I know what you are thinking: how awesome this is going to be with a title like that!
Ladies and gentlemen, I think we need to temper our expectations. That title is just click baity marketing speak.
This log could just have easily been called 'Cylon357s Cure for Insomnia' or 'Who the #*@!! is this guy and why is he boring me??'
At any rate, I'm going to record my efforts, including training, nutrition, drug use, etc related to the weight loss competition here. Comments as always are welcome.
I'm going to do 5 days per week, 4 days weights one day dedicated cardio. It will look something like this:
Sun - Squat
Mon - Bench
Tue - Cardio
Wed - Off or easy LISS
Thu - Deadlift / Back
Fri - Overhead Press / Assistance
Sat - Off or easy LISS
Squat and Deadlift day will both have cardio finishers, I will detail those shortly.
Squats and Deadlifts will be done in a 3-5x5 short rest period style (think met-con).
This is going to be tough: Cylon likes FOOD! I have The Wife on board though so that will make things easier. I'm really just going to try to clean up my diet by avoiding unhealthy snacking (especially when I'm not REALLY hungry - Damn you, 2020!).
Right this second, I'm doing my hrt (with clomid) and 50mcg per day Levothyroxine, both of which are prescribed. I also do 5mgx2 per day Cialis (5mg are prescribed) and am presently running 10mg per day of Tamoxifen, though I will cut that down to 5mg per day shortly. This is mostly in an effort to get my PSA under control. I've read good things about Tamoxifen and PSA.
I may add a cycle of Ostarine at some point after my next bloodwork in a few weeks. I know: why not just use AAS? I will speak more on this later.
Lots more details coming whenever I get the chance.