Appreciate the advice. Neck and shoulder pain is much less. Working on a slumped over position aggravates it though, makes traps spasm. Left shoulder and arm is still weak, but I get occasional incremental improvements.
Old age is catching up. Looks like carpal tunnel syndrome surgery is coming up on the left hand, but I knew I had it to a degree from the nerve conduction studies. Planning on it to be a minor thing compared to the neck rebuild.
Also, DeQuervain's tenosynovitis has decided to show up in the left hand, and DePuytren's contracture in both hands. I've had the DePuytren's to a minor degree for a while and it hasn't worsened. Maybe micro- needling will fix it? I had an uncle that had it really bad back in the 70s. It was amazing how much the tendon turned into pretty much a flesh cord/cable.
I never really thought much about life past 30 or so when I was younger. It seems like my body is declining rapidly to catch up with my schedule, albeit a few decades late.
I'm planning on the hand surgery in the left hand to be more of an inconvenience vs. the neck surgery. Just need my hands for work and it's time to start getting stuff fixed so I'm G2G whenever retirement hits (At least 3 more years, maybe 6). And yes sir, I work 12 hour shifts, but generally they end up being 13.
Time to go do more sweaty yard work. Thanks for asking!
It sounds like you're doing well. Your lifting posts look good!