Eating a bowl of cereal about to go try and squat
Eating a bowl of cereal about to go try and squat
Bar x 5
95 x 5
135 x 5
185 x 5
225 x 5
275 x 5
315 x 2
335 x 2
Squats today were tough. For some reason my lower left leg kept bothering. The muscle that connects to the side of the knee and runs down side of calf kept hurting me. Never had this happen but it hindered my lifts. I dont know if its injured for awhile or what now i noticed it while warming up.
Secondly a god awful back pump messed me up too. These are just really aggravating and there isnt much you can do. I have nobody to roll it out so basically im just dealing with it. Used a different squat rack today also and hated it. Way to narrow but oh well it didnt matter. Didnt get the amount of reps I wanted last two sets bc of pain
Seeing changes in the mirror today which is a good sign looks like im shedding some fat. Replaced tren with npp until further notice. Left calf strain is tender but could still train. Shoulders and arms today rest day tommorow
There's always something hurting in this damn sport. Just be sure you know the difference between a possible injury and a minor irritation. BB'ers are stubborn and we often times continue pushing through the pain on some movements to the point it results in an actual injury. Be smart.
“Shoulders Bis and tried”
Felt great today nowhere near as toxic and felt strong too.
Seated shoulder press
Bar x5
275x1 PR
135 x12
135 x 12 (behind neck)
Front raises 10x13
Side lat 20x10 30 x 10
Preacher curl machine 90x12 140x12 x 2
Press down 90x12 175x12 90x12
Skull crushers 50x20
Could not continue with an actual working set of 120 due to excruciating pain running down joints of forearm. This usually happens when my estrogen is low or im on winstrol i dont know why it happened but i didnt push it just set the weights back down
Rear delt pec deck 100 x ?
I have that same pain sometimes from skull crushers, gear or no gear. I started doing cable skull crush instead and don't seem to have the same issue even though its the same movement just a slightly different resistance arc. Doc says its probably from a radial ulnar nerve issue.
228.2 end of day yesterday fully dressed
Did some benching but abandoned the session. Just didnt have it, too much pain. Trying again today feel a tad better. Had 500 grams of carbs before training and 25 mg dbol pre workout. Arms and chest were pumped so much the skin felt like it was tearing. Not sure why bc i only did 5 sets and set fuck it. Should have took some pics but oh well
November 19th lab results pre cycle
875 total T
31 estrogen
52 hemocrit.
Gotta fucking donate every godamn time i turn around shit is getting old. Might try to tomorrow or tues/wednesday of next week.
Not sure why strength is stalling id be much better off competing at 198 class bc im the same strength as i am 20-40 lbs heavier fuckin wierd
I could be wrong but aren't you taking dbol and anadrol?
Could these be causing your painful pumps?
If the gear is hindering working out then take less gear.
Up the tren... more like fuck the tren...
Love hate relationship with her... If only I were a single man...
Seriously though... I've never done dbol and adrol...
Never done a cycle where I put on more than 10lbs...
Can't imagine what the pumps are like when you bloat up a quick 10-20lbs.
I have had a few back lower back pumps on my heaviest cycle but never again.
Only oral I've done is tbol and limited halo...
(I am sure I just opened myself up to some bad oral jokes...)
Tried a dbol and superdrol combo a few weeks back. Lasted 7-days and then I had to shut it down.
Yes im taking drol and dbol but ive cut dose in half. Honestly the back pumps didnt get insane until after I started the MK677. Really tell a difference with that shit. Everything just looks so pumped, but the lower back pain is a bitch.
Yes dog im lessing my gear. Ive dropped tren for the time being, I have a hard time handling tren bc of what it does to my anger. Im not a dangerous person by no means. The agitation is very strong with this batch.
I appreciate all u guys commenting interested in this little thread means alot. We all know this shit aint easy lol
I am just about to go on a cycle that will have Dbol and adrol however not at the same time. I do phase cycling so during the anabolic and volumization phase I will use Dbol and the estrogenic and androgenic phase, I will be using adrol.
I try not to have two heavy hitter orals at the same time.
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Yesterday was back day. My grip isnt worth a shit. 495 fell right out of my hands yesterday. Was disgusted.
Took today off. Next will be squat day , i feel im overtraining. Ive never trained every day of the week. Gonna go back to my old training style im just in too much pain to do the heavy shit. Im hoping im recovered bc i would like some heavy squats past parallel.
Ive also eased up on gear now that i feel like i have some size back on me. Pretty sure arms are back at 19”. Feel good today no stomach aches no back aches just gonna eat and rest.
I pulled with gloves on that day bc i didnt want to tear a callous in my hand and i think that hurt my grip. There is chalk available it just doesnt work with gloves for me probably why i dropped the weight.
I pull in those shoes yes. Would it be better to deadlift and squat barefoot you think?
Hit legs . Back pumps shut squatting down real quick. Also that left calf injury is showing is ass too between those two I couldn’t get much done.
Light work
Leg curls
Seated calf raise
Pretty much impossible to go any further. I must figure out what is causing these pumps bc there is absolutely no remedy whatsoever
Incline hammer
2 plates each sidex10
3 plates each sidex10
4 plates each sidex5
4 plates and 25 each sidex8 PR
Cable crossovers 70 each side 90 each side x12
My ass came off the bench just a tad on 405 but it was a solid lift other than that, i used to much leg drive before I knew it and was like fuckkkk i didnt mean to do that. Worst shoulder pump on the incline hammer machine and cable crossover that i have ever had.
I literally had to use my knees half way to drive home. I feel like the muscle fascia is stretching so much each bodypart i work. It is unbelievably painful tho but i got through the training session. Felt really strong and well rested and my performance showed. I just wanted to hit 4 plates i knew i felt good enough to go for it. After a 12 hr shift I was happy i felt alot stronger around lunchtime but couldn’t take advantage of it.
I have since dropped MK and my back pumps have subsided about 50%. To give an example on how pumped my back would get , if i swept the floor about 5 minutes I would literally have to lay down and walking was quite a task. I think Mk is more powerful than just about anything ive ever taken. Ive never looked so full and pumped literally as I wake up in the morning.
Really sucks having to take a break from it but the pumps were just too insane. Im gonna take a week off and run it 2 weeks again and then off again a week before my first meet.
Weight is staying at 228-229 with dropping the orals. I plan on starting them back up in a couple weeks as well.
Tommorow i have to rid some blood and I believe that will help with the intense pumps
Its always nice to talk to the kids at the gym when moving heavy weights, they always know a buddy that can do more. Isnt that something
Leg drive should be towards your head not up.
Congrats on the gym 405... you'll hit it clean next time.
I’m going to skip back and do legs again tommorow. My back has been lagging and strength has been affected i know I should be pulling 545 fresh and rested. Resting really helped my chest strength last night. I plan on keeping squats to 315 and just repping. I visualize each workout sometimes they go as planned and sometimes they don’t but it keeps me focused.
Thanks dog I finally felt a tad normal and not beat down. Hopefully you’re right, if i can hit it in a meet ill be satisfied
Yes, I believe its 25mg. So that would 12.5mg daily by lowering the dose. Another thing i forgot to mention was i started taking it morning instead of nightly which hurt but i read it was better for bulking so i dont know. I will give that a go tonight at 12.5mg sir(.5ml)
Wrestling shoes were great for me back in the day. I also had a pair of Tom Platz squat shoes and they were awesome. Always surprised me how much of a difference they made when squatting heavy. I have not been able to find them after moving years ago. Pisses me off as I can't believe I'd get rid of them....
Charger if I take it in the morning by the evening i am extremely hungry
I believe im gonna look into wrestling shoes, ive eyeballed a few on amazon
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