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Thread: Cylon357's Super Cool Covid 2020 Weight loss comp log!

  1. #481
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    Nov 2018
    AKA "Nice Guy Cy"
    Back work out today, hooray! Back, not dead lift. Just didn't do them today.

    The word of the day was three. 3 sets of all the things:
    Pull ups
    Barbell rows
    Dumbbell curls
    Calf raises

    So only like 15 sets total, but it was sufficient today. This is week 3 of the 3 week phase, and the next to last day at that. I did one mile to warm up, I mile to cool down, then got on the roof and blew out the gutters, some other minor stuff. About to shower and chill for the night.

  2. #482
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    AKA "Nice Guy Cy"
    Man, I got started on my final workout of week 3, and was not and I mean N O T feeling it. I almost called it quits after overhead presses, the first exercise of the workout. I got through it OK, but was having some nagging pain in my right forearm again.

    I moved on to dips and did 5 or 6 reps on my first set, unweighted. I was like, man, f*ck it, I'm done. But I persevered.

    And the second set was better. And then the third. And then sh!t just turned around like that. I got 10 on the next two sets, and then 15 on the last one.

    Moved on to shrugs and finished with skull crushers. I'm almost sure there was another exercise in there, but can't remember what. Bottom line, it turned into a great workout. And I will take it to finish week 3!

  3. #483
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cylon357 View Post
    Man, I got started on my final workout of week 3, and was not and I mean N O T feeling it. I almost called it quits after overhead presses, the first exercise of the workout. I got through it OK, but was having some nagging pain in my right forearm again.

    I moved on to dips and did 5 or 6 reps on my first set, unweighted. I was like, man, f*ck it, I'm done. But I persevered.

    And the second set was better. And then the third. And then sh!t just turned around like that. I got 10 on the next two sets, and then 15 on the last one.

    Moved on to shrugs and finished with skull crushers. I'm almost sure there was another exercise in there, but can't remember what. Bottom line, it turned into a great workout. And I will take it to finish week 3!
    It never ceases to amaze me that after the first few sets, my mood always improves & I don’t regret making the effort. When you get a resurgence like that though, it’s always special. Congrats.

  4. #484
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    AKA "Nice Guy Cy"
    Deload week, and evidently needed, ahhh!

    I did do a walk / run combo thing yesterday. Walked a half mile, jogged a half, walked a half jogged a half, walked a half. Total of 2.5 miles. Tomorrow I will do weights and something LISS'y. All is good otherwise!

  5. #485
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    AKA "Nice Guy Cy"
    Nice little combo squat / bench workout today. This is the deload week, so I scaled back both intensity and volume. Still a good hour in the weight room, with my almost mandatory walks to warm up and cool down.

    Enjoying some chicken soup with The Wife right now. Will I have an alcoholic beverage tonight? Nah, probably not. We have friends coming over on Sunday, booze will be involved, so I will save up my allotment!

  6. #486
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    AKA "Nice Guy Cy"
    Back day today. Rolled shoulders into it to, because this is the last day of deload week.

    I made a thing for pulldowns, push downs and eventually low rows. I'll post pics later of that. But I made it then put it right to use, so it's a win so far.

    Pull downs, barbell rows, over head press and Shrugs were the main events. Added bicep curls and calf raises to finish the weights, then did a 1 mile walk. Worked on the thing right before lifting, then worked lightly in the yard after workout.

    Had friends over, had a great stir fry and some beverages... feeling no pain, but the next 3 weeks starts tomorrow so time to kick it into gear!

  7. #487
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    AKA "Nice Guy Cy"
    Gooood squat workout tonight. Oh yeah!

    Squats of course kicked off the festivities. Went a little heavier than I have been, but kept it at a moderate 2x6 for the work sets. Dropped weight and did one wide stance set, one narrow stance set, 6 reps each.

    Leg curls... I made sure to FEEL them tonight. 3x10-12. Same with the calf raises. Did 3x25 and really focused on feeling them. I REALLY like the Smith machine for calf raises, but I'm not spending the $$$ on one just for that. Still, I might get inventive at some point and try to rig something up.

    Did hip thrusters 3x10-12 and pullups 3x6 to round out the weights.

    Then I had a date with that HIIT b!tch.

    5 rounds of the following:
    2 minutes on the treadmill (minimum 10:00 mile pace)
    15 kettle bell swings
    1 minute rest

    I did a couple of intervals on the treadmill but mostly that 10 minute mile pace. In rounds 2 and 5, I did a single 30 second interval at 7:30 pace. I put 2:40 on the rounds on my tracker... That gave me 2 minutes to do the treadmill, then 10 seconds or so to get to the kettlebell and start swinging. I got them all done on time EXCEPT that last round. I gave out and almost gave up at 10 swings, but then said hell naw mf'er, you are finishing this! I did the last 5 and finished the last one about 1 second over time, but I'm counting it, Jack!

    Life is good!

  8. #488
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    AKA "Nice Guy Cy"
    Nice little HIIT workout at lunch today. Looked something like this:

    Half mile walk to warm up

    Then 6 rounds of the following:
    90 seconds shadow boxing and / or climbers and / or modified burpees
    90 seconds hammer swings
    1 minute rest

    Wrapped with half mile walk to cool down.

    The first 90 seconds was some combination of the listed exercises. The second 90 seconds, I would do heavy hammer swings followed by double hammer swings or vice versa.

    Fitbit was buzzing like crazy!

    Feeling good, back on the job after a nice lunch!
    Last edited by Cylon357; 03-03-2022 at 04:33 PM.

  9. #489
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    AKA "Nice Guy Cy"
    Good bench workout Saturday. I am working on at least two more things for the rack. One will enable low rows and actually sort of an adjustable height pulley, the other a leg press diy. More details as available...

  10. #490
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cylon357 View Post
    Good bench workout Saturday. I am working on at least two more things for the rack. One will enable low rows and actually sort of an adjustable height pulley, the other a leg press diy. More details as available...

    I hung a picture the other day and the placement was perfect on the very first try!

  11. #491
    Join Date
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    AKA "Nice Guy Cy"
    Work got crazy this week, and I have to prep for an interview with one of the FAANG companies next week, so this week got a little hectic. I missed Wednesday and Thursday workouts, but made up for it, at least in part with a 2 workout day today.

    I walked / jogged this morning (mostly walked), 2 miles total. Then I did a back workout consisting of deadlifts, pull downs, calf raises and biceps curls. 1/2 mile walk on the front end, about a mile on the back end and my Fitbit is happy. Over 10k steps today, that's a first. I sit at a desk all day so I'm calling 10k a win!

    Life is good otherwise and things have slowed down now, so time to enjoy the weekend.

  12. #492
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    AKA "Nice Guy Cy"
    Overhead press workout today. Did my overhead barbell presses of course. Dips and shrugs followed. Did pushdowns and laterals, semi-super setted but not really, just variation. Then I did cable flyes semi-super setted with reverse delt flyes. 1 mile walk to warm up, 1 mile at the end for LISS.

    After that, I got busy.

    I had to get on the roof to blow out the gutters and then run the leaf blower on the driveway, walk, front porch to get all these goddang pollen / seeds out of here. Seriously, it was like a carpet. Also maintained the pool (though that sounds more impressive than it really is)

    I got in 11k steps today with all that craziness.

    Life is good, y'all!

  13. #493
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    AKA "Nice Guy Cy"
    GOOOOOOODDD squat workout tonight!

    1/2 mile walk to warm up.

    3x5 working sets, 60 seconds between sets, with 8 rep max. I use this as a conditioning program, and will eventually move it up to 5 sets x 5 reps, same scheme. Did a wide stance set, then a narrow stance set both 6 reps.

    Moved to calf work. For some reason, I was getting them good tonight. I'll take it! Leg curls followed, then pull ups and dumbbell curls to wrap the weights.

    Ooof, and then the HIIT thing.

    I did a similar routine as from a couple of weeks ago:

    2 minutes on the treadmill 10:00 mile pace
    15 kettle bell swings
    1 minute rest

    I tried to get the fitbit set to 4 rounds, but it kept it as 5... I guess I will take that as a sign I need to do 5. So, I did 5 but kept the jogging steady state. Still, made it into the cardio zone and pretty much stayed there.

    1/2 mile walk to cool down, then protein, food and chilling. Oh, and a shower. Man, I was stinky and sweaty

  14. #494
    Join Date
    Sep 2020
    Nice work! How’d the interviews go?

  15. #495
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    AKA "Nice Guy Cy"
    Quote Originally Posted by wango View Post
    Nice work! How’d the interviews go?
    It got pushed and the other one is up in the air atm. No bigs, just gives me more time to prep.

    BTW, you should peep an adjustable kettlebell. When I do swings, I work from the hips and the arms / shoulders are just along for the ride. I stop at shoulder height or just below... I mention this because it is a "fun" way to get in some intensity without impacting the shoulders. Could be "fun" for you too!

  16. #496
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cylon357 View Post
    It got pushed and the other one is up in the air atm. No bigs, just gives me more time to prep.

    BTW, you should peep an adjustable kettlebell. When I do swings, I work from the hips and the arms / shoulders are just along for the ride. I stop at shoulder height or just below... I mention this because it is a "fun" way to get in some intensity without impacting the shoulders. Could be "fun" for you too!
    Good luck with the extra prep. I sincerely hope you don’t get to this stage, but even that with a light kettlebell could cause pain. I love front raises, but every damn time I thought I could or was handling them well, it backfired. That said, I can try the motion with a light dumbbell at home, because as you said, you got to make it fun sometimes. BTW, the wife reminded me, ain’t no way can I get on & off the low seat of a recumbent trike.

  17. #497
    Good luck Cylon!

  18. #498
    Join Date
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    AKA "Nice Guy Cy"
    Decent but short bench workout yesterday. Bench press, dips and Arnold presses were all I had in me, though I did get the intensity up and did my semi-usual 1 mile walk on the front and back ends to get in some LISS and steps.

    Today is basically an off day, though I may work in a walk in a little bit. I have some study to do for the whole interview thing, now roughly 10 days away. That gives me two full weekends to prep! Well, minus workout time and what not.

    BTW, I have drawn up some sketches for a DIY leg press to attach to the rack. It actually isn't that impressive, but I had been thinking about it for a while, then peeped some youtube to get ideas. It is really sort of a lever arm sort of deal, that would allow for vertical presses if you lay on the ground or a low bench. Also, with the addition of handles, it could be used as a hack squat / calf raise device, but that may be for a later stage. The device would pivot on the far side of the rack, attached via pins or bolts through existing holes in the rack. The business end will extend past the front of the rack and allow positioning a barbell to serve as a bottom safety stop. One issue is having to install and remove it, but first world problems, right?

    Anyhow, there are some details to work out, but I plan on building the prototype next weekend. We will see how it goes.

  19. #499
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    AKA "Nice Guy Cy"
    Back workout today. This is the next to last day of week 3, so I'm feeling a bit fried. Still, I adopted the model from bench day and got some things done.

    Started with pulldowns with my rigged up pulley device. That reminds me, I still haven't posted up pictures of that. Soon, brothers and sisters! 4 sets of 10-12.

    Chins were next, no weight and I busted out the lifting straps for these. 3 x 6 was what was in the tank today.

    Front squat, relatively light but focused on feeling it, 3x6.

    Calf raises wrapped the weights, 3x20 or so.

    Then the HIIT

    6 rounds of
    2 minutes work
    1 minute rest

    The 2 minutes work consisted of 5 modified burpees. After kicking the feet back into the plank / push up position, I do climbers. 2 with the knees to the inside of the body, 2 straight. Then hop up like a conventional burpee, though "hop" is a bit strong. I did leave my feet for a rep or two each round, but I'm really trying not to bother the meniscus.
    Anyhow, those took maybe 30 seconds of the 2 minutes.

    After that straight to sledge hammer swings on the tire. Mixed it up with small double hammer and a single large sledge. Knock the sh!t out of it, it don't matter!

    1 mile walk to warm up, 1 mile for LISS and cool down at the end. Shower, food, etc and everything is copacetic, jack!

  20. #500
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    AKA "Nice Guy Cy"
    ♫ It's deload week, deload week, muther eff'ing deload week! ♫

    And I needed it (as might be obvious)

    But I did do a squat and overhead press workout tonight, super light weights and short.

    And the timing of the deload week is good with my plans to construct "Cylon's Leg Press o' Death" aka the "Guillotine". Actually, I don't expect it to be THAT bad, but one too many "Hey Bubba, watch this" moments to rule out the possibility.

    I may post up preliminary drawings before I start on it to get some feedback, but eh, probably not.

    Life is good, y'all!

  21. #501
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    AKA "Nice Guy Cy"
    Just a couple of 2 mile walks Thursday and Friday, but I got in some weight action today.

    Barbell rows to start 4x10
    Dips 4x 8-10
    Pushdowns 4x12-16
    Rear delt cable flyes super setted with facepulls 4x10-15

    1 mile walk to warm up, one to cool down with some LISS, then off to the shower. This is the last weight day of deload week... The next week is supposed to start on Tuesday, but I may take a second deload. Not sure yet.

    On another note, I believe that the Enclomiphene from TMC is causing inflammation, particularly in my remaining hemi from hell and my knuckles. I have stopped theirs and will take with the doc next week. He will likely push for testosterone cream, I'm good with that because I can supplement with other neat stuff!

  22. #502
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    AKA "Nice Guy Cy"
    Opted for a second deload week. Eh, at my age, it is sometimes a necessary thing.

    Then work tried to poop on my head. Had a long day Tuesday, and a longer day Wednesday, but things got back under control today.

    Still, I got in a 2.5 mile walk Tuesday morning, then a 2 mile combo of jog and walk yesterday evening. Hit the weights lightly today, mostly just to keep the muscles from being shocked when I get back to it Sunday or Monday.

  23. #503
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    AKA "Nice Guy Cy"
    Oh, BTW, the interview is in the books. I wasn't really jonesing for the job, just wanted to see what this particular FANG company was like to interview for, get a glimpse at the people that work there, etc etc. If an offer came from it, I might pursue it, but it was unlikely. Anyhow, they thought about it for a couple of days and decided to continue looking. Like I said, this is cool with me, even better after talking to the hiring manager, who I really didn't like and didn't impress me.

    Moral of the story: the people at those companies are just like me and you. Don't be afraid to pursue a job with them if you want. Do your prep work, don't sweat it, and you will do well. And DO NOT let the name of a company impress you.

  24. #504
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cylon357 View Post
    Oh, BTW, the interview is in the books. I wasn't really jonesing for the job, just wanted to see what this particular FANG company was like to interview for, get a glimpse at the people that work there, etc etc. If an offer came from it, I might pursue it, but it was unlikely. Anyhow, they thought about it for a couple of days and decided to continue looking. Like I said, this is cool with me, even better after talking to the hiring manager, who I really didn't like and didn't impress me.

    Moral of the story: the people at those companies are just like me and you. Don't be afraid to pursue a job with them if you want. Do your prep work, don't sweat it, and you will do well. And DO NOT let the name of a company impress you.
    Still sorry Cy. Glad you ain’t sweatin it. I’m sure the body appreciates the time off as well.

  25. #505
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    AKA "Nice Guy Cy"
    Quote Originally Posted by wango View Post
    Still sorry Cy. Glad you ain’t sweatin it. I’m sure the body appreciates the time off as well.
    Oh no, truly don't be. I really did just want to see what all the fuss was about and educate myself. Mission accomplished in this regard!

  26. #506
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    AKA "Nice Guy Cy"
    Friday was an off day, and while The Wife and I worked in the house yesterday, I did get in a brisk 2 mile walk.

    Today I did an chest and shoulder workout to wrap up the second deload week. Y'all jelly, I can tell: two deload weeks?? Eh, don't be. It is a neccessity at my err... "seasoned vintage".

    Tuesday will be the beginning of the next 3 week cycle. I may focus this more on tightening up, especially diet and trying to shed some of this damnable Covid weight FOR REAL. What's that? The title of this thread is something about a covid weight loss thing? Yeah, so optimistic we were in the early days of the pandemic...

    Tomorrow I have blood work, regularly scheduled, and then will meet with the doc in 2 weeks to review. This marks the end of my trial with enclomiphene. Short version: it causes inflammation everywhere. I did want to stick it out, but I'm done with it. I will start the testosterone cream tomorrow, maybe some var (25mg per day) and HCG later in the week. Yes, I know that is baby dose var - I'm not looking to blast at this point, just run it for a bit to test its effects on my system.

    The testosterone cream is the compounded 200mg / ml stuff my doc prescribed about 6 months ago... I dropped it for the enclo, but now that the enclo is done, and it isn't the magic pill (at least for me), I will FINALLY move on to the suppressive stuff.

  27. #507
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cylon357 View Post
    Friday was an off day, and while The Wife and I worked in the house yesterday, I did get in a brisk 2 mile walk.

    Today I did an chest and shoulder workout to wrap up the second deload week. Y'all jelly, I can tell: two deload weeks?? Eh, don't be. It is a neccessity at my err... "seasoned vintage".

    Tuesday will be the beginning of the next 3 week cycle. I may focus this more on tightening up, especially diet and trying to shed some of this damnable Covid weight FOR REAL. What's that? The title of this thread is something about a covid weight loss thing? Yeah, so optimistic we were in the early days of the pandemic...

    Tomorrow I have blood work, regularly scheduled, and then will meet with the doc in 2 weeks to review. This marks the end of my trial with enclomiphene. Short version: it causes inflammation everywhere. I did want to stick it out, but I'm done with it. I will start the testosterone cream tomorrow, maybe some var (25mg per day) and HCG later in the week. Yes, I know that is baby dose var - I'm not looking to blast at this point, just run it for a bit to test its effects on my system.

    The testosterone cream is the compounded 200mg / ml stuff my doc prescribed about 6 months ago... I dropped it for the enclo, but now that the enclo is done, and it isn't the magic pill (at least for me), I will FINALLY move on to the suppressive stuff.
    Covid weight? Never heard of that as I thought everyone just naturally ate healthier and worked out more with all of their extra time .

    Can you fill me in, so test cream and no injections? I recall you had an infection from an injection, is that the reasoning to go with the cream?

  28. #508
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    AKA "Nice Guy Cy"
    Quote Originally Posted by wango View Post
    Covid weight? Never heard of that as I thought everyone just naturally ate healthier and worked out more with all of their extra time .

    Can you fill me in, so test cream and no injections? I recall you had an infection from an injection, is that the reasoning to go with the cream?
    Going with the cream for now to get the doc on board. Compounded creams tend to kick gels a**, due largely to the higher concentration. There is a lot of chatter about success with creams eight now, so let's give it a go! #LabRatLife

    You remember correctly: I did get an infection from my first shot of ugl gear (test C and p blend), kept it subq and glad I did. Made treatment easier. I have some pharmacom stuff on hand, which is in fact ugl, but much better thought of in the wild. It is also in GSO not mct like the other stuff, and I will almost certainly filter my first shots when I get to that point.

  29. #509
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    AKA "Nice Guy Cy"
    Rage building... blood pressure rising.... anger AAARGHH!!! CYLON SMASH!!!

    What? Oh, you don't get "roid rage" from 1 day of 10mg Test and 25mg Anavar? "Roid rage" isn't even a thing*? Huh, well who would have thought it...

    I know what you are thinking: da fuq Cylon on about?

    Lots and I mean LOTS of people have asked that question. But you call seem cool, so I will let you in on the secret.

    I started my test cream and anavar (as discussed above) today. 2 clicks of the cream (one am, one pm) and 12.5 mg anavar in the morning and then another 12.5mg pre workout.

    Some deets on the cream... It is compound at 200mg per... well hell, I don't know what. Every 4 clicks = 200mg test. The absorption rate for most parts of the body is about 10%, so for a single click (50mg) you actually absorb about 5mg. Doing 2 of those a day gets you 10mg per day, 7 days a week arrives at roughly the equivalent of 70mg injection. So, that is a mild'ish or right on the money TRT dose, depending on who you talk to. Good to start, and I will be adding 250iu HCG EOD starting tomorrow.

    So, you happy now??? I'm a roid freak!!

    Geez that anger thing. Gotta chill. Anyhow, I do have some injectables on hand (some test, some mast, some primo, maybe some this and that) and a handful of orals (anavar, proviron, something else, maybe). I won't be using those until I get squared away with the doc but giggity giggity when I do, jack!

    * = excepting maybe with enough tren or halo

  30. #510
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    Oh and also when I say "most parts of the body", I mean everything except the scrote. Apparently, absorption is 80% better when applied to the scrotum, but conversion to DHT increases, too.

    2 Things
    1 - I don't really know what 80% better actually means.
    2 - I don't need help with converting to dht
    Bonus - damn, I just don't know about applying sh!t to my scrote
    Last edited by Cylon357; 04-05-2022 at 07:22 PM.

  31. #511
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    AKA "Nice Guy Cy"
    Dammit, also had a good workout today in week 1 of 3.

    Squats were the name of the game. Did 3 working sets of 5 and kept it up tempo. Picked a weight I could do for 8, then just did five but less than one minute between sets. This is based on a conditioning program I read from Ed Coan (the GOAT) in 90s, the 1990's to some of you. Anyhow, I will add a set a week until I get to 5x5 (not that Stronglifts basic thing).

    Did one set of narrow squats, then moved on to pull ups. 3 sets of 6, no added weight tonight.

    Calf raises were next. I super setted barbell raises with kettle bell raises off a block. Kept it at 2 super sets because I don't want to Fred Sanford from the knees down.

    Leg curls, weight felt good and I concentrated on feeling it in the muscle. 3 x 8 to 10. Finished off weights with 3x8-10 hip thrusters / bridge off the weighted bag laying on its side.

    HIIT(ish) tonight was four rounds of:
    2 minutes on the treadmill (10:00 minute mile pace)
    15 kettlebell swings

    That last set of kb swings almost got me but I was like "no, I'm a big boy now!" and got through it.

    Walk to warm up and cool down, then some yoga stretches, shower and food. Life is good, y'all!
    Last edited by Cylon357; 04-05-2022 at 07:23 PM.

  32. #512
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    Congrats on this new endeavor Cy; looks like your personal pharmaceutical warehouse is well stocked for future detours as well. Here’s to a successful blast and several more in the future . !

  33. #513
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    AKA "Nice Guy Cy"
    Just a 2.5 mile walk this morning for fasted LISS, but I had to maintain the pool tonight. That wasn't particularly physically demanding, just lugging some salt around, but it's that 90 day cycle thing... time to clean the salt cell. This involves handling muriatic acid. Listen, I get that this is NOT hydrochloric acid or anything but still, that sh!t is nothing nice. The pool needed a gallon as well, so at least I don't have to deal with it again anytime soon.

    Took my first HCG today, getting ahead of the game, 250iu as previously mentioned. Ovidac (Bayer) from Express PCT before they closed, I think I posted my haul somewhere earlier on in the thread.
    Last edited by Cylon357; 04-07-2022 at 07:09 PM.

  34. #514
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    AKA "Nice Guy Cy"
    Bench workout tonight. Kept it simple. Really was not feeling it, but once I got started, I got going.

    Barbell bench started the night. 3 working sets and a narrow grip set. Dips, 3x10-12, no weight, but it is coming next week. Skull crushers, bicep curls, and dumbbell flyes finished the weights. I swear there was something else in there, but can't remember what it was now.

    1/2 mile walk to warm up, 1 mile at the end for some LISS. Life is good!

  35. #515
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    AKA "Nice Guy Cy"
    Had sort of a blah back workout today, but I did get in there and get it done. No hiit, but I will do it tomorrow after shoulders.

  36. #516
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    AKA "Nice Guy Cy"
    Had a most excellent overhead press workout today! Made up for that marginal back workout yesterday.

    Started with barbell overhead press, 2x6 work sets. Dips followed 3x8-10 but really focused on the chest. Loaded up the mini farmer's walk handles and did some shrugs that I am going to feel in the morning. Push downs 3x12-15 super settted with barbell curls 3x10-15. Left the push down setup in place, dropped some weight and did cable flyes super setted with rear delt flyes.

    HIIT followed like so/:
    2 minutes of beating the tire with various sledge hammers, various speeds and force
    2 minutes shadow boxing
    2 minutes tire
    2 minutes shadow boxing
    2 minutes tire

    And that was it. 1 mile walk to warm up, 1 mile to cool down.

    We are getting our AC replaced, including full duct work. Spent a good part of the day prepping for that, then another part working on the car, etc.

    If I don't sleep well, there has to be something wrong with me.

  37. #517
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    AKA "Nice Guy Cy"
    Good squat workout tonight!

    Worked up to 4x5 on squats, sub 60 second rest between those sets. One lighter set with 5 wide stance reps then moved to a narrow stance and did 5 more.

    Was feeling a pump in the low back, could 12.5mg var be responsible?

    Moved to barbell calf raises, was really feeling those tonight, too. On to hip thrusters off the heavy bag, leg curls, then pull ups 3x6 to finish the weight room.

    1 mile jog for MISS / Cardio, 1/2 mile walk to cool down. Yoga stretches, protein and a shower, now I'm talking with you critters. But that is OK, y'all are my kind of critters.

  38. #518
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cylon357 View Post
    Good squat workout tonight!

    Worked up to 4x5 on squats, sub 60 second rest between those sets. One lighter set with 5 wide stance reps then moved to a narrow stance and did 5 more.

    Was feeling a pump in the low back, could 12.5mg var be responsible?

    Moved to barbell calf raises, was really feeling those tonight, too. On to hip thrusters off the heavy bag, leg curls, then pull ups 3x6 to finish the weight room.

    1 mile jog for MISS / Cardio, 1/2 mile walk to cool down. Yoga stretches, protein and a shower, now I'm talking with you critters. But that is OK, y'all are my kind of critters.
    Var was a great pre workout for me. NICE energy/strength boost! I kept it low dose like yourself.

  39. #519
    Join Date
    Nov 2018
    AKA "Nice Guy Cy"
    Just a 2.5 mile walk for fasted LISS yesterday morning, but today I had a most excellent chest work out, though it was somewhat disrupted by the AC techs.

    Started with barbell bench (going to switch that up to dumbbells soon), good sets, but felt a little off. It improved as the workout went on. Did dips next 3x8 and really blasting out of the hole on some of the reps, slow up on others. Moved to skull crushers supersetted with bicep curls, got two super sets done then

    KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK hey we need to come in and do AC stuff

    Which meant I had to watch the cats and make sure they didn't make a break for it. All good, I did some pushups in the living room while waiting on the AC guys 1x15, 1x12, 1x10. By that time, they had moved away from the doors and were in other parts of the house, so I went back and did the last super set of crushers and curls.

    Did some Arnold presses, 3 sets, though was interrupted again by the AC guys. That turned out to be OK, because it was between my 2nd and 3rd sets, the extra rest time worked to my advantage as I got a few more reps in on that final set.

    Dumbell flyes, super setted with front raises 3 sets each wrapped the weights. No LISS to finish tonight, though I did do a half mile walk to warm up. I will get up in the morning for an easy walk, then maintain the vehicles (oil changes, nothing big).

    OH and they DID fix the AC! YAY! If you are in the Central Florida area (and lets be honest, who isn't?), drop me a DM for the best service on the planet. The owner came out initially and this guy is an AC engineer. Pointed out problems no one else saw, designed a system for our needs, etc etc. His prices were actually better than the other people we talked to, though we did end up spending more for the services the other vendors just didn't even think about.

  40. #520
    Join Date
    Nov 2018
    AKA "Nice Guy Cy"
    Deadlifts on Saturday. The var joy continues!

    Did deadlifts, though more as a conditioning thing and to get the body fully warmed up than as a end in itself. 3x5 working sets, less than 60 seconds between sets, just like the squats. Moved to pull ups with a parallel grip, 3x6, but good, clean reps. I like the parallel grip, slightly wider than shoulder width, because it keeps stress off the forearms.

    Barbell rows followed, 3x8, then on to front squats alternated with calf raises. Not super sets, just alternated to keep it fresh. I kept the front squats light, and had intended to just do 3x6, but did 1x6 and felt stronger on the next two so I did 2x8.

    1 mile jog to get some L/MISS in, though I did get into the "Peak Performance" zone a time or two, so maybe that is more than MISS? I did 1/4 mile at a time, with 20 to 50 walking steps after each quarter. I had to have the break. But I tracked the mileage carefully and made sure to account for the steps. In other words, a full mile of jogging, with a bit more of steps between the quarters.

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