What's up with you guys?
I'm thinking on bringing this thread further.
Little update: I finished that cycle, had a rest, had another cycle, went up to 255lbs, but lockdown come in around november and I stopped it. Had some mental issues with starting again, so I didn't go to the gym from nov 2020 until July 10th, 2021. I didn't eat properly (~1800kcal a day) and didn't train at all. I lost some muscle and size, so decided to start doing cardio 3x100mins a week to be shredded at least for a month before getting back to the gym. I was around 205 when started training, with much less fat and water.
Now I'm in the middle of a cycle, lean bulking, ~220lbs, but in my best form ever. Just consider that my arms are only 0.3 inches smaller, but my waist got an incredible
6 inches thinner.
Also I'm on much less gear. I'm on the 9th week of this cycle:
1-10 600 sust
10-15 300 sust
1-12 500 eq
5-15 600 deca
8-15 60mg dbol
I will do a pic of the current shape, but until that here are some of my form around the end of august.
Would love to hear your thoughts