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Thread: Cylon357's Super Cool Covid 2020 Weight loss comp log!

  1. #681
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    Shoulder workout today. Fun HIIT. Details follow...

    Barbell overhead press starts it, 3 work sets after warm up sets. 9, 6, 6. Dips (unweighted) were next, sort of super setted with dumbbell shrugs 4 sets each, 8 - 10 for the dips, 15 for the shrugs.

    Tricep pushdowns super setted with dumbbell curls, 3x15 on pushdowns, 3x12 for the curls.

    Single arm cable flyes, 2x10 per side. Reverse cable laterals (for rear delts), 2x10, supered with dumbbell laterals 2x8.

    That was it for the weights.

    But that HIIT....

    2 minutes hammering the tire
    1 minute rest
    2 minutes shadow boxing
    1 minute rest

    3 rounds, 12 work minutes. For the tire hammering, I did big hammer, little hammers, 40lb slam ball. The shadow boxing included a set of 15 pushups in the middle.

    Heart thumping, Jack!

    Fun times, whooooooooooo!
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  2. #682
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    BTW, did my 2nd injection of .20ml (50mg) of the Pharmacom Test C. Since I haven't cut back on the cream yet, that means I'm running REAL roughly about 170mg per week right now, though the C hasn't kicked in yet. Maybe I will just sort of blast like that, then cut the C out 4 weeks or so before next bloods. Or just tell the doc I want to swap to the needle. I back filled my pins (27g 1/2 inch) this morning and man, that fresh needle is some good sh!t, brothers!

    I know what you are thinking: Damn, Cylon just figure your sh!t out, man! I hear you lol! But this is a good problem to have, man! In fact, of all the problems we can have, this is maybe the least like a problem. Like, oh, damn I don't know if I want to feel good from test cream or feel good from test injections or DO BOTH and feel boogie boogie boobie bopping awesome!

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  3. #683
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    Squat day, hooray!

    Went a little heavier today than I have been. I was feeling a little burned out and rolled the dice on it being the same 3x8-10 scheme that I have been sort of following for the past several months. Anyhow, work sets were 1x6, 1x3, 1x5 (with the same 1x3 weight), then 1x8 with the previous 1x6 weight. Took a little more weight off and did a couple of sets of front squats, 3x6, and wrapped with the same weight narrow stance set 1x8.

    Moved to barbell calf raises, 3x15-20. I need a better way to do these. This is one of the 2, maybe 3, good uses of a smith machine. The Y that I used to go to had one and I could light these calves up with it. I was revisiting my wooden leg press plans, maybe I just need to get 'er done and use that for calf raises, too.

    Anyhow, leg extensions and leg curls were next. I REALLY focused on the leg extensions - I wanted to feel it, Jack! Focused on curls too, it kind of helps when you can feel the hams sort of popping when you bring your legs up. 4x10-15 each.

    Did hip thrusters / weighted bridges / whatever you want to call them off of the heavy bag, 2x10, 1x12 cause I was getting it on that last one!

    My HIIT was a trusted stand by.

    2 minutes treadmill jog / run
    6 chin-ups
    15 kettle bell swings
    1 minute rest between rounds

    4 total rounds. Which gives 12 work minutes, same as my hammer / shadow box routine. I need to get that up to 15 to 18 work minutes, I think, maybe by the end of the year. It can be challenging after a weight session.

    Walked about a mile for LISS and to cool down. About a half mile to warm up before the weights, because I felt rain and was like 'awww hell, florida fixin' to storm on my head!' and cut it early.

    Life really is good, y'all!
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  4. #684
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    I am having zero issues with the Pharmacom Test, BTW, even sub-q. I have only done .20 ml and I did think I could feel it one day in one cheek, like a day after the injection, but then lost it. I haven't had any issues, so I'm calling it good.

    I did filter some more test (this time with a .22 filter) and will see how it sits with that larger filter. Yeah, I know: paranoid much?? Didn't you see the part earlier where I said "yeah, I'm a bit paranoid"? No? Trust me, I did.

    I also filtered some PC Masterone E. It looks a little less clear than the T, though I could be imagining it. I used the same .22 filter on it that I did on the test, I may re-filter with the .1 filter and see what is what.
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  5. #685
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    Ok so I swear I checked this yesterday but maybe not. This is how it went:

    Me: hmm, looks like some cloudy masteron
    The Vial: no, I just have some smudges on the outside.
    Me: the mast isn't as clear as the test, what's up with that
    The Vial: listen man, wipe down the outside
    Me: shit, that sucks. I'm going to have to re filter
    The Vial: Hey numb nuts! Wipe me off! Your clumsy fingerprints!
    Me: well, I'll sleep on it
    The Vial: goddammit why don't you do that?!?

    This morning
    Me: Hey, fingerprints! After I wipe them off, everything looks good.
    The Vial: ...

    So yeah looks ok now. They really were persistent prints,a casual wipe on the pants leg didn't get rid of them. Had to hold the vial in one hand and use an alcohol wipe then a paper towel. Looks good now.

    So, who admits his dumbassery so you don't have to live through it yourself? That's right, this guy! The more you know....

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  6. #686
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    It’s nice to know that I’m not the only one that has conversations with himself and/or inanimate objects.
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  7. #687
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    Quote Originally Posted by wango View Post
    It’s nice to know that I’m not the only one that has conversations with himself and/or inanimate objects.
    I actually do that quite often. Makes The Wife nuts.

    I acknowledge inspiration from your Pulp Fiction post for the screen play format
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  8. #688
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cylon357 View Post
    I actually do that quite often. Makes The Wife nuts.

    I acknowledge inspiration from your Pulp Fiction post for the screen play format
    I provide the voices for all of our regular backyard residents. When I’m hammered we have quite the conversations.
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  9. #689
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    Quote Originally Posted by wango View Post
    I provide the voices for all of our regular backyard residents. When I’m hammered we have quite the conversations.
    I can't say that I have never done this, or provided voices for our (at least semi) domesticated pets lol!
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  10. #690
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    Got off work early for the long weekend, YAY! Bench workout came early!

    Started with barbell bench, following the same technique today that I did with squats (going a little heavier than I have been). I think I got 3, 2 and 6 on my work sets.

    I tried to do decline presses, but my bench really doesn't work for that. I slide down the bench when I try to get the barbell out. Oh well...

    Dips were next, and to be honest, I felt kind of out of gas at this point. I persevered and am glad I did. I did 3x12 with no weight, then 1x14 to really lay into the pecs / delts / tris.

    I thought about stopping, but started feeling it at this point and said 'lemme see what I got'. I ended up doing a tri set of sorts of dumbbell flyes, ez-curl bar curls, and skull crushers, 2x10 on the flyes, 2x10 on the curls, and 2x12-14 on the skull crushers.

    1 mile walk to warm up, 1 mile to cool down.

    All is well!

    Enjoy the long weekend!
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  11. #691
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    Deadlift day today, Action Jackson!

    Yeahhhhhh, I said "deadlift". It's been a month, and that might be about right for how often I should do them right now.

    Felt good to do some pulls. 4 work sets, normal weight for me.

    Did barbell rows after, 3x10, semi super-setted with pull-ups. I say "semi" because I wasn't moving right from one to the other and also because I ran out of gas on the last pull up set. Like, nope, these lats are toast. I probably should have done them completely separately, but eh, live and learn.

    3 sets of front squats, 6 reps each. 3 sets of barbell calf raises, 20 reps each.

    HIIT consisted of "fast running" for one minute, then a walk for 1 minute. I say fast running because it isn't really sprinting, but a good run clip, like maybe 8 minute mile. Well, at least the first 2 to 3 were. After that, the next 2 were slightly slower, and then the last two were 30 seconds each with 90 seconds rest. 8 total reps, I call it a win, my heart rate hit "peak" a few times but whatever man, the pool called my name and in I went pretty much straight from the cool down walk.

    Had some leftover chicken and steak with rice and a bit of baked potato, plus about 1/4 slice of bacon. We had bacon wrapped filet Friday night, and the bacon didn't get quite done, so into the air fryer it went!

    Brothers and sisters, life is good!
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  12. #692
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    Hey, psst, y'all seem cool so listen up. I did a sub-q injection of PharmaCom's Masteron E Saturday morning. Small dose to start, like .10 ml (20mg). I'm thinking I may use it for estrogen control, or just test tolerance and maybe blast with it once I get everything really sorted out. I'm not getting the wood like I was, so maybe the injections are bringing my E up too much. Just something to keep an eye on.

    Moved up to 50mg (25mg x 2) per day on Proviron for this week. That might be enough to get my E where I want it, but I am still doing both cream and 100mg test injection per week. BTW, I know this is what, week 3, maybe, of including the Test C, but I think I can feel the effects of the roughly 170mg total test per week kicking in. I went after the weights today and felt good and strong.

    Adding, I MAY do IM injections at some point, but due to "Infection Paranoia", I'm being super cautious. If I catch an infection in fatty tissue, eh, that sucks but in the muscle, that could suck worse. I'm becoming confident in PCs product, and suspect it would be fine right out of the bottle, just overly cautious due to an issue with another UGL.

    Way too damn much info there, right? Like who cares? You do, baby! You must, if you read it all
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  13. #693
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cylon357 View Post
    Hey, psst, y'all seem cool so listen up. I did a sub-q injection of PharmaCom's Masteron E Saturday morning. Small dose to start, like .10 ml (20mg). I'm thinking I may use it for estrogen control, or just test tolerance and maybe blast with it once I get everything really sorted out. I'm not getting the wood like I was, so maybe the injections are bringing my E up too much. Just something to keep an eye on.

    Moved up to 50mg (25mg x 2) per day on Proviron for this week. That might be enough to get my E where I want it, but I am still doing both cream and 100mg test injection per week. BTW, I know this is what, week 3, maybe, of including the Test C, but I think I can feel the effects of the roughly 170mg total test per week kicking in. I went after the weights today and felt good and strong.

    Adding, I MAY do IM injections at some point, but due to "Infection Paranoia", I'm being super cautious. If I catch an infection in fatty tissue, eh, that sucks but in the muscle, that could suck worse. I'm becoming confident in PCs product, and suspect it would be fine right out of the bottle, just overly cautious due to an issue with another UGL.

    Way too damn much info there, right? Like who cares? You do, baby! You must, if you read it all
    Glad you mentioned about your current injection choice. I didn't want to derail your thread so was waiting for my opportunity to jump in. Interesting.

    The subq injections have to be less painful and easier to self administer. Why switch to back to IM?

    Had a family member give me my first PC test e injection and no infection thankfully. Thank you for all the experiences you have shared.
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  14. #694
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ghostman_SW View Post
    Glad you mentioned about your current injection choice. I didn't want to derail your thread so was waiting for my opportunity to jump in. Interesting.

    The subq injections have to be less painful and easier to self administer. Why switch to back to IM?

    Had a family member give me my first PC test e injection and no infection thankfully. Thank you for all the experiences you have shared.
    Never hesitate to jump right in with a question or comment in here, as long as it is even REMOTELY related to something discussed at some point, even all the way back to the beginning. This is more a running dialog than a strict log, per se.

    Sub-q is virtually painless, especially with a fresh needle. I've never done IM, but leave it on the table as a possibility if I get to a point where volume is an issue.

    Did .15ml (30mg) Mast E this morning, still assessing tolerance. I'll know more about that in the morning, though PC seems GTG. Also did a .22ml (55mg) test C injection yesterday, with a back filled 1cc 28g 8mm syringe. That's probably about as high a volume as I would go with an oil based compound with that short a needle. Still, it did work, so that's another of the "good to know" things.
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  15. #695
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    Over head press day, you animal like people!

    Started with barbell OHP, worked up a little heavier than I have been 2x6, 2x3, then 1x10 with my previous 6 rep weight.

    Went to dips, unweighted, 3 sets, 12, 10, 10. Did push downs super setted with dumbbell curls, 3x10 to 15 on the pushdowns, 3x10 to 12 on the curls.

    Cable flyes, alternated with cable rear delt laterals, 2x10 of each.

    The "fun" thing of the night was the HIIT.

    2 minutes hammer tire
    1 minute rest
    2 minutes hammer tire
    1 minute rest
    2 minutes shadow boxing
    1 minute rest

    2 rounds of that, so 4 rounds of tire hammering, 2 rounds of shadow boxing. Hammer swings were 10 each side with the big sledge, 10 each arm with the little hammers (though 4lb hammers aren't exactly little) then the remaining round time with slams on the tire with a 40lb ball.

    Shadow boxing was 1 minute shadow boxing, then 15 push ups, then the remaining round time shadow boxing.

    I'll post up my heart rate chart in a few, though I got the "You're in Peak, slow your roll!" warning a couple of times.

    3/4 mile walk to warm up, same to cool down, now I am chilling and should have no issues sleeping tonight!
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    Sometimes, the fitbit loses my heart rate signal. I'm guessing that is what happened with that valley in the middle. Still, I'll take the win, ie I will accept that I got through it without passing out, throwing up or falling down.

    Cylon357's Super Cool Covid 2020 Weight loss comp log!-screenshot_20220906-205615.jpg
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  17. #697
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cylon357 View Post
    Never hesitate to jump right in with a question or comment in here, as long as it is even REMOTELY related to something discussed at some point, even all the way back to the beginning. This is more a running dialog than a strict log, per se.

    Sub-q is virtually painless, especially with a fresh needle. I've never done IM, but leave it on the table as a possibility if I get to a point where volume is an issue.

    Did .15ml (30mg) Mast E this morning, still assessing tolerance. I'll know more about that in the morning, though PC seems GTG. Also did a .22ml (55mg) test C injection yesterday, with a back filled 1cc 28g 8mm syringe. That's probably about as high a volume as I would go with an oil based compound with that short a needle. Still, it did work, so that's another of the "good to know" things.
    Thank you.
    What sites do you use for the sub-q? Just the lower part of the abs?

    For 1/2 ml of test, what g and length would you recommend?
    Last edited by Ghostman_SW; 09-07-2022 at 07:42 PM.
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  18. #698
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ghostman_SW View Post
    Thank you.
    What sites (lower abdominal region) do you use for the sub-q?
    I inject oil based in the glute region, water based in the abdomen, sometimes other spots. Water based stuff seems to go well anywhere for me.
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  19. #699
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ghostman_SW View Post
    Thank you.
    What sites do you use for the sub-q? Just the lower part of the abs?

    For 1/2 ml of test, what g and length would you recommend?
    Hey sorry missed the 1/2 ml test question. That volume may be a bit much for oil based compounds subq. I would split it up into 2 injections and do like .25 each spot. I got away with 8mm with .22ml, going straight in. 28g is about as small as I go with oils, 1/2" 27g back filled insulin pin works really well for me.

    You could also just go IM in the delts with 1/2" to 5/8" depending on body fat levels. Fresh needles are key, back fill away!

    How often are you injecting? That seems like a hefty TRT dose if more than once per week.
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  20. #700
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    Took the day off today, just because I am stressed out about a pending interview. I made it to the final round of interviews with one of the FAANGs and have GOT to get my study game going.

    Mind you, that isn't why I took the day off. I took the day off because I slept like crap last night worrying about the interview process. Today, The Wife and I made some decisions and my road is clear in that regard. And I will pick up with the start of week 3 tomorrow and get back in sync. I'll explain how week three could start on a Thursday or Friday later, too!
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  21. #701
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    And just as a BTW, nicked a blood vessel in my glute doing sub-q with the Test C. No big deal, I have a nice bruise that may spread over the next couple of days, but I massaged the area and applied pressure to move the oil around (to prevent lumping) and prevent more bruising / bleeding.

    No @Wango, I will NOT be providing a pic of the area! For that, you have to go to https// #NotGayButSubscribersAre$$

    JK, of course! It's all fun here!

    Last edited by Cylon357; 09-08-2022 at 06:37 PM.
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  22. #702
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    LoL. Damn, I so much enjoy pics of festering wounds. Seriously though, good luck with your bruised and potentially lumpy butt.
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  23. #703
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    Quote Originally Posted by wango View Post
    LoL. Damn, I so much enjoy pics of festering wounds. Seriously though, good luck with your bruised and potentially lumpy butt.
    Oh I don't have jack on that lol! That's some bad ju-ju right there. MY bruise didn't even really spread, still about the size of a quarter.

    I could kind of tell I met a little resistance when I was doing the shot and was like "Should I move around that vessel? Nah, fudge it, it just beeze that way sometimes!". A tiny bit sore but nothing to note other than the bruise.
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  24. #704
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    Squat day, woo hoo!

    What's that? Squat day on a Friday?? Yeah I switched to an EOD regimen instead of the 4 days a week. So far, it has improved how I feel, but I did just start week 3, so we will know more in about 8 6 days....

    Anyhow, barbell squats to start with, got 1x6 with my goal weight. That was my goal, so went ahead and dropped down to get some reps, then some more to do a narrow stance set.

    Calf raises with the barbell followed, 3 x 28 to 30. Pull-ups were next, 3x6 but focused on the motion and feeling it.

    Leg curls and extensions followed, 3x10to15 each.

    1 mile and change as LISS at the end. Shower food rest all good.
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  25. #705
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    GOOD bench day today.

    Barbell bench to start, big news there is that I got 1x8 with a weight I had been struggling to get 1x5 with.

    Maybe that Test C is starting to kick in?

    Did 3x8 dumbbell incline press next, nothing special there.

    Skull crushers semi super setted with barbell curls, 3x10-15 each. BTW, when I say "semi super setted", I really just mean that I alternated them, rather than a "pure" super set.

    Did front raises with a short barbell, semi super setted (there it is again. Aren't you glad I explained it?) with dumbbell laterals, 3x10 of each.

    3x10 light dumbbell flyes finished off the weights.

    HIIT consisted of 5 rounds of hammer swings against the tire, with one round of shadow boxing for a total of six two minute rounds. The shadow boxing was at the 4th round, I sort of needed to "slow my roll".

    About 3/4 of a mile to warm up, the same to cool down (though my heart rate was easily in the "fat burning" zone for the cool down) and then back to studying. Yeah, it's a drag. But, I'm getting a good review out of it and it WILL help with the interview with the FAANG, so there is that.

    I just have about 3 weeks before the interview and about 50 hours of material. Gonna be busy, but I will get the workouts in!
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    Deadlift today, though maybe should have just made it a back day. I got 'er done, but felt like I could have been more efficient.

    Deadlifts to start, worked up to 2x3 totally raw - no belt, wraps, straps, suits nothing.

    Barbell rows were next, 3x8 and really focused on feeling it in the lats.

    Chinups, my pretty damn vanilla 3x6. Grip was starting to go, so I did use the straps for the last set.

    Front squats, light weight, 3x6-8, and barbell calf raises, 3x25-30 wrapped the weights.

    .75 mile warm up walk, same to cool down then off to other business. I have ONE day left in week 3 and I'm still feeling pretty good!
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  27. #707
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    BTW, I combined my .2ml Test C and .1ml Mast E in a single syringe and injected sub-q Monday morning. That is the largest oil based quantity I have injected to date and had ZERO problems with it: no lumping, no knots, no redness. This GSO from PharmaCom is SMOOTH. That's still the 50 mg Test C / 20 mg Mast E amounts... I know that amount of Mast isn't likely to do much, but I'm planning on upping it at some point in the near future. I'm just testing tolerance at this point.

    In short, no issues with injecting .30 ml GSO (MAYBE a unit or two over) sub-q for me.
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  28. #708
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cylon357 View Post
    BTW, I combined my .2ml Test C and .1ml Mast E in a single syringe and injected sub-q Monday morning. That is the largest oil based quantity I have injected to date and had ZERO problems with it: no lumping, no knots, no redness. This GSO from PharmaCom is SMOOTH. That's still the 50 mg Test C / 20 mg Mast E amounts... I know that amount of Mast isn't likely to do much, but I'm planning on upping it at some point in the near future. I'm just testing tolerance at this point.

    In short, no issues with injecting .30 ml GSO (MAYBE a unit or two over) sub-q for me.
    I’m an idiot apparently. I didn’t know you could pin other compounds (other than test, HGH, HCG ) sub-Q?
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  29. #709
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    Quote Originally Posted by wango View Post
    I’m an idiot apparently. I didn’t know you could pin other compounds (other than test, HGH, HCG ) sub-Q?
    You are not an idiot. You CAN pin anything you want, any way you want. Some DO make for better routes, though individual response does vary.

    If it is in your body, it will either get absorbed or rejected. I know that you know this, so I'm kind of stating the obvious. Some compounds likely do absorb better IM vs subq, but I am far from the first to try masteron subq. No real reason for it, really, other than the my lab rattyness and the whole no scar tissue build up.

    I will likely give IM a go when I get to larger volumes, or maybe prop estered compounds. Cause yo, at the end of the day, I'm all about dat lab rat life!

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    To add, GSO does seem to be the most popular and well tolerated carrier oil for subq, followed by mct oil. Just putting that out there before I forget.
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    Overhead press day to wrap week 3.

    Barbell overhead press to start, got my 3x6 work sets.

    Shrugs and push-ups, 3x20 on shrugs 3x14 on push-ups.

    Pushdowns and dumbbell curls, 3x12 to 15 each.

    I started the morning with fasted LISS, about 2 miles right after getting up, then maybe a total of 2 more bookending the weights. Sitting at 11k steps on the day, and watching football now!
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  32. #712
    Ghostman_SW is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cylon357 View Post
    Hey sorry missed the 1/2 ml test question. That volume may be a bit much for oil based compounds subq. I would split it up into 2 injections and do like .25 each spot. I got away with 8mm with .22ml, going straight in. 28g is about as small as I go with oils, 1/2" 27g back filled insulin pin works really well for me.

    You could also just go IM in the delts with 1/2" to 5/8" depending on body fat levels. Fresh needles are key, back fill away!

    How often are you injecting? That seems like a hefty TRT dose if more than once per week.
    Just once per week.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ghostman_SW View Post
    Just once per week.
    Hmm, have you ever tried sub-q or more than one injection per week? .25 2x per week wouldn't be bad at all sub-q, or at least it hasn't for me.

  34. #714
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    I did say that Thursday was the end of week 3, but I did a little extra because my brain don't work right, I reckon.

    I did a total of 2.5 miles yesterday, combo jog and walk.

    Today I did just the hammer based heights, no weights.

    8 total 2 minute rounds, 1 minute between rounds. Every third round was shadow boxing, so that meant I got 6 total hammer rounds, 2 total shadow boxing rounds.

    NOW for real, the deload starts. I'm traveling this week, so it was good timing.

    See ya in the funny papers!
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  35. #715
    Ghostman_SW is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cylon357 View Post
    Hmm, have you ever tried sub-q or more than one injection per week? .25 2x per week wouldn't be bad at all sub-q, or at least it hasn't for me.
    I have not tried either yet. One IM injection at 150mg (1/2ml) per week for three weeks is all of my experience so far.

    The only sub-q injection I have given a family member is with a Victoza (pretty sure that is the name of the medicine) pen.
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  36. #716
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ghostman_SW View Post
    I have not tried either yet. One IM injection at 150mg (1/2ml) per week for three weeks is all of my experience so far.

    The only sub-q injection I have given a family member is with a Victoza (pretty sure that is the name of the medicine) pen.
    If you have done IM, you have done the hard part lol!

    If you decide to try subq, check the carrier oil. GSO is good, mct oil is reported to be ok, cottonseed oil not so good a choice. PharmaCom is well tolerated by my body sub-q, and it is in GSO.

    You also could try two IM injections per week. I'm just not a fan of once a week injections.
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  37. #717
    Ghostman_SW is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cylon357 View Post
    If you have done IM, you have done the hard part lol!

    If you decide to try subq, check the carrier oil. GSO is good, mct oil is reported to be ok, cottonseed oil not so good a choice. PharmaCom is well tolerated by my body sub-q, and it is in GSO.

    You also could try two IM injections per week. I'm just not a fan of once a week injections.
    Twice a week for lessening possible side effects?
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  38. #718
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ghostman_SW View Post
    Twice a week for lessening possible side effects?
    Yes, exactly and as a bonus, you could try sub-q if you are of a mind to. More frequent injections leads to more stable levels (less peaks and valleys) and thus the potential for fewer sides.
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    Whoo, baby, the Boss is back!

    Out of town for work all last week, so I got to use the treadmill and elliptical machines at the hotel, first thing in the mornings. Bleah, but it was a deload week so all good.

    Also, fnck that Atlanta traffic.

    But today, Jack, today started week 1. Ohhhhhhhh yeah! #MachoMan

    Squat day, giggity giggity!

    Started with barbell squats, 3x6 for work sets, then 1 wide set with lighter weight, 1 narrow set with the same weight, both 6 reps.

    Leg extensions and Leg curls followed, 3x10 to 15 each.

    Barbell calf raises, 3x20-25, good stuff.

    A little light back work, pullups, 2x6, semi supersetted with one arm dumbbell rows, 2x8.

    A combo jog and walk for a mile and a half for LISS.

    All is good!

  40. #720
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    I upped my masteron EVER SO SLIGHTLY. Friday when I got home, I injected .15ml Test C with .15ml Mast E. I had been doing .20 and .10. The new dose is 37.5mg Test C with 30mg Mast E, plus the testosterone cream and HCG .

    Maybe the Mast just needed bit to kick in, but man, Friday night / Saturday morning I had the "madera de la manana" ie morning wood. Like damn, brother what are you so riled up about? But I call it a good sign.

    I get that it COULD be coincidence but also maybe not.

    So that puts my weekly doses at something like 70mg Test from the cream, 75mg Test C from the PharmaCom, and 60mg Mast E, also from PharmaCom. Oh and also about 750iu hcg per week (3x250).

    Just playing lab rat and trying to decide where I'm going to land. I'm pulling bloods in a week and change, we will see what it looks like.
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