All I can say is you gotta get this shit ! ! This shit and Tren and Deca + a couple hundred mg of est Cypionate and I have fat melting away after 6 days of use and injuries are tolerable even tender rotator cuffs ! You being a powerlifter would possible like even better with a hefty dose of Test !
I Am Doing
100mg Deca a week 2 x's est 50mg
160mg Test Cyp. 40mg EOD
50mg of Tren EOD
10mg Halotestin every 12 hours ....... bumping up to 10mg am & 20mg pm ( This shit is amazing)
You probably have a lot more experience in stacks than I do but this is one of the 1st orals that when I read the dosage and usage on this forums info page .... There are some serious warnings that go with it and from the powerlifters I know the nutrition and supplements when on Halo are a lot more important ...........
add with Tren and Deca I am amazed at the energy level and ability in the gym ! I am 60 and about to start 2 a days again found a great full body ab w/o from (
Testosterone Nation actually on FB) and it is brutal so going for cardio am and left 3 body parts pm (a bit different but works for me and all my injuries , {Traps , Back , Triceps} , {Delts , Chest , Bie} and a leg day ..... I have huge [for 60] God given legs and not fat just blessed