Hey everyone; started my cycle last week, wich was intended to be Test Prop EoD plus Mast prop; kickstarting with dBol and ending it with winstrol by last few weeks.
All i have to say is injecting Test Prop was really painful; this is my 4th cycle and i've been using Test E for the past few cycles.
At this time, i've switched T Prop (not entirely; but will do next week; and added Test E to my cycle).
I did inject T Prop EoD for almost 2 weeks now; but during Monday's shot i added 250mg of Test E to a short dose of Prop, and during yestedays pin i once again went with Test E (250mg) plus a small remaining dose of Test Prop i had.
On monday ill start injecting Test E by itself and keep gong with it
(twice a weeek on the classic split Mon-Thurs 250-250)
Also consider getting some equipoise (a compound i did run before) but might as well keep it simple and go forward with test itself.
I get little to no pip with it; i was getting insane pip with prop wich leaded to bad training sessions and painful sleep time.
As for Dianabol; all i can say is WHY i didnt try this compound before; as a kickstarter the strength gains (been taking it for only 10 days) are insane; i started feeling it pretty much after like 2 or 3 days.
I see no bad sides for dBol but a little bit of lower back pain wich may be caused by it; plus a small amount of water retention wich is nothing im worrying about at this time.
As for an AI; i didnt start using it so far; following GearHeaded advice and will keep going like this for now.
While this is not a cycle log just wanted to post this and update what's going on with my current situation.
Current physique and showing how dBol is affecting me
Once again thanks for reading, Octavio.