Hey man- don’t give in. Harness that anger and release it in the gym with the steel plates.
If you feel you have failed, you probably haven’t. Just get back upon the horse and kick ass.
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Hey man- don’t give in. Harness that anger and release it in the gym with the steel plates.
If you feel you have failed, you probably haven’t. Just get back upon the horse and kick ass.
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Im not given in. I Just think its not worth eating clean 24/7 this time of the year.
I enjoy lying in the sofa with my wife in the afternoons, eating christmas food watching Christmas TV, instead of doing cardio and eating chickenbreasts.
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Give in??... What the fuck. Thats an insault. Now ya all got me pissed.
I promise. U will not see me angry...
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I would love to and would make it more fun but this time of year I am trying to keep me and my guy busy.
Putting up christmas lights tomorrow on a low bid...
Just something to get me out of the house.
Neck is fucked up.
Need surgery. Chiro hasnt fixed it last few times and said I got a bad disc.
Taking it into my own hands.
Attachment 177622
Attachment 177623
Look at how full my arms are... I will eat you for breakfast and shit a robertfrank615
Dont be silly. We know that u cant even pay for the bussticket to the airport.
And stil i really dont understand how your neck could be injured, you Belgian blue misfit.
U think im mean?. Cold hearted antichrist?
U Havent seen nothing yet. Wait until i unleash my steroid.com online christmas present for u.
The To Obs from Sil gift will be epic in terms of cruelness.
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Well shit...
I hadn't even got you anything.
I will have gf make you a custard from the grease on my ballsack.
Ballsack isn't as big as it used to be but I thinkI can have it to you by the 24th.
My neck got too strong.
It is overtaking my spine.
Its like when you fuck a really fat girl and she wants to get on top.
Next thing you know you are at the chiropractor and he says, "Jesus... Were you ran over by a car?"
Big fucking car... Gd Lincoln... Fucker come outta nowhere.
Last edited by Obs; 12-06-2019 at 10:48 PM.
Reminds me 10 years ago. I had this fat chick rimming me. I was sitting on her face. Then i noticed some twisting. What the fuck man.. Just lick my hole. Dont do so much twisting. Focus or go home, i said to her.
But she continued. Then i looked down and i saw she was red all over. Damned. Fucking hemoroids.
Lol.. Shit happens. What could i say?
Well.. Long story short. We didnt have sex after that.
I met her at a hospital few years later. She is a nurse and gave me pills cause i was going to do some penis skin operation.
Lol... Kind of made me a hardskin for further enbarrasing moments in the future.
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I order to take it to the next level wo the life style, i went to the local protein shop and bougth the latest and most expensive protein powder. Phairing phase 3. Its based on whey n casein, but it also has something which enchances Iron uptake, which will give u more energy.
So i Just add 100 gs of it ed.
Also bougth EAAs and hydrowhey for my intras.
Yeah.. I also add hydrowhey and EAAs first thing in the morning.
And some new krealkanin.
Wo coming up in 4 hours.
As for the drugs, i pause the tren for one week and use 30 mg dianabol instead.
Mk677 12.5 mg to 25mg.
Cardarine at will.
S23 at will.
Hope to make a nice gympump pic today. And put the powder shit to the test. Must be better than nothing.
In the mean time, u can check this dude. Latest norwegian ifbb. Ole Kristian Vågå
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Last edited by AR's King Silabolin; 12-07-2019 at 11:35 PM.
Yes but symptoms dissapeared. Now im down to 116 kg and looked smal at the gym today.
But its a cruise. 150 mg tren a each week and a total og 60 10 mg dianabol for 8 weeks are nothing to grow from.
Source let me down. And for sure he will not be invited to my new years eve party, as he wanted last time i talked to him.
Its depressing how easy it is to loose the edge. Tree days of a4 eating and u look natty.
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Last edited by AR's King Silabolin; 12-08-2019 at 09:28 AM.
Better today. Strong. Like 60 pounds side lateralls for 8. Never used 60 pounds side lateral dumbells for shoulder s before. Last dianabolweek before its all tren eod the last 2 weeks.
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Last edited by AR's King Silabolin; 12-10-2019 at 05:58 AM.
Time to stop dbol and get quality with tren.
I got two weeks before the show.
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Last edited by AR's King Silabolin; 12-15-2019 at 05:36 AM.
Haha yes man. As a matter of fact, 5min after i wrote that comment, i thought...wait a minute, this is not right. Obs goddamit. I got Obs!!... I even invited the poor bastard and his ugly girlfriend to my new years eve party in mid Norway!
So im not alone. So yes.. I feel sorry for ya all. Lonely wolves who stil think muscles will get ya respect and a few friends[emoji38][emoji38]
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Checked my supplies yesterday. And the bad news is that i have only to more tren a shots left.
Stil 12 days to go. Tuesday 31. Ill do a shot monday the 30 and Saturday the 28.
Took one yesterday.
Meaning. Pretty much one week wo tren a. Or dbol which is emty. Source dont answer. Maybe he is dead or in prison for all i know.
Got to go back to s23 and maybe up the mk677 again.
Damned. Tren makes me feel So good. And all my tiredness disapper like a fart in the wind the 48 hours after a shot.
Damned fuck fuck.
Its gonna be a sleepy Christmas. Damned source. Hope he gets his wig split by Bubba Smith. [emoji25][emoji25][emoji25][emoji25]
U think its 10 ml, but its 9. Damned UGLs. Hope they get their wigs split too
Ruining my Christmas like that.
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Last edited by AR's King Silabolin; 12-18-2019 at 10:35 PM.
So this is it. As far as i got. When the juice is emty, diett or not... massgains are impossible at my age.
I was more buff 3.week this summer rigth before my tricepstear when i ran 500 test and 300 tren.
But.... Ill be back. Check my health before summer cycle and if ok, 1 g should be doable.
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How ya doing Sil?
Terrific. Wife is good. Health is good. And i managed to hit 120 kg, easily, from just 150 mg tren a each week.
And ligth weigths only. For most parts.
Stil Motivated.
Next 4 months, i will try to find naturall ways to keep the size. Im looking into high doses of hole milk and eggs. Which is the best food for growth.
Just need to find a way to do more cardio.
Because my codex now ofcourse is work, wife, bodybuilding. And not whatever it takes.
Or maybe it stil is. Cause without work and love, how can u do whats needed in the gym and kitchen?
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Havent lost anything yet
And just 5 days to my next tren shot. Maybe i last until the show 31 desember.
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