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Thread: Scott's old and fat but makin a comeback log

  1. #1
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    Scott's old and fat but makin a comeback log

    I decided to come back to this forum for the motivation it gives me to be around other motivated people. Little background, I had a car accident right before covid, still dealing with some ankle/knee issues from it. Broken ribs healed up fine. Turned into a disgusting fat body and kinda used gyms closing for covid be my excuse to stay fat.

    Started training again back around june 1st.
    Down 20 or so lbs to 247 as of this morning.
    Scanned at 19.9%bf, calipered at 21% so I'm somewhere around there
    Diet is on point for fat loss. Right about 2000cal per day. I'm about 75% vegetarian after finding out my total cholesterol was well over 300 (can't remember ldl/hdl) Its back down to less than 200 now. I still eat eggs, and whey protien, occasional dairy
    Turning 42 this week TRT 200mg test cyp/wk
    I run a completly non traditional split of 2 on 1 off 1 on 1 off. Cardio every day

    Short term goal: under 15% bf
    Long term goal is to maintain that bf% and general well being

    Yesterday was pure cardio 15 minutes incline walk 15 incline 3mph followed by intervals with battle ropes and heavy bag 1 minute high intensity, 30 seconds rest 10 rounds of each

    Today Leg day
    20 minute low intensity cardio warmup max HR 140
    Leg press 2 warm up sets 15 reps and 4 working sets of 6-8 with 12 plates(i hate doing math so i just count plates on leg press)
    Seated calf raise 4 sets of twelve (2 sets toes in 2 sets toes out) 4 plates
    Leg extension 3x10 130/140/150
    Leg curl 3x10 80/90/100
    Starting to get hard to find plates when the gyms busy to leg press. Think I'm probably comfortable enough to start squatting again next week, but going to go light and do box squats to see how my ankle and knee deal with it.

    Not sure anyone will follow this, but all motivation is appreciated. I've been around enough to know what my body responds best to, but suggestions, advice, criticism are always welcome. Everyone can always learn to be better

  2. #2
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    Following brother, kick some ass!!

  3. #3
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    E London,no SOURCES given
    Will be following mate
    It’s a hard road coming back after an enforced layoff but keep the mind focused.....

    Remember.............for us to help you you need to help us....................stats and exp.........

    Source checks and Ugl's to be kept to PM's
    dont ask for source checks unless you have 100 posts/and 45 days minimum as a participating member.........

    Booz.. a long-standing member of the AR Police:

    sorry but absolutely no sources will be checked at this present time....

  4. #4
    Slow and steady wins the race.

  5. #5
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    Middle of the Mojave, CA
    Shoulders and traps today
    15 minutes of cardio warmup
    upright close grip ez bar rows 4x8 115lbs
    cable delt flies 3 sets 10,10,8
    DB shrugs 3 sets 12-15 reps. 100, 105, 105
    DB front delt raises 3x10
    BB shrugs 3x10 225, 275
    Rear delt cable rows 2x10

    I've been starting with upright rows instead of overhead pressing movements. I have this popping in my left shoulder when i do overheads. Always had it, but its been worse lately and actually started to be a little painful. Just not quite comfortable putting iron over my head yet. May start doing hammer strength overheads next week as the rows have been a little hard on my back.

    Came home after my PWO shake, and kinda blew my diet for the day. Realized i was out of meal prep and crushed most of a cauliflower pizza. So tomorrow is going to be meal prep day. Feel kinda guilty, but at the same time kinda not.
    My workouts are pretty high volume right now to help with shed some fat. I'm really lookin forward to being able to up the weight and lower the reps but I'm still a ways from that

  6. #6
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    Cardio today *sigh*
    30 minutes on treadmill 15 minutes of intervals on battle ropes and heavy bag. Same old boring stuff

    Meal prep today. Adding some meat back into my diet. Not a lot though. Some grilled chicken, rice and veg. Some meatless meatballs and corn pasta as well on the menu.
    Back tomorrow.
    Wife is wanting to go to vegas for my birthday this weekend and as much as I enjoy it, 2 days of boozing and eating garbage will undo a week or more worth of work. Sometimes its hard to find that balance between work, fun and health

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by scotty51312 View Post
    Shoulders and traps today
    15 minutes of cardio warmup
    upright close grip ez bar rows 4x8 115lbs
    cable delt flies 3 sets 10,10,8
    DB shrugs 3 sets 12-15 reps. 100, 105, 105
    DB front delt raises 3x10
    BB shrugs 3x10 225, 275
    Rear delt cable rows 2x10

    I've been starting with upright rows instead of overhead pressing movements. I have this popping in my left shoulder when i do overheads. Always had it, but its been worse lately and actually started to be a little painful. Just not quite comfortable putting iron over my head yet. May start doing hammer strength overheads next week as the rows have been a little hard on my back.

    Came home after my PWO shake, and kinda blew my diet for the day. Realized i was out of meal prep and crushed most of a cauliflower pizza. So tomorrow is going to be meal prep day. Feel kinda guilty, but at the same time kinda not.
    My workouts are pretty high volume right now to help with shed some fat. I'm really lookin forward to being able to up the weight and lower the reps but I'm still a ways from that
    My shoulders are both a mess. I find lateral raises on the lowest setting on the cables can really warm them up with low weight and smoke then with no more than 20-25#.

    I’ll then move on to front raises with cables or palm down dumbbells, again low weight.

    That usually warms me up enough to start pressing or doing barbell upright rows and keeping my back out of it. The beauty of the shoulder is it doesn’t take much weight to really smoke them.
    What about starting your presses on the smith after you warm up with some cables?

    Like Booz said...slow and steady

  8. #8
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    Yeah, smith machine is possible as well.
    I've been warming up for shoulders with just a few sets of narrow stance pushups, but it might be a better idea to start with some raises instead of having those movements in at the end of the workout. I'll give it a shot next shoulder day. Thanks for the input, Its always good to get another set of eyes on your routine

  9. #9
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    Age is just a number, seems to go higher every year for some reason though.

    Good luck with the come back. It’s harsh doing it.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by cylon357 View Post

    And 42 isn't old! I remember 42 like it was a decade ago...

    42 is barely out of puberty.
    -*- NO SOURCE CHECKS -*-

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel View Post
    42 is barely out of puberty.
    That would explain the acne.

  12. #12
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    Back and triceps today
    10 minutes of cardio warmup (had to rush this today)
    1 set neutral grip pull ups to failure as warmup, got to 11 today maintaining good form. Best i've done since being back.
    Lat pulls 3x10-12 160 180 180
    cable skull crushers 3x10 (i forgot to write down what my weight was on tri's today, will get it next week)
    Close grip cable rows 3x10-12 160, 175, 175
    Cable press downs 3x10
    Dumbell Pullovers 3x8 85lb
    Rack pulls 2x10 @225 warmup 5x5 at 315
    finished off on pull up/ dip assist machine with 2 sets of dip/pullup supersets 15 reps each

    First time doing rack pulls since getting back at it. (I used to make fun of people who did rack pulls, now look at me) Felt better than i anticipated so will move on to light full deads or sumo deads next week.
    I love this split, doing back and tri's together followed by chest and bi's the next day. Each day the arm pump is awesome and takes away the need for a solo arm day.
    Diet was solid today, got all my prep done for the next couple days. Gonna weigh myself tomorrow, have a feeling I'm not going down in weight and that i'm holding some water. But i feel better and probably look a little better.

  13. #13
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    Always like to train chest n biceps
    Back n triceps myself mate.....
    Last edited by Booz; 10-24-2020 at 03:57 PM.

    Remember.............for us to help you you need to help us....................stats and exp.........

    Source checks and Ugl's to be kept to PM's
    dont ask for source checks unless you have 100 posts/and 45 days minimum as a participating member.........

    Booz.. a long-standing member of the AR Police:

    sorry but absolutely no sources will be checked at this present time....

  14. #14
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    Today was very frustrating, Was supposed to be chest & bi's today but I was up most of the night, last night with just general insomnia.
    Got to the gym did my warm up sets of cable fly's and felt so weak compared to what i normally do I got the feeling something wasn't right. Normally my mind would overrule my body in this situation and i'd give it hell anyway, but I'm tryin to be smarter and not ignore signals like that. to
    Anyway I did an hour of shame cardio to help get rid of the frustrations.

    So Chest and bi's tomorrow. On a brighter note I talked the wife out of Vegas for my birthday instead we're going to go hiking and camping up in canyon country so my drunken debauchery will be held to a minimum and I will still at least be active. I'll consider it a 3 or 4 day deload period and hope i come back stronger than when i left.

  15. #15
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    Middle of the Mojave, CA
    Chest and Bi's
    15 minutes of cardio
    Incline DB press warmup 15@70lb 3x10 85,90,90
    standing DB curl 3x8-10 40,45,50
    cable fly's 3x10-12
    seated DB hammer curl 3x8-10 40, 45,45
    1 hand Pec deck 3 sets 175, 205,220 (i do these 1 arm at a time allowing me to bring it all the way across my chest for a better squeeze If you've never done it give it a try)
    2 super sets TRX pushups, TRX curls, 20reps each
    Weighed in at 245 so down 2lbs
    I would normally would do decline press instead of incline but some highschool kids had the decline bench doing situps forever... in the squat rack no less. So after fantasising about pissing in their water bottles while they went to the restroom.. I decided to just to go ahead with inclines.
    Felt much better than yesterday.
    Tomorrow is the birthday trip, hopefully i can limit the damage being done to my progress for the next couple days.

  16. #16
    Join Date
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    La Cocina
    Happy birthday bro.

    Damn teenagers, don’t even get me started...

    Some of the best days I’ve had in the gym have come after a 3-4 day de load/lay-off

  17. #17
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    Thanks ^^ Had and awesome bday
    Today was shoulders& traps
    3 sets cable raises as warmup
    4x10 smith overhead presses, The weight was kinda embarrassing but i guess for the first time pressing in a year it coulda been worse
    4X8 BB shrugs 315
    3x10 front cable raises
    4x8 DB shrugs 110
    3x8-10 cable upright rows 110,120,130

    So the birthday trip was awesome, Rock crawling and 4wheeling on a UTV in the Moab canyons is actually pretty hard on the body. Luckily I drank enough beer to dull the pain. But the downside of that is I probably killed a weeks worth of progress or more. But worth it. Lift felt pretty good today. I definitely enjoy getting away but its nice to be home close to the iron again.

  18. #18
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    Didn't post yesterday but it was cardio day, nothing unusual
    Back and tri's today
    25 minutes of cardio (was only going to do 15 but got distracted watching american ninja warrior)
    lat pull's 4x8 190, 200
    deadlifts warmup 15x 135 10x225 Then attempted 5x5 @315*
    cable skull crushers 3x10
    dips 3xfailure (6-12)
    cable rows 3x8 200
    Neutral grip pull ups 3x5

    First time deadlifting in what seems like forever. Everything felt good in the warm up sets, then I took my shoes off and started into my 5x5 I do these with 30 seconds of rest between sets. I got the first set of 5 just fine. Every set after that my grip started failing before i could finish. Forearms were just gassed. So I guess i'm going to get some wrist wraps and probably move them to the beginning of my workout next time. Lat pulls mighta been what did it. I was especially impressed with being able to do 3x5 pullups after all that back work. Untill recently I've been using the assisted pull up machine at the end of my back workout. Its nice being able to pull my own body weight again. Even if it is just 5 reps

  19. #19
    Join Date
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    Damn, passes up Vegas for B-day. Yep, you’re mind is right for a comeback. Way to go & good luck.

  20. #20
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    Yesterday was another cardio day.
    Leg day today
    Skipped cardio warmup
    Box squats warmup 3x10 155
    working sets 245x 10 275x8 275x8
    Leg press calf raises 4 sets 15
    Leg press 3x8-10 12 plates
    Leg ext 3x10
    leg curl 3x10
    seated calf raise 4x12-15 4 plates

    First time squatting in around 2 years. Didn't feel too bad. Weight was embarrassingly low but, checking my ego right now, I'll get there soon enough, My right leg wanted to turn outward a little bit. Had this issue before just turned out my adductors weren't strong enough, so i'll probably do a little work on that next week. I ended up cheating on the diet a bit today and ate fast food. Haven't had a cheat in a while and always have a good workout after eating garbage like i did today.

  21. #21
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    Chest & bi's today
    15 minute cardio warmup
    DB incline press
    15, 10, 10, 8 @ 75, 85, 90, 95
    DB standing curl
    10, 8, 8, 6 @ 45, 50, 50, 50
    Cable flies
    DB standing hammer curl
    10, 10, 10@ 40, 45, 45
    Pec Deck (single arm)
    3x10 @ 200, 215, 215
    bench machine, 3x20

    Was a good day. Felt like i coulda did a little more weight than i did. Monday being international chest day made today slightly annoying having to wait for equipment. Legs are aching pretty good today, hopefully cardio will help work some of that out tomorrow.

  22. #22
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    What is it with Monday and chest day?! That’s so true. I intentionally switched my days because of that

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by SampsonandDelilah View Post
    What is it with Monday and chest day?! That’s so true. I intentionally switched my days because of that
    I wish i knew bro. My split doesn't really go by days of the week so I didn't really think about it till it was too late. I guess it all comes back to bench press ego that starts when guys are teenagers and carries over through their 20's, thinkin they gotta start the week with pumped pecs

    Yesterday was just cardio.... blah boring stuff. Increased my interval times on battle ropes to 90 seconds.... so progress i guess

    Today Shoulders and traps
    15 minute cardio warmup
    3 sets cable lateral raises
    standing overhead BB press
    115X12 warmup
    DB shrug 100x12, 110x10,8
    Front delt cable raises 3x10
    BB shrug 315 to failure 10, 8, 6 (once again grip failure)
    cable upright rows 3x10

    So i took a big ballsy jump and went to standing overhead BB press today. Weight was low and I was shaking like a poodle poopin a peach seed in a blizzard on my working sets. I might go back to the smith next week and work on building a little more strength. Once gain I'm having grip issues when it comes to traps and back. Wrist wraps on order from amazon, but i'm still gonna try to do some work to help develop grip strength.
    My weight has actually went up 2 lbs this week, I gotta keep a little better track of daily calories it seems and break my addiction to salted carmel power crunch bars that I occasionally justify eating as a desert. Coulda been partially lean mass gains. Yeah I'm going with that

  24. #24
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    Back and tri's today
    15 minutes cardio
    Dead lift 12@125, 10@225 then 5X5 285.
    Lat pull 10, 8, 6 190 205 215
    Cable skull crushers 3x8-10
    Dips 3 sets to failure 6-12
    Cable rows 3x10@200
    Neutral grip pull ups on pull up assist (did this as a drop set kept adding weight and doing 5 more till the pump was more than i could stand

    Deadlifts went pretty well today. Grip didn't fail since i did them first. although the last set of 5 I had to take a knee to keep from passing out or puking or both. Had some good tunnel vision and was sweating like a whore in church on 800mg of DNP. The rest of the workout i had pretty lengthy rests between sets, took me little over an hour with cardio included. Tbol should be here next week. Gonna run 50 days at 40mg a day split 20/20. Yeah yeah oral cycles are bad. But i'm on TRT not like its gonna suppress my natural test more than it already is :P

  25. #25
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    Cardio only today but on the bright side I got presents in the mail including this
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	20201030_165225 (1).jpg 
Views:	217 
Size:	787.2 KB 
ID:	180111
    Can't remember if we're allowed to post lab logo's so i blurred em.
    Few things excite me this much but when gear arrives I've always been like a 7 year old child on christmas morning.

  26. #26
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    Middle of the Mojave, CA
    Leg day
    15 minutes cardio warmup
    box squats warmup 15@145, 12 185
    working sets 12@245, 10@275 8@295 5@315
    Leg extenstions 3x10@160,170,170
    Leg curls, 3x10 and forgot to write down the weight
    Seated calf raise
    4 plates 2 sets 15 toes in 2 sets 15 toes out

    Took my time on squats today with a good 2 minutes or so between my last working sets. Last set of 315 on last rep i got tunnel vision on the way up and had to sit back on the box for about 10 seconds before getting up, Thats when you know its a good set. Once i move on and squat without the box I probably won't be able to go that hard since I work out alone. 3rd day on Tbol, going to start some mk-677 next week along with it, got the liquid kind that tastes like chewing up pain pills, almost wanna wash it down with some tequila to get the taste out of my mouth. Noticing slight strenght gain from tbol right off the bat. Nothing huge like I'd get from dbol, or drol but still a nice little boost. Started taking red yeast rice to help combat the bad cholesterol influence of tbol. Chest day tomorrow and somehow landed on monday again since I skipped a day on halloween.

  27. #27
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    Chest and Bi's today
    15 minutes of cardio
    Incline DB press
    warmup 12@85
    working 10, 8, 8 90, 95,100
    DB alternating curl 3 sets 8-10 45, 50, 50
    DB hammer curl 3 sets 8-10 45, 45, 45
    Decline cable flies 3x10
    Pec Deck, 3 sets 8-10, worked up to the stack
    Superset TRX curls and suspended pushups 3 supersets 15, 15

    Felt strong today, DB incline will be out soon if i get any stronger DBs only go up to 110, So something about tbol and TRT dosage of test. My labido has been through the roof for 3 days. I think my wife is hiding in the closet as we speak. Not sure if its the SHBG lowering from the Tbol, also started taking finasteride again to help control DHT related acne not sure if that has anything to do with it. Hopefully It levels out a little bit soon.

  28. #28
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    Middle of the Mojave, CA
    Shoulders traps today
    3 sets 20 narrow stance pushups to warm up the rotator cuffs
    3 sets cable side raises
    4 sets smith machine overhead press
    3 sets cable front raises
    3 sets bb shrug
    3 sets DB shrug
    2 sets upright rows to finish smoking delts

    Didn't bother writing any of my weights down today. All same as last week, will probably go up next shoulder day and possibly try standing BB press again. Did cardio this morning and was in a rush so i didn't do a cardio warmup. Starting my MK677 tomorrow. I know it takes a while to notice effects from it so i'll probably run it through the end of january

  29. #29
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    Middle of the Mojave, CA
    Back and Tri's

    Rack pulls. I use a platform high enough that this only takes out about the bottom 3-4 inches of the lift
    attempted 405, not quite there yet, my back started to round so i set it back down
    3x8 neutral grip pullups
    4x10 rope press downs
    3x8-10 reverse grip ez bar cable tri press down
    4x8 cable rows wide grip @205

    For the next couple weeks I'm going to alternate between lighter deadlifts and heavier rack pulls. Goal is by december 12th to be pulling 405 or more. Not a lot of weight for some of you guys but considering I was struggling to pull 225 when i first got back in the gym... i've came a good ways in 5 months. The past week I didn't feel like I was recovering from workouts the way I should so I treated myself to an 18oz sirloin with some asparagus as a post work out meal after my whey shake thinking maybe an overload of animal protein would help me recover better along with a good nights sleep

  30. #30
    Are you stronger with your 4" rack pulls?
    Some people aren't stronger off a block or off a rack providing it is low.

    personally I am not a fan of high reps for deads...
    5 reps or below...
    Mostly 3 reps and below.

    I use accesories for building the muscle.

    Not saying you are doing it wrong, just saying what works for me.

  31. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Deadlifting Dog View Post
    Are you stronger with your 4" rack pulls?
    Some people aren't stronger off a block or off a rack providing it is low.

    personally I am not a fan of high reps for deads...
    5 reps or below...
    Mostly 3 reps and below.

    I use accesories for building the muscle.

    Not saying you are doing it wrong, just saying what works for me.
    I am slightly stronger with the rack pulls at the moment. I try to limit the higher end of my pulls to 5 reps or less. I do have a bad habit of doing more volume than i should sometimes at lighter weights. Doing the actual Pulls from the floor i try to get in 1 or two warmup sets high volume at low weight then do a 5X5. (still quite a bit of volume with deads)

    Next week I may try a warmup then pyrimid 5, 5, 3, 2 with the weight a little higher.

    Does being stronger off a rack pull indicate a weakness in a certain area? My knowledge of form on Deads is limited. I could go on for days about bench and squat but I'm not as well versed in the mechanics of deads

  32. #32
    I am no expert by any means...

    But I find that people who have better leverages (they start with a more upright back), are stronger off of blocks or a rack.

    I have shitty leverages, so deficits don't really hurt me much but a low block pull doesn't help me much.

    I think... (and I could easily be wrong)... since I start with a damn near parallel back, that my lower back is actually a strong point and my hammies are weaker.

    Do you struggle at lockout? Where is your sticking point?

    When you say your back rounds... is it your lower, middle, or upper back?

  33. #33
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    Its usually my upper back that rounds first, rear delts start to give out a bit shoulders roll forward. And normally sticking point is at the knee's or below. I'm slow off the ground and faster locking out.

    Could be that when i rack pull I'm doing the least effective part of the lift for me and playing to whats already stronger

  34. #34
    easy fix...

    rows, face pulls, shrugs, pull downs, etc...

    work on your upper back...

    row row row your boat...

    make sure to really lock your lats when before you initiate your pull.

  35. #35
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    Middle of the Mojave, CA
    Chest and bi's
    20 minutes cardio warmup
    Cable fly's
    Standing DB curl,
    Peck deck
    Seated DB curl
    Reverse grip EZ bar curl
    Stability BB bench press*

    For 3 days I've been dealing with a sinus infection that has given me some pretty serious headaches. My BP has been up too, nothing dangerous 150/100 but high enough so I started taking 5mg of cialis every morning and its back down somewhat. Anyways back to chest day, added an old favorite i just call stability BB press, is basically just BB bench but today i put 155bs in plates on the bar then suspended a 25lb kettlebell from each side with bungee cords. The bells will bounce somewhat no matter how controlled you do your bench but the faster and more jerky you are the harder it becomes to keep the bar in line. If you've never tried it I highly recommend. Adjust the weight to whatever your current level might be, Just make sure the kettlebell weight is 15-20% of the total weight.

    It was a hard day for me to get going with the whole sinus infection, whenever I'm like this and I just dont' seem to wanna put in the work I listen to this one track from one of my favorite motivational speakers

  36. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by scotty51312 View Post
    I decided to come back to this forum for the motivation it gives me to be around other motivated people. Little background, I had a car accident right before covid, still dealing with some ankle/knee issues from it. Broken ribs healed up fine. Turned into a disgusting fat body and kinda used gyms closing for covid be my excuse to stay fat.

    Started training again back around june 1st.
    Down 20 or so lbs to 247 as of this morning.
    Scanned at 19.9%bf, calipered at 21% so I'm somewhere around there
    Diet is on point for fat loss. Right about 2000cal per day. I'm about 75% vegetarian after finding out my total cholesterol was well over 300 (can't remember ldl/hdl) Its back down to less than 200 now. I still eat eggs, and whey protien, occasional dairy
    Turning 42 this week TRT 200mg test cyp/wk
    I run a completly non traditional split of 2 on 1 off 1 on 1 off. Cardio every day

    Short term goal: under 15% bf
    Long term goal is to maintain that bf% and general well being

    Yesterday was pure cardio 15 minutes incline walk 15 incline 3mph followed by intervals with battle ropes and heavy bag 1 minute high intensity, 30 seconds rest 10 rounds of each

    Today Leg day
    20 minute low intensity cardio warmup max HR 140
    Leg press 2 warm up sets 15 reps and 4 working sets of 6-8 with 12 plates(i hate doing math so i just count plates on leg press)
    Seated calf raise 4 sets of twelve (2 sets toes in 2 sets toes out) 4 plates
    Leg extension 3x10 130/140/150
    Leg curl 3x10 80/90/100
    Starting to get hard to find plates when the gyms busy to leg press. Think I'm probably comfortable enough to start squatting again next week, but going to go light and do box squats to see how my ankle and knee deal with it.

    Not sure anyone will follow this, but all motivation is appreciated. I've been around enough to know what my body responds best to, but suggestions, advice, criticism are always welcome. Everyone can always learn to be better
    Are you doing any mobility work for the ankle and knee?
    -Corey "Narkissos" Springer

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    Quote Originally Posted by texasmk4
    Nark is like intel, Brilliant inside and awsome outside :-)
    Quote Originally Posted by Narkissos
    Here's a little-known-secret, that most people won't tell you: In the sphere of fitness, everything works.
    Every(intelligent)thing works (once aptly and consistently applied)
    It really is that simple.
    This is the perpetual bodybuilding paradigm
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  37. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by scotty51312 View Post
    Shoulders traps today
    3 sets 20 narrow stance pushups to warm up the rotator cuffs
    3 sets cable side raises
    4 sets smith machine overhead press
    3 sets cable front raises
    3 sets bb shrug
    3 sets DB shrug
    2 sets upright rows to finish smoking delts

    Didn't bother writing any of my weights down today. All same as last week, will probably go up next shoulder day and possibly try standing BB press again. Did cardio this morning and was in a rush so i didn't do a cardio warmup. Starting my MK677 tomorrow. I know it takes a while to notice effects from it so i'll probably run it through the end of january
    I think you definitely need a better, more targeted/specific warm-up/pre-hab set of patterns if your goal is to be primed for the beating you've laid out. Push-ups are not it... respectfully.
    -Corey "Narkissos" Springer

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    Quote Originally Posted by texasmk4
    Nark is like intel, Brilliant inside and awsome outside :-)
    Quote Originally Posted by Narkissos
    Here's a little-known-secret, that most people won't tell you: In the sphere of fitness, everything works.
    Every(intelligent)thing works (once aptly and consistently applied)
    It really is that simple.
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  38. #38
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    Middle of the Mojave, CA
    Quote Originally Posted by Narkissos View Post
    Are you doing any mobility work for the ankle and knee?
    I was doing a lot of free squats or light weight on a bosu ball and still like to do walking lunges on days that i only do cardio. I also walk sideways on a stair machine probably 20-30 minutes a week to help build back support and balance. I'm always looking for new suggestions. After starting squats again the knee pain has been noticeably worse to the point that i'm using compression sleeves more than i'd like.

    As far as the shoulder warmup, you're probably right. I put the cable raises before the pressing movements or upright rows to be more of a continued warmup. What do you do for warm up on a shoulder day?

  39. #39
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    Middle of the Mojave, CA
    Leg day,

    15 minute warmup treadmill 15degree incline

    Box squats
    Seated calf raise
    4 plates 4 sets 15, 2 sets toes in 2 sets toes out
    Leg press
    12 platesx10
    14 platesx8
    14 platesx8
    14 platesx6
    Repeated calf raise pattern from seated calf on leg press

    Was an overall decent day. I decided to keep the box for squats 1 more week, I know its time to put my ego back in check and drop the weight and start squatting below parallel again, but i like the way heavy weight feels. I have been doing leg extensions and leg curls after squats recently but those machines seem to put a lot of stress on my knees and the pain has been more than it should be after leg day, so I'm trying this week without them and seeing how I react. I've been considering trying out cryotherapy. Theres a place not far from the gym and I was thinking it might be something worth trying after a heavy leg or back day. Anyone else have any success with cryo?

  40. #40
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    Middle of the Mojave, CA
    Shoulder & traps
    20 minutes of cardio
    10 minutes or so of light weight rotator cuff warm ups. Not sure what they're called. Very light weight, just go get loosened up
    DB shoulder fly
    3x8-10 25, 30, 30
    BB shrug
    4x8-10 135, 225, 275, 315
    Front DB raises
    3x8 25,25,30
    EZ bar cable upright rows
    4 sets 8-10 finished with the stack
    Shrugs on Hammer strenght bench (odd use of this machine but probably better than benching on it)
    2 sets 15 shoulder press machine @ 110

    Another decent day and medium to high volume training. Delts are smoked. Still paying the price for leg press and squats in the same workout on leg day. 2 days later and a massage and I'm finally not walking like an old man who just had a colonoscopy. My weight continues to stay the same, might be up a lb, but I can see a slight change in my body composition, I will definitely get scanned and calipered again before heading home for a month in December. I've done this before where I started rebuilding muscle and eventually my metabolism shifted and I started leaning out. Hoping that happens I don't have to go back into calorie deficit or start focusing on long cardio sessions.

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