How much do you weight now? 180lbs? Or u started at 180lbs? If u r 180 now, what was your weight when u started?
i started at like 171lbs.. so far I'm up 10lbs
First cycle?
Dbols kicks in RIGHT away (most orals do) and by now you should have gained 10+ lbs (mostly water but still) and definitely noticed gains in strength. When do u take the Dbols? Take it within one hour with a high carb meal from your workout as it is a great preworkout! Just ask GH.
i usually take it 3 times a day.. with breakfast. 30min before gym and 6hours after that
Dosages do seem kinda low tbh, I'd raise the Dbols to 40mg, should be alright.
I'll increase my intake to 40mg on monday
Make sure u take liver protection like NAC, milk thistle and TDUCA. if ur on a budget AT LEAST take NAC.
I'm getting milk thistle, should be good enough?
Test E still didn't kick in yet, needs another 2 to 3 weeks or so. That test dosage also seems to be low... Some people take it during their cruise or for TRT... Maybe raise to somewhere between 400-500? But with Dbols u r gonna get a sizable increase in your E levels so if u can't handle elevated E (prone to gyno) maybe u should consider an AI or SERM.
I'm on 500mg a week of test.. as a first timer this is the recommended dose.. so i guess it just didn't kick in as of yet ��
U didn't mention anything about your diet... How much r u eating? Macros? U could take all the gear in the world with high or low dosages and aren't eating well enough and u won't get gains (whether in strength or muscle tissue).
my diet consist of 5 meals
40p 40c 20f
May your cycle bring u gainz! AMEN