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Thread: Cylon357's Super Cool Covid 2020 Weight loss comp log!

  1. #241
    Join Date
    Nov 2018
    AKA "Nice Guy Cy"
    Today's workout was just a 2.5 mile fasted LISS walk. Nothing special, but a good way to start the day.

    A couple of other items of "interest".

    I FINALLY follow up with the Ortho today regarding my knee. Will update with that later.

    I have started adding microdosed finasteride at 30mcg, once per week. Took my second dose yesterday, and will use blood work and feel to adjust dose and / or frequency as it makes sense.

    This is a home brew, basically 1 5mg finasteride tablet dissolved in 50 ml of a stout whiskey (107 proof). I use an oral syringe to draw to the 30 unit mark, then sublingual it for as long as I can stand at that alcohol concentration. I feel like there are some positive effects already, but blood work will tell the tale for sure.

    Note that I have a history with fina. I'm a definite over responder and felt like the dog's dinner at 1.25mg every two weeks. So, yeah, it's a long and winding road, but Jack, I'm in it to win it, so it's all good.

  2. #242
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    AKA "Nice Guy Cy"
    The ortho had nothing particularly interesting to add. We can do surgery, if I want (ie if I'm not happy with what I can do with my knee as is atm). It really comes down to my preference.... If I want to be able to job more than a 1/2 mile at a time, gonna need surgery. If not, then it's cool as is.

    They did take some additional x-rays of both knees. Fractured condyle has healed and all looks good except for some very minor arthritis. Not significant enough to benefit from shots, and shots don't do jack for a torn meniscus. Business as usual on this front.

    Note that if I end up getting hemorrhoid surgery, I may opt for getting the meniscus done, too. After the first surgery, I will likely be at out of pocket maximum for the year, so it would be time to go crazy!

  3. #243
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cylon357 View Post
    The ortho had nothing particularly interesting to add. We can do surgery, if I want (ie if I'm not happy with what I can do with my knee as is atm). It really comes down to my preference.... If I want to be able to job more than a 1/2 mile at a time, gonna need surgery. If not, then it's cool as is.

    They did take some additional x-rays of both knees. Fractured condyle has healed and all looks good except for some very minor arthritis. Not significant enough to benefit from shots, and shots don't do jack for a torn meniscus. Business as usual on this front.

    Note that if I end up getting hemorrhoid surgery, I may opt for getting the meniscus done, too. After the first surgery, I will likely be at out of pocket maximum for the year, so it would be time to go crazy!
    Does your ortho want to remove the portion of the torn meniscus or try to repair it? Huge difference in recovery time.

  4. #244
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    AKA "Nice Guy Cy"
    Quote Originally Posted by wango View Post
    Does your ortho want to remove the portion of the torn meniscus or try to repair it? Huge difference in recovery time.

  5. #245
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cylon357 View Post
    Piece of cake. In fact if it is bothering you, it’s ridiculous to not have it done.

  6. #246
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    AKA "Nice Guy Cy"
    Quote Originally Posted by wango View Post
    Piece of cake. In fact if it is bothering you, it’s ridiculous to not have it done.
    Any cons to having it removed? I'm thinking that it likely serves a purpose...

  7. #247
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cylon357 View Post
    Any cons to having it removed? I'm thinking that it likely serves a purpose...
    It does serve as a type of cushion & support between the rounded ends of the femur and those flat ends of the tibia. Back in the day, they simply removed the whole thing, putting a lot of pressure on the ends of the bone. Now they remove just the torn part, so the effect is not as great.

    Yes, that can still lead to more wear and tear on the bones, but you have to consider your age. You already have knee issues, so the damage has started already.

    It’s a good conversation to have with your surgeon just to be 110% sure of your decision. I personally would go with the removal at this age. If you/I were younger, more consideration should be placed on the repair. Also ask the surgeon if you were to have the repair, what the accepted failure rate is now as that still is a possibility.

    Personally, I miss running/jogging (I really shouldn’t), but there are alternatives that are more knee friendly.

  8. #248
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    AKA "Nice Guy Cy"
    Good bench workout yesterday. Kept it short'ish but intense'ish, just bench press, dips, skull crushers, super light dumbbell over head presses and front raises. I did get in a 1/2 mile walk to warm up and did a two mile walk to get in some LISS after that fact, then hopped in the pool fora proper cool down.

    Regarding the needle.... I have set a requirement for myself before switching. It's simple:

    5 pounds or 5 percent

    That is, I have to get serious enough about my diet to lose 5 pounds or 5 percent body fat before I switch to test. If I can't be disciplined enough to do that and keep it off, then I am not ready for the needle and the add ons that go with it. This is how I'm thinking at the moment anyhow.

  9. #249
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    AKA "Nice Guy Cy"
    Interesting deadlift workout today.

    My goal was to do some conditioning and I did get it done, just not as much as I would have liked. I was gassed fast.

    Started with a tri-set consisting of dead lifts, goblet squats, and hip thrusters. First tri-set had me huffing and puffing, took about a minute break and did another set. I needed a two minute break this time, but I did complete the third set.

    My plan had been for 3 to 5 rounds, but man it was not happening today. Not sure what was up with that.

    Anyhow, I moved on to barbell rows, then thought what the heck, I've got the dumbell loaded for relatively heavy one arm rows, and the heavy bag (which I did the hip thrusters off of) was the right height, so I knocked out some one arm dumbbell rows.

    Moved on to calf work, then some dumbell curls. I did like 2 sets of seated curls, then two sets of standing, then two sets of standing hammer curls.

    Those six sets of curls are the closest thing I have done to a bodybuilding workout in 30 years.

    Finished with three rounds of the following:
    2 minutes on the rower
    2 minutes on the climber

    With some intervals here and there, it was enough. Walk, pool, stretching then shower and some awesome ground turkey tacos my wife made.

    BTW, it is possible that I have lost Son of Lefty. I'm not experiencing pain anymore and things look different. We will see on the follow up visit with the doc what is what.

    Life is good all in all, brothers and sisters!

  10. #250
    Quote Originally Posted by Cylon357 View Post
    Remember up there when I said 'this is more of a recomp routine'? You don't? Maybe you ought to go read through the previous posts and find it. Or hey, you could just trust me on this.

    Anyhow, here are my starting stats, with the ones from this morning. While this scale isn't the best one on the planet, the numbers do seem to track consistently.

    Attachment 179966 Attachment 179967
    Attachment 179968 Attachment 179969
    Hey Ceylon, what type of digital weight scale is this? it shows your bf bodyfat percentage too? wow. I'd like to buy something like this. the old school way is doing that pinch more than an inch caliper. please advise.

  11. #251
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    AKA "Nice Guy Cy"
    Quote Originally Posted by NiceGuyResearcher View Post
    Hey Ceylon, what type of digital weight scale is this? it shows your bf bodyfat percentage too? wow. I'd like to buy something like this. the old school way is doing that pinch more than an inch caliper. please advise.
    Attached are the model details for the one I have.

    Some things to note... I am not sure how accurate the bf% really is. It seems close'ish but if it were a couple of points off, I would not be at all surprised. It does however read pretty consistently overall, so maybe 25 is really 26, but when I lean out the percentage goes down. Basically, it seems to read fairly well if possibly a bit off.

    The other thing is that to get the best readings, you need your feet to be wet. It helps conduct electricity and evidently a mild pulse is sent through your body. Nothing you will notice.

    Click image for larger version. 

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  12. #252
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    AKA "Nice Guy Cy"
    Nice overhead press workout tonight. I wasn't sure I was going to have it in me after yesterday's dead lift session, but tonight went well.

    Started with OP, 2x9, 1x8 for work set. Moved on to dips 8, 12, 10 no weight tonight. Followed up with shrugs 3x20, then close grip bench (really got the outside of the tris) and pushdowns (got the insides). Super light and controlled lateral raises and then a 2 mile walk. All is good in Cylon-ville this evening!

  13. #253
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    AKA "Nice Guy Cy"
    No workout today. I'm pushing it to tomorrow.

    The Wife and I celebrated our anniversary by going to our first concert in about 2 years. Classic Albums Live The Beatles "Sgt Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Band". It was overe near the coast, so we drove over, got a hotel room on the beach, had a nice dinner then the late concert. It was good!

    Except that I slept for sh*t. I woke up half a dozen times, noisy neighbors, too hot too cold, etc etc. Then the drive back today I was like 'push it to tomorrow'. So that's what I'm doing.

  14. #254
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    AKA "Nice Guy Cy"
    Nice squat workout tonight, so glad I pushed it to today.

    I got my working sets of squats. I'm up to 8 reps of the add a rep a week scheme. Next week is my final before my deload week, I may shoot for 10 or stick with the program and just do 9.

    Instead of hack squats, I did a couple of sets of narrow stance squats, followed by a couple of sets of front squats. I like to vary things up, not for 'muscle confusion', just to keep me interested. Anyhow, cool variations for sweep and tear drop.

    Did calves next... man, I like hitting them. Something wrong in my head I reckon, cause I curse like a drunken sailor on leave and walk like a cat with tape on its feet when I hit them good.

    Did some pull-ups, first set was good but I was getting gassed. Followed that with ez bar curls. Kind of forgot hamstrings, so I decided to do some super light stiff legged deadlifts.

    Wrapped up with three rounds of
    3 minutes on tread mill at 10 minute mile pace
    12 kettlebell swings (moved up to 50 from 40)

    Pummeled, ladies and gents, that's how I felt. Some stretching and a hop in the pool to cool down, then the shower to wrap it for the night. I just had some rice, green beans, and turkey meatloaf as tonight's dinner. Awww, man, I'm feeling righteous now, Jack! Should sleep like a baby tonight.

  15. #255
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    AKA "Nice Guy Cy"
    Kind of a good but short bench workout tonight. I did not get to do my warmup or cool down walks because the bottom was falling out, but I will walk in the morning fasted to make up for missing the LISS today.

    Anyhow, today was just bench, nothing particularly special there. I have noticed that my bench is suffering slightly lately. I came to two conclusions. First, this week is TECHNICALLY the 3rd week of my 3 weeks intense / 1 week deload. The removal of Son of Lefty cut the real first week short, after I had only completed my squat and bench days. So, squat and bench are third week, dead and overhead press are second week. I will probably just push the squat and dead into the 4th week for them, just to keep my deload week consistent. Anyhow, being in the third week might be part of the issue with the bench suffering. Second, I haven't been doing weighted dips lately. My bench seems to move in line with my dips.

    Which lead me to the second exercise of the night: dips. I did 10 with no weight, 8 with 25 pounds, 8 with 50 pounds, then got rid of all the weight and did 15. Feeling it, brothers and sisters!

    The last exercise of the night was skull crushers. Did my usual 3 sets, but during the last one, "Ace of Spades" turned up in the playlist, so I repped it out to like 15 or so.

    That's really it for the night. Quads are still sore from Monday's squat workout. Not quite that Fred Sanford walk but bending down to pick up the cat dish is a challenge. Actually, my hamstrings and glutes have that warmed over feeling, too. I'm a little surprised by that, though I do really try to focus on hams when I do stiff legged dead lifts. Not sure about the glutes, but I will take it. This soreness might impact Friday's planned dead lift workout, but I will come up with something fun if it does.

  16. #256
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    AKA "Nice Guy Cy"
    I got up this morning and did my 2.5 mile LISS walk. It really wasn't that interesting. But, I did get it done, so I'm calling that a win and thinking about tomorrow's deadlift routine. I'm still not sure I will have recovered enough by then, but lets make it a game time decision and see where we land.

  17. #257
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    AKA "Nice Guy Cy"
    Dead lift workout today. It was good, though I varied it up some from last week.

    I did 4x5 working sets of deads, kept it light'ish, but also kept the rest time, the REAL rest time, to 1 minute or less between rounds. I also did not use my straps.

    Moved onto 3x8 bent rows, at this point, the forearms were starting to say 'hmmm, maybe you shouldnt expect much out of us from here on out'. That was OK, though. I made it through the rows without too much issue.

    Moved onto a super set of goblet squats and hip thrusters 3x8 of each. I tried to do this sort of tri-setted with deads last week and it was too much. This time was challenging, sweaty and puffing, but I got it done.

    Wrapped up the weights with calf work and dumbbell curls. For the calves, I did 2 sets, 42 reps and 36 reps. Basically, I used the kettlebells (with straps because my grip was gone) and went from doing raises off my double block, to doing them off the single block, finally doing them off the plywood platform. The dumbbell curls were just that, nothing exciting, 2x12 with lighter weight.

    No HIIT today, though some parts of the workout were already pretty intense. I did finish with a 1/2 mile run outside. The bottom fell out on me around the 1/10 mile mark, but I just said to heck with it and finished it out. Hopped in the pool to cool down, did some stretches, showered and back to work.

    It was a good workout and good day!

  18. #258
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    AKA "Nice Guy Cy"
    Good overhead press workout today (Saturday). Got my OP working sets in, then did dips. Normally, I would add shrugs, but my traps were feeling it from yesterday's deadlift workout, so I skipped them. Push downs with push-ups were next, then wrapped it up with 3 tri-sets of front raises, laterals and rear delt raises. Super light weight but super strict form. Nice!

    Because it's been a while since I posted a pic, and I know how unwashed heathens like pics, here is tonight's dinner. I might have gone back for small seconds...

    Click image for larger version. 

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ID:	181140

  19. #259
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    AKA "Nice Guy Cy"
    Turns out, this is the deload week. The knees and quads, plus upper back were just a bit too sore to push it. So, I listen to my body, it says 'deload now or pay the price'. I have learned to listen....

    Just a walk so far this week, 2.5 miles at a good pace, but I was doing my language lesson so it slowed me some. I will hit the weights tomorrow, then maybe something aerobic, maybe work the bag in there for a bit. It is a deload week, not a completely off week

  20. #260
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    Sep 2020
    Quote Originally Posted by Cylon357 View Post
    Turns out, this is the deload week. The knees and quads, plus upper back were just a bit too sore to push it. So, I listen to my body, it says 'deload now or pay the price'. I have learned to listen....

    Just a walk so far this week, 2.5 miles at a good pace, but I was doing my language lesson so it slowed me some. I will hit the weights tomorrow, then maybe something aerobic, maybe work the bag in there for a bit. It is a deload week, not a completely off week
    Great job on learning to listen . . . . it sucks though because our bodies start to learn to never shut up

  21. #261
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    AKA "Nice Guy Cy"
    Deload does not mean not doing anything, apparently.

    This morning, I did a 2.5 mile walk, fasted.

    Later this morning, I had a dermatologist appointment where they removed a couple of questionable skin tags. That was pretty trivial, all things considered. I DID compliment the nurse on her needle technique tho.

    Tonight, I did a circuit style workout consisting of 3 rounds of:
    Landmine squats
    Landmine shoulder press
    Landmine row

    I wasn't trying to kill myself, but still got a decent sweat going. Finished up with curls, triceps press, reverse hypers and regular hypers.

    I did a 1/2 mile walk to warm up and about 1.25 to cool down. So I walked over 4 miles today!

    I'm off work tomorrow and Monday so my long weekend starts now!

  22. #262
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    AKA "Nice Guy Cy"
    It's been a minute since, but I'm back!

    4th of July kind of got in the way. Consumed mass quantities of food and moderate amounts of alcohol. But, I got back to my semi-normal activities this week.

    Walked on Monday and Tuesday, then did a Squat / Bench workout last night. Nothing special there, though I did end up running during my warm up walk. The weather had been off and on most of the day yesterday, but there appeared to be a break in the rain. So, being the optimist I am, I thought 'well, hell, I will just get this warm up in real quick. Let me take this tiny umbrella just in case.'

    I got to the halfway point before the bottom fell the hell out. My shoes are still squishy.

    So, came home, changed clothes again, and did my workout. I DID get the 1/2 mile cool down walk in without issue.

  23. #263
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    La Cocina
    Still at it! Awesome work Cylon!

  24. #264
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cylon357 View Post
    It's been a minute since, but I'm back!

    4th of July kind of got in the way. Consumed mass quantities of food and moderate amounts of alcohol. But, I got back to my semi-normal activities this week.

    Walked on Monday and Tuesday, then did a Squat / Bench workout last night. Nothing special there, though I did end up running during my warm up walk. The weather had been off and on most of the day yesterday, but there appeared to be a break in the rain. So, being the optimist I am, I thought 'well, hell, I will just get this warm up in real quick. Let me take this tiny umbrella just in case.'

    I got to the halfway point before the bottom fell the hell out. My shoes are still squishy.

    So, came home, changed clothes again, and did my workout. I DID get the 1/2 mile cool down walk in without issue.
    Nice dedication there. Send some of that rain our way please.

  25. #265
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    AKA "Nice Guy Cy"
    Quote Originally Posted by wango View Post
    Nice dedication there. Send some of that rain our way please.
    You all need it. Evidently, something, possibly the weather, has sparked a migration of Californians to our neck of the woods. This has driven up home values (though that is both artificial and temporary), such that we are getting open door offers for almost twice what we paid. When it gets to twice our purchase price, we might take it. Rent for a year or two somewhere, then purchase again when this bubble pops.

    That's an idea we have been kicking around anyhow, but man, moving is a PITA!

  26. #266
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    AKA "Nice Guy Cy"
    I got in a 2 mile weighted walk, with the 40lb vest tonight. Got done in about 36 to 38 minutes, so a slow walk, but definitely was sweating and breathing. It was not bad at all, and the rain let me get completely done before it even thought about starting up. Hopped in the pool to cool down and all is good.

    I DID stay up a bit late last night. I watched the Lighting repeat as Stanley Cup champs, beating the Canadiens 1-0 to win the series 4 games to 1. I had it on delay, so was already up a bit late, then our feral showed up outside, so I let her in and fed her. I didn't really want to go right to sleep since I just let her in. We let her stay in the house overnight, but not in our room. As luck would have it, I found Kill Bill on HBO and ended up watching that.

    I am flying solo this week and next as The Wife is visiting her mom. I have done reasonably well nutrionally, though the kitchen IS kind of a mess. I can almost certainly probably hopefully figure out how to clean that up before she returns.

    Not much else to add. Life is good, y'all!

  27. #267
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cylon357 View Post
    You all need it. Evidently, something, possibly the weather, has sparked a migration of Californians to our neck of the woods. This has driven up home values (though that is both artificial and temporary), such that we are getting open door offers for almost twice what we paid. When it gets to twice our purchase price, we might take it. Rent for a year or two somewhere, then purchase again when this bubble pops.

    That's an idea we have been kicking around anyhow, but man, moving is a PITA!
    I think it’s a lot of factors, but the drought and fires sure don’t help. And we are definitely due for a major EQ. How our housing prices have managed to continually climb is beyond me & now that we are both retired it would be the perfect time to relocate to another state. But honestly, we love it out here & are staying put. Are you out of hurricane danger, I don’t know a lot about Florida geography?

  28. #268
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    AKA "Nice Guy Cy"
    Quote Originally Posted by wango View Post
    I think it’s a lot of factors, but the drought and fires sure don’t help. And we are definitely due for a major EQ. How our housing prices have managed to continually climb is beyond me & now that we are both retired it would be the perfect time to relocate to another state. But honestly, we love it out here & are staying put. Are you out of hurricane danger, I don’t know a lot about Florida geography?
    Pretty much nowhere in Florida is completely out of hurricane danger, but being located in Central Florida near Orlando is probably not TOO bad. Well, unless one cuts across going east west so it doesn't have time to die down.

    When we first moved down here, hurricanes freaked us out. Now, it's just the ones category 2 or up that particularly worry us.

    Mind you, cold weather - and by cold I mean 40 degrees or less - is very nearly fatal lol! Evidently there is a phenomenon known as "going tropical" that occurs when you move into a warm environment. Basically, you just can't handle the cold. Takes about 2 years and we have definitely gone that way!

  29. #269
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    AKA "Nice Guy Cy"
    Good squat workout tonight to get the week started! I kept it simple but intense.

    Squats, back to my 8 reps of the 20 goal... I MIGHT have had more in me, but didn't want to do the Fred Sanford
    Thing so 9 will be the goal next week.

    Calf work, barbell calf raises super setted with kettlebell calf raises. Man, that was fun.

    Leg curls wrapped up the leg work.

    Wrapped up with 3 rounds of 3 minutes on the treadmill super setted with chinups. Not HIIT per se, but intense and "fun".

    1/2 mile walk to warmup, 1 mile walk to cool down, hopped in the pool and dis some yoga stretches to completely wrap the night. Fun stuff!

  30. #270
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cylon357 View Post
    Pretty much nowhere in Florida is completely out of hurricane danger, but being located in Central Florida near Orlando is probably not TOO bad. Well, unless one cuts across going east west so it doesn't have time to die down.

    When we first moved down here, hurricanes freaked us out. Now, it's just the ones category 2 or up that particularly worry us.

    Mind you, cold weather - and by cold I mean 40 degrees or less - is very nearly fatal lol! Evidently there is a phenomenon known as "going tropical" that occurs when you move into a warm environment. Basically, you just can't handle the cold. Takes about 2 years and we have definitely gone that way!
    Very happy to hear that you are somewhat safe. And, hear you about the cold tolerance thing, weird phenomenon. That said, I do not miss winter one bit.

    Nice workout up there. The wife is thinking about some cardio equipment. She’s thinking an elliptical, but I’d like to add in a treadmill too. Bizarre, we live by this huge park, but I’m such a homebody, I’d prefer to walk here.

  31. #271
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    AKA "Nice Guy Cy"
    Couple of decent workouts the past couple of days.

    Just a 2.5 mile walk yesterday, nothing overly special but trying to stay consistent.

    Tonight's bench workout was OK. Not awesome, but pretty good all the same. Started with barbell bench and was struggling a bit with weight tonight. Not sure what was up with that. I did notice some swelling in the hands and put on the gloves as the weight got heavier. I did get 2 sets of 4 of my working weight, though I wanted 5 or 6. Not sure what is up there, maybe just tired.

    Dips were next 10, 8, 8, 3, 8. The first and last sets were with no weight, the first 8 rep was +25lbs, and the second 8 rep and 3 rep sets were both +50lbs. That 3 rep set... man, I was just done there.

    Moved on to skull crushers semi-super-setted with dumbell curls. Not a true super set, just more of alternating sets to keep it fresh. Did pushups with the handles, varying the spacing and grip. That was kind of cool. Finished with alternating sets for front raises and side laterals.

    Got my 2 mile walk in to wrap it up and keep the LISS going.

    You see up there where I said "I don't want to walk like Fred Sanford" or something like that? Well, I may as well have gone for the extra reps cause I am Fred Sanford'ing all over the place.

    All is good, y'all!
    Last edited by Cylon357; 07-15-2021 at 11:55 AM.

  32. #272
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    AKA "Nice Guy Cy"
    Was not feeling it today. Thought about taking the night off, but got my a** in there for deadlift day.

    Hit my deadlift targets fairly easily. Note that I have tried to cut back on my heavy deadlifting right now, using them to warm up fully and as a bit of met-con.

    Ah, you know what? Lets just say I had a good workout, because the more "interesting" stuff is coming...

    So, was totally not feeling it mid afternoon. Was thinking about laying down for a bit, or maybe taking the night off. Instead, I took 5mg of Ostarine and 25 mg of Viagra as a pre-workout, hoping that would get things going. It seemed to work, but wait, there's more!

    I finally and I mean FINALLY made the switch from Clomid to Test. Did my first shot today, preworkout, sub-q in the belly. Right now, I'm using a test blend (50 prop, 100 E and 100 C). I did .30ml (75mg), and I will do that twice a week for the first two weeks, just to sort of front load, then switch to prescribed C or E at 100mg per week when I get the doc on board. HCG will follow, I have enough on hand to last 6 months or so.

    It is unlikely I will cycle, but will definitely be adding in other compounds (var, provirion, mast, primo) at different times. Not all at once, mind you, but maybe 100 T with 100 mast now and then for a while, just as an example. This all depends on where 100mg of test puts me for HRT, if I need to adjust the cruise dose, then that's what I will do.

    Everything is cool!
    Last edited by Cylon357; 01-02-2023 at 10:20 AM.

  33. #273
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    AKA "Nice Guy Cy"
    Good news and bad news.

    The Good News is that I had a GREAT overhead press workout yesterday. I did OP (duh), followed by dips (3x8 with no weight, just to get things going). Moved on to shrugs (3x15) to feel the burn. I then alternated pushdowns with biceps curls and wrapped up the free weights with laterals. Nice shoulder punishment!

    The Bad News is that my first injection caused an infection, went to the doc and he opted not to cut anything out (y'all probably knew that) but gave me an antibiotic and a lets check back in a couple of days thing. I don't really see a way this was caused by anything other than my carelessness, though maybe my body REALLY doesn't like the carrier oil (MCT). Anyhow, the site is red and was trying to spread, and you can definitely feel a lump in there. I figured better safe than sorry and will follow up as needed.

    Still, that can't get Cylon down for long, Jack! This is a dedicated off day and I'm doing my best to enjoy it as such.

  34. #274
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cylon357 View Post
    Good news and bad news.

    The Good News is that I had a GREAT overhead press workout yesterday. I did OP (duh), followed by dips (3x8 with no weight, just to get things going). Moved on to shrugs (3x15) to feel the burn. I then alternated pushdowns with biceps curls and wrapped up the free weights with laterals. Nice shoulder punishment!

    The Bad News is that my first injection caused an infection, went to the doc and he opted not to cut anything out (y'all probably knew that) but gave me an antibiotic and a lets check back in a couple of days thing. I don't really see a way this was caused by anything other than my carelessness, though maybe my body REALLY doesn't like the carrier oil (MCT). Anyhow, the site is red and was trying to spread, and you can definitely feel a lump in there. I figured better safe than sorry and will follow up as needed.

    Still, that can't get Cylon down for long, Jack! This is a dedicated off day and I'm doing my best to enjoy it as such.
    Wow, ominous first injection . Good luck with that! You’ll dig 100 - 150 for TRT with an occasional mild blast with other compounds. Do you have a cool doc & good rapport?

    However, still getting in workouts is very impressive Cy, nice work. You can’t keep a good man down.

  35. #275
    Join Date
    Nov 2018
    AKA "Nice Guy Cy"
    Quote Originally Posted by wango View Post
    Wow, ominous first injection . Good luck with that! You’ll dig 100 - 150 for TRT with an occasional mild blast with other compounds. Do you have a cool doc & good rapport?

    However, still getting in workouts is very impressive Cy, nice work. You can’t keep a good man down.
    I didn't see my doc for this. I went ot one of the minor meds that was open on Sunday. Easy peasy. The antibiotics have started working fast. I woke up this morning with redness and swelling down significantly. Still, there is a bit of a lump that may have to be dealt with in some other fashion, though the doc thinks it may go away, maybe it is a pocket of infection. I think it is the injected oil itself and may have to be excised, but I'm out of my wheel house now. Wait and see.

    As for my doc... I don't know how cool he would be if I told him about my plans to BnC. I can get Test and HCG prescribed though, and will just do that for the next 90 days or so. Then when I have a window of opportunity, I will add an oral or two and see how that goes. I'm not sure if the MCT oil triggered a reaction or if it was bad technique, but I have used the same technique with peptides with zero problems of this nature. Pheh, live and learn. Worst case scenario, I have to get this cut out and go on with life <-- lets hope that isn't the case tho!

  36. #276
    Join Date
    Sep 2020
    Quote Originally Posted by Cylon357 View Post
    I didn't see my doc for this. I went ot one of the minor meds that was open on Sunday. Easy peasy. The antibiotics have started working fast. I woke up this morning with redness and swelling down significantly. Still, there is a bit of a lump that may have to be dealt with in some other fashion, though the doc thinks it may go away, maybe it is a pocket of infection. I think it is the injected oil itself and may have to be excised, but I'm out of my wheel house now. Wait and see.

    As for my doc... I don't know how cool he would be if I told him about my plans to BnC. I can get Test and HCG prescribed though, and will just do that for the next 90 days or so. Then when I have a window of opportunity, I will add an oral or two and see how that goes. I'm not sure if the MCT oil triggered a reaction or if it was bad technique, but I have used the same technique with peptides with zero problems of this nature. Pheh, live and learn. Worst case scenario, I have to get this cut out and go on with life <-- lets hope that isn't the case tho!
    Regarding the doc, I had meant for the TRT only. I had to spill the beans once when he needed some unrelated blood work too close to ending a blast & he freaked out over my lipids, liver & PSA levels. Thank God we had developed solid rapport & he trusted my honest explanations. I still had to go and get my prostate checked though

    Where did you inject?

  37. #277
    Join Date
    Nov 2018
    AKA "Nice Guy Cy"
    Quote Originally Posted by wango View Post
    Regarding the doc, I had meant for the TRT only. I had to spill the beans once when he needed some unrelated blood work too close to ending a blast & he freaked out over my lipids, liver & PSA levels. Thank God we had developed solid rapport & he trusted my honest explanations. I still had to go and get my prostate checked though

    Where did you inject?
    I think he would be understanding though he isn't like Viking or places like that where they will write Nandralone, anavar, etc. Just test and hcg. But he would give me some flexibility in working out the dosing, I believe.

    I injected subcutaneous in the abdomen. Thinking being that if there were a reaction, it would be easier to deal with after the fact if it were subq vs IM.

  38. #278
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    Sep 2020
    Damn even my TRT place wouldn’t prescribe anything more than test and Sermorelin. I had to complain (I had a legit reason) to get a test script from our healthcare provider.

    Good luck with that infection.

  39. #279
    Join Date
    Nov 2018
    AKA "Nice Guy Cy"
    Squat day, yay!

    I got 10 reps on my target 20 weight, half way there. Quick ciphering figures September or so to get to 20, assuming I add one a week and follow my normal 3 weeks intense / 1 week deload pattern.

    Moved on to calf raises with the barbell. I did 30, 24 and 15 rep sets, with about a minute between sets. Leg curls rounded out the leg work. Moved on to varied grip pull ups and bicep curls finished the weights for the day.

    I had intended to jog a half mile outside to finish, but the infection spot was a little tender for the run. No problems otherwise and it is healing up nicely. Hopefully, no cutting will be involved.

    When I got home, the feral cat (Dottie) we care for was waiting at the back door. It's really not right to call her a feral at this point.... she won't let us pick her up, but does rub up on my legs when I'm prepping her food, and sometimes when I'm not. She sleeps in the house most of the nights, but insists upon going out during the day. That's fine. This is her, only mildly annoyed that I disturbed her for this pic.

    Click image for larger version. 

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  40. #280
    Join Date
    Nov 2018
    AKA "Nice Guy Cy"
    Nice bench workout tonight. Brief but good.

    Started as usual with barbell bench press, got my working weight for two sets of 5. Since my goal was one, I called it a win.

    Moved to dips, 4x8, no weight tonight. Close grip bench press super setted with skull crushers pumped up the tris nicely. Lateral raises rounded out the night for the weights.

    Did a brisk 2 mile walk to get in some LISS.

    BTW, the infection is going away nicely. I have an appointment with my primary care doc to follow up just to be on the safe side. Also, apparently my prostatitis is acting up again, so another week of doxycycline probably isn't completely out of line.

    Life is still good!

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