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Thread: Cylon357's Super Cool Covid 2020 Weight loss comp log!

  1. #881
    Join Date
    Nov 2018
    AKA "Nice Guy Cy"
    Bench day today

    Worked up to working sets of 3, 3, 5, 6. The first 3 rep set was really just to get a thorough warm up, then went up in weight for the second 3, down some for the 5, and the ln down to the first work set for the 6.

    Skull crushers and dumbbell curls, 3x12 and 3x10to12, respectively.

    Dumbbell laterals, 2x10 but with strict form.

    3/4 mile walk to warm up, same for cool down.

  2. #882
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    AKA "Nice Guy Cy"
    Deadlift night, huh!

    Deadlifts, 3x5 as work sets.

    Barbell bent rows, 3x8to10

    Calf raises, 3x18. Not as many reps because I put together a 3 inch block this weekend and did the raises off of that. I did 1x25 off the 1.5 inch block to really hit the calves.

    3x12 hip thrusters off the bag wrapped the weights.

    Then jogging intervals interspersed with walking, 5 jogs, anywhere from 3 minutes to 30 seconds, the shorter intervals were more like runs.

    3/4 mile walk to warm up, maybe 1/2 mile to cool down after the jogging.

  3. #883
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    AKA "Nice Guy Cy"
    Ok so somewhere up there, I mentioned that my calves don't sore up..

    That extra inch and a half from the new block fixed that!!

    Calves are all sore now, maybe better tomorrow, or may be more sore, who can say!

  4. #884
    Join Date
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    AKA "Nice Guy Cy"
    Oh yeah, calves are definitely chatty sore today. Yay!

  5. #885
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    AKA "Nice Guy Cy"
    Squat day Monday!

    Barbell squats, a little heavier top work set at 6 reps, total work sets were 3, 6, 10, then 8 with drop weight and a narrow stance.

    Then, sh!t got real!

    Busted out the linebacker squat landmine setup and did 2x10 front facing, then 1x8 rear facing squats. Brought out the calf block and did 2x25, 1x18 off the block. Goddang, man, they were on fire!

    Barbell rows, 3x10, focusing on getting the elbows back clean.

    Leg curls, 3x12-15, leg extensions 2x10.

    That wrapped the weights.

    Did 10 minutes on the treadmill at a jogging pace, with 4 30 second intervals in the middle.

    Sweating like a pig, but got it all done!

  6. #886
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    AKA "Nice Guy Cy"
    BTW, I switched to a MWF schedule for the weights, with 2 days of dedicated LISS, plus MISS and/or MetCon after two of the weight workouts.

    This seems to work out well. I'm going into week 5 before a planned deload in week 6. No issues so far regarding feeling burned out.

    I DID miss a workout Saturday because I spent 5 hours cleaning up outside. Got in over 9k steps doing that alone! Slept like a log Saturday night, and that continued into Sunday, but eh, all is good

  7. #887
    Join Date
    Nov 2018
    AKA "Nice Guy Cy"
    Bench day again!

    Barbell bench, got 8 on my top work set, then 4 with the same weight. I slept for crap last night, woke up early and never got my stride. But it's all good, Jack!

    Dropped some weight and did a wide set, then 3 close grip for the triceps, super setted with bicep curls.

    Dumbbell laterals and dumbbell flyes wrapped the weights, 3x10-12 each.

    Shadow boxing for MISS tonight 6 2 minute rounds, 1 minute rest. I took the last 30 seconds of every other round to do 15 pushups.

    Nice chest pump and sweat going tonight!

    Now it is time to chillllll.

  8. #888
    Join Date
    Sep 2020
    Quote Originally Posted by Cylon357 View Post
    BTW, I switched to a MWF schedule for the weights, with 2 days of dedicated LISS, plus MISS and/or MetCon after two of the weight workouts.

    This seems to work out well. I'm going into week 5 before a planned deload in week 6. No issues so far regarding feeling burned out.

    I DID miss a workout Saturday because I spent 5 hours cleaning up outside. Got in over 9k steps doing that alone! Slept like a log Saturday night, and that continued into Sunday, but eh, all is good
    Amazing how outside chores can completely waste you.

    I like the new schedule; always great to mix things up.

  9. #889
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    Nov 2018
    AKA "Nice Guy Cy"
    Deadlift and overhead press day to wrap up week 5.

    Started with deadlifts, went a little heavier to see where my strength was. It wasn't way off, so I call it a win.

    Barbell rows, 1x10, 2x8 with heavier weight.

    Overhead press 1x3 (too heavy to start, I thought the DLs had warmed everything up), 1x8 with lower weight, then back to 2x6 with the original 1x3 weight. 1x10 with lighter weight to wrap that.

    Barbell shrugs 3x12.

    Calf work, 2x25, then 1x20 with 10 more off the floor. Fire!

    3x6 pullups, various grips. Unplanned but I felt good about getting them in!

    Met Con after all that

    5 rounds of tire hammer swings, slam ball on the tire, and a couple of times I did some farmers carries with body weight.
    1 round run to wrap it.

    2 minutes each round, 1 minute rest between.

    3/4 mile walk to cool down, then a dip in the 72 degree pool to REALLY cool down. Yoga stretches, protein, then shower.

    I believe I will sleep well tonight!

  10. #890
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    AKA "Nice Guy Cy"
    Deload week, yay!

    2 mile slog last night. I got the two miles in and at a 11:15 per mile pace. Ironically, I seemed to be getting faster the more I jogged. Maybe I just wanted to go ahead and croak.

    Listen, my 20th century self used to run 5ks in a hair under 24 minutes, one time as fast as 22:00, in the summer during a rainy day in Memphis. So yeah, my old fat ass is slow.

    But I'm still moving, Jack!

  11. #891
    Join Date
    Nov 2018
    AKA "Nice Guy Cy"

    I said WOOOOOOOOOOOO, mf'ers!!

    Cylon357 aka MISTER Three Five Seven aka the Ayatollah of Rock and Roll-ah is BACK!

    Back on the sauce, and back in the weight room both!

    Effective Saturday, I started back on TRT proper. The blood work from the enclo was not good, not horrible, just not great.

    So test and some fina is likely gonna be how I roll from here on out.

  12. #892
    Join Date
    Nov 2018
    AKA "Nice Guy Cy"
    Goddang, forgot to log my workout...

    Week 1, Day 1: Squat day.

    Barbell squats, 2x6 work sets, 1x8 with lighter weight to do a narrow stance set. I take it easy in the first week after a deload, that 6 rep weight will likely be back to 12 or so next week.

    Barbell calf raises off the new fangled block (remind me to post a pic later), 3x20-25. Man, that hurts so good! #JohnCougarMellencamp

    Pullups, no weight, 3x6.

    Leg extensions and leg curls, 3x10 to 15 each.

    1.5 mile jog in 16 minutes on the nose for a 10:40 pace. Not bad for this geezer.

    1 mile walk with The Wife to cool it down.

    Stretches, shower, food, now doinking around with you all, my fellow clowns. Hey, we are all clowns in the game of life, sometimes we just don't realize it...

    Life is good!

  13. #893
    Join Date
    Sep 2020
    Quote Originally Posted by Cylon357 View Post
    Goddang, forgot to log my workout...

    Week 1, Day 1: Squat day.

    Stretches, shower, food, now doinking around with you all, my fellow clowns. Hey, we are all clowns in the game of life, sometimes we just don't realize it...

    Life is good!
    You’re funny.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

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ID:	182516  

  14. #894
    Join Date
    Nov 2018
    AKA "Nice Guy Cy"
    Bench day, peeps!

    Barbell bench, 2x6 work sets.

    Nothing less than 6 reps this phase, BTW.

    Dips, 3x8, no weight. Felt those as it had been like 3 weeks since doing them.

    2x6 close grip bench, super setted with 2x10 ezcurl bar curls.
    2x12 pushdowns, super setted with 2x10 ezcurl bar curls.

    Cable flyes, supered with cable reverse laterals, 2x10 each.

    2 mile walk to cool down.

    Life is good!

  15. #895
    Join Date
    Nov 2018
    AKA "Nice Guy Cy"
    Back day!

    Deadlifts 4x6-8, really just to get the blood flowing and the body warmed up.

    Barbell rows, 3x10

    Landmine squats, 3x8-10, various stances.

    3x20-25 landmine calf raises off the block.

    4x10 pull downs, 2 medium width grip, 2 narrow grip parallel grip.

    Stepped outside and did 4 x 3 minute runs, 1 minute between rounds. Had a 9 minute mile pace somewhere in there, so I will take it.

    Half mile walk, then a hop in the pool, yoga stretches and a shower. The Wife skillet cooked some salmon with some pasta and seared asparagus. Damn good!

  16. #896
    Join Date
    Nov 2018
    AKA "Nice Guy Cy"
    Whoa, Nellie! Deadlift day took it out of me.

    Still, did a trivial shoulder workout. Better than nothing.

    Barbell OP, skull crushers, dumbbell curls and dumbbell laterals did the deal.

    3/4 mile walk to cool down.

    I'm probably going back to that 3 day a week, rolling workout thing. That was sustainable on reasonable doses of "the things". I will save the 4 and 5 day a week workouts for blasts.

  17. #897
    Join Date
    Sep 2020
    Quote Originally Posted by Cylon357 View Post
    Whoa, Nellie! Deadlift day took it out of me.

    Still, did a trivial shoulder workout. Better than nothing.

    Barbell OP, skull crushers, dumbbell curls and dumbbell laterals did the deal.

    3/4 mile walk to cool down.

    I'm probably going back to that 3 day a week, rolling workout thing. That was sustainable on reasonable doses of "the things". I will save the 4 and 5 day a week workouts for blasts.
    Gotta just go with the flow & do what feels comfortable. The fact that you put in any time is a win imo.

  18. #898
    Join Date
    Nov 2018
    AKA "Nice Guy Cy"
    Squat day today to kick off week 2.

    I got started late because work sucks donkey balls, but still got in some intensity.

    Barbell squats, 2x9 with the previous weeks 2x6

    Calf raises, 3x20 with heavier weight than I normally do.

    Chin ups, 7, 6, 6, 5

    1.5 mile jog, 11:08 pace.

    3/4 mile walk to warm up, 1/2 mile to cool down.

  19. #899
    Join Date
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    AKA "Nice Guy Cy"
    4.5 dang miles!

    That's what I got in today.

    Walked 3/4 with The Wife to warm up, then jogged 2.0 at a 10:37 mile pace. Did I have more distance / speed in me? Eh, maybe, but I don't want to overdo it.

    Walked another 1.5+ miles to cool down and bring that total to dangerously close to that 4.5 I mentioned.

    Hopped in the pool, did some yoga stretches, hit the shower, and this one should have no problems sleeping tonight!

  20. #900
    Join Date
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    AKA "Nice Guy Cy"
    Bench day, rolly pollys!

    Barbell bench, 2x 6 work sets, 1x10 wide grip with lighter weight.

    Went right to front raises, 3x10, supered with lateral raises, 3x 8 to 10. I used the grab plates to do the laterals, and somehow that really focused the attention on the side delts.

    Bicep curls, 3x10 focusing on the squeeze, then 3x12 skull crushers.

    3/4 mile walk to warm up, about 1.25 to cool down and for liss.

  21. #901
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    AKA "Nice Guy Cy"
    Back day, suckas!

    Deadlift started me off, went a little heavier than I had been, and got 5, 4, 3 on work sets. Yeah, I know I said no less than 6 reps this phase, but I was tired and didn't use straps on those last two sets. I'll take it today.

    Barbell rows, 3x8.

    Hip thrusters off the heavy bag, 3x10 with a bit more weight than I have been using. 175, goal is to get to 225 x8-10 at some point.

    Calf raises, 3x20-25

    Kettlebell swings, 3x15, 1 minute between sets.

    3/4 mile walk to warm up, same to cool down.

    Grilled some burgers and had some tots.... diet is what kills my progress, but eh, when it gets important to me, I'll clean it up.

    All is good, brothers and sisters!
    Last edited by Cylon357; 05-20-2023 at 10:49 AM.

  22. #902
    Join Date
    Sep 2020
    Quote Originally Posted by Cylon357 View Post
    Back day, suckas!

    Deadlift started me off, went a little heavier than I had been, and got 5, 4, 3 on work sets. Yeah, I know I said no less than 6 reps this phase, but I was tired and didn't use straps on those last two sets. I'll take it today.

    Barbell rows, 3x8.

    Hip thrusters off the heavy bag, 3x10 with a bit more weight than I have been using. 175, goal is to get to 225 x8-10 at some point.

    Calf raises, 3x20-25

    Kettlebell swings, 3x15, 1 minute between sets.

    3/4 mile walk to warm up, same to cool down.

    Grilled some burgers and had some tots.... diet is what kills my progress, but eh, when it gets important to me, I'll clean it up.

    All is good, brothers and sisters!
    5? 4? 3 reps !?! Here I thought we had a little earthquake out here . . . nah, it was CY putting down his barbell. Beast mode!

  23. #903
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    AKA "Nice Guy Cy"
    Quote Originally Posted by wango View Post
    5? 4? 3 reps !?! Here I thought we had a little earthquake out here . . . nah, it was CY putting down his barbell. Beast mode!
    Nah, I was just tired yesterday lol! One of those days were I was not feeling it but got it done. I think allergies are firing up and affecting both mine and The Wife's sleep. But, that is Florida... If the gators don't get you, the bears will. If the bears don't, the reptiles will. If not the reptiles, then the pollen!

    BTW, when it gets cold here, they issue legit "falling lizards" warnings. They get in the trees to get some sun, then when night comes and it gets cold, they lose the ability to hang on to the tree and they can fall out, bonking passerbys on the head.

  24. #904
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    Sep 2020
    Falling lizards; gotta say, that’s a new one to me, lol.

  25. #905
    Join Date
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    AKA "Nice Guy Cy"
    Quote Originally Posted by wango View Post
    Falling lizards; gotta say, that’s a new one to me, lol.
    It's rainin' reptiles!

  26. #906
    Join Date
    Nov 2018
    AKA "Nice Guy Cy"
    Overhead press workout today, my peoples!

    Barbell over head press started us off, worked up to 1x6, 2x8 work sets. Felt a little weak tonight, but I didn't sleep real well last night.

    Went to barbell shrugs, 3x10. I moved my farmer walk handles outside, need to bring them back in. I like barbell shrugs, but dang they rub my ding dong the right / wrong way...

    Did ezcurl bar curls, 3x10, super setted with tricep kickbacks, 3x10 each arm. I know: y'all gonna make a body builder out of me yet!

    Side raises 2x10 to wrap the weights.

    Was debating what to do with met-con... decided to do the tire hammer swing thing


    I got a new hammer yesterday!

    No, it is not Mjolnir (I likely could not lift it anyhow) but it is a 16lb long handle sledge. I was using an 8lb sledge... you know, the difference those 8 pounds make is BIG.

    So, I did 2 minute rounds, typically 10 to 20 swings with the 16lb'er, 10 to 20 with the 8lb'er, and the remaining time, I used the 40lb slam ball on the tire.

    The neighbors have to wonder what I have against this tire... Does he hate bagels? Did he buy it thinking it was a giant donut?? Nosey Nellies Need to Know!

    Anyhow, got them post work out feel goods.

    3/4 mile walk to warm up, 1/2 mile to cool down, and Life. Is. Good!
    Last edited by Cylon357; 05-24-2023 at 01:25 PM.

  27. #907
    Join Date
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    AKA "Nice Guy Cy"
    Oh my brother, testify! #DVonDudley

    Squat day!

    Worked up to 3 work sets 6, 6, 10. The first and third were with the same weight. The second was a bit heavier. Dropped weight for 1x8 narrow stance, then did 2x6 front squat.

    Pull-ups 3x6.

    Calf raises, 3x25..

    Leg extensions and curls rounded it out, 3x 10 to 15 each.

    3/4 mile walk to warm up, 1.5 for LISS after.

    Good workout!

  28. #908
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    AKA "Nice Guy Cy"
    Friday morning I got up and did fasted cardio. Roughly 35 minutes total, 10 minute walk to warm up, followed by 2 minutes of jog, 1 minute walk for 6 rounds. So about 30 minutes when all was said and done. Hopped in the pool to cool off, then went to work. Work from home, so no commute!

  29. #909
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    AKA "Nice Guy Cy"
    Saturday bench workout!

    Barbell bench, 2x8 work sets. Would normally have done a rep set but...

    2x10 close grip, supered with ez curl bar curls, 2x10.

    2x14 skull crushers, supered with db curls, 2x12.

    2x12 db flyes, supered with 2x12 laterals.

    3/4 mile walk to warmup, same to cool down.

    Headed to a concert!

  30. #910
    Join Date
    Sep 2020
    Quote Originally Posted by Cylon357 View Post
    Saturday bench workout!

    Barbell bench, 2x8 work sets. Would normally have done a rep set but...

    2x10 close grip, supered with ez curl bar curls, 2x10.

    2x14 skull crushers, supered with db curls, 2x12.

    2x12 db flyes, supered with 2x12 laterals.

    3/4 mile walk to warmup, same to cool down.

    Headed to a concert!
    Who are you seeing?

  31. #911
    Join Date
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    AKA "Nice Guy Cy"
    Quote Originally Posted by wango View Post
    Who are you seeing?
    A troop called "Classic Albums Live". I've talked about them before, they did Tom Petty's "Damn the Torpedoes" tonight and it was damn good!

  32. #912
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    AKA "Nice Guy Cy"
    Deadlift day!

    Deadlifts started me out, worked up to 4x6, one minute between sets for a bit of a metcon effect. Lighter than I had been, but still huffy and puffy.

    3x8-10 barbell rows followed, again a smidgen lighter, but I super focused on pulling the elbows back. Felt it!

    3x6 chinups.

    2x10 hip thrusters... I have a goal to get to 225x8 but I kept it at 135 today and did 15 reps on the third set.

    3x20-25 calf raises.

    3x15 kettlebell swings supered with goblet squats, 3x6. Kept the work to 45 seconds total with one minute between rounds. So finished with a bit of metcon, too.

    3/4 mile walk to start, same to cool down. Hopped in the pool, did some yoga stretches and chilled.

  33. #913
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    AKA "Nice Guy Cy"
    Over head press day last night (Wednesday)

    Did seated dumbbell over head presses, using the dumbbell holders off the rack. Worksets of 7, 6, 6, 5 then a rep set of 12.

    Barbell shrugs, tucking the sack back, 15, 12, 10, 10 progressively higher weight (though the 2 10 rep sets were the same weight).

    Dumbbell curls, 3x12. Did not super set them.

    Skull crushers, 15, 10, 7. Went higher on the weight on the last two sets, probably should not have. Tricep tendon dialoging some with me, but it will clear.

    Lateral raises, 3x10.

    Seems like there was something else, but it is gone now.

    3/4 mile walk to warm up, 1.25 to cool down.

  34. #914
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    AKA "Nice Guy Cy"
    Saturday squat day!

    Barbell squat, work sets 6, 6, 6

    Whoa! The Number of the Beast! Iron Maiden FTW!


    Dropped weight to the first 6 weight and hit wither 10 or 12 on it for my rep set.

    Calf raises off the block with the landmine setup, 3x20 to 25. Fire!

    Landmine rows, 12, 8, 8, 12. The two 12s were with the same weight, the 8s I added a 25.

    Leg extensions and curls, 3x12 to 15 each, kept it lighter and repped.

    Jogged 1.5 miles outside, 10:30 mile pace.

    1.5 mile walk to cool down.

    Sunday, I got fasted LISS in the form of a 3 mile walk in the morning. Feeling A-OK!

  35. #915
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    AKA "Nice Guy Cy"
    Bench day Tuesday.

    Pretty straight forward workout.

    Barbell bench, 3x6 work sets

    Dips, 8, 8, 6, 6, 12. The six rep sets were with 25 and 50 pounds, but that fifty pound set... that was just mediocre, so I dropped weight and did a rep out thing.

    Landmine overhead press, 4x8-10. I have a pic somewhere of that setup.

    Barbell curls, 2x8-10 then skull crushers 2x8. I went heavier on both exercises, just for variance. Now my tricep tendon is dialoging... gotta ease back on that. Might also get some BPC-157 and TB-500 in here, Science Bio is back in business and their peps were legit before they left. I may give them a shot now that they are back.

    3/4 mile walk to warm up, 2 mile walk after for LISS.

  36. #916
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    AKA "Nice Guy Cy"
    Here is the landmine setup. I have a 2" black plumbing pipe that I strap to the rack and use as the pivot end, then a sleeve adaptor from Titan that serves as the pivot itself. That's a cheap a** squat stand in the front, and that same cheapy landmine handle on the end. I swap out that handle and replace with one that has two padded arms, and will use that for hack squats and calf raises. Feel like my calves are getting it from that.

    Anyhow, pictures are worth a thousand words. I would forgive you for thinking this one says "OMG super sketch setup how come you ain't dead yet??" You might not be entirely wrong lol

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Cylon357LMOP.jpg 
Views:	35 
Size:	431.3 KB 
ID:	182539

  37. #917
    Join Date
    Sep 2020
    Quote Originally Posted by Cylon357 View Post
    Here is the landmine setup. I have a 2" black plumbing pipe that I strap to the rack and use as the pivot end, then a sleeve adaptor from Titan that serves as the pivot itself. That's a cheap a** squat stand in the front, and that same cheapy landmine handle on the end. I swap out that handle and replace with one that has two padded arms, and will use that for hack squats and calf raises. Feel like my calves are getting it from that.

    Anyhow, pictures are worth a thousand words. I would forgive you for thinking this one says "OMG super sketch setup how come you ain't dead yet??" You might not be entirely wrong lol

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Cylon357LMOP.jpg 
Views:	35 
Size:	431.3 KB 
ID:	182539
    Looks good, dig your ingenuity.

  38. #918
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    AKA "Nice Guy Cy"
    Quote Originally Posted by wango View Post
    Looks good, dig your ingenuity.
    It's dangerous sometimes but, sometimes it works! So far, more the latter than the former...

  39. #919
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    AKA "Nice Guy Cy"
    Back day today.

    Didn't do deadlifts... I'm pushing 6 weeks on 1 week deload because of travel plans at end of month. This is week 5, when I would normally be wrapping up for the deload.


    Pull-ups started me off, 4x6 various grips.

    Barbell rows, 4x8-10. Had to start light because my lower back wasn't warmed up from deads. No bigs.

    Setup the landmine thing and did one arm rows, 2x10 each side, then one set of narrow grip for 12 reps.

    Calf work, 3x30.

    Ran some intervals for a total of about a mile and a half, then walked almost a mile to cool down.

    All is good!

  40. #920
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    Nov 2018
    AKA "Nice Guy Cy"
    Overhead press day!

    Barbell overhead press to start, 3x6 work sets, followed by 2x 10 with lighter weight. I have a nagging recurrent left tricep tendon that is speaking with me, the outer head. It is almost always saying "we don't have real trouble YET, but tread lightly, puta!" It didn't really bother me during the presses, but kind of started a little in the heavier sets, so I kept it a little lighter than I planned.

    Barbell shrugs, 3x10, with increasing weight.

    Dumbell curls 3x10. This, ironically, is where the tricep tendon started pinging me more. First couple of reps on first set let me know to be careful, so I did a shorter range of motion on the first set. After that, dunno if it somehow got good a warmed up, but as long as I didn't bounce or anything, it was good for full ROM.

    Tricep pushdowns followed, 3x12. Or maybe I super setted with the curls? Anyhow, these did NOT bother my tendon, I guess because it seems to be the outer.

    Reverse delt flyes supered with cable flyes, 3x10 each wrapped the weights.

    Did 5 rounds of the hammer tire Cylon SMASH! thing, then did about 1.5 mile walk to cool down.

    All good here!

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