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Thread: Cylon357's Super Cool Covid 2020 Weight loss comp log!

  1. #361
    Join Date
    Nov 2018
    AKA "Nice Guy Cy"
    Good bench workout. Nothing really to report, except that I REALLY am I liking this higher rep scheme.

    Next week is deload week, so I may take the opportunity to rig up a low pulley system for my rigged up cable system. Mulling over some ideas, lets see if anything comes of it.

    BTW, I kept insisting that "pulley" was spelled "pully" and could NOT figure out what was wrong. Spell check had it right

  2. #362
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    AKA "Nice Guy Cy"
    Nice back workout yesterday. I am totally back into pulldowns now that I have the whole 'keep the body down' thing down pat. I did 7 or 8 sets, with varying grips and weight. Did them with narrow parallel grip and that lit up the tops of the lats, right under the pits. Man, that was hurtin' SO good.

    I moved on to barbell rows... You know, one of the disadvantages to having deadlifts out of the rotation for now is that they were a fantastic whole body warm up movement. I could jump straight into my working weights on barbell rows. That's ok, it is just another set, just an observation here. I likely will bring deads back at some point, but more as a conditioning thing or just to get the blood pumping.

    Man, it sure seems like there was another back exercise in there, but I"m drawing a blank right now. Anyhow, I setup the landmine attachment and did landmine squats, super setted with calf raises. My body was at sort of a forward leaning angle, so I don't feel like I really got the best calf work. I may not do those again, but it was an interesting variation.

    Bicep curls and something else was in there, too. Drawing a complete blank. Anyhow, .5 mile to warm up, 1.5 to 2 miles for LISS at the end.

    I did not work shoulders with back, instead opting to do my dedicated shoulder day today. I was a little concerned that getting the barbell in place for landmine squats might stress the shoulders some, I'll find out for sure in a few hours.

    Went to a cookout last night. Over consumed. That's ok, I start trying to drop weight on 10/6 or so, we'll see how that goes when I get my diet right.

  3. #363
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    AKA "Nice Guy Cy"
    Got my dedicated overhead press / shoulder day in today, after that intense a** Chargers / Chiefs game. Man, I should have worked the heavy bag, too, as I'm still a little hyped from it lol

    Anyhow, I did my overhead press thing without any issues. The last real test this scar has is dips... or should I say 'was' dips? I did those next, kept it simple and light, 3x6 with no weight and all felt good. The rest of the shoulder workout was pretty much stuff I've been doing recently. Shrugs, laterals, pushups, pushdowns are the 'usual suspects', then I did cable flyes with with my rigged up cables, and rear delt work with the same setup. That's a cool shoulder workout overall.

    1 mile walk to warm up, 2 miles to LISS at the end. Finally starting to come down from the high of the victory... And listen, the Chargers have not won a lot the past few seasons, so I'm taking it when I can get it!

  4. #364
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    AKA "Nice Guy Cy"
    Been a good deload week so far. I had a 2.5 mile walk on both Tuesday and Wednesday, then did a little HIIT tonight (though I did dial it down some). I did one of my faves:

    3 minute run on the treadmill
    3 minutes working the heavy bag
    3 minutes on the rower

    3 rounds, dialed down the intensity some, but still huffy puffy and sweating like a long tail cat in a room full of rockin' chairs. #UncleJed

    The dash to the end of the year starts Tuesday, more details on that as available.

    Enjoying life!

  5. #365
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    AKA "Nice Guy Cy"
    Neat little full body workout today. This is the last weight day of the deload week, I will walk in the AM and have Monday off.

    I did rig up a low pulley thing and tried it out today. Resourcefulness is not a bad quality to have BUT sometimes it just makes sense to save up for a properly engineered product. Still, it works as long as the weight is reasonable and you aren't pulling straight up. I did angle the screws in away from the center of the insert, just to give it a little more bite and resist pulling out (that's what she said). It is also completely counter sunk, not sure why it looks like it is sticking up.

    Click image for larger version. 

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  6. #366
    Join Date
    Sep 2020
    Quote Originally Posted by Cylon357 View Post
    Neat little full body workout today. This is the last weight day of the deload week, I will walk in the AM and have Monday off.

    I did rig up a low pulley thing and tried it out today. Resourcefulness is not a bad quality to have BUT sometimes it just makes sense to save up for a properly engineered product. Still, it works as long as the weight is reasonable and you aren't pulling straight up. I did angle the screws in away from the center of the insert, just to give it a little more bite and resist pulling out (that's what she said). It is also completely counter sunk, not sure why it looks like it is sticking up.

    Click image for larger version. 

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    Oddly, “American Psycho” was on Friday night. Patrick Bateman had something similar to this in his kitchen drawer.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

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  7. #367
    Join Date
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    AKA "Nice Guy Cy"
    Quote Originally Posted by wango View Post
    Oddly, “American Psycho” was on Friday night. Patrick Bateman had something similar to this in his kitchen drawer.
    He did, right? Like, who the hell keeps that stuff in a kitchen drawer? And where did he get the chainsaw? Ooops sorry, spoiler alert! No more spoilers though

  8. #368
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    AKA "Nice Guy Cy"
    You ever have one of those workouts when after it is done, you find yourself just standing in the shower, kind of like Simple Jack, letting the water hit you, and generally looking dazed? No? Well, maybe it is just me, because I had one tonight and it was great!

    Squat day, yay! Dig dig digging these high reps still. 15 makes me huff and puff, going to try for 20 at this weight in the next couple of weeks. Calf work consisted of barbell raises super setted with unweighted raises. Achey achey please dont break-y. Leg curls and single leg hip thrusters rounded out the leg work with weights. Did pulldowns with my rigged up pulley and really hit the lats good. Ez-curl bar curls and super light dumbell curls capped the main workout.

    Guess what was next? You missed them, you hate them, hell I hate (to love) them: kettlebell swings! 3 sets of 15 danggit man I was winded. Where have you been, my frenemies?

    I wanted to wrap with 1/2 mile jog and 1/2 mile walk, had to settle for everything a 1/4 mile at a time, like a drag racer in the world's slowest race. 1/4 mile jog, 1/4 mile walk x2. Stretches then the aforementioned shower with a meal afterwards.

    If I don't sleep well tonight, something wrong with me!

  9. #369
    Join Date
    Sep 2020
    Great to hear ^^^!

  10. #370
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    AKA "Nice Guy Cy"
    Good bench workout tonight. Company here, details later.

  11. #371
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    AKA "Nice Guy Cy"
    Thursday's bench workout was pretty good. I did my barbell bench press, and while I HAVE been going high rep low weight, I did get in a heavy for me set of about 4 reps. Actually, that was a pretty good change up from the light stuff, and first time going heavy since the work on the shoulder. Felt good, and then went and a did the high rep set after that. Nice soreness brewing!

    Dips without weight followed, varied the grip on them and had fun. Light dumbbell flies followed, then skull crushers. Wrapped up with lateral raises to finish out. 1 mile walk to warm up, 1.5 to cool down and that was the night.

    Enjoyed Seattle vs Rams Thursday night. Loved that blocked punt that wasn't blocked after all!

  12. #372
    Join Date
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    AKA "Nice Guy Cy"
    NICE squat workout tonight! Family leaves tomorrow so expect more then.

  13. #373
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    AKA "Nice Guy Cy"
    Alright you hoo uhrs, I got the family out of the house. Don't know what "hoo uhrs" means? Google "Pauly Walnuts Sopranos" and you will probably figure it out

    Squat workout was good. I did do a heavy for me set, just to see how I felt. Felt good, man, it felt good. I dropped down to do my 15 repper, but only had 12 in me after the heavy set. Actually, I felt a little odd at the beginning of the workout, like I was tired or something. It went away, though.

    Moved to calf work, and leg curls to wrap up the primary leg work. Did some bicep curls with the ez-curl bar to wrap up the weights.

    Wait, that doesn't seem like much of a work out? You think? Even with the half mile warm up walk? Hmmm.... good thing I did something else!

    3 rounds, limited rest between exercises, and 1 minute between rounds of:
    3 minutes on the climber
    6 pullups
    15 kettlebell swings

    Jimminy Christmas Christ on a cracker, that was "fun". Shirt was soaked. I did intervals within each of those 3 minutes on the climber, too, so I was huffin and puffin by the time it was all said and done. 1 mile walk in the dark (we have goddang bears out here!), then some protein, jibber jabber with the fam, shower and sleep. It was good.

    I wanted to do 20 to 30 minutes on the bicycle rollers instead of the semi hiit thing, but the belt on the rollers disintegrated over time. No problem, I thought. I have a spare, it's all good. Found the spare, took it out of its packing, all looks good yay! Went to google 'how to replace belt' and when I came back, the spare had broken. Dammit, apparently it is an age thing, who knew rubber doesn't age so well. Maybe that is why they say "don't use that condom that you have had in your wallet since high school and you are know well north of 30".

    More details on some "supplements" to follow, but I have to go talk football in another thread now.

  14. #374
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    AKA "Nice Guy Cy"
    I mentioned an update on some "supplements", here you go.

    I have been trying to locate good Enclomiphene... Ok, let me stop you right there. I know the "test is best, bro" comments are coming, so let me head it off right here: we all end up on the needle permanently at some point, I'm trying to put it off a little longer.

    Anyhow, I have tried Enclo from ExpressPCT, ReceptorChem, Peptides Warehouse(!) and now, from PureRawz. The others didn't do much for me, though that could just be me needing to figure out the dose. This stuff from PureRawz.... man, that is NOT just enclo, if there is even any enclo present. Insomnia, big time, on this product. Felt maybe a little heart racing too. And my dosing was lower than I used with the others. I typically used 12.5mg per day with the first 3 sources, but 10mg a day with PureRawz.

    I did just have a doctor's appointment and they are going to follow up with a compounding pharmacy and a prescription, so I will have the opportunity to try as close to "real Enclompihene" as possible soon.

    In short: I don't know what is in PureRawz's Enclo, but it ain't just Enclo. For now, I recommend avoiding it.

    These are really just some observations. I have HGH from two different suppliers on hand. One is PSL's Eurotropin product, another is from a private source. The PSL product seems a bit 'wetter', like maybe I get a little bit of water retention from it. The private label is 'dryer', but man it seems to cause inflammation, especially in my remaining hemis. Even 1iu EOD of private label seems to go straight to my hemis, where I can (and am presently) running 2iu EOD of PSLs product without the same problem. So, I suppose I will just use the PSL product and maybe trade the remaining private label product to a buddy or something.

  15. #375
    Join Date
    Sep 2020
    Quote Originally Posted by Cylon357 View Post
    I mentioned an update on some "supplements", here you go.

    I have been trying to locate good Enclomiphene... Ok, let me stop you right there. I know the "test is best, bro" comments are coming, so let me head it off right here: we all end up on the needle permanently at some point, I'm trying to put it off a little longer.

    Anyhow, I have tried Enclo from ExpressPCT, ReceptorChem, Peptides Warehouse(!) and now, from PureRawz. The others didn't do much for me, though that could just be me needing to figure out the dose. This stuff from PureRawz.... man, that is NOT just enclo, if there is even any enclo present. Insomnia, big time, on this product. Felt maybe a little heart racing too. And my dosing was lower than I used with the others. I typically used 12.5mg per day with the first 3 sources, but 10mg a day with PureRawz.

    I did just have a doctor's appointment and they are going to follow up with a compounding pharmacy and a prescription, so I will have the opportunity to try as close to "real Enclompihene" as possible soon.

    In short: I don't know what is in PureRawz's Enclo, but it ain't just Enclo. For now, I recommend avoiding it.

    These are really just some observations. I have HGH from two different suppliers on hand. One is PSL's Eurotropin product, another is from a private source. The PSL product seems a bit 'wetter', like maybe I get a little bit of water retention from it. The private label is 'dryer', but man it seems to cause inflammation, especially in my remaining hemis. Even 1iu EOD of private label seems to go straight to my hemis, where I can (and am presently) running 2iu EOD of PSLs product without the same problem. So, I suppose I will just use the PSL product and maybe trade the remaining private label product to a buddy or something.
    When I first started with PSL HGH I had a little swelling in ankles, feet, wrist & fingers. That dissipated and stopped in about a month. Still dig the stuff at 1iu per day. My skull seems particularly stronger I believe, lol.

  16. #376
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    AKA "Nice Guy Cy"
    Quote Originally Posted by wango View Post
    When I first started with PSL HGH I had a little swelling in ankles, feet, wrist & fingers. That dissipated and stopped in about a month. Still dig the stuff at 1iu per day. My skull seems particularly stronger I believe, lol.
    Yeah, I read where you had a noggin issue! Damn brother, I hope you are doing well. Maybe also don't stand up so fast after drinking lol! You are retired, man, and needn't be in a hurry to get anywhere

    And yep, I have started to like PSL's Eurotropin. Seems like good stuff to me. I'm going to try to make the habit of doing 1iu 5 days a week in the AM, and 130/130 ModGrf 1-29 / Ipamorelin in the PM (or maybe post workout) for a while to see if that is a best of both worlds thing. #IamaLabRat
    Last edited by Cylon357; 10-16-2021 at 07:28 PM.

  17. #377
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    AKA "Nice Guy Cy"
    Had a good back workout yesterday. Note that while I DID do deadlifts, I did NOT make them the primary focus of the workout.

    I did START with deadlifts, but just 3 sets to get the blood flowing and warm up properly. Man, I had forgot how taxing they can be. Anyhow, moved on to barbell rows from deads, I think 3 sets was the name of the game there, too.

    Front squats and calf work followed. I then setup the lat pulldown rigging and did a few sets, followed by ez curl bar curls.

    My plan had been to use the rollers and bike for about 20 minutes. I got the replacement belt in and was excited to get in some LISS, maybe with intervals.

    Man, it has been too long since I used the rollers. I could not stay centered. I tried for about 10 minutes, having to stop probably 8 times, before I said the heck with it and just rode outside for about another 10 to 15 minutes.

    Shoulder workout today forthcoming, but first, I get to see Chargers at Ravens.... This will be a huge test for the Bolts, lets see where we land!

  18. #378
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    AKA "Nice Guy Cy"
    Well, at least the shoulder work out was good. Damn, my Chargers looked horrible against Baltimore.

    Shoulder workout, post Chargers / Ravens, started with overhead press, then dips followed by shrugs. I rigged up the cable system and did pushdowns alternated with dumbbell lateral raises. Yeah, I know there is on synergy there, I just wanted to be efficient. Swapped out the handles on the cable and then did chest flys and wrapped up with rear delt cable laterals.

    1/2 mile walk to warm up, 1.5 to cool down, and life is all good!

  19. #379
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    AKA "Nice Guy Cy"
    You ever have one of those weeks where you just get sick of the same routine and say f it all? No? Huh, well maybe ots just me.

    That's what last week was.

    I touched the weights once, literally like one set and said nah, I'm burnt out.

    So, I did other stuff. Rode my road bike a couple of times, walked and jogged, even road biked and then jogged. I think I need to vary my routine a little. We will see what I do tomorrow.

    Life is good, y'all!

  20. #380
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cylon357 View Post
    You ever have one of those weeks where you just get sick of the same routine and say f it all? No? Huh, well maybe ots just me.

    That's what last week was.

    I touched the weights once, literally like one set and said nah, I'm burnt out.

    So, I did other stuff. Rode my road bike a couple of times, walked and jogged, even road biked and then jogged. I think I need to vary my routine a little. We will see what I do tomorrow.

    Life is good, y'all!
    You’re moving and doing something positive, don’t beat yourself up

  21. #381
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    AKA "Nice Guy Cy"
    Quote Originally Posted by wango View Post
    You’re moving and doing something positive, don’t beat yourself up
    It's all good, sometimes I just need a break from the routine. Probably going to get in a bike ride here in a few for lunch. Maybe weights tomorrow, but that is for tomorrow to decide

  22. #382
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    AKA "Nice Guy Cy"
    This week has so far just been LISS and MISS. About and 8 mile bike ride one day, then a couple of walks. This is technically my deload week, so it's probably OK. I think I am heading out of this burnout funk and will hit the weights easy tomorrow.

  23. #383
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    AKA "Nice Guy Cy"
    I hit the weights again FINALLY today at lunch, though I admit just barely.

    Started with a half mile walk to warm up. Got home and did four sets each of:


    Light weight on the squats, some weighted dips and no weight on Pull-ups.

    Then I worked the heavy bag for 2 3 minute rounds, with push-ups in between rounds.

    Half mile to cool down, though it was alternating jog and walk so it's all good.

  24. #384
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    AKA "Nice Guy Cy"
    Oh my brothers and sisters, I got back under the weights tonight and it. was. good!!! Testify!

    Started with squats, work sets were two high reppers with light weight. Moved on to calf work and was feeling it tonight... both started to ache and "blowed up real good!" #sctvreference

    Did leg curls and some knee destroyers err, I mean leg extensions. I don't do extensions much, every time I do, I am reminded of why. To be honest, my bench is kind of crappy for extensions. I like them better with better equipment.

    Did chin ups alternated with hip thrusters to finish out the weights tonight.

    Then the finisher!

    3 rounds of:
    3 minute "run" on the treadmill
    10 each front and back kicks *
    15 kettle bell swings
    1 minute between rounds

    I was spent but man it was good. 1 mile walk to cool down, some stretches then the shower. Life is good!

    * = @NiceGuyResearcher posted about Bruce Lee in the Lounge. This of course made me think 'hey, I used to kick box the bag' and decided to work some kicks in as part of the finisher. Air kicks, not actually contacting anything. I pay a price for contact now.

  25. #385
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    AKA "Nice Guy Cy"
    Another good workout tonight. Maybe this two weeks away from the weights needs to be worked in a couple times a year, cause I am feeling good and killing it!

    Bench night, though to be honest, right now this is more of a chest night. Did 2 work sets of 12 reps, looking to get 15 next week, of barbell bench. Dropped down and did one wide grip set and one lighter narrow grip set. Chest was on fire, baby!

    Did dips, unweighted, 3 sets of 8 to 10. Just easing into that a little. Did lateral raises with the dumbbells next, to light up the delts that had already been warmed up by the benching and the dips. Felt good and was peeping the mirror. What's that I see? Maybe a little definition returning? Cool! It may also have been that my PWO (25mg Viagra) was kicking in good, too.

    Skull crushers super setted with ez-curl bicep curls were next, then I finished the weights with super light weight but VERY concentrated dumbbell flyes.

    Did 3 rounds of 3 minutes shadow boxing, with pushups between the rounds. They count against the minute rest between rounds, too, so no half stepping. I like shadow boxing on occassion as working the heavy bag, while it is VERY therapeutic, takes its toll on the wrists, elbows, and shoulders. I won't give it up or anything, just use it judiciously.

    Life is good, y'all!

  26. #386
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    AKA "Nice Guy Cy"
    Got some stuff today. Took advantage of PSL's Halloween sale. This will be the first time I have tried the g-tropin, will give my thoughts on it after I give it a go.

    Sorry for the crappy pic, it is what it is today.

    Click image for larger version. 

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  27. #387
    Join Date
    Sep 2020
    Quote Originally Posted by Cylon357 View Post
    Got some stuff today. Took advantage of PSL's Halloween sale. This will be the first time I have tried the g-tropin, will give my thoughts on it after I give it a go.

    Sorry for the crappy pic, it is what it is today.

    Click image for larger version. 

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    Pic is just fine, the packaging makes me laugh. Time to stock up myself.

    Nice TD and workouts!

  28. #388
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    AKA "Nice Guy Cy"
    Well, since this thread DOES have "Covid" in the title, I guess I can belly ache about getting the booster. The Wife and I got it yesterday around 4pm and feel rather like we have been run over by a couple of trucks. I'm sitting around 101.4 temp, she is slightly higher. I just ordered up a bunch of instatcart stuff so we can get calories in. We will be fine, just gotta get some food and liquids going.

    Sometimes I wonder if it is worth it.... I know a lot of people are anti-vax, but for this one, because I have asthma, I am being very careful. I can totally understand how someone else might come up with different answer though, and decide they don't need or want it.

    Feeling like poop, but that is temporary. And life is still pretty damn good!

  29. #389
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    AKA "Nice Guy Cy"
    Brothers and Sisters, that booster! Woo! Cylon was feeling like crapola yesterday, and had a little fever and body aches today, but by noon I was right, but tired. Not quite and I do mean QUITE as bad as the second Moderna shot, though the boosters ill effects seemed to last a little longer. I woke up last night shivering so bad it felt like my back was spasming. Pulled the blanket up a little higher and all settled down again.

    I will get back at the weights tomorrow, with a shifted and compressed workout to make up for missing Saturday and Sunday's workouts.

    I damn well better be able to eat a Covid Sandwich and walk away with nothing more than some sniffles.

  30. #390
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    How are you doing today? A Covid sandwich with cheese would be more tasty. Add some chips and a brew - there you go.

  31. #391
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    AKA "Nice Guy Cy"
    Quote Originally Posted by wango View Post
    How are you doing today? A Covid sandwich with cheese would be more tasty. Add some chips and a brew - there you go.
    Much better, thanks for asking! I didn't sleep well last night and was still a little beat early in the day, but back to "normal" (whatever THAT is) now.

    Did not workout today, I will just pick up tomorrow with the regularly scheduled shenanigans.

  32. #392
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    AKA "Nice Guy Cy"
    I walked Tuesday. Still was a little beat (damn that booster, man), but got in my 2.5 mile walk at a good clip.

    Today, I squatted. Added a slight variation from last week, mostly because I was working out at lunch.

    Did my squats, 12 rep work set, focusing on really feeling the quads. Did a narrow stance 8 repper, then on to calf work. Evidently, I have figured out the balance thing on my block because I was feeling it good in the calves. Did a couple of sets of hip thrusters semi-super setted with stiff leg deadlifts (though they might be more RDL as a bend my knee).

    Moved on to 3 rounds of
    15 kettebell swings
    5 pull ups
    45 seconds rest.

    Sweating, and then, just to be a glutton for punishment, I went outside and did a half mile jog plus a short cool down walk. Came back inside, did some stretches, hit the shower and back to work.

    That's it for today!

  33. #393
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    AKA "Nice Guy Cy"
    Good bench workout Thursday night. Felt a little off because I mis-timed my meals, but it is what it is. I got it done, and that is what matters.

    I'm really liking 25mg viagra about an hour or so pre-workout. Nice pump and vascularity.

    No clue (yet) if it works for boners. That is how you know you are old: you take an ED drug and use it for workouts lol!

  34. #394
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    AKA "Nice Guy Cy"
    Nice little back workout tonight.

    Started with deadlifts, but haven't gone heavy in a couple of months. I'm REALLY starting to get to the point that I can not dead and squat in the same week. That's OK, I really am trying to focus on back width more right now. Anyhow, I only did 3 sets of deads, just to get the blood flowing. Moved to barbell rows, kept it reasonable. Set up for pulldowns, got a good pump going with those. Did some calf work and goblet squats next, just to check the boxes. Finished out the weight room with reverse hyper extensions and regular hypers.

    Stepped outside for a very short (1/4 mile) jog and 1/4 mile walk back.

    BTW, took a lady dose of tbol (10mg) as PWO. Didn't feel it. Some of you probably know already it's no good in that role, at least at that dose. I'm going to stick with my 25mg V as PWO. It adds the pump more than strength, but sometimes seeing results gets me fired up to do more and go a little harder.

    All is good!

  35. #395
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    AKA "Nice Guy Cy"
    Overhead press workout today... actually it was tonight, after watching the Chargers waste another opportunity. Grrr

    Nothing special otherwise, just keeping it going.

  36. #396
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    AKA "Nice Guy Cy"
    Alright, fart knockers, I'm back!

    Had a good squat workout Wednesday. Yes, that is shifted a day, that's just how it had to be this week. This is week 3 of the 3 week heavy 1 week deload cycle, so yeah, it happens sometimes.

    Did my squats, with a high rep light weight set as work set one, then a lower rep heavier weight set as work set 2. I think I must be at least a little masochistic, because I like that sort of huffing and puffing set work. Something broken in my head, I guess.

    Calf work... man, I have finally got my balance down to do calf raises off of my rigged up block. Holy hand grenade of Antioch, I feel it each time now.

    Leg curls and hip thrusters finished the leg work proper.

    MISS / HIIT finisher consisted of two rounds of:
    3 minutes jog on treadmill
    15 kettlebell swings
    10 barbell rows (light weight)

    Technically, I had planned on 3 round, but I was gassed. I did get a third 3 minute session in on the treadmill tho.

    Today was a little over a 2 mile walk, the last 1/2 mile being a jog. Just had some avocado toast and some protein, then off to a beach wedding this evening... The bride and groom booked hotel rooms for their guests, so The Wife and I are staying on the beach tonight!

  37. #397
    Join Date
    Nov 2018
    AKA "Nice Guy Cy"
    Hoo boy! That beach wedding was nice! We ate and drank way too much Thursday night, but we had a hotel room on the beach, so it was all good. Didn't sleep real well, partly because of the strange environment, partly because of the food and drink, BUT that didn't stop me from working out yesterday.

    Though maybe I DID dial it back just a smidge.

    Took nap in the afternoon when we got home, then eventually started chest day. I got my high rep set and a heavier middle rep set in on barbell bench, so I was pleased, all things considered. Got my dips in (unweighted), then moved on to a semi-tri set of skull crushers, ez curl bar curls, and kettle bell curls. Finished with light weight dumbell laterals, just to pump up the area pretty well. 1/2 mile walk to warm up, 1 mile walk to cool down, and life is good!

  38. #398
    Join Date
    Nov 2018
    AKA "Nice Guy Cy"
    Deadlift day today.

    Yeah, I said "deadlift". I vary my work outs slightly to keep things fresh but on track.

    It was a good workout.

    Started with dead lifts, wanted to do 3x5 work sets, with a minute between reps as sort of a 'baby met-con' ended up doing 3x5 and 1x4 so I call it a win.

    Barbell rows next, for these I broke out the straps. Did two sets overhand grip, and then a third underhand.

    Did some front squats after that, 2x6 and 1x6. Followed that up with calf work.

    Got out my cable / pulley rig, did 4x10 pulldowns. WAs going to do some HIIT, but did a 1/2 mile jog to wrap it up. And it was a jog tonight, not a slog. Decent pace. 1/2 mile walk to warm up, and a 1/2 mile cool down walk to get me back to the house after the jog, and this one is in the books.

    Watching Steelers / Chargers right now. Hoping the Chargers can get their groove back. We will see.

    See ya in the funny pages!

  39. #399
    Join Date
    Sep 2020
    Nice game & cool finish. Herbert looked great! Other than that, weird day in the nfl yesterday.

  40. #400
    Join Date
    Nov 2018
    AKA "Nice Guy Cy"
    Quote Originally Posted by wango View Post
    Nice game & cool finish. Herbert looked great! Other than that, weird day in the nfl yesterday.
    Man, I am NOT going to lie: that 4th quarter had me in knots! I was like 'nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo'

    Somehow, they pulled that one out of the fire. Dammit guys, don't do my heart like that!

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