Today's workout was just a 2.5 mile fasted LISS walk. Nothing special, but a good way to start the day.
A couple of other items of "interest".
I FINALLY follow up with the Ortho today regarding my knee. Will update with that later.
I have started adding microdosed finasteride at 30mcg, once per week. Took my second dose yesterday, and will use blood work and feel to adjust dose and / or frequency as it makes sense.
This is a home brew, basically 1 5mg finasteride tablet dissolved in 50 ml of a stout whiskey (107 proof). I use an oral syringe to draw to the 30 unit mark, then sublingual it for as long as I can stand at that alcohol concentration. I feel like there are some positive effects already, but blood work will tell the tale for sure.
Note that I have a history with fina. I'm a definite over responder and felt like the dog's dinner at 1.25mg every two weeks. So, yeah, it's a long and winding road, but Jack, I'm in it to win it, so it's all good.