Update pics. I’m currently 8 weeks out and 8lbs overweight. Currently sitting at 245.1 with a goal of 237 stage ready.
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Update pics. I’m currently 8 weeks out and 8lbs overweight. Currently sitting at 245.1 with a goal of 237 stage ready.
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Absolutely amazing work!
Have to ask though what are you 8 weeks from?
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Upper workout from today.
5-4-20 Upper DC
BB Incline press RP 315lbs 10, 6, 4 reps
DB Incline flys RP 60lbs 12, 9, 7
Dips 15 reps
Close grip low cable rows RP 230lbs 11, 7, 6
Stretchers RP 170lbs 11, 8, 6
cable lateral raises RP 35lbs 10, 6, 5
Face pulls 100lbs 12, 10
V bar press downs 160lbs 16, 13
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Meals 1, 2, 3 and post workout shake so far today. This is a training today as well so carb intake will be higher pre and post workout.
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Training from today.
5-5-20 Lower DC
Leg press RP 16 plates 11, 7, 5
Seated leg curls RP 185lbs 12, 9, 7
Leg ext. RP 200lbs 14, 9, 7
Drop set single leg 95lbs 8
Adductors 145lbs 15, 15
Calf raises RP 140lbs 14, 9, 8
2nd RP 140lbs 12, 11, 9,
Cable curls 50lbs 12, 12
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No training today. Here are my meals for the day. It’s a low calorie day on non training days.
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You are having good results, it will give work to other competitors.
5 day update. I’m currently 7 weeks and 2 days out from my competition. My weight this morning is 243.7lbs. So I’m a little over 6lbs from making weight.
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My workout from yesterday.
5-7-20 Upper Loading B
Smith incline bench press 315lbs 12, 9
Backoff set 275lbs 10
Cable flys 100lbs 10, 9
DB Rows 95lbs 12, 12
Rack pulls 405lbs 13, 11
DB shoulder press 80lbs 15, 14
Cable lateral raises 30lbs 12, 11
Underhand Tricep ext. 100lbs 16, 15
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Looking good! Getting more vascular. Got a good, hard look going on 7 weeks out.
Leg workout from today. My legs are definitely feeling weaker with all the cardio but that’s expected. Fortunately I haven’t lost much mass on them so that’s good.
5-9-20 Lower Loading
Safety bar squats 365lbs 8, 7 reps
Leg press 14 plates 12, 12 reps
Backoff set 12 plates 14 reps
Stiff leg dead’s 225lbs 11, 10
Leg curls 155lbs 18 reps
Adductors 170lbs 12, 10
Standing calf raises 225lbs 15, 15, 13, 12, 12, 11
Db Incline hammer curls 50lbs 12, 10, 8
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No training today guys. Much needed rest for sure. I did get my 60 mins of fasted cardio this morning. Hope everyone is having a great weekend. Here is my macro breakdown for
Rest days.
I also pinned 100mg of EP Test Prop, Mast Prop and Tren Ace today. I’m also still taking 50mcg of Clen, 50mg of EP Var, 100mcg of T4 and 4iu of Gh daily as well.
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How long have you been on Clen?
Upper DC training today. Here is my macro breakout for training days right now as well.
5-10-20 Upper DC
BB flat bench RP 365lbs 9, 6, 4
Back off set 315lbs 12 reps
Low to high cable flys RP 80lbs 12, 9, 7
Close grip low cable rows RP 250lbs 11, 8, 5 reps
Stretchers RP 170lbs 10, 7, 5 reps
DB lateral raises RP 30lbs 9, 7, 6 reps
Face pulls RP 80lbs 12, 10, 8 reps
Rear delt rows 45lbs 12 reps
Tricep rope ext. 100lbs 15, 15
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Lower workout from today.
5-11-20 Lower DC
Smith BB squats RP 405lbs 9, 6, 4 reps
Single leg machine press RP 110lbs 12, 8, 6 reps
Seated leg curls RP 185lbs 10, 8, 7
Drop set 155lbs 10
Leg ext. RP 200lbs 15, 9, 6
Adductors 140lbs 15, 15
Drop set 95lbs 10
Seated Calf presses RP 185lbs 16, 12, 11
2nd RP set 185lbs 15, 14, 12
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My 4 day update with coach. Weight stayed roughly the same but definitely tightened up some.
Looking phenomenal. Side chest is your pose man! Look at those fucking serratus muscles!
Side by side from this past August during the offseason until my check in today with coach. I’m 4lbs lighter on the right side.
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Today’s upper loading workout. Started out strong but tired out towards the end. Didn’t have any gas left in the tank by the time I hit shoulders.
5-13-20 Upper Loading A
Smith incline press 325lbs 12, 10 reps
Back off set 275lbs 11 reps
Incline cable flys 60lbs 13, 12 reps
BB rows 275lbs 12, 11 reps
Back off set 225lbs 10 reps
Wide grip lat pulldowns 190lbs 12, 11 reps
Smith Behind neck press 205lbs 11, 10
Face pulls 80lbs 16, 14 reps
Close grip bench 185lbs 15, 12 reps
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My leg workout from yesterday. Did a BFR band workout with my legs since I’m losing strength each week. It was killer. I forgot how much these bands work. The pump was insane almost to the point it started to hurt. My legs are sore today for sure. I’m going to incorporate these more into my workouts with lighter weight and higher reps as recommended. Much needed rest today.
5-14-20 Lower Loading
BFR Band training 30-50% of max with bands
Safety bar squats 225lbs 15, 12, 12, 12, 10
Close stance leg press 8 plates 20, 18, 15
Leg ext. 110lbs 18, 16, 14
Seated leg curls 95lbs 20, 20, 20, 20, 20
Adductors 80lbs 20, 20, 18, 16
Seated Calf raises 110lbs 20, 20, 18, 17
Seated calf presses 125lbs 20, 20 reps
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Upper workout from today.
5-16-20 Upper DC
BB decline bench press RP 315lbs 13, 9, 6
High to low cable flys RP 170lbs 14, 10, 8
Close grip low cable rows RP230lbs 12, 9, 8
Stretchers RP 190lbs 11, 8, 5
HS shoulder press RP 185lbs 14, 8, 7
Cable lateral raises RP 30lbs 11, 9
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Diet is staying the same this week. Coach had me start T3 for 5 days. Will adjust after that. Been having issues with feeling weak and exhausted lately. Started B12 for energy and Proviron to help with libido as well. Feeling better but I know this comes with the territory. Will keep my head down and keep moving forward. Here is my workout from today. Felt good throughout the workout which is the only time I feel I have energy which is a good thing.
5-17-20 Lower DC
Leg press RP 16 plates 14, 8, 6
BFR set 8 plates 20 reps
Leg curls RP 155lbs 15, 11, 8
BFR set 95lbs 25
Leg ext. RP 200lbs 12, 8, 6
BFR set 125lbs 20
Adductors 155lbs 18, 17
Standing calf raises RP 185lbs 20, 16, 14
2nd RP set 185lbs 20, 15, 12
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Just some goodies I used today. Loving this prep cycle so far. Can’t go wrong with EP Gear.
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Workout from today.
5-19-20 Upper Loading B
Smith incline press 325lbs 9, 7 reps
Low to high cable fly’s 80lbs 13 reps
Drop set 50lbs 10 reps
Drop set 30lbs 16 reps
T bar rows 160lbs 10, 8
Rack pulls 405lbs 11, 8
DB shoulder press 80lbs 15, 10
Face pulls 100lbs 15, 14
Rope tricep ext. 120lbs 15, 13
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How do you feel your strength is?
5 weeks 2 days out. Current updates sent to coach. I think he is about to drop the hammer on me, LOL. Weight down just a little.
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So excited that my home gym opened up today! Got a great workout in and saw some familiar faces. Feels almost like normal again.
2-22-20 Upper DC
HS incline press 160lbs 12, 8, 5
Pec deck flys 195lbs 13, 9, 7
Close grip low cable rows 230lbs 12, 8, 6
Stretchers 180lbs 12, 8, 7
HS reverse shoulder press 4 plates 12, 9, 7
Reverse pec deck 130lbs 12, 9, 7
Rope tricep ext. 120lbs 12, 10
Post workout shake
12oz egg whites
1 instant chocolate chip oatmeal packet
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Good lord your bf has got to be 7-8% ?
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Leg workout from today. Had a killer workout and felt strong throughout. A little TNE 100mg 1 hour before definitely helped.
2-23-20 Lower DC
Belt squats RP 4 plates 2 25s - 13, 9, 7
BFR backoff set 2 plates 2 25s - 15 reps
Lying leg curls RP 130lbs 11, 8, 6 reps
Drop set 90lbs 12 reps
Leg ext. RP 220lbs 14, 11, 9
BFR backoff set 155lbs 15, 11 reps
Adductors 105lbs 15, 15
Calf raises RP 4plates 2 25s - 15, 13, 11
2nd RP set - 15, 12, 10
Cable bicep curls 60lbs - 12, 12, 10
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Here is my 5 day update! Currently 4 weeks 4 days out and sitting at 241.9lbs. Coach made small adjustments to diet after last Check-in so it’s nice to see them working.
Body by Euro-Pharmacies
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It's amazing what dropping 12lbs will do.....looking great, man!!
No training today and coach had my skip cardio as well. Will be back to normal tomorrow. Here is my leg workout from yesterday.
5-26-20 Lower Loading A
Smith BB Squat 405lbs 10, 9 reps
Widow maker 275lbs 20 reps
Close stance leg press 16 plates 12, 10 reps
Lying leg curls 140lbs 13, 10 reps
Drop set 100lbs 10 reps
Seated leg curls 125lbs 15, 12
Standing calf raises 225lbs 15, 15, 14, 12
2 min stretch
Ez curls 100lbs 15, 13, 12
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Macros currently for non training days.
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