verge of starving to death, that if they ate a meal that only contained fat, their body would still store 90% of it first before tapping into it for energy.

    you on the other hand sound to be efficient at utilizing dietary fat for energy. as well as carbs.
    and again repeating myself here the body can very easily burn both fat and carbs for energy at the same time. just cause your consuming carbs to fuel your workouts does not mean your not also going to burn body fat.
    I'm sure you've noticed this about yourself

    note: of course if your taking in more and more dietary carbs, fats, or total calories then your expending, your going to end up storing the extra (but that does not mean your always just going to get fat .. thats a misconception)
    Last edited by GearHeaded; 12-08-2018 at 11:30 PM.

  2. #42
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    May 2018
    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    again. biology 101. the body is capable of utilizing carbs and fat for energy at the same time and switching between the two at a moments notice.

    throughout a workout, your not JUST using a glycogen dependent stimulus. example-- if you do bench press for 15 reps for 5 sets, sure a large part of that bench press is going to utilize glycogen for energy , BUT the fatty acids in the blood stream will also be mobilized for energy as well.
    again, the body can and is forced to use both fuel sources.

    So your question should not be "how can he have eaten carbs and still burn fat during his workout" .. the answer is so simple. again the body utilizes fat and carbs for energy all the time all day long. especially during a workout.

    perhaps your question should be , "how can he have eaten low glycemic carbs, and expect to burn more body fat then had he eaten a large amount of high glycemic carbs" or something like that.

    because again, no matter what the scenario is , anyone is going to burn both carbs AND fat during a long strenuous training session.

    the reason the diet is set up the way it is with that first meal is so he can utilize a bit MORE fat for fuel then he would in a different scenario (like training in the middle of the day after consuming large amounts of carbs all day).

    I'm simply slowing down his digestion with that first meal of the day (so he stays lipolytic longer since being fasted and waking up in the morning) so that he gets a slower 'trickle' of carbs into the blood stream to help fuel the workout, but in a limited capacity (again he is going to burn these carbs and fats at the same time).
    IF he instead consumed say 2 cups of white rice at this time, there would be a massive insulin spike, which would push him away from his lipolytic status that he's in upon waking, plus possibly cause a blood sugar crash that may zap energy levels in the middle of his workout.
    this is part of what I mean by "providing him steady energy".. the low glycemic carbs will help avoid any blood sugar crash.

    but its a "biological given" that he will be burning fat during his workout. this is not a question and does not enter the equation. IF we can keep him in a more lipolytic state with his food choices though, he will end up burning MORE fat (its not a question of IF he will burn fat or not, its only a question of 'how much').

    note: when I say "lipolytic" or "lipolytic state" , this is NOT fat burning. this is simply being in a position where your body is liberating fatty acids from stored body fat stores. BUT keep in mind guys, that is NOT fat burning. just because your bodies fat stores release fat into the blood stream does not mean that fat has be used as energy. nope it can go right back to being stored. it needs to be liberated into the blood stream and THEN it has to be used by the cell for energy in order for it to be "burned" . this of course happens during training (and multiple other times throughout the day) .
    SO . by Balance training in the morning, with limited carbs, he is already in a state of Lipolysis (this happens to everyone when we sleep). he will more easily be able to burn body fat during his workout because there are fatty acids floating around his blood stream already (his body, ie, cells, is going to burn up these fatty acids and available glucose and glycogen to fuel his workout).

    he will have steady energy from his nutrition. and burn fat during his workout as well . this is simply how the body works. AND being it works this way we can manipulate things, like diet and training, to take full advantage (thats why the diet is set up for him the way it is).
    May I also add (to my understanding):
    As we know, the main drivers of hypertrophy (which is also a goal, not just fat burning) is TuT and total volume.
    There are many studies that show volume is increased substantially with fed vs fasted workouts. The amount of calories needed to achieve this extra volume isn't much relative to the extra volume gained, so it is worth it from a hypertrophy stand point. And also, the extra volume leads to more calories burned, so the net calorie difference is negligible. And the extra fats in the diet help stabilize glucose levels throughout the workout.
    Eating slow vs fast digesting carbs really doesn't matter, they both lead to available energy for the workout. The only difference is timing. For example, if you're going to eat 20 minutes before the gym, you probably want a fast digesting carb.

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    Last edited by HoldMyBeer; 12-09-2018 at 05:51 AM.

  3. #43
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    Apr 2015
    GH- you are making this too complex... Just stop eating... LOL
    Sorry, I sensed too much serious going on. [emoji23][emoji23][emoji23]

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  4. #44
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    the human body has TWO energy metabolisms. Fat burning and Glycogen/glucose burning. you do NOT have to be depleted of carbs or glucose or be 'fat adapted' in order to burn body fat. the body is very efficient at burning both at the same time and switching back and fourth between the two multiple times throughout the day and the night.

    this is human biology 101..

    but as it relates to bodybuilding or 'bro science' , um yeah the fact that you do not need to be depleted or 'fat adapted' in order to burn body fat can be seen with guys like Jay Cutler who dieting and got down to 4% body fat while consuming 800 grams of carbs per day.

    I think the KETO whacko's have somewhat brainwashed people into thinking that in order to burn fat you have to be fat adapted and not have any carbs. this is utter BS (though for most people burning more fat then carbs for energy is easier when carbs are low.. this is just common sense)

    we all burn both fat and carbs all day long every single day. some of us may happen to be better carb burners for energy and some of us better fat burners for energy . but our body can switch back and fourth between the two at a moments notice
    Actually the body has 3 energy ways: glycolysis, aerobic, and phosphagen system.

    You can’t compare Jay Cutler to a normal bodybuilder, who might be on some Superman juice and consuming carbs because he is on insulin.

  5. #45
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    Rajun cajun -- maybe I totally misunderstood your question. so my answers above may be totally off base.

    but the way I read the question, made me think that you were assuming that a human body couldn't burn both carbs and burn fat for fuel. or that somehow eating a bowl of oatmeal would stop a body from being able to burn fat for energy during a workout.

    the body burns fat just fine without being depleted or carbs. plenty of athletes around the world stay very lean year round eating a majority of their calories form carbs. the reason this is so is because they are simply efficient at burning fat for fuel and carbs for fuel at the same time.
    No no, I know the body can do that, just the way it was written, it came off different.

    I like the way you have his diet laid out and may play with it some.

    We are on the same page broham

  6. #46
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    this means your really efficient at utilizing DIETARY fat for energy. some people are not. some peoples bodies are way more prone to storing dietary fat, and then after its stored they use it as energy if needed.
    some people are so prone to storing dietary fat , that if they had not eaten a single meal for months and were on the verge of starving to death, that if they ate a meal that only contained fat, their body would still store 90% of it first before tapping into it for energy.

    you on the other hand sound to be efficient at utilizing dietary fat for energy. as well as carbs.
    and again repeating myself here the body can very easily burn both fat and carbs for energy at the same time. just cause your consuming carbs to fuel your workouts does not mean your not also going to burn body fat.
    I'm sure you've noticed this about yourself

    note: of course if your taking in more and more dietary carbs, fats, or total calories then your expending, your going to end up storing the extra (but that does not mean your always just going to get fat .. thats a misconception)
    I think only one time did I ever exceed and I added 2% bodyfat after 6 month of fast food and everything I could shovel. It is simply impossible for me to get fatter on even low dose tren though.

    I kinda had figured you could burn both I was justvusing myself as an example. Though I realize this varys immensely person to person.
    This is why pretty much all cookie cutter diets are complete bullshit imo.

    Good to see you took in his metabolism as a factor and past eating.

  7. #47
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    Quote Originally Posted by Obs View Post
    I think only one time did I ever exceed and I added 2% bodyfat after 6 month of fast food and everything I could shovel. It is simply impossible for me to get fatter on even low dose tren though.

    I kinda had figured you could burn both I was justvusing myself as an example. Though I realize this varys immensely person to person.
    This is why pretty much all cookie cutter diets are complete bullshit imo.

    Good to see you took in his metabolism as a factor and past eating.
    Yes Obs- you are a special case- REAL special. LOL

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  8. #48
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    Quote Originally Posted by charger69 View Post
    Yes Obs- you are a special case- REAL special. LOL

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    I am bound to be good at something.
    I will probably pay gh to build a diet for a cutting phase before my first show

  9. #49
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    Quote Originally Posted by Obs View Post
    I am bound to be good at something.
    I will probably pay gh to build a diet for a cutting phase before my first show
    You are too special even for GH. LOL

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  10. #50
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    Quote Originally Posted by charger69 View Post
    You are too special even for GH. LOL

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    So just how special am I?

  11. #51
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    Quote Originally Posted by Obs View Post
    So just how special am I?
    Those words can only be whispered in your ear! LOL

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  12. #52
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    Sorry Balance.... I will give you beck your thread.

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  13. #53
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    May 2018
    Quote Originally Posted by charger69 View Post
    Sorry Balance.... I will give you beck your thread.

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    Nope! Perma jacked
    Did he post his stack yet?

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  14. #54
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    Jul 2018
    No haven’t posted stack yet. I actually have some items in the works but still need to talk over a few more things with GH. One of my many traits is being indecisive and that is definitely playing a factor here. On a good note though my diet has been seriously on point and training in check (even some cardio!).

    I just started training split laid out by GH on Saturday. This training regimen has a lot more volume than what I am used to. In the past my training while low in volume was high on intensity. To give you an example of past training routines on leg days I basically would do 1 or 2 warmup sets followed by 4 sets of squats (reps never under 6) and this was all I did for quads and glutes however there was never a problem with me being sore for days. The remainder of my leg days was just 4 sets of leg curls and 4 sets of calves. So I’m the past lowerbody days was just 12 working sets, yet provided plenty stimulus to be sore. Upper body days for me in the past we’re quite similar but split into two days push and pull basically. Even those upperbody days only had me doing 16 working sets. Now though with GH’s program the volume has increased substantially. Thing is in order to keep the lifting sessions reasonably timed ( I don’t like to lift beyond 1 hour) I have to hustle. The only downside though is right now I can already tell with shorter rest periods I am substantially weaker as the sets progress into the workout. I guess this is something I will hopefully adapt to learn to work with. Here’s an idea of the exercise from yesterday’s workout, I’m only going to list the exercises and number of sets to save myself some embarrassment (figure all sets listed are minimum of 6 reps usually around 8 on average).

    Seated row machine (hammerstrength) 5 sets
    Tbar rows (chest supported) 5 sets
    Lat pulldown w/ V bar grip 5 sets
    Shrugs (used hammer strength here) 5 sets
    supersetted w/ stnd bent over reverse flys 5 sets
    Snatch grip rack pulls 5 sets (awesome exercise I
    had not done before)
    Hammer curls 4 sets
    Bicep ez bar curls standing 4 sets
    Abs 100 reps rest pause till reach 100
    15 minutes mild cardio (140 bpm)

    While those are not all working sets it’s still a lot of volume compared to what I was doing (38 sets vs 16). I have a nice level of soreness today most notably in areas of my upper back that I don’t usually feel sore so that’s awesome. Also worth noting the snatch grip rack pulls were a new movement/exercise for me and while I’m not sure my form is the greatest yet I really enjoyed that exercise.

    Good stuff so far as I really find the challenge of new movements keeps it interesting.
    Last edited by balance; 12-10-2018 at 11:40 AM.

  15. #55
    Join Date
    Jul 2018
    Forgot to post this OT

    I don’t wear button shirts too often. Saturday night was wife’s Christmas party for work so in the morning I got my button shirt out to check fit as haven’t worn in a while. Try it on and rrrrip lol

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	9919BDA0-6B67-4DB1-A8F8-0E13D56727AC.jpg 
Views:	101 
Size:	633.8 KB 
ID:	175145

    No biggy though as neck was way too small now too.

    I enjoy the derailments as it lets me know someone is reading my dribble.
    Last edited by balance; 12-10-2018 at 11:46 AM.

  16. #56
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    Quote Originally Posted by balance View Post
    No haven’t posted stack yet. I actually have some items in the works but still need to talk over a few more things with GH. One of my many traits is being indecisive and that is definitely playing a factor here. On a good note though my diet has been seriously on point and training in check (even some cardio!).

    I just started training split laid out by GH on Saturday. This training regimen has a lot more volume than what I am used to. In the past my training while low in volume was high on intensity. To give you an example of past training routines on leg days I basically would do 1 or 2 warmup sets followed by 4 sets of squats (reps never under 6) and this was all I did for quads and glutes however there was never a problem with me being sore for days. The remainder of my leg days was just 4 sets of leg curls and 4 sets of calves. So I’m the past lowerbody days was just 12 working sets, yet provided plenty stimulus to be sore. Upper body days for me in the past we’re quite similar but split into two days push and pull basically. Even those upperbody days only had me doing 16 working sets. Now though with GH’s program the volume has increased substantially. Thing is in order to keep the lifting sessions reasonably timed ( I don’t like to lift beyond 1 hour) I have to hustle. The only downside though is right now I can already tell with shorter rest periods I am substantially weaker as the sets progress into the workout. I guess this is something I will hopefully adapt to learn to work with. Here’s an idea of the exercise from yesterday’s workout, I’m only going to list the exercises and number of sets to save myself some embarrassment (figure all sets listed are minimum of 6 reps usually around 8 on average).

    Seated row machine (hammerstrength) 5 sets
    Tbar rows (chest supported) 5 sets
    Lat pulldown w/ V bar grip 5 sets
    Shrugs (used hammer strength here) 5 sets
    supersetted w/ stnd bent over reverse flys 5 sets
    Snatch grip rack pulls 5 sets (awesome exercise I
    had not done before)
    Hammer curls 4 sets
    Bicep ez bar curls standing 4 sets
    Abs 100 reps rest pause till reach 100
    15 minutes mild cardio (140 bpm)

    While those are not all working sets it’s still a lot of volume compared to what I was doing (38 sets vs 16). I have a nice level of soreness today most notably in areas of my upper back that I don’t usually feel sore so that’s awesome. Also worth noting the snatch grip rack pulls were a new movement/exercise for me and while I’m not sure my form is the greatest yet I really enjoyed that exercise.

    Good stuff so far as I really find the challenge of new movements keeps it interesting.
    How many times a week are you doing this? Is there a reason that you donrear delts with traps? I am assuming that you work on the mid and front on another day.

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  17. #57
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    Quote Originally Posted by charger69 View Post
    How many times a week are you doing this? Is there a reason that you donrear delts with traps? I am assuming that you work on the mid and front on another day.

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    Yes front and mid delts are done with chest tricep days. Also that rear delt superset also seems to burn out the traps at the same time.

    The training program GH setup has 7 completely different workouts. I have always worked out pretty much as often as my body allows (taking days off usually just when I feel like I have accumulated too much soreness, etc.). Since trt I have been easily going 4 consecutive days lifting before feeling a bit run down, however there are easily times where I have lifted 7-10 consecutive days. So the program GH designed doesn’t really have a set day schedule like mon=chest. Right now though I’m kind of working around elbow issues which has me doing 2-3 consecutive days lifting then taking a day off as needed.

    The program split is broken up in 3 phases.

    PHASE 1
    Mechanical Tension and Progressive Overload Emphasis Workout 1 - Chest, Front Delts, Side Delts, Triceps Workout 2 – Back, Rear Delts, Traps, Biceps
    Workout 3 – Legs , hamstrings, quads, calves
    PHASE 2
    Metabolite and Blood Volume/Pump Emphasis Workout 4 - Chest, Front Delts, Side Delts, Triceps Workout 5 – Back, Rear Delts, Traps, Biceps Workout 6 – Legs , hamstrings, quads, calves
    PHASE 3
    Weak Body Part or Touch up Work Emphasis Workout 7 – Biceps, Triceps, Forearms
    Repeat and go back to phase 1 and workout 1.

    So if lifting 3 days on 1 day off it looks like I would get 9-10 days (elbows willing) before I come back to do the same scheduled workout. With that said I would still be hitting a certain body part twice per week but with different lifting emphasis. This type of split actually reminds me a bit of what Loui Simmons and West Side do (hitting muscle groups twice a week) but each session has a different very different emphasis and goal.
    Last edited by balance; 12-10-2018 at 02:13 PM.

  18. #58
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    Congrats on the start B, this is going to be good.

    But JFC, I teach anatomy & physiology FFS, and reading these threads is a pain in the ass because I’m trying to relax after work.

  19. #59
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    Quote Originally Posted by Proximal View Post
    Congrats on the start B, this is going to be good.

    But JFC, I teach anatomy & physiology FFS, and reading these threads is a pain in the ass because I’m trying to relax after work.
    Reading these is my relaxation.

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  20. #60
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    Quote Originally Posted by charger69 View Post
    Reading these is my relaxation.

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    Lucky! Im illiterate [emoji22]

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  21. #61
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    I am trying traps and rear delts.. I did it tonight. It actually felt great. I have specifically focusing on reAr delts because I want them to shine on my reAr double bicep.

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  22. #62
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    Quote Originally Posted by charger69 View Post
    I am trying traps and rear delts.. I did it tonight. It actually felt great. I have specifically focusing on reAr delts because I want them to shine on my reAr double bicep.

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    I always felt like rear delts are similar to front. As in, a lot of exercises hit the front delts, so they only need to be explicitly trained if they're a lagging body part. Isn't it the same w the rear delts? Any time you're doing a compound pulling motion with the upper body, they get activated.

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  23. #63
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    From my old lifting regimen front delts were toast after standard bb bench, standing overhead press, and dips. Thing is my rear delts were never noticeably sore on this day, same thing training nack and bicep days (never felt rear delta were exhausted). This new program has movements focusing on rear delt activation and I can feel it! Hopefully this translates into bring up my rear delts and delts overall. It’s funny when I think about my own physique while my upper arms are likely my biggest lagging body part, after that it feels like the second lagging part is everything lol. I previously focused my lifting on compound movements so things all just progressed (or not progressed) at a fairly even rate maybe.
    Last edited by balance; 12-12-2018 at 12:17 PM.

  24. #64
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    Quote Originally Posted by balance View Post
    From my old lifting regimen front delts were toast after standard bb bench, standing overhead press, and dips. Thing is my rear delts were never noticeably sore on this day, same thing training nack and bicep days (never felt rear delta were exhausted). This new program has movements focusing on rear delt activation and I can feel it! Hopefully this translates into bring up my rear delts and delts overall. It’s funny when I think about my own physique while my upper arms are likely my biggest lagging body part, after that it feels like the second lagging part is everything lol. I previously focused my lifting on compound movements so things all just progressed (or not progressed) at a fairly even rate maybe.
    Spot injections of short esters and suspension helps arms a little. I had the same issue forever.
    I honestly think long terrorizing workouts help most.

  25. #65
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    Had great leg day yesterday. Nice level of soreness just starting to fill in .

    Today was chest, front delt, side delt, triceps
    Since this day focuses on pump most working sets were 15-20 rep range

    Machine seated chest press
    5 sets

    Pec deck
    5 sets

    Smith machine guillotine press
    4 sets

    Standing cable flys supersetted w tricep pushdowns 4 sets each

    Seated DB ohp supersetted onearm db tricep press. 4 sets each

    Side lateral dB raises drop set
    3 sets

    Abs 100 reps

    18 min cardio 140bpm

    This type of training today is very different for me and found it very challenging. Today’s focus was on the pump using higher reps. The weight I was moving was a lot lower than what I thought I would have been capable of. This 15-20 rep sets is definitely something I hope to acclimate to. Definitely check your ego at the door type stuff when I go over 12 reps. It’s all good though and enjoy the change.

  26. #66
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    Quote Originally Posted by charger69 View Post
    Reading these is my relaxation.

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    Sorry, meant with respect to the complexity and degree of knowledge that goes into some of GH’s replies.

  27. #67
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    Quote Originally Posted by Proximal View Post
    Congrats on the start B, this is going to be good.

    But JFC, I teach anatomy & physiology FFS, and reading these threads is a pain in the ass because I’m trying to relax after work.
    I am wondering..... my knees go out at 45 degree angle when the feet are straight. Could this mean that I need to work differently than a normal person. Ie foot position pointed in more would be the same as a normal person straight?

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  28. #68
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    Quote Originally Posted by balance View Post
    Had great leg day yesterday. Nice level of soreness just starting to fill in .

    Today was chest, front delt, side delt, triceps
    Since this day focuses on pump most working sets were 15-20 rep range

    Machine seated chest press
    5 sets

    Pec deck
    5 sets

    Smith machine guillotine press
    4 sets

    Standing cable flys supersetted w tricep pushdowns 4 sets each

    Seated DB ohp supersetted onearm db tricep press. 4 sets each

    Side lateral dB raises drop set
    3 sets

    Abs 100 reps

    18 min cardio 140bpm

    This type of training today is very different for me and found it very challenging. Today’s focus was on the pump using higher reps. The weight I was moving was a lot lower than what I thought I would have been capable of. This 15-20 rep sets is definitely something I hope to acclimate to. Definitely check your ego at the door type stuff when I go over 12 reps. It’s all good though and enjoy the change.
    What was the leg workout?

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  29. #69
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    Quote Originally Posted by charger69 View Post
    What was the leg workout?

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    100 reps of kicking your ass for asking!

  30. #70
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    Quote Originally Posted by charger69 View Post
    I am wondering..... my knees go out at 45 degree angle when the feet are straight. Could this mean that I need to work differently than a normal person. Ie foot position pointed in more would be the same as a normal person straight?

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    Knees in line w toes [emoji39]
    My knees... Are weird.... They don't hinge perfectly in line with the leg. So I don't keep my feet straight, but slightly more inward to compensate. Otherwise there's too much pressure on the ACL

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  31. #71
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    Quote Originally Posted by HoldMyBeer View Post
    Knees in line w toes [emoji39]
    My knees... Are weird.... They don't hinge perfectly in line with the leg. So I don't keep my feet straight, but slightly more inward to compensate. Otherwise there's too much pressure on the ACL

    Sent from my LG-LS993 using Tapatalk
    I be damned you are right....
    Shit... No wonder extensions been messing me up.

  32. #72
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    Bragging to someone
    just wanted to break down some synergy of Balances program real quick. the Diet, the training program, and the AAS protocols are all designed to work together synergistically. theres a rhyme and reason to the way things are laid out here.

    heres the deal. we are starting off in an anabolic phase where we are really breaking down the muscle and trying to build new tissue. The diet is set up where we are not in a strict calorie deficit at this time because we need the calories to help put on new tissue and recover, but the TIMING of the meals and the choices of macros used throughout the week have their purpose and will still allow for lipolytic/fat burning opportunities but also allow and provide enough calories for anabolic opportunity..

    this is also in line with the the training program and how it is set up. in phase 1 of the workout split we are breaking down tissue and using heavy compounds and progressive overload (and intensity techniques), BUT only during select times. we are "picking our battles'' sort of speak. this will give us the stimulus we need to put on new tissue, but without overloading or impairing recovery. We then have a second phase of training, phase 2 that provides a metabolite emphasis of driving blood and is more volume and 'pump' orientated. this allows for more 'cell swelling' effects and building UP the tissue (as opposed to breaking it down). we incorporate more drop sets and higher reps as well.
    we are hitting hypetrophy from multiple angles and stimulus in this program but at select times with specific and select exercises and rep schemes and intensity techniques. some of the techniques we use are , muscle rounds, rest pause, and of course drop sets and super sets.

    this diet and training program also go in line with the AAS protocols. which during this first phase (ie, first 6 weeks) is an emphasis on JUST repairing and putting on new tissue. we are not tying to 'blow up' with water or glycogen. we just want something there that provides us with purely anabolic effects and speeds up recovery and helps us build new tissue.
    so that means running test as a base, not using an AI so we have elevated estrogen levels to aide in the anabolic processes (like increase iGF) and adding in a purely Anabolic steroid .
    later on into the secondary phase (weeks 7-12) we will use AAS protocols that will enhance the tissue we have built (ie, make that new tissue grow) and so that means using some Androgens to really drive glycogen and fill out the muscle we've been tearing down and building up (but at the same time limiting water and bloat and achieving a 'dry' look so the muscle looks hard and full)
    the diet will be modified as well to compliment these things.. as well as will the training protocols.

    all 3 of these things, diet, training, and AAS , should compliment each other and work together. you shouldn't just randomly pick a diet, randomly pick a training program and randomly pick some steroids to run. then need to have a purpose and reason and all work together.
    thats my philosophy and mind set at least.

    I can go into more specifics and details of Balances diet, training, and AAS in another post to give you more examples of how they all work in synergy .
    Last edited by GearHeaded; 12-14-2018 at 11:12 PM.

  33. #73
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    Sep 2015
    Not here.
    Impressive GH. We have PMed before, we’ll be doing some work together next year.

    I’m telling you, between Balance & Gallowmere - this is going to be SPECIAL. We’ve got two future superstar physiques on the rise & we get to witness the transformation.

  34. #74
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by HoldMyBeer View Post
    Knees in line w toes [emoji39]
    My knees... Are weird.... They don't hinge perfectly in line with the leg. So I don't keep my feet straight, but slightly more inward to compensate. Otherwise there's too much pressure on the ACL

    Sent from my LG-LS993 using Tapatalk
    Your statement just changed my quad game.
    I employed the turn in until my knee was straight throughout, after a pyramid leg press session...
    I just hit the sweep of my leg like never in my life with no knee pain.

    I am gonna catch up to charger now.

    Thank you HMB

    I cant hardly get the pants on I wore here.

  35. #75
    Join Date
    May 2018
    Quote Originally Posted by Obs View Post
    Your statement just changed my quad game.
    I employed the turn in until my knee was straight throughout, after a pyramid leg press session...
    I just hit the sweep of my leg like never in my life with no knee pain.

    I am gonna catch up to charger now.

    Thank you HMB

    I cant hardly get the pants on I wore here.
    I'm glad to be able to help you for a change

    Sent from my LG-LS993 using Tapatalk

  36. #76
    Join Date
    Jul 2018
    Quote Originally Posted by charger69 View Post
    What was the leg workout?

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    The last leg day was a phase 2 workout. As mentioned earlier the workouts are broken up mainly in two phases (there actually is a phase 3 but that’s just an extra day after phase two where I hit the most lagging body part which for me is arms). So phase 1 workouts drive hypertrophty through mechanical tension and progressive overload. Phase two hypertrophy is focused on metabolite and blood volume/pump emphasis. Basically this phase two style of lifting is new to me, in the past I really focused on compound lifts going as hard as I could to move as much weight as possible ( 6-8 rep range), this constant type of lifting is very likely the cause of my elbow issues.

    Now though every other workout for each body part has a day of lifting where I am really just focused on the pump and feeling the muscle fully contracting. These phase 2 days my the nature of the goal (maximize pump) means the weights are lower but the reps are higher. Here’s a rundown of the phase two leg day exercises and the rep schemes. Note rir means reps in reserve, usually noted on the non working sets.

    Hamstring curls
    2 sets 15 reps rir 5
    3 working sets 15 reps

    Hack squat
    1 set 15 reps rir 5
    4 working sets 15 reps

    Leg press wide stance
    2 working sets 20 reps
    2 sets of muscle rounds

    Leg press narrow stance
    2 working sets
    2 sets of muscle rounds

    Standing calf raises
    5 sets 25 reps

    Leg extension
    2 muscle rounds
    1 rest pause set with 25+ reps

    100 reps on an ab machine took me 5 sets with very short breaks. All lifting days have ab work with 100 reps with as few pauses as necessary to complete.

    Now if your wondering what is a muscle round it’s a type of rep scheme. Basically it’s a set of 25 reps broken down in 5 rep increments with 10 second pauses every 5 reps.

    This type of lifting for the pump is new to me as I mentioned. So it is quite humbling to realize how little I can lift when sets go beyond the12 rep range. What’s also interesting is getting a feel for what it is to have several reps in reserve. From all my previous lifting I have a very good feel for having only 1 or two reps left in the tank but guaging 5 reps in reserve I’m like hmm I guess this is about right lol, this sort of in tune feel will hopefully come with time in this new programming method.

    Had the pleasure of talking with GH extensively over this past week to help get me dialed in with all of this and many other aspects. I can’t begin to describe what a wealth of information he was able to convey to me. He does a really great job of making very complex topics understandable and relatable to even someone such as myself.
    Last edited by balance; 12-15-2018 at 07:28 PM.

  37. #77
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    May 2018
    I'm still curious to hear what the stack will be ... Will it just be a standard 250 every 3.5? Will there be mast? The suspense is killing me

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  38. #78
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    Nov 2017
    Bragging to someone
    Quote Originally Posted by HoldMyBeer View Post
    I'm still curious to hear what the stack will be ... Will it just be a standard 250 every 3.5? Will there be mast? The suspense is killing me

    Sent from my LG-LS993 using Tapatalk
    the AAS protocol was modified a couple times. After some discussion and time to think about things we decided to 'pull back' some on the AAS, as we have some existing health conditions and blood work out of range that we don't want to make worse (blood pressure and lipids).
    So we decided on going with the most "healthy" stack we can at this point in time.

    so we are planning
    week 1-6
    400mg test
    525mg primo
    week 7-12 (this will depend on how things are going)
    400mg test
    700mg mast

    we had planned on running some orals, but again decided to pull them as they generally have the most negative effects on blood work.

    the goal here is to get extremely clean and keepable gains. we have no need to 'blow up' on anything and elevating blood pressure. . we want to keep the gains as quality as possible.
    starting the cycle off with Primo will give us our anabolic phase. then the second half with the Masteron will give some androgenic effects as well.

    just an fyi - for some of you guys that have been cycling for awhile, here is a bit more advanced version of an Anabolic to androgenic phase cycle

    Weeks 1-6
    400mg test
    800mg primo
    50mg Var per day
    Clen 60mcg per day

    weeks 7-8
    400mg test
    250mg Mast EOD

    weeks 9-12
    400mg test
    200mg Mast EOD
    50mg Winstol per day
    25mg Tren A per day
    Clen 80 mcg
    Last edited by GearHeaded; 12-16-2018 at 10:52 AM.

  39. #79
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    Jul 2018
    Quote Originally Posted by HoldMyBeer View Post
    I'm still curious to hear what the stack will be ... Will it just be a standard 250 every 3.5? Will there be mast? The suspense is killing me

    Sent from my LG-LS993 using Tapatalk
    The original plan was

    weeks 1-6
    test 300mg per week
    Primo depot/E 150mg EOD
    Anavar 50mg per day

    weeks 7-8
    test 300mg per week
    Masteron P 250mg EOD

    weeks 9-12
    test 200mg per week
    Masteron p 150mg EOD
    Winstrol 50mg per day

    This plan has things put together for very synergistic
    reasons (by plan I mean compounds, diet, training) to help achieve my goals. While the diet and training I am committed to I just had a really hard time with some of the above compounds, those being anavar and winstrol.

    I have had elevated lipids for sometime now. So keeping my cholesterol reasonable to me is of great importance. I understand that many of these compound effect people differently and that the cholesterol effects on my lipid profile are temporary. However when I stand back and take into account many things (current short term goal, long term goal, current health, longterm health, family history of cardiovascular issues, etc) currently I just can’t comfortably run anavar or winstrol. I know what everyone is thinking here. Omg he doesn’t want to run a woman’s compound lol. Here’s the thing for a man to see results from var the dosages required generally have major impacts on lipids. If I were in my 20-30s I likely would have a different view here but I’m not. Having said all of that the first 6 weeks is basically 400mg test c and 525mg primo per week.
    I’m hoping this balance will allow me to make good solid progress to both my short and long term goals.

  40. #80
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    Jul 2018
    Quick update
    Not too much to report. Training going excellent, eating sleeping on track too. Quick pic of late night meal from last night. 9oz top sirloin and 1.5 servings of nuts.

    Click image for larger version. 

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