Hello, friends!
The purpose of my log is to track diet compliance, training, cardio, sleep, and other factors to gain insight, suggestions, and encouragement from the community.
I'll post history, baseline, goals, program, etc shortly
Hello, friends!
The purpose of my log is to track diet compliance, training, cardio, sleep, and other factors to gain insight, suggestions, and encouragement from the community.
I'll post history, baseline, goals, program, etc shortly
I've been working out since I was a teenager (51, now). I've been dieting since I was 7. I was in the best shape of my life when my profile pic was taken a year ago. Around 12% bodyfat. Since then I've put on >10 pounds, both fat and lean. My current bf is 16% per hydrostatic testing
I'm 5'1 and 125 pounds
I'm not on a cycle rn, but I did a 16 week var cycle last summer. When I get a little leaner and back in the habit of 100% diet compliance I'll probably do another var cycle
I had a bodybuilding coach for 18 months, but had to drop his services for financial reasons
More on my goals and program later
Current goals: lose fat, hold onto muscle. I can't do a lot of cardio rn so my plan is tighten up my diet. Using a plan my former coach gave me:
PF plan
Meal1: 2 whole eggs and 6 egg whites
Meal 2: 5 oz (cooked) chicken breast and 2/3 oz almonds
Meal 3: same as 2, or protein "ice cream" * and 2/3 oz almonds
Meal 4: 5 oz (cooked) top round steak and 2/3 oz almonds
Meal 5: 2 whole eggs and 6 egg whites
Also: 1 c veggies as a snack or with any meal
* protein ice cream is 49g Devotion protein, ice and water for 175 cal, 2.5g fat, 5.5g carb, 35g protein
PV plan
Meal 1: 9 egg whites
Meal 2- 5: 5 oz chicken breast
Allowed substitution: 5 oz beef for one meal, protein "ice cream"* for one meal
2 cups veggies
I take all the vitamins, too
I'll do PF or PV depending on my plans for the day and how I'm feeling
Last edited by PeanutbutterDC; 04-18-2019 at 03:16 PM. Reason: Added info
Workout split - shoulder focus
Day 1:
Chest 15-18 sets
Side/front delts 9 sets
Glutes 5 sets
Day 2:
Back 15-18 sets
Rear delts 4 sets
Glutes 6 sets
Day 3:
Shoulders 12-15 sets
Traps 3 sets
Calves 3 sets
Glutes 4 sets
Rest day here or after Day 4, depending on what's going on in my life/schedule
Day 4:
Quads 20 sets
Glutes 5 sets
Day 5:
Triceps 12 sets
Biceps 12 sets
Calves 3 sets
Glutes 5 sets
Day 6:
Hams 15 sets
Side/front delts 9 sets
Abs 6 sets
Glutes 3 sets
Day 7:
Shoulders 15-18 sets
Traps 3 sets
Glutes 3-6 sets
Rest day
Yesterday was a PF day. I didn't measure my almonds so most certainly had more than 2/3 oz
Had a great arms workout, but skipped training glutes. I listen to my body. When I'm done, I'm done.
Did not get enough sleep last night
No cardio yesterday or today
Today is a PV day
Me too, good to have you back PB.
Thanks, guys!
This is a hard time of day for me. I'm tired and hungry, I'm cooking for my son, but I'm not having meal #4 for another hour or 90 minutes. Snacking on snap peas and thinking about how great 12% bodyfat feels
Keep me in your prayers ;P
Damn! 12%?
Kill it PB!
A pleasure to follow you on this journey, TY for sharing!
I’m in! Glad you made a log! I’ve debated on one myself! Needing a little extra motivational boost some days!
~“We believe that we are all saved the same way, by the undeserved grace of the Lord Jesus.” Acts 15:11~ *NLT
Meal 5
Stayed on diet 100% today
Great hamstring workout tonight. Hit shoulders, glutes, and abs too
Gotta stay up late tonight with work. Tomorrow is going to be a real challenge but I'm hoping to get cardio in the afternoon and shoulders in the evening.
Looking forward to Saturday. It's a rest day and cheat meal day.
Okay, friends! What's your favorite cheat meal?
Love the Star Wars container!
I’m have a huge sweet tooth so anything sweet is my favorite cheat! Reese’s for sure! Haha
~“We believe that we are all saved the same way, by the undeserved grace of the Lord Jesus.” Acts 15:11~ *NLT
More pics of food
We have 6 egg whites and 2 whole eggs, scrambled and topped with Everything But the Bagel seasoning. That's meal 1 and 5 for PF days
Also shown, protein "ice cream". It's a blend of Devotion Angel Food Cake protein, Devotion Flex Flavors Monster Cookie flavoring, water and ice. It whips up into a delicious ice cream in the blender
As for my cheat meal tomorrow: I'm planning on whatever I end up feeding my son (it'll be good though) and a couple vodka cocktails later that night. Plan on spending the day supervising/chaperoning a get together of two special needs teenagers. I'll need a drink after that lol! It'll be fun but exhausting
Its crazy that some of the most solid women I have read about online are like you and german89.
You teo have no idea how few of you exist in the modern world.
That protein ice cream sounds amazing!!
Hope the day goes well! I’m sure it will have it’s fun points as well as keeping you on your toes!
~“We believe that we are all saved the same way, by the undeserved grace of the Lord Jesus.” Acts 15:11~ *NLT
The kids' playdate went well. We dyed eggs, did a craft project, and went for a swim. The kids wanted In N Out (yuck!), so I had diet meal and too much candy to admit exactly how much that was. I saved a little room for a drink or two later
Stealing this from Cowboy...
Daily gratitude: I'm thankful I have the time and means to spend a Saturday afternoon with my son and his friend doing fun stuff; and that they still like having me around!
So, rest day from the gym, cheat meal, and hopefully I'll be rested up and ready to kill it tomorrow with a PF day, cardio, and chest wo
Happy Easter!
Cowboys daily gratitude is a thing of beauty & is very infectious
Last edited by Proximal; 04-20-2019 at 08:43 PM.
I failed to do cardio today, but I did get a nap and sometimes that's more important
Got a good chest workout tonight. I get a little frustrated at my lack of strength sometimes. Lifting lighter than I used to. A couple years ago I was benching close to 150 for 1rm, sets for reps were always 105 or more. Today I did sets at 65, 95, 85, 75, and 65 again. I'm working out really hard. Didn't take any time off. It sucks to see the numbers so low.
I'm spending a lot more time under tension and taking much shorter breaks. I'm sure those factors play into it.
I dont train for strength, so I try not to focus on those numbers, but I admit it still bothers me.
Had a good diet day. Stayed on track.
Have a great week, everyone!
You always lose strength while cutting calories. It sucks. I don't train for strength, but subconsciously I still want to bench press a truck one day.
But I did hear when that happens (loss of strength due to cal deficit), you should keep the weight the same (if able) and do less reps. Buuuutttttttt who knows. I feel like a lot of these "experts" are really just making conjecture and there is really no science to back it up when it comes to stuff like this.
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Had a good back workout tonight. I started with rack pulls: 95×20, 115x12, 125x12. Tbar rows 30 sec on/ 30 sec rest for 4 sets 25x15/14/11/14. Reverse grip bent row drop sets (bc limited bb available) 80 & 40 for 9 and 12/ 8 and 12/ 6 and 10/ 6 and 10. 4 sets shotgun row. 3 sets straight arm lat pulls. Rear delt fly on pec deck. Hip extensions/glutes for 6 sets
Had a good diet day: egg whites, chicken, more chicken, steak, and protein "ice cream". And plenty of veggies. Low fat, low carb day
My motivation is high bc I'm feeling so fat lately. Big weight bump after my cheat meal Saturday
I'll start posting my weight and pics
Night y'all!
Last edited by PeanutbutterDC; 04-23-2019 at 01:54 AM. Reason: Typo
Great work girl! I feel you on the strength loss! It’s a mental battle sometimes! You know it doesn’t matter but sometimes you just want to move something heavy and feel accomplished! Lol
~“We believe that we are all saved the same way, by the undeserved grace of the Lord Jesus.” Acts 15:11~ *NLT
Weight this morning was 125.8
On a PV diet day, today. Going well so far.
Did cardio-ish with my son. We went on a long scooter ride. He's on Spring Break and needs constant close supervision so unless I hire a babysitter I have to cajole him into cardio with me. I'm thankful he was a good sport about it. We were out for an hour, hit some hills along the way
I have a sitter tonight so I can go to the gym and smash my shoulders
Killed shoulders tonight. 15 sets. 3 of traps, 3 calves, 4 glutes
I have 20 sets of quads and 5 glutes for tomorrow. Any suggestions? What are your favorite quad exercises?
Had a good diet day. It was basically pv, but I used a couple whole eggs (so 6 whites plus 2 whole, instead of 9 whites only). That was meal 1 and 5. Had 5oz chicken and 1/2 cucumber for 2. Protein "ice cream" for 3. 5oz top round and 1/2 red bell pepper for 4. It doesn't sound like a lot of food, but I'm not hungry. My metabolism is so slow. I can get by on very few calories unless I'm bulking.
Speaking of metabolism: mine has really tanked over the past few months. I had my thyroid tested bc of that, dry skin and hair, cold all the time, fatigue, significant unexplained loss of strength. My thyroid (tsh) came back almost normal: subclinical hypothyroidism. The doc says it's not enough to be causing my symptoms and no treatment is necessary. So my tsh is a little high and T4 is normal. Didn't test T3 (as far as I know). If any of you are knowledgeable on this and have insight or suggestions, PLEASE!
Last edited by PeanutbutterDC; 04-23-2019 at 11:24 PM. Reason: Typo
My wife had similar thyroid issues. Luckily her Dr says, "I don't care what the numbers say. I care about how you feel" and put her on T4 supplement.
It has helped a lot
Been 100% on my diet but the scale hates me. Up this morning: 127#
Can't let that screw with my motivation.
PF day today, cardio this afternoon and quads tonight
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