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Thread: DNP Thread

  1. #1

    DNP Thread

    Started my first cycle of DNP today at 125mg. My highest dose will be 250mg. I will do this for a month straight. If I go higher, to 325mg, then I will only be doing 3 weeks.

    I know many people hear DNP and instantly think death, but the only way you can kill yourself is via overdose which is not respecting the compound. I have friends who have taken it multiple times without any problems whatsoever and higher dosages that I will be taking. IN other words, like insulin, DNP is demonized without realizing its deaths were from abuse or ignorance, like insulin. Point is, I am no where near the "death dose" nor will I ever reach anywhere near it.

    My main priority is fat loss. Those of you who followed my threads about me getting fat as hell because of my wife and I going through IVF treatment should know I've been complaining for months. Despite all kinds of dieting, my hormones were just out of wack due to HCG and Clomid being blasted to get my levels up. I would have taken DNP during those months but I didn't want to take any risks lowering my sperm count via some heating mechanism. Although I found no literature other than one study where mice given DNP suffered a very small and negligible, I didn't want to risk it. But now my wife is pregnant, I figured there is no risk. Should this pregnancy fail soon, I can always jump off DNP and be ok within days, whereas, if I took test, I would need months to recover. Moreover, the gyms are closed and DNP, being so powerful and can raise your metabolism by 54%, there is no real need to do anything. So with quarantines, now is the perfect time to take it and sit around at home while eating low calories.

    Today is 3/22/2020

    I currently weight: 245lbs at 5'11. I am technically obese and I estimate I am least 20% bf.

    I took my first dosage of 125mg at 11 am. Within an hour I began to feel the effects, similar to a niacin flush. My hands are cold, due to low blood sugar.

    I will take 125mg for a week then bump it up to 250mg. Apparently, with DNP, one could lose .5 to 1lb of fat per DAY.

    I will keep a log here daily, but probably won't because you apparently gain water while on and then when you get off, it goes away and your fat loss is seen.

    So I will probably either do weekly pics or report and do a before and after at the end of the cycle.
    Last edited by JuliusPleaser; 03-22-2020 at 11:01 AM.

  2. #2

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  3. #3
    Day 2:

    Yesterday I fasted until the afternoon, and I only consumed 1300 calories.

    Weighed myself today; went from 245.5 to 242.2 this am.
    Last edited by JuliusPleaser; 03-23-2020 at 02:00 PM.

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by JuliusPleaser View Post
    Day 2:

    Yesterday I fasted until the afternoon, and I only consumed 1300 calories.

    Weighed myself today; went from 245.5 to 232.2 this am.
    Great job! Do you monitor your temperature?

    Sent from my SM-N950U using Tapatalk

  5. #5
    No I didn't but I when I grabbed by fat stomach and it felt warmer.

    At this dose I experienced no sweating of any kind or discomfort. I did get a niacin-like flush but that's it.

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by JuliusPleaser View Post
    No I didn't but I when I grabbed by fat stomach and it felt warmer.

    At this dose I experienced no sweating of any kind or discomfort. I did get a niacin-like flush but that's it.
    Might need to find some and try it, cautiously of course.

    Sent from my SM-N950U using Tapatalk

  7. #7
    Like insulin, this gets a bad rap because you can die, but you have to be very stupid to kill yourself on either.

  8. #8
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    Aug 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by JuliusPleaser View Post
    Day 2:

    Yesterday I fasted until the afternoon, and I only consumed 1300 calories.

    Weighed myself today; went from 245.5 to 232.2 this am.
    Is that a typo? You lost 13lbs?

  9. #9
    lol, yes typo, i will correct, thank you

  10. #10
    Day 3

    Weight: 240.2

  11. #11
    Day 4

    Weight: 239.9

    Now I did eat an extra meal last night because I was hungry, and didn't weigh myself until after I had coffee, so probably a few ounces less.

    Also, I am not doing ANY cardio, which if I were, would probably be losing even more. I want to see what DNP can do without any assistance at all.

  12. #12
    Day 5

    239.5 but haven't gone to the bathroom yet, so assuming a few ounces less again, going to up the dose today now that I know I have no allergic reaction to it.

    Will be taking 250mg for rest of cycle.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by JuliusPleaser View Post
    Day 5

    239.5 but haven't gone to the bathroom yet, so assuming a few ounces less again, going to up the dose today now that I know I have no allergic reaction to it.

    Will be taking 250mg for rest of cycle.
    How would you know after 4 days that you have no allergic reaction?

    I didn't break out in hives until week 3-4 during my 2017 nationals prep. Started at 100mg and got up to 150mg. The plan was a low dosed cycle with a longer duration. Haven't touched it since nor would I ever as I personally find clen and T3 much easier to handle.

    I think my allergies were abnormally bad as well. Even after starting anti-histamine and dropping the DNP it took over a week for the hives to disappear. Online I've heard of people not even dropping DNP but adding benadryl and the hives/rash disappear right away... I'm likely part of the unlucky few but worth sharing my experience

  14. #14
    Day 6

    250mg but weight 239.4, again, didn't go the bathroom yet so not sure exactly, assuming a few ounces lower.

    Either way, definately felt the affects of DNP more as I felt more exhausted. However, still no excessive sweating or anything like that.

    I've had friends tell me about their skin smoking in the cold and waking up to a soak bed. I believe they were on 600mg. Doubt I'll be going any higher than 325mg

  15. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by Livinlean View Post
    How would you know after 4 days that you have no allergic reaction?

    I didn't break out in hives until week 3-4 during my 2017 nationals prep. Started at 100mg and got up to 150mg. The plan was a low dosed cycle with a longer duration. Haven't touched it since nor would I ever as I personally find clen and T3 much easier to handle.

    I think my allergies were abnormally bad as well. Even after starting anti-histamine and dropping the DNP it took over a week for the hives to disappear. Online I've heard of people not even dropping DNP but adding benadryl and the hives/rash disappear right away... I'm likely part of the unlucky few but worth sharing my experience
    Well so far it seems I have no allergic reaction.

  16. #16
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    May 2018
    Quote Originally Posted by JuliusPleaser View Post
    Well so far it seems I have no allergic reaction.
    Get some Benadryl for when the hives kick in and you're scratching so much you can't sleep

  17. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by HoldMyBeer View Post
    Get some Benadryl for when the hives kick in and you're scratching so much you can't sleep
    Great idea especially if things get shut down. Still voluntary where I live and many things are still open.

    Sent from my SM-N950U using Tapatalk

  18. #18
    How high did you guys go, dose wise?
    Last edited by JuliusPleaser; 03-27-2020 at 01:04 PM.

  19. #19
    OK a few hours after this post I got hot AF lol. Wow.

  20. #20
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    Aug 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by JuliusPleaser View Post
    How high did you guys go, dose wise?
    I got up to 300 on my trial run (before prep). I think on my second day on 250mg was when I got extremely hot. At 300mg my sweat was weird. I had to throw away my gym clothes because the smell of the sweat would not leave lol.

    Due to that experience, I realized that I had no reason to go over 150mg. Anything over that seemed to cause a nasty sweat and stomach aches combined with runny stools.

    I did cardio and worked out extremely hard when dosing my DNP which is probably I could not really handle even what is considered a moderate dose but with my own personal experience I would rather dose low and train like normal and still get my cardio in.

    With all the above said, I don't think I would ever run it again. I just overall didn't feel too good. I get my results just fine from T3 and clen and can still function and use the washroom properly lolll.

  21. #21
    thanks for your feedback.

    Ya at 250mg i def feel it more than 125mg, i probably won't go beyond this current dose.

  22. #22
    240.0 flat today.

  23. #23
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    Aug 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by JuliusPleaser View Post
    240.0 flat today.
    Im a bit surprised your weight isn't dropping faster. Likely holding a good amount of water. What's your water intake at?

  24. #24
    I'm def not drinking a gallon a day...

    Also, the days where it didn't drop dramatically I ate a bit more, but still.

    I havne't done any cardio either, which would be faster.

  25. #25
    Day 8

    Weight: 238.2

    This is actually after eating a huge Burger King meal the night before (triple whopper, fries, nuggets)... i later had a salad with chicken.

    BTW, I haven't gone to the bathroom this morning, which means I probably weight less. The DNP has an affect only bowel movements or something. Even with my AM coffee I don't move my bowels like I used to, and its usually later in the day, otherwise the weight would be less.

    Also, after I eat anything, I heat up. I could bump the dose to 325mg on monday or start doing cardio, but I want to see what 250mg can do this cycle and I don't think I want to increase anything, being that I am on so low calories already.

  26. #26
    Quote Originally Posted by JuliusPleaser View Post
    Day 8

    Weight: 238.2

    This is actually after eating a huge Burger King meal the night before (triple whopper, fries, nuggets)... i later had a salad with chicken.

    BTW, I haven't gone to the bathroom this morning, which means I probably weight less. The DNP has an affect only bowel movements or something. Even with my AM coffee I don't move my bowels like I used to, and its usually later in the day, otherwise the weight would be less.

    Also, after I eat anything, I heat up. I could bump the dose to 325mg on monday or start doing cardio, but I want to see what 250mg can do this cycle and I don't think I want to increase anything, being that I am on so low calories already.
    If it's working well at the current disagree I would not rush to bump it up. I here there is a sweet spot and hell.

    Sent from my SM-N950U using Tapatalk

  27. #27
    i bet

  28. #28
    Quote Originally Posted by JuliusPleaser View Post
    i bet
    I do love the log!

    Sent from my SM-N950U using Tapatalk

  29. #29
    Well if I'm losing about a lb a day, then I should lose over 20lbs by the time this bottle runs out... i hope this is the case lol

  30. #30
    Day 9


    Again, no bathroom and eating way more last night. It seems if you eat more carbs you get hotter btw.

  31. #31
    Still day 9.

    Upped the dose to 325mg by adding another pill earlier this evening , NOW I feel it just sitting here.

  32. #32
    Day 10: 237.8

  33. #33
    I actually don't know if the weight above is right, I just weight myself again after having my coffee and its back to 239

    perhaps its stupid to post daily to to fluctuations? and I haven't been going to the bathroom regularly, so I can't possibly be getting my true weight

  34. #34
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    Aug 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by JuliusPleaser View Post
    I actually don't know if the weight above is right, I just weight myself again after having my coffee and its back to 239

    perhaps its stupid to post daily to to fluctuations? and I haven't been going to the bathroom regularly, so I can't possibly be getting my true weight
    Agreed. Unless you are controlling your food intake and water intake and keeping it consistent, there's no way to really tell. But even then, its probably still a good idea to note down your daily weight just for documentation purposes. It may come in useful for your next run. Just my opinion.

  35. #35
    I just had Burger King today; the meal was probably 1800 calories. That's after going ot ShopRite walking around for over an hours heating up. If I eat again (500 calories) ill still be in deficit. Ill do some walking today as well. So my diet isn't flawless but I'm always in a deficit.

  36. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by JuliusPleaser View Post
    I actually don't know if the weight above is right, I just weight myself again after having my coffee and its back to 239

    perhaps its stupid to post daily to to fluctuations? and I haven't been going to the bathroom regularly, so I can't possibly be getting my true weight
    You're not actually going to know how much you lost til a couple weeks after the cycle, if that. Because of the half life, you're still not carb'ed back up all they way yet
    You retain a ton of water on it and it fluctuates too much. The best you can do is use your average for the week, and compare week to week

  37. #37
    Day 11: weighed myself at 236.9

    I seems when I eat more food, it works better. Some argue you should eat more carbs so you get hotter. Others say no carbs and go keto. It seems everytime I eat BK or something calorie dense, and then another meal with a snack later ,I lose more weight for that day. But I'm always in a deficit regardess of what I eat, being that what got me fat was surely 3000+ intake, I'm always eating 2000 to 2500 or so, depending on hunger.

    What is you guys take on this carb theory? Some say its just a reaction, but others swear its what made them lose more.
    Last edited by JuliusPleaser; 04-01-2020 at 08:44 AM.

  38. #38
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    I definitely got hotter when I ate more carbs. Can't say for sure whether it caused me to lose more weight or not but I would have carbs around noon and went all morning without sweating (PM DNP dose).

    I'm not a keto guy. Don't really believe in it although I do see the reason to utilize it just like many other diets but I enjoy carbs and work well with them.

  39. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by JuliusPleaser View Post
    Day 11: weighed myself at 236.9

    I seems when I eat more food, it works better. Some argue you should eat more carbs so you get hotter. Others say no carbs and go keto. It seems everytime I eat BK or something calorie dense, and then another meal with a snack later ,I lose more weight for that day. But I'm always in a deficit regardess of what I eat, being that what got me fat was surely 3000+ intake, I'm always eating 2000 to 2500 or so, depending on hunger.

    What is you guys take on this carb theory? Some say its just a reaction, but others swear its what made them lose more.
    40% of your calories from carbs being all FRUITS and veges.
    Minimum possible fats (~50-60g), the rest protein
    I have done the keto thing, it doesn't work nearly well.
    Someone much smarter than me came up w this plan. Definitely the way to go.

  40. #40
    Day 12: 237.1

    Now I certainly ate A LOT of food yesterday and got hot several times. Again, I haven't gone to the bathroom yet, so probably each weigh-in would be minus the poop in my intestines, lol.

    I only bumped the dose to 375mg a few days ago. SO I have to assume ths is the dose that is magic for me and the real fat loss should be coming from this. I look deflated so we have to also assume a lot has been water as well.

    Doing the math so far, I am losing .6 lbs a day. Doesnt' seem much compared to the other DNP stories I've heard, and being so fat I'd expect more, but I am literally doing nothing, no cardio (aside from walkin my dog once a day) and not working out.

    I am not counting calories either, although I'm certain below the intake I would eat. However, that's probably negated since I'm doing nothing. I could start doing cardio, and I probably should, like walk 20-30 mins on treadmill, but i really don't feel like it at all. Again, I want to see what DNP does unassisted.

    .6 lbs of fat isn't bad at all. When i did my cut a few years ago, I lost about 1-2lbs a week. In 3 months I lost 20 lbs. At this rate with DNP, I would lose it 3x as fast. If I have already lost 8 lbs, halfway in, I should lose another 8 by the time this ends. so 16lbs a month; 48lbs in 3 months (but not sure one should be on that long).

    It seem visceral fat is the first to go as my stomach has flattened underneath but I still have my fat rolls and love handles.

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