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Thread: Cylon357's Super Cool Covid 2020 Weight loss comp log!

  1. #401
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    Overhead press workout tonight, to wrap up week 3 and start the deload week.

    Overhead press to start, felt a little funny so I dialed the weight down and did some reps. Moved on to dips, no weight this day. Shrugs, then a sort of 4 exercise cycle of:
    Front raises
    Dumbell laterals
    Rear delt flyes
    High cable flyes

    Felt good. 2 or 3 sets, I can't remember now.

    2 mile walk to get my LISS in, and now about to have drink and some chicken chili!

  2. #402
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    As a quick heads up, evidently there are technical issues with my account. My posts are by and large gone, but I pinged Admin and it is being looked at. My log IS back, and new posts today should still be there, but everything else ATM is in cyber-la-la-land.

    More updates on training, diet (aka Thanksgiving food), etc forthcoming!
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  3. #403
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    Lots of food over the past several days. Not much exercise BUT I did work on my car a bit and I'm counting that as SOMETHING

    Got a 2 mile walk in Friday morning, then added right around one half mile jog at the end.

    I think I mentioned that I put my hands on some G-tropin. I shot a vial of that... seems legit so far, but after only 10 iu, how can you tell for sure. I DID shoot 1iu a day for the first 4 days, then 1.5 for the next 4. I got hand swellling that has since gone down, so that is how I am getting to the 'seems legit so far' . I'm back to Eurotroping at 1iu / day for now, I just have to get through that batch first.

    Life is good! Well, except for the fact that we are heading into the most depressing Monday of the work year so far....
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  4. #404
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cylon357 View Post
    Lots of food over the past several days. Not much exercise BUT I did work on my car a bit and I'm counting that as SOMETHING

    Got a 2 mile walk in Friday morning, then added right around one half mile jog at the end.

    I think I mentioned that I put my hands on some G-tropin. I shot a vial of that... seems legit so far, but after only 10 iu, how can you tell for sure. I DID shoot 1iu a day for the first 4 days, then 1.5 for the next 4. I got hand swellling that has since gone down, so that is how I am getting to the 'seems legit so far' . I'm back to Eurotroping at 1iu / day for now, I just have to get through that batch first.

    Life is good! Well, except for the fact that we are heading into the most depressing Monday of the work year so far....
    Oh man, good food here too! The air fried turkey was the moist and juicy that I’ve ever eaten (uh, that came off a bit erotic, sorry), but damn did that ever smoke up the kitchen.

    The swelling was a temporary thing for me and passed after a few weeks, but have only done eurotropin. Glad your account is still good. Word of caution, try not to antagonize admin with all of your controversial & antagonizing posts as much, lol. I mean dude, you are HARSH sometimes.

    Oh BTW, WTF is going on with the Chargers (and the Rams)
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  5. #405
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    Quote Originally Posted by wango View Post
    Oh man, good food here too! The air fried turkey was the moist and juicy that I’ve ever eaten (uh, that came off a bit erotic, sorry), but damn did that ever smoke up the kitchen.

    The swelling was a temporary thing for me and passed after a few weeks, but have only done eurotropin. Glad your account is still good. Word of caution, try not to antagonize admin with all of your controversial & antagonizing posts as much, lol. I mean dude, you are HARSH sometimes.

    Oh BTW, WTF is going on with the Chargers (and the Rams)
    Are you sure you weren't looking in the mirror there?

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  6. #406
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    Getting back at it tonight, Jack! Squat workout forthcoming...
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  7. #407
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    Squat workout was tonight, actually today during a late lunch.

    You ever have one of those days where you mis-time your meals, then you have... processing going on in your belly? Like that 'blork blork blork' noise when you walk? No? Just me then.

    Anyhow, started with a 1/2 mile warm up walk, because the sun was out and feeling good.

    Did my squats, went slightly heavier today than I have been. Just varying it up, nothing special there.
    Was REALLLLLYYY feeling calf raises today. Not sure why, but I love / hate it.

    Leg curls, followed by hip thrusters, followed by super light bent over rows wrapped the weights. 1 mile to finish it out, combination of jog and walk. Though to be honest, more walk than jog. That whole 'blork blork blork' thing was still an issue.

    Hoping everyone had a great Thanksgiving and lets get ready for Christmas!

    Festivus for the rest of us
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  8. #408
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    Just some LISS today, 1.5 mile walk and 1/2 mile jog to round it out.

    I got a cheap lat pulldown machine from Wally World, I will be assembling it and making space this weekend.

    Not much else going on at the moment.

    I will be starting an experiment with Mod-GRF 1-29, Ipamorelin and HGH soon. My plan is to dose 1iu HGH in the mornings, then 100mcg each Mod-GRF 1-29 and Ipamorelin in the PM, either right before bed or right after working out. More details on that to follow.
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  9. #409
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    Sorry, meant to add: the HGH will be either Eurotropin or G-tropin, both from PSL. In fact, I may switch them out from time to time. As an observation, the G-tropin seems slightly thicker than the Eurotropin. It fills slower, but I do typically use 6mm 31g insulin pins, so EVERYTHING fills kind of slow. Seems like good stuff, though.
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  10. #410
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cylon357 View Post
    Sorry, meant to add: the HGH will be either Eurotropin or G-tropin, both from PSL. In fact, I may switch them out from time to time. As an observation, the G-tropin seems slightly thicker than the Eurotropin. It fills slower, but I do typically use 6mm 31g insulin pins, so EVERYTHING fills kind of slow. Seems like good stuff, though.
    I dig PSL. The HGH packaging makes me laugh.
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  11. #411
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    Quote Originally Posted by wango View Post
    I dig PSL. The HGH packaging makes me laugh.
    Yeah, me too lol! The first time I got it from them, I was like 'WTF is this shizz??!!?' and then opened it up and was much relieved.

    That said though, I'm a little curious as to why the labels don't seem to be on the Eurotropin real well, like they kind of lift off on the edges. Have you experienced that?
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  12. #412
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cylon357 View Post
    Yeah, me too lol! The first time I got it from them, I was like 'WTF is this shizz??!!?' and then opened it up and was much relieved.

    That said though, I'm a little curious as to why the labels don't seem to be on the Eurotropin real well, like they kind of lift off on the edges. Have you experienced that?
    Yeah, I freaked out initially when I got the first shipment, lol. Yeah, a lift off label would be clever.
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  13. #413
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    Nice little bench workout today. Short but sweet.

    Barbell bench press, a little heavier today just like I did the other night with squats.

    Dips, skull crushers, bicep curls.... Wow, I forgot flyes and laterals. I guess I'm doing extra come shoulder day. It's just been one of those weeks.

    But all good otherwise!
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  14. #414
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    Dead lift day today. Went a little heavier than I have been but it worked.

    Barbell rows were next, two sets with over hand grip, one set underhand grip.

    Front squats 2x8, 1x6 with a heavier weight.

    Calf raises... man, I must have gotten the hang of the block cause the squats burn good.

    Did a kind of odd finisher:
    15 kettlebell swings
    5 pull ups
    1/4 mile run

    Did 3 rounds of the first two, but turned what would have been my third run into a 1 mile walk.

    Spent the better part of the day watching football. Doing that right now, really wanting Denver to beat KC.
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  15. #415
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    BTW, I started my experiment with HGH, ModGrf, Ipamorelin and Enclomiphene. More details on that elsewhere, probably tomorrow though before I get to that.
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  16. #416
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    Overhead press workout tonight. Strangely, my forearms were sore for some reason, and that kind of impacted my weight. I did get my 3x8 work sets in, but felt awkward doing it.

    Shrugs, laterals, pushdowns and dumbbell curls rounded out the evening. 1 mile walk to warm up, 1.25 to cool down. I did 100/100 mcg of Mod-Grf 1-29 and Ipamorelin post workout. Felt the little bit of light headedness so I knew it was kicking in. I'm probably going to switch that to just before bed, that small of a dose shouldn't impact sleep.

    That's all for the night!
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  17. #417
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    Guess who is back, Jack! That's right: Big Daddy C!

    GOOODDD squat workout tonight. Got me some reps and some (a little bit) of extra weight. 8 reps on my heavy set. One wide stance set, one narrow stance set, then a normal stance set for reps wrapped it.

    Calf raises followed. They hurt man, they hurt. Good type of hurt.

    Leg curls were next, 1x10 then 1x8 with a bit heavier weight. Got a little different and dropped the weight for a set of single leg curls alternate legs until I couldn't get another rep, then used both legs to finish out another 8 reps or so.

    I'm totally going to be walking like the good Mr. Sanford come Wednesday, but it's all good.

    Moved on to pulldowns and hip thrusters to finish out the weights proper tonight. I still haven't assembled the pulldown equipment I got, so I just used the rack rigging. I have to make space in the weight room, that is going to be a weekend job.

    HIIT / LISS consisted of alternating kettlebell swings and 3 minutes jog on the treadmill.

    That was all I had tonight. Half mile walk to warm up and another half to cool down, then some stretches, protein and shower. Watching some football right now. Cardnials just went for it on 4th and 1... turned out to be a bad call because they didn't get it.

    Before I forget, I did 120/120mcg Ipamorelin and ModGRG 1-29 post workout. I'm also doing 1iu of HGH in the mornings. I really don't think the peptides bring that much compared to the hgh. MAYBE for elite athletes they would make sense together, but whatever I was going to say after "elite athlete" doesn't apply to me. #LouisCK

    Life is fine, y'all!
    Last edited by Cylon357; 12-14-2021 at 09:33 AM.
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  18. #418
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    Just got off the phone with the doc. I'm finally getting enclomiphene prescribed. Woo hoo!
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  19. #419
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    Nice little chest / bench workout tonight. Started with barbell bench press, got my numbers. Went a little fancy (ish) next and did landmine shoulder presses, but right now, my land mine attachment sits on the floor. Something on order to fix that

    Dips, skull crushers, biceps curls wrapped up the weights. Oh wait, no they didn't. I did flyes and laterals, kept them both light and focused on feeling it.

    1/2 mile walk to warm up, 1 mile walk to cool down and get a little LISS in, then food, shower and chilling.
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  20. #420
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    Deadlift day today, yay! No straps on the deads, partly because I am just trying to use them as a warm up exercise. A major warm up, perhaps, but after doing deads, I really don't need to dilly dally with warm ups for barbell rows or pretty much any compound back movement. Barbell rows were next, though I did use straps for this. Mostly because my grip was worked from the deads.

    Calf work followed by goblet squats wrapped the weights. Man, it sure seems like something else was in there, but I also remember that I was kind of running out of gas. Maybe a little too much dead lift.

    1/2 mile walk to warm up, then a one mile jog to wrap up the night and get the LISS in. Really, this was a slog but I got the full mile in and didn't go fast enough to hurt the joints, so I'm taking it as a win.

    Stretches, protein and a light dinner to call the evening done. I am not too upset about the Chargers loss to the Chiefs Thursday, though man, I would have slept better last night if they had won!
    Last edited by Cylon357; 12-18-2021 at 08:16 PM.
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  21. #421
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    Overhead press workout tonight. Started off with OHPs of course, but the right forearm is still acting up. I started some BPC-157 and TB-500 yesterday to address that. Got my weight in by and large so it's all good but need to get that healed up.

    Dips 3x8, the last two sets with 25lbs. Not much this evening, but it was enough.

    Did shrugs next, BUT I did them with a new attachment. I will provide details in my next post. 3x15 and was feeling it.

    Incline dumbbell presses were next, just wanted to vary it up some. My forearm was keeping me from getting the d-bells into position without some discomfort, so I kept it light with higher reps.

    Went on to tricep pushdowns super setted with super light (like 15lb) dumbbell curls. It was fun and got a nice pump going.

    Did the high cable flye and rear delt cable laterals to wrap up the weights tonight.

    Did a 1 mile walk to warm up, and a 1 miler to get some liss and cool down.

    The judging is tonight for our neighbor hood Christmas lights competition. I may try to get some pics.
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  22. #422
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    I mentioned above a "fix" for the landmine attachment and separately that I did shrugs differently tonight. These pics show what that's about.

    This is Titan's "Pin and Pipe" landmine attachment. Don't judge them too harshly on the misprint on the label lol! Like most of Titan's stuff, it seems solid, functional but basic. Body Solid? No. But just plain solid? Yep.

    Anyhow, one side slips over the safety on the rack, which consists of a "pin and pipe", hence the name. The other side is where the barbell goes. The whole thing pivots on the safety, which means that you can raise or lower the leverage point as you need. Note that I did have to put a weight on the fixed end and clamp it on, just to keep it from flopping around. This was not a problem, just prevented the attachment from clanging around on the pipe and kept the fixed end fixed. I thought I snapped a pic of that, but evidently not.

    The pics show my 4 ft barbell, though the 7 footer works well and extends far enough from the rack to not be hampered by it. I used the 7 footer, the 4 ft one was just for trial run. Anyhow, I attached the viking press attachment to the business end of the barbell and did shrugs with it.

    Attachment 181490 Attachment 181491

    Attachment 181492 Attachment 181493
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  23. #423
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    Oh also, oddly, they sent 2 of these things. I only paid for one, so I call it "customer loyalty bonus" and move on.

    Nah, I will contact them and see if they want one back lol!
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  24. #424
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cylon357 View Post
    I mentioned above a "fix" for the landmine attachment and separately that I did shrugs differently tonight. These pics show what that's about.

    This is Titan's "Pin and Pipe" landmine attachment. Don't judge them too harshly on the misprint on the label lol! Like most of Titan's stuff, it seems solid, functional but basic. Body Solid? No. But just plain solid? Yep.

    Anyhow, one side slips over the safety on the rack, which consists of a "pin and pipe", hence the name. The other side is where the barbell goes. The whole thing pivots on the safety, which means that you can raise or lower the leverage point as you need. Note that I did have to put a weight on the fixed end and clamp it on, just to keep it from flopping around. This was not a problem, just prevented the attachment from clanging around on the pipe and kept the fixed end fixed. I thought I snapped a pic of that, but evidently not.

    The pics show my 4 ft barbell, though the 7 footer works well and extends far enough from the rack to not be hampered by it. I used the 7 footer, the 4 ft one was just for trial run. Anyhow, I attached the viking press attachment to the business end of the barbell and did shrugs with it.

    Attachment 181490 Attachment 181491

    Attachment 181492 Attachment 181493
    Dude, the site won’t let me see the pics. What did you do, pose naked like FK?

    If I did a landline now, literally there would be an explosion in that my shoulder will be self destructing. The sheer size of the explosion may initiate global warfare and a nuclear Holocaust. Man, if only to be young and in my 50’s again.
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  25. #425
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    Quote Originally Posted by wango View Post
    Dude, the site won’t let me see the pics. What did you do, pose naked like FK?

    If I did a landline now, literally there would be an explosion in that my shoulder will be self destructing. The sheer size of the explosion may initiate global warfare and a nuclear Holocaust. Man, if only to be young and in my 50’s again.
    OMG no, no Cylon357 nudes. Not even Mrs 357 wants to see that

    Sometimes attachments act a little wonky. I will try again here though to see if it works now.

    Oh and I guess age really is relative....

    Cylon357's Super Cool Covid 2020 Weight loss comp log!-20211218_141647.jpg

    Cylon357's Super Cool Covid 2020 Weight loss comp log!-20211218_141953.jpg

    Cylon357's Super Cool Covid 2020 Weight loss comp log!-20211218_141550.jpg

    Cylon357's Super Cool Covid 2020 Weight loss comp log!-20211218_141531.jpg
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  26. #426
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    Nice abbreviated squat workout tonight.

    Did squats. Went for reps rather than heavy, got 16 on my first work set. That was a breathing set for sure. Did a couple of narrow stance sets, same weight but only 8 reps. Did a couple of sets of front squats with the same weight, 6 reps on first set, 3 on the second. My balance was getting iffy so I cut that one short.

    Did barbell calf raises super setted with calf raises with the kettle bells. 3 rounds, lit up like a Christmas tree, baby!

    Skipped hamstrings tonight. I wanted to make sure I had something for my finisher. Sort of winged it and ended up with:

    3 minutes on the climber (with intervals)
    6 pull ups
    15 kettle bell swings

    3 rounds of that. I didn't rush to get from one exercise to the next, but didn't dawdle either. Was huffy and puffy when done, shirt was soaked and stinky.

    Walked to warm up, but only about 1/4 mile. It was rainy and getting chilly (for Florida) and so I didn't get the cool down walk either. I may ride the bike tomorrow or jog or something else.

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    Man, I had almost zero in the tank tonight, but I got in there and got something done anyhow.

    Bench press, 3 working sets, 2x12 and 1x6. It was supposed to be 3x12, but just ran out.

    Started doing dips but the body was like 'nah, mf'er, not tonight', so I just did some curls, triceps kickbacks (first time in 8 years or so) and over head dumbbell presses. Did some shadow boxing to get some HIIT'y LISS (or maybe LISS'y HIIT) in, and called it a night.
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  28. #428
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    I compressed dead lift day, which was supposed to be yesterday, and over head press day, regularly scheduled for today, into one workout. Listen, I think I'm doing well to work out on either Christmas Eve or Christmas Day, this year it was Day.

    Started with dead lifts. Went a little heavier than I have been, used the straps on my "heavy" set and got 2x5. This was good, but man, when I was dead lifting regularly, I could get 5x5 with the same weight. Use it or lose it I reckon. That's OK, I know it will come back when I train for it.

    Did rows with yet another landmine attachment. This one is sort of a narrow grip deal, 3 sets of 12 to 15, with lighter weight BUT I put the handle on first so it was toward the inside of the barbell. Then, loaded the end of the barbell with 25s to really get that stretch. Anyhow, I need to work on my foot positioning because I really don't feel it in my lats as much as my low back. Well, at least not on the early reps, I do start to feel it in mid back on the later ones.

    Over head presses were next, 4x8 with my working weight, nothing much to report there. I was having some nagging forearm pain that seems to have subsided some, the BPC-157 and TB-500 is likely helping with that.

    Front squats, 2x8 lighter, 1x6 heavier. Moved the barbell inside the rack and then did calf raises, super setted with kettle bell calf raises. Pop corn and squash, my calves were on fire! Did 3x15 to 20 with the kettlebells, 60lbs each just to rep it out.

    LISS wrapped it up with about a mile and a quarter, combo jog / walk. I did jog the full last half mile, so I'm counting it!

    Merry Christmas, you filthy animals!
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    Yesterday was just a walk day, and I moved squat day to tomorrow. Remember how I talked about needing that 8 day week? Man, it really would be nice.

    Today, I did donate blood, so I got my iron checked for free. 14.6 on the 13.5 to 17.5 scale, so I'm saying it was good. Got me some apple juice and a cookie, too!

    Went to get new lenses for my sunglasses today, too, speaking of cookie. The lady that helped me was a real looker, and a bit flirty. Probably just looking to make commission before the end of year, but it was fun all the same. Cylon is an honest (ish) man, so he isn't going to step out on The Wife, but it's handy to keep your skills up, just in case. /joke
    Last edited by Cylon357; 12-27-2021 at 04:48 PM.
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  30. #430
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    Squat day postponed again, but this is sort a stretch week as it is REALLY a fourth week that I wanted to try to tack on to finish out the year. Starting 2022 with a deload week would be groovy. Plus, today is The Wife's birthday, so we have been busy with that. If she is lucky, we will get a little busy later too!

    That said, I did get in a walk and jog combo today, probably half and half each alternated, total of 2 miles. I will get back at it tomorrow with a combo squat / bench workout and some HIIT'y LISS or LISS'y HIIT because that's just how I roll, jack!
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  31. #431
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cylon357 View Post
    Squat day postponed again, but this is sort a stretch week as it is REALLY a fourth week that I wanted to try to tack on to finish out the year. Starting 2022 with a deload week would be groovy. Plus, today is The Wife's birthday, so we have been busy with that. If she is lucky, we will get a little busy later too!

    That said, I did get in a walk and jog combo today, probably half and half each alternated, total of 2 miles. I will get back at it tomorrow with a combo squat / bench workout and some HIIT'y LISS or LISS'y HIIT because that's just how I roll, jack!
    Now I get it. Doing some celebrating last night, ain’t nothing wrong with that. If you would, please wish your wife a happy birthday. If she’s married to you CY, she’s got to be great! How many years (I’m sure you’ve posted it, but I’ve got old age dementia).

    You still got in the walk/jog - kudos to ya.
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    Got my combo squat and bench workout done today. Squats, bench press, leg curls, dips, and tricep pushdowns did the weights. I got all my numbers and then some, so I was happy.

    Did a half a**ed HIIT thing involving kettle bell swings, modified burpees (no jumping), and shadow boxing.

    1/2 mile walk to warm up, 1 mile to cool down, then shower and back to work.

    Life is good, y'all!
    Last edited by Cylon357; 12-29-2021 at 09:35 PM.

  33. #433
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    Quote Originally Posted by wango View Post
    Now I get it. Doing some celebrating last night, ain’t nothing wrong with that. If you would, please wish your wife a happy birthday. If she’s married to you CY, she’s got to be great! How many years (I’m sure you’ve posted it, but I’ve got old age dementia).

    You still got in the walk/jog - kudos to ya.
    Next June will be our 20th. We were planning a trip, now maybe so, maybe not. We will see!
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  34. #434
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    Happy New Year, ya filthy animals! Yeah, I know it's early, that's just how I'm rolling today.

    Good workout today, almost unequivocally you would call this "HIIT", but whatever you call it, it was tough.

    The pic will give you some idea of what's coming, but in detail:

    1 mile walk to warm up
    Rounds were:
    3 minutes on the climber, with intervals
    3 minutes punching the heavy bag
    3 minutes on the treadmill, 10 minute mile pace
    3 minutes punching the bag

    I did 2 rounds, 24 work minutes total that got completed in about 29 minutes. So, there was some time between each exercise, but 45 seconds or so on average. Not too shabby. That gave me time to take the gloves on or off and get some water, setup the next exercise and try not to knock myself out with the my own stench, which got worse as the time went on.

    1 mile walk to cool down, then some sushi, a shower, and we will be heading out soon to a concert.

    Let's kick 2022 in the scrote!!

    Cylon357's Super Cool Covid 2020 Weight loss comp log!-20211231_140824.jpg
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  35. #435
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    Nice way to end the year!
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  36. #436
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    This is deload week, yay! Just a couple of 2 mile walks so far.

    Remember that concert I went to on New Years Eve? Well, everything seemed hunky dory until yesterday when I developed some cold like symptoms. No fever yet, but sinus drainage and a little nasal congestion. I'm going to be tested tomorrow to see what is what, will keep everyone posted.

    If it is Covid-19, I expect that I should be bleah for a few days but otherwise GTG. I have had both initial vaccine shots and been boosted (all Moderna) so we will see what we see.

    But even with that, life is good!
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  37. #437
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cylon357 View Post
    This is deload week, yay! Just a couple of 2 mile walks so far.

    Remember that concert I went to on New Years Eve? Well, everything seemed hunky dory until yesterday when I developed some cold like symptoms. No fever yet, but sinus drainage and a little nasal congestion. I'm going to be tested tomorrow to see what is what, will keep everyone posted.

    If it is Covid-19, I expect that I should be bleah for a few days but otherwise GTG. I have had both initial vaccine shots and been boosted (all Moderna) so we will see what we see.

    But even with that, life is good!
    Darn. Avoiding stuff like that for a while. It should be light and pass quickly if it’s Covid, then again it can also be a traditional flu & still kick your ass.
    Feel better. Soup is good food!
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  38. #438
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    Feeling like poop at the moment. Fever has set in, seems consistent right now around 100.0. I may take some aspirin before bed, or may let it run its course, that's a bed time decision.

    They performed the test today, but it is the PCR, so it will be 24 to 72 hours before I have the results.

    Guess this was good timing for a deload week....

  39. #439
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    Just checking on you Cy & hope you’re not doing too badly and feeling better.
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  40. #440
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    Quote Originally Posted by wango View Post
    Just checking on you Cy & hope you’re not doing too badly and feeling better.
    I seem to be making it ok. I woke up night before last on fire with fever. I was like "damn, I have the sheets so hot I have to roll out of this spot". Now, I'm trending better, though medicated at the moment. Maybe another couple of days? Idk for sure.

    Still no word on the test results.

    Thanks for checking in!
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