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Thread: Prox & BuzzardMarinePumper’s (Final?) Log

  1. #1
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    Prox & BuzzardMarinePumper’s (Final?) Log

    I have been reading everyone’s accountability threads & have gotten some motivation returning to me. Thank you guys!

    I’m 60 years old & will be working around the following:

    *Both hips are replaced
    *Left rotator cuff is 90-100% gone (but FINALLY pain free)
    *Completely torn off left long head of biceps (but FINALLY pain free)
    *High Blood Pressure (controlled with meds)
    *Drink too much wine every night

    I’m 6’2” and currently 203. I’m pretty good estimating by bf due to underwater weighing a couple of years ago & am likely around 18%. I have a couple of those fancy electrical impedance scales & will get some numbers on fat & muscle percentages. I will also add some pics, but will bypass the legs because of the hip replacements.

    My workouts, which generally never fall below 4x/wk, have been erratic over the past several months (largely due to not accepting the appearance of the recently torn biceps).

    I’m currently planning to continue my 150 mg/wk TRT dosage & MK-677.

    I feel confident with my knowledge, but have asked for GearHeadeds advice after reading many of his posts. I’m sure I will be following his nutritional & training advice, but do not know if I will venture beyond regarding AAS at this time at least.

    Goals for myself the next 3-4 months will be getting down to 10% bf & gain the muscle that I lost, back.

    Great workouts the past week. Tonight I’m slicing wine consumption in half, enormous first step for me.

  2. #2
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    Following for sure

  3. #3
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    Excellent to see you starting a log proximal!
    I will definitely be following along.
    You got this!

  4. #4
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    TY Balance & Obs!

    Alright, for starters, 2 of the 3 past nights have been at 50% wine consumption, which for me is one hell of an achievement.

    Today’s workout (push)
    Pec Deck 4 WS
    Machine Chest Press 5 WS with SD on last
    Machine Lateral Raises 4 WS with DD on last
    Upright Rows, low cable with rope 4 WS with SD on last
    Front raise 3 sets with SD drop for each
    Close grip bench 5 WS
    Skull Crushers 4 WS
    Tricep Pressdowns 3 WS with DD on last
    Machine dips 4 WS

    Because of the torn RC, about the only free-weight lifts I can do are the close grip bench.

    Also, because of the RC, no overhead work and all lateral raises & upright rows never get to parallel to avoid impingement of the head of the humerus on the acromion. Normally, it’s that impingement that destroys the RC. But now, I have to delay arthritic changes as much as possible. A total shoulder is imminent, but want to delay it for as long as I can.

  5. #5
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    Hey great Thread . I have so much to tell I gotta think about this one 59 and Old timers . I will get my hard #'s and post . Gotta be honest a year + of sedimentary life style and weeks not eating due to sick lots of PT and I now also have 2 complete hip replacements . I feel like a blob . My Dr released me to do about and type leg work except reverse leg curls .... But I will get on it .......

    Oh 2 knees in about 14 mths to near normal ..... Even have screwed up ankles ....... no worry they can fix you faster , better , stronger . But oh the pain and sometimes have to be re broken if not exercise enough ....... no reason to pretend there is nothing wrong , got issues , got time , have determination . I am curious as to how this will go

    Last edited by BuzzardMarinePumper; 12-20-2018 at 07:42 PM.

  6. #6
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    Come on Buzz, post away!

  7. #7
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    lol , I hope this is not final . If I am going through all this pain just to walk and sit in the rocking chair , I will be one sad pup ! I have expectation when repaired to go slow and get 100% back into the swing of things . Between back pain and knees lacking cartilage it is currently a challenge to climb or descend steeps .

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    Quote Originally Posted by BuzzardMarinePumper View Post
    lol , I hope this is not final . If I am going through all this pain just to walk and sit in the rocking chair , I will be one sad pup ! I have expectation when repaired to go slow and get 100% back into the swing of things . Between back pain and knees lacking cartilage it is currently a challenge to climb or descend steeps .
    Final? No that was an attempt at humor.

    Sorry buddy, my mistake, I misunderstood, are you not ready for this? Still clearing up issues before starting?

    Sitting in the docs office now. Trying to figure out a mid-back issue. The muscle pain is driving me crazy. I think they are going to inject it.

  9. #9
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    Always watching guys
    Keep that fire lit

  10. #10
    Prox, I have seen where you have the bicep issue. Is there anything besides PT that you can do to heal it? Can they do surgery?

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by KennyJ View Post
    Prox, I have seen where you have the bicep issue. Is there anything besides PT that you can do to heal it? Can they do surgery?
    Nothing to heal buddy. It's torn off at the shoulder attachment.

    Surgery is not normally done, especially for old geezers like myself. Although in the future I might talk to a plastic surgeon to see if there is a silicone Implant to fill the gap.

    There is no pain and about 10-15% strength loss. Still functions perfectly in the gym.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Obs View Post
    Always watching guys
    Keep that fire lit
    TY Obs, it means a lot!

  13. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by Proximal View Post
    Nothing to heal buddy. It's torn off at the shoulder attachment.

    Surgery is not normally done, especially for old geezers like myself. Although in the future I might talk to a plastic surgeon to see if there is a silicone Implant to fill the gap.

    There is no pain and about 10-15% strength loss. Still functions perfectly in the gym.
    Oh ok. Well with your positive attitude it's like my dad used to tell me "ain't no step for a stepper". Sorry if you haven't heard this, it may be a southern thing I don't know but anyway it's not gonna slow you down.

  14. #14
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    TY Kenny!

    Back today (with rear Delts)
    Reverse pec deck
    Machine pull downs
    Machine Rows
    High Pulls


    25 minutes treadmill.

    Pissed as all f***, first a power outage, then the tv doesn’t work.

  15. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by Proximal View Post
    TY Kenny!

    Back today (with rear Delts)
    Reverse pec deck
    Machine pull downs
    Machine Rows
    High Pulls


    25 minutes treadmill.

    Pissed as all f***, first a power outage, then the tv doesn’t work.
    Easy don't get too upset lol.
    Hey I have an idea. when the power goes out like that go get your wife and talk to her or do something for her that you know she loves and build up some credit. Hey the power is out and you can't do your normal stuff anyway so make good use of that time and just build that equity up.

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by KennyJ View Post
    Easy don't get too upset lol.
    Hey I have an idea. when the power goes out like that go get your wife and talk to her or do something for her that you know she loves and build up some credit. Hey the power is out and you can't do your normal stuff anyway so make good use of that time and just build that equity up.
    Are you kidding me? I just crushed my back AND did cardio & abs. Who do you think I am, Superman?

  17. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by proximal View Post
    are you kidding me? I just crushed my back and did cardio & abs. Who do you think i am, superman?

  18. #18
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    Machine curls 4WS
    Low cable curls 3WS with DD at the end
    Preachers 4 WS
    Cable concentration curls 4 WS

    20 minutes treadmill.

    Ate sloppy last 2 nites & of course drank. However, did manage to throw out the Christmas cookies and candy (gifts) and survived the wife’s rath.

    Finishing GH’s exhaustive questionnaire. Not sure how aggressive I’m going to go with this ultimately, but I like what I read from his posts. Glad that he will help guide me.

  19. #19
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    Cleaned things up last nite diet wise & cut back the alcohol.

    Close grip bench 4 WS
    Skull crushers 4 WS
    Machine dips 4 WS with DD last set
    Rope Press downs 4 WS it’s DD last set

    Preacher 100 rep feeder

    Machine lateral raises 4 WS with DD last set
    Upright rows on low cable with rope 4 WS with DD last set
    Lateral raises 3 sets with DD each set

    Pec Deck 4 WS
    Machine Press 4 WS with DD last set

    20 minutes treadmill

  20. #20
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    All I am able to do is PT on steroids , lol ! Cardio and doing my injections at 40mg of Cyp EOD and really changed fluid retention and well being i like the EOD and low dose Still not what I would call back ! Had 3 injections in my back and feeling good about my hip replacement !

    They are going to Cauterize the nerve at the L5 vertebra , Doc said 1 week of discomfort then do what I can smartly I am excited about the outlook of little to no pain !
    Last edited by BuzzardMarinePumper; 09-27-2019 at 12:28 PM.

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by BuzzardMarinePumper View Post
    All I am able to do is PT on steroids , lol ! Cardio and doing my injections at 40mg of Cyp EOD and really changed fluid retention and well being i like the EOD and low dose Still not what I would call back ! Had 3 injections in my back and feeling good about my hip replacement !

    They are going to Cauterize the nerve at the L5 vertebra , Doc said 1 week of discomfort then do what I can smartly I am excited about the outlook of little to no pain !
    This sounds great Buzz!

  22. #22
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    Vacation so worked out early am. Did some fasted cardio for 25 minutes, then abs and bi’s.

    Determined my bf over the weekend and it was worse than I thought (21%). I didn’t think I slacked off that much, but first semester of the school year always kicks my ass. Second semester is much better.

    Have dropped alcohol consumption a bit & getting the diet more regular (will start posting when it starts making sense again).

    I know this is a steroid forum, but right now, just TRT dose of 150/week. I know it sounds nuts, but I swear that the MK-677 is having a negative effect and am dropping it.

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    Scale looked better today, reflects yesterday’s work & diet (though just water I’m sure, but I’ll take anything now).

    5 egg whites for breakfast, lunch of chicken breast & vegetables, post work out shake. Dinner likely sushi but no rice (sashimi, salad and rolls using cucumber instead of rice ).

    Cardio X 25. Light back workout:

    Machine rows x 5 sets
    Anti-gravity pull-ups x 4
    Shrugs x 4 sets.

    Basketball court was empty, shot around for first time in about 3 years. Like riding a bicycle, you never forget, smiling ear to ear.

    Finished GH’s questionnaire, very thorough.

    Tiny little baby steps now, just getting my mind right & everything back into a groove.

  24. #24
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    Alright, rolling. Realized my actual starting weight was 205 when I took my bf% last weekend. Yesterday it was 202, today, 200.

    For a steroid forum, this thread is ridiculous at this time, it’s for my motivation. Switching to red wine is dramatic thus far. Have been drinking white for a couple of years now (great buzz though). Tough first step for me, can’t believe it’s done.

    Skipped b-fast today. Lunch was a chicken breast & vegetables. Small post workout shake an hour ago. Dinner will definitely be clean and veggies only for carbs.

    Light Chest
    Machine press 4 sets 10-12 reps stopping just short of failure.
    Incline bench (Still debating if I’ll keep this) 2 sets 15
    Incline Smith 3 sets 10 - 12

    Light Delts
    Lateral raise machine 4 sets of 10-12 stopping short of failure
    Upright rows (same)
    Front raises 3 sets of 10

    Abs & 15 minutes elliptical.

    Sauna felt amazing. Same with jacuzzi (really hit my trigger points in my rhomboids).

    TY board members, you were Santa to me & your gift was a return of my motivation. The sickness is rising. Hopefully this will be a very interesting
    7 -8 months.

  25. #25
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    Sounds like excellent progress to me!

    Making small incremental changes need to be celebrated. It’s these little changes one at a time that eventually snowball into a really huge pattern shift of an overall healthier outlook and lifestyle. The esthetic progress will take time but it will happen. At least this is how it seems to be for me.

    It’s the people we are all about to be surrounded by for 5 or so weeks that have the real challenges. Changing their exercise, eating, etc bad habits all at once in search of an overnight physique change.

    I believe you have an excellent mindset for success and that’s key.

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  26. #26
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    Looking forward to seeing the progress happen here!
    Glad you are under GH's tutelage!

    Kick some ass!
    -*- NO SOURCE CHECKS -*-

  27. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel View Post
    You can't say stuff like that around dumb people.
    Last edited by Obs; 12-29-2018 at 05:31 PM.

  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel View Post
    Looking forward to seeing the progress happen here!
    Glad you are under GH's tutelage!

    Kick some ass!
    TY Kel & welcome back from vacation.

    Clean dinner last night: chicken breast & some added meat sauce over steamed vegetables.

    Woke up at 199, know it’s water but see some separation between rectus & obliques.

    Back to apple cider vinegar in the morning, also doing mini-fasts till lunch since weight is dropping steadily; no b-fast yet.

    Chicken breast, vegetables with salsa for lunch.

    Small protein shake post workout.

    Biceps (heavy)
    Preachers 5 WS 6-8 reps
    Machine curls (similar to dumbbell curls) 5 WS 6-8 reps
    Cable curls 4 WS 6-8 reps with triple drop
    Reverse curls 3 sets with drop each set

    25 minutes cardio

    Steam bath (sweat my ass off, felt great)

    Fully intending to make this an AAS worthy thread as time passes & after I get to a baseline that I’m satisfied with.

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    2 days away from the gym. One (rest) deliberate, yesterday, unavoidably important stuff (new tv installed). Have been eating minimally and clean, wine continues to be minimized.

    Last night, my cheating was some tortilla chips and a whole wheat tortilla on a burrito.

    Woke up with a one pound gain after that, so all in all, survived the holidays with a 5 pound weight loss.

    Thinking a LOT about training the past 2 days & simply need to preserve my shoulders. To do this, the amount of friction has to be limited. Bottom line is volume will have to drop, but intensity will have to climb for stimulation; thus more HIT techniques.

    All reps are slowed down to 3-4 second concentric, a 1-2 second hard contraction & a 5-6 second eccentric phase. Reps are done more in the mid-range (no lock-out) so the muscle never gets to relax.

    Chest & Triceps
    2 WS of pec-deck with DD last set
    Modified incline press on hammer shoulder machine 2 WS with DD last set
    Closed grip bench 3 WS
    Machine dips 2 WS with DD last set
    Tricep dumbbell kick-backs 2 sets with single drop each
    Tricep pressdowns 2WS with TD last set

    Abs & 25 minutes cardio.

    Steam & whirlpool.

    Tomorrow, slight increase in calories. Also, Gym will be empty, going to experiment with isometrics to limit shoulder motion on Delt days.

    Hello 2019.

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    Despite adding some more calories (egg whites for breakfast & addition of another protein drink), weight is staying at 199 & mirror looks better in the stomach region.

    GH confirmed my suspicion of bloat with MK-677 & today went to the TRT clinic and picked up Sermorelin.

    Yesterday’s Shoulder Workout; Goal is avoiding friction/sheering to prolong whatever cartilage remains. Slowed the speed of both concentric & eccentric phases to about 6-8 seconds each. Even threw in some brief isometric pauses. The idea is to maximize every rep. Reps fall in the 8-10 range.

    Upright rows with rope, low pulley 2 WS with DD last set
    Front raises 2 WS with drop each set
    Machine laterals 2 WS with DD last set

    1/2 kneel wood choppers on cable machine 3 sets 15 both directions
    15 minutes elliptical
    20 minutes treadmill

    Been monitoring BP again to get baselines & am disappointed. Even with Atenolol, still getting into the 130’s over high 80’s in the day. Dropping caffeine in the morning, adding hibiscus tea. Also adding beet root tablets & 1/2 Brazil nut daily.

    Also battling with a rhomboid trigger point that just won’t go away. Thought the dry needle got the better of it, but apparently not. Have a referral for acupuncture, but seriously thinking of letting my wife go at it with an ice pick (she is a PT), just don’t want to bypass a rib and puncture a lung, lol.

    Back & more cardio later. Diet courtesy of GH, will be more consistent/balanced & will be posted in a few days.

  31. #31
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    How much coffee were/are you drinking on average? Having just recently started to monitor my bp (just started bp med this week) and I notice fluctuations from back to back readings. The bp machine I got gives you average of last 3 reading taken, so I always do three reading and use the average as my current state. Also I noticed that my reading goes down noticeable when I unbutton my drawers and keep all body parts in a very neutral position (neck included).

    Noticed you are reducing your reps to alleviate shoulder wear. Also static time under tension works for some people. I used to get on a smith machine and load it up with weight I could hardly manage and just hold it in a half rep position to get some tut. Maybe this could work. I remember seeing some YT video of this older guy (about 55-60) with an absolutely incredible physique and all he did exclusively were static hold workouts using body weight on suspended ropes (like trex equipment). The guy comes off as quite nuts on his videos but whatever he is doing is definitely working.

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    Maybe 4-5 cups in the morning. I’m just trying to lower it so that I have more tools to work with here.

    I use a wrist monitor, the numbers are close enough. I just need to know when I’m getting towards 130/85.

    Regarding the super slow reps & isometric holds for the Delts, it’s more of a last resort. I’ve milked this RC for 35 years now using all my skills & knowledge as a PT. I’m hoping I can make this work.

    Machine rows 2 WS with single drop each
    Low Hammer rows 3 WS
    Face pulls 3 WS with DD last set

    Preachers 3 WS
    Machine bicep curls 2 WS with DD last set
    SS reverse & bicep curls on low cable 3 sets

    Some high rep TRX squat/row combinations followed by 15 minutes on elliptical.

    50 grams whey & small white bagel post workout.

    Tonight is whole wheat pasta with chicken breast & marinara sauce.

  33. #33
    Quote Originally Posted by Proximal View Post
    Maybe 4-5 cups in the morning. I’m just trying to lower it so that I have more tools to work with here.

    I use a wrist monitor, the numbers are close enough. I just need to know when I’m getting towards 130/85.

    Regarding the super slow reps & isometric holds for the Delts, it’s more of a last resort. I’ve milked this RC for 35 years now using all my skills & knowledge as a PT. I’m hoping I can make this work.

    Machine rows 2 WS with single drop each
    Low Hammer rows 3 WS
    Face pulls 3 WS with DD last set

    Preachers 3 WS
    Machine bicep curls 2 WS with DD last set
    SS reverse & bicep curls on low cable 3 sets

    Some high rep TRX squat/row combinations followed by 15 minutes on elliptical.

    50 grams whey & small white bagel post workout.

    Tonight is whole wheat pasta with chicken breast & marinara sauce.
    4-5 cups in the morning? Wow do you drink it throughout the day also? By the way hope you're doing well

  34. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by KennyJ View Post
    4-5 cups in the morning? Wow do you drink it throughout the day also? By the way hope you're doing well
    No, only morning. More of a habit then a physical need. I have a bit of OCD though, so habits are not easily broken.

    Doing very well, hope you are as well.

  35. #35
    Quote Originally Posted by Proximal View Post
    No, only morning. More of a habit then a physical need. I have a bit of OCD though, so habits are not easily broken.

    Doing very well, hope you are as well.
    I hear ya. I love to drink coffee but my CNS has been a little fried lately so I've had to back off a little.

  36. #36
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    Doctor appointment later, this trigger point is driving me crazy, have never experienced anything like it before.

    Up to 5 small meals per day. Despite increase, weight dropped another pound & wife mentioned that I’m looking a little leaner. Total of 7 pounds lost. Wine consumption down to 60% helps .

    Yesterday was chest, Delts & Triceps. A little abs & 25 minutes cardio. Difficult to stay disciplined in the gym and not do more with deltoids and chest, so took it out on my triceps.

    No coffee for 3 days is kicking my butt. Doing this along with CBD (and beetroot + hibiscus tea) in an effort to decrease BP. At 5 mg. the CBD keeps the systolic about 15 points lower and diastolic 5-10 lower for about 3 -4 hours. Getting tired over obsessing with this too, think it’s time for a medication change, because with everything above I’m still hovering in the border-line region.

    Catch myself thinking sometimes that it’s time to hang it up, but seeing progress & reading posts on the forum are helping a great deal.

  37. #37
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    Very cautiously optimistic, pain is pretty much gone due to cortisone injected into the trigger points. First time I’ve actually feared pain.

    BP consistently borderline, MD appointment for medication change in a week. Screw it, since it didn’t help much, drinking coffee again, but keeping it at 50%.

    Solid workouts all week, but going to lay off back till next week. Have reinitiated legs (have always backed off those because of the THR’s).

    Down 2 more pounds for a total of 8, right now 197. Eating 5x per day, haven’t eaten as much in a couple of years. Diet is not as meticulously tracked as others here, but it is clean, strict & I don’t deviate away from it. Presently 230 g Protein, 25-30 g Fat & 150 g. Carbs. Diet is calorie restricted to account for alcohol intake.

    Feeling very encouraged.

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    Not trying to hi jack your thread ! I had actually hoped to be a part of it and still do !

    Morning my friend ! If I remember correctly you shared that where your wife works they do back injections . My Dr told me the 1st one (Cauterized) Right nerve at L5 : this should cause discomfort for a week or so and then should take care of back pain . Dr's tend to under rate pain IMHO ......... Do yo know or your wife the amount of time and level of discomfort I will experience and Dr said this procedure may last a few mths and may last a year or so but the more times it is done the better the results ?

    How much of this I have been told is fact and how much a sales pitch to do a procedure . Should I demand or try to pain meds or muscle relaxers . Dr said I may be in the bed for a week or so ? The pain is almost unbearable and best pain relief is Robaxine & heat and Volterian gel ......... This combo makes driving and walking tolorable but not without pain . Is the pain to be expected to be even worse after injection ? I get the burn Fri the 18th !

    Oh so glad to see you getting back in the groove ! I tried even riding the stationary bike and I am a slug ! So hard to digest ..... my mind has the desire and my body just refuses to allow even cardio

  39. #39
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    Buzz this thread is for US! Reading your post on another thread is what convinced me to get going again buddy!

    My wife's Physical Therapy department doesn't see them after the procedure, but everything I read is consistent with what your MD says.

    I totally sympathize with your pain. I've lived through degenerated hips, limped around on canes, tolerated this f'n RC for 35 years, but nothing compared to this trigger point, which I'm sure is a small fraction of the pain that you are experiencing.

    My fingers are crossed for you for this Friday Buzz. Think positively & make your comeback starting this February!

  40. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by Proximal View Post
    Buzz this thread is for US! Reading your post on another thread is what convinced me to get going again buddy!

    My wife's Physical Therapy department doesn't see them after the procedure, but everything I read is consistent with what your MD says.

    I totally sympathize with your pain. I've lived through degenerated hips, limped around on canes, tolerated this f'n RC for 35 years, but nothing compared to this trigger point, which I'm sure is a small fraction of the pain that you are experiencing.

    My fingers are crossed for you for this Friday Buzz. Think positively & make your comeback starting this February!
    Thanks , it is out patient , but 3 hr surgery . I have all the intention of starting back at least by mid Feb. Man I am having mental issues being out of the gym so long ...... I was just headed to a good size to start cutting and be just right for an old man and all that work , maybe not in vein ? But the climb back will be a different route and I will have to find different ways to get my gym time pleasure ! No more grabbing the weight of choice and working through the pain . Pain does not prevent me from desiring to lift it is now about lifting smart and pay very close attention to the pain ........ time will tell and at 59 time is not exactly on my side . To lift productively at 59 good body health is a rarity from what I see . Either some men think they have let themselves go to far and then me pain pushes me further and further away from the gym and backpacking actually 2 of the more important things in my life except for women ...... oh , lol , and including my grand daughter in that mix. But I am not ready to sit in my rocking chair and play with the babies

    Actually discussing a repair plan moving forward from today with the VA Dr. the MD I have now is very up to date and practical . He said see what happens with the back and try to avoid shoulder surgery if the back goes well ease back into the gym and work smart and work hard for about a year to a year and a 1/2 . Then if I have been able to hold off revisit my no cartilage knees

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