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Thread: Scott's old and fat but makin a comeback log

  1. #41
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by scotty51312 View Post
    I was doing a lot of free squats or light weight on a bosu ball and still like to do walking lunges on days that i only do cardio. I also walk sideways on a stair machine probably 20-30 minutes a week to help build back support and balance. I'm always looking for new suggestions. After starting squats again the knee pain has been noticeably worse to the point that i'm using compression sleeves more than i'd like.
    All good stuff.

    I'd push it a lot further more.
    Soft Tissue work for the calves. Occlusion Training (Calf raises).
    Knees-over-toes split squat, with an emphasis on dorsiflexion. Stuff like that.

    VMO Flossing. etc.

    Quote Originally Posted by scotty51312 View Post
    As far as the shoulder warmup, you're probably right. I put the cable raises before the pressing movements or upright rows to be more of a continued warmup. What do you do for warm up on a shoulder day?
    Shoulder C.A.R.s (controlled articular rotations)
    Single-arm planks (re: stability)
    Overhead carries (re: stability/resisting micro-oscillation)
    Pallof Presses or Superman presses.

    And, grease the groove on your primary lifts.

    i.e. rather than turning your warm-up sets into a workout, back off.

    e.g. Dumbbell overhead press. If your work set is 100 lb bells for 8 reps, instead of doing lights sets of 20, 15, 12.. or whatever scheme you presently use, go with low focused reps... working your way up as it feels right.

    I'd do:
    40 lb x triple
    50 lb bells x triple
    60 lb bells x triple
    80 lb bells x 1-3 reps
    100 lb bells x muscular failure
    90 lb bells x muscular failure

    ...for example.
    No bouncy reps. No body english. No poor mechanics.
    -Corey "Narkissos" Springer

    Published Author.
    Owner of :
    Apollo Fitness Barbados etc

    Quote Originally Posted by texasmk4
    Nark is like intel, Brilliant inside and awsome outside :-)
    Quote Originally Posted by Narkissos
    Here's a little-known-secret, that most people won't tell you: In the sphere of fitness, everything works.
    Every(intelligent)thing works (once aptly and consistently applied)
    It really is that simple.
    This is the perpetual bodybuilding paradigm
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  2. #42
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Mobility work should make sense... and it should be specific.

    When I prescribe it, it isn't a laundry list of stuff. Because we're not looking to throw everything at the joint(s).

    The goal is to treat what's going on. Re-code the musculature. Re-establish range of motion, and strength throughout the entirety of the range of motion, specific to the physical requirements inherent to your lifestyle, hobbies, and chosen sport(s).

    So... Take videos of what you're doing. Assess what's not moving right. Adjust.
    -Corey "Narkissos" Springer

    Published Author.
    Owner of :
    Apollo Fitness Barbados etc

    Quote Originally Posted by texasmk4
    Nark is like intel, Brilliant inside and awsome outside :-)
    Quote Originally Posted by Narkissos
    Here's a little-known-secret, that most people won't tell you: In the sphere of fitness, everything works.
    Every(intelligent)thing works (once aptly and consistently applied)
    It really is that simple.
    This is the perpetual bodybuilding paradigm
    **No Source Checks**
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  3. #43
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    Middle of the Mojave, CA
    Quote Originally Posted by Narkissos View Post
    Mobility work should make sense... and it should be specific.

    When I prescribe it, it isn't a laundry list of stuff. Because we're not looking to throw everything at the joint(s).

    The goal is to treat what's going on. Re-code the musculature. Re-establish range of motion, and strength throughout the entirety of the range of motion, specific to the physical requirements inherent to your lifestyle, hobbies, and chosen sport(s).

    So... Take videos of what you're doing. Assess what's not moving right. Adjust.
    Thanks for all of this. Good stuff. I especially like the part about the video's. I diagnosed a problem in my squats that was causing my knee to turn slightly out and my toes wanting to point out by using video's. After some isolation work on adductors my forms gotten a lot better. I'll add more of these mobility exercises to my cardio days.

    Once again thanks for the help

  4. #44
    Join Date
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    Middle of the Mojave, CA
    Back and Tri's today
    10 minutes on treadmill 10 minutes rowing to loosen up the back
    Rope press downs
    4 sets 6-10 (failure)
    Lat pulls
    4x8 , 170 190 210 210
    Wide grip cable rows
    3x8 200, 220, 220
    Neutral grip pullups
    3 sets to failure 5-8

    Decided to man up and deadlift from the floor today, No more rack pulls. I was honestly surprised how good it felt. My heavier sets were all pull stand 5 seconds sit and pull. I watched a video a while back with Brian Shaw coaching someone on deads, so i tried one of the methods he suggested to help lock the lats out. I positioned the bar just at the edge of my toes and just before lifting I rolled it back about an inch as i took the slack out. Had someone video my 2nd to last set so i could watch. I was probably using a little more back than legs but still kept shoulders back and back straight. My legs were just trying to stand up faster than my back, so thats something to work on. Taking a trip this weekend might get a workout in hopefully a day or two off will do me some good

  5. #45
    Join Date
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    Middle of the Mojave, CA
    Chest & bi's
    15 minutes cardio
    BB flat bench (never do this, but needed to switch up)
    135x15 x2 warmups
    315 (negative)
    DB standing curl
    3sets 8, 8, 6 45, 50, 55
    Cable flies
    3 sets 8-10
    Pec deck (single arm)
    3x8 last set with the stack
    DB hammer curl
    3x8 45, 50, 50
    TRX pushups with my feet on the tallest jump box simulating an incline press using body weight2 s
    2 sets to failure 18, 15

    I absolutely detest BB flat bench. Always thought of it as nothing more than an Ego lift. Thats probably because i've never been any good at it. My PB in my life at BB bench is 315 for 3 reps. 3 plates was my goal since high school when thats what the bigger guys were doing and once I got there I never tried to go higher. So i'm going to set a goal to match that 3 rep PB or better in the next 3-6 months. Heading way out into the desert for some camping and off roading again this weekend. Will update Monday.

  6. #46
    Join Date
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    Middle of the Mojave, CA
    Yesterday Leg day
    Free squats (ass to calves)
    Leg ext 2x10
    leg curl 2x10
    Leg press calf raise 4x10-15
    seated calf raise 4x10-15
    Leg press single leg 2x15

    Had a long weekend in Sedona AZ. Hiked a total of 17 miles over 3 days, lots of elevation changes. Went to free squats this week from doing box squats that were just down to parallel, Damn what a difference. Had to lower the weight, had long rests between sets. Last set i had a nose bleed and my mask was soaked before i noticed. I've been battling a sinus infection for a week or two and I think that was the cause of the nose bleed. Got some antibiotics today so hoping that clears it right up. Not sure if all the hiking made me feel weak or if it was just the first time squatting that low in a couple years that did it. Either way I know my legs are gonna feel it tonight and tomorrow

  7. #47
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    Middle of the Mojave, CA
    Haven't updated in a while. So while i was getting seen for my sinus infection symptoms I had a covid test sent out, anyway that came back positive so I've been home self quarantined for the last 11 days. I really wasn't that sick, my wife had it a lot worse than I did. I mostly had headaches, fatigue and some body aches. The wife see's about 20-30 covid positive patients a day at work so its amazing we've made it this long. Anyway today was my first day back at it

    Back and tri's
    Tri press downs
    Lat pull
    Supersets dips and pullups to failure

    So who would have known 11 days off and I'd go back and be stronger than when i left after being sick and eating absolute garbage. So i achieved my goal of pulling 400lbs before Christmas. Best I've ever done in my life was 505 so thats going to be my next goal but I'm going slow down a little bit and give myself 6 months to try to get back there. I recorded my deads today, noticing that on heavier lifts my legs are still going to fast and I'm using more back than i'd like so I'm gonna drop down a little bit next week and focus on slowing down the motion and getting my legs more involved than they are. Some assclown also bitched at me again for deadlifting in my socks telling me it was unsanitary even though i sanitized the floor after. People will bitch about anything

  8. #48
    Join Date
    Sep 2020
    Sedona is gorgeous, a favorite of the wife and myself. She took me to a vortex and damn, if I wasn’t convinced.

    Sorry bout the Covid and the assclown.

    Thank you for posting, you helped motivate me to get more disciplined again.

  9. #49
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    Middle of the Mojave, CA
    Quote Originally Posted by wango View Post
    Sedona is gorgeous, a favorite of the wife and myself. She took me to a vortex and damn, if I wasn’t convinced.

    Sorry bout the Covid and the assclown.

    Thank you for posting, you helped motivate me to get more disciplined again.
    Sedona is an amazing place. I'm gonna be sad when we go to the next job assignment and wont' be able to spend time there like we've got to do for the last 6 months.
    Logs are a great tool for discipline. I find myself checking everyone else's log and seeing their routines and trying to see how I can steal some wisdom and incorporate it into my own life.

  10. #50
    Join Date
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    Middle of the Mojave, CA
    Chest and bi's

    alt DB standing curl
    3x 8-10 50, 50, 55
    BB bench
    2 warmups 135, 185
    5x5 245 (30 seconds rest between)
    315 Negative x 2
    db hammer curls
    Cable flies
    Peck deck single arm 2x10

    Good thing today was chest and bi's because that was the only 2 things that didn't hurt on me after deadlifts yesterday. Strenght is about the same for me as it was before having covid Might have gained a little bit. I'd like to put up 315 by christmas, and i think i'll get there I might be able to do it now if i just warmed up and went right to it. I'll attempt it fresh next week.

  11. #51
    Join Date
    May 2013
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    Quote Originally Posted by scotty51312 View Post
    Chest and bi's

    alt DB standing curl
    3x 8-10 50, 50, 55
    BB bench
    2 warmups 135, 185
    5x5 245 (30 seconds rest between)
    315 Negative x 2
    db hammer curls
    Cable flies
    Peck deck single arm 2x10

    Good thing today was chest and bi's because that was the only 2 things that didn't hurt on me after deadlifts yesterday. Strenght is about the same for me as it was before having covid Might have gained a little bit. I'd like to put up 315 by christmas, and i think i'll get there I might be able to do it now if i just warmed up and went right to it. I'll attempt it fresh next week.
    Be careful with jumping straight to your max. You will be fresh and have more power but also the risk of injury imo is alot higher. Just make sure you have at least two good warmups and a pump slightly. Just my 2

  12. #52
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    Middle of the Mojave, CA
    Shoulders & traps
    10 minutes cardio
    5 minutes of 30 second intervals on battle ropes
    weighted static shoulder fly position 5x15 second interval hold
    3 sets weighted rotator cuff rotations (not sure what these are called, just a warmup exercise done real light weight)
    side cable raises 3x8-10
    Cable upright rows 5x6-10 130, 140,150,160, 150
    BB shrugs 3x10-12 at 225, 275, 315
    DB Front delt raises 2x8-10
    Rear delt cable pull 3x10
    DB shrug 3x10-12 at 100's

    This was a long workout. Not because of the volume, just from some excruciating shoulder pain. I've had bursitis in my shoulders before and the pain felt very similar, had to hang my arms up on the pull up bar for some relief between sets. I've been dealing with shoulder pain off and on for about 15 years now so hoping this will pass. Last time a cycle of Deca and my shoulders felt good as new so that may be an option this summer.

  13. #53
    Join Date
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    Middle of the Mojave, CA
    Leg Day
    5 minutes treadmill 3.0mph 15 incline
    5 minutes stairmill
    5 minutes 30 second battle rope intervals

    Leg press
    4 plates x15
    6 plates x15
    8 plates x12
    10 plates x10
    14 plates x8
    16 platesx 6
    18 plates x 3 x 2
    Leg ext 3 sets 10, 8, 6, 150, 160, 170
    Leg Curl, 2 sets of 8 120, 130
    Seated calf raise 4 plates 4 sets of 15-20 (2 sets toes in 2 sets toes out)

    Back was a little tender still today and knee was also hurting, from deadlifts last week so after 1 set of squats i opted to leg press. I enjoy leg pressing in most gyms. However the one i've been using kinda sucks because the leg press is in the room with all the machines that don't need plates so I end up doing 90lb farmers walks from one end of the gym to the other packing plates back and forth.

  14. #54
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    Middle of the Mojave, CA
    havent posted here in a looooooooonnnnng time. But after getting fat once again after yet another injury and a divorce I had to get my motivation back and start over. Figured I'd post a 4 month progress shot. The before pic is pretty embarassing and the after while better is nowhere near where i wanna get back to. But I'll try to update this more often for myself if no one else.
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	406921434_690525726511701_2143947873172065621_n (1).jpg 
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ID:	182864

  15. #55
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    england/north east
    Great progress in 4 months mate. Keep pushing.
    no open source posting
    keep all source request's to PM'S please

    someone once said to me a clever man learn's by his own mistake's. But a wise man learn's by the mistake's of other people.

    detailed detection times
    at least 45 day's active use and 100 posts for a source check
    unsure about the rule's please read up
    thread for first cycle choices


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