Kill it!
Welp first meet down. Everything is good, right elbow is tweaked a tad. I had an issue on the 3rd squat where i came up real fast and bout lost the bar but i caught and it hurt my right elbow.
So squats I hit 405. Basically dont know where i am as far as max wise on squats bc well hell honestly ive been squatting about two months prior and just really not comfortable with them yet. I was also fucked on warm ups. I only got two warm up sets in at 225 and they called us up with no notice so here I am two sets in still cold so i had to open with 315 365 and 405. 405 was definitely not my max and that cost me the 1400 i was looking for but this was a learning experience.
On bench I had a proper warmup. Was not 100 percent on bench bc of the elbow pain on previous lift but i still managed to be fairly strong. They got the weights wrong was suppsoed to open with 385 415 but it was actually 395 and 425. So my third lift i tried 430 but my right arm just didnt have it in me but i got the 425. I literally gave everything I had on 430 and i was pretty tired after this.
Deadlift i opened with 495 then 545 and then tried 570 to get the 1400 I wanted but couldnt get 570 up. Like i said i was gassed from the bench but hell it is what it is it was a good experience for me. Had the best bench in my class which was all open meaning I competed agains guys in there 20s.
Gonna rest up my arm and get back with it in a couple days
Proud of you.
It’s a totally different game when it’s on the platform.
You now have outbenched me by 5lbs so I hate you.
Anyone stronger or bigger is on that last.
You know... guys like S&D, KelKel, Charger, etc..
You will continue making mistakes at meets...
It’s a learning experience.
That which does not kill us makes us stronger.
By the way...
At your age it is pretty common to be pretty beat up after a meet.
One tweaked elbow is a small price to pay for a 425 bench PR.
Really appreciate your help buddy. You really helped me alot through this. I mean that. Im definitely more of a bodybuilder then a powerlifter. But the adrenaline i get from the lifts is just insane i love it. Hard to believe i seen a 1605 total today from a kid. This kid literally looked like he had never touched a weight in his life was fuckin crazy kid yanks 605 up on the deadlift like its air. Guessin he was 22-24.
Pound for pound i had the best bench of the whole meet. The kid was the strongest overall pound for pound with 1605. One guy my age was right behind him i think at 1600 which was insane was a long time powerlifter as well.
There was a vet powerlifter there who i my age or older im guessing he is in the 275 plus had to be we seen a 720 squat i dont think they give him the 450 bench i dont think he ever completely locked out had to be pretty heartbroken over that. I think he was close to 1900 total not sure bc after the last deadlift attempt failed i just kinda was ready to leave. Lol.
Got out the truck and my right quad began cramping like fuck, left pec as well. Took a potassium pill and drank saltwater all is good now.
Just sort of winding down from the adrenaline today. Definitely the most explosive day ive ever had the atmosphere is really good too.
While I think i may one day bench 450, the bench takes much longer to PR on , like 5 lbs at a time now. I feel like i have a 600 deadlift in me one day, i hope so. The sqaut is really wide open for me. Im literally a brand new sqautter lol which is good bc im pretty sure it will increase quickly.
Anyway, thanks again DD for the tips, advice, and support.
Proud of you brother!! This whole thing has been fun to watch unfold and it’s great seeing the brotherhood of this place rally and come together which is really why this place exists. You represented Cuz and I hope you’re as proud of yourself as we all are of you!
I am by no means a power lifter, but I consider it a major feat just to get on stage whether a power lifter or bodybuilder. The preparation and discipline to get on stage makes you a winner whether you get a trophy or not. The first one is just to show up and understand what it’s like.
Great job!!
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It is a totally different game on the platform.
Whether that is powerlifting or bodybuilding.
Totally agree.
I did a BB show at 19.
My waist is too wide. I retired.
When you compete... you have to train towards a goal at a specific date. Months if not years of the work comes down to moment in time.
I highly recommend it for anyone.
Wow Cuz, you did great! A bit scary up there but now you know what the nerves are like and to start prep and warm ups even earlier if needed.
Highly suggest you take this week off. Relax, reflect and plan out your next attack.
DD has been spot on with his advice and you're fortunate to have his guidance and wisdom, as is this forum.
Thanks for motivation gentlemen! You guys are awesome. Love the community here.
2 days post meet im still beat up. Right elbow is too tender to train. Im not rushing it. I am currently running test only right now. Thinkin about shooting a low dose nandrolone for joints. Damn dont they need it.
Been almost a week from meet. No gym time no gear fuck i feel fantastic. Despite working 68 hours, today i am and feel amazing. I shot test and nandrolone today my elbow joints have gotten a tad tender.
Today will be legs and the main thing i want to accomplish is 10 sets of 3 with 315 today enough for me to feel it but definitely wont kill me the next day.
Been feelin a tad rough and down, pretty extreme right elbow pain during workouts. Couldnt finish the previous leg session due to this pain. Also cant do a legitimate bench workout. Hopefully she heals fast.
Actually started primo Wednesday. First time and im liking it. Im gonna use 200mg and see how it goes. Also gonna cut my carbs back just a tad for awhile
Anytime i start something new , I always start pretty low and level up. It just makes sense to me to do so you just have nowhere to go but up . I also seen where alot 90s pros run it rather low dunno if its true. So far im loving it
That is a good question tho, thanks for asking
Last edited by Cuz; 01-17-2021 at 09:15 PM.
What’s your total cruise regimen right now and what are you weighing? Did you cut weight for the competition? Can’t remember...
What about some BPC-157 and/or some TB-500?
Right now it is a 200/200/200. With test, primo, and npp. Its a tad over therapeutic dose, but I really dont see these compounds doing any major damage to myself at these dosages. Im basically using this to bridge until my next blast which i will start in 2 weeks. Im trying to hold onto what i have gained the 9 weeks i was on blast and honestly it really wasnt even a blast maybe a gram total plus some anadrol here and there. The drol is like tren without all the bullshit side effects i get from it. I love the shit and cant wait to gain some more strength again.
Yesterday I was 228 clothed, a tad more water has come back but that’s what I want for these joints. I had cut down to 218.4 the morning before competiton which basically attributed to water, salt, carbs and and empty GI tract wasnt too bad at all.
So far what little i have the primo has greatly improved mood more so than any other anabolic ive tried. Its pretty damn nice, appetiite has been insane today for some reason also. Thanks for the inquiry brother
You always look beastly brother, can only imagine what that competition took out of you. Been wanting to try those peptides on some of my joints in hopes they’ll help with some tendon and ligament strain.
Keep it up and I’ll be interested in seeing how the primo works out. I’ve only run it once and that was 20 years ago with no test!
Appreciate it big guy. I almost tried the tb-500 once, i may end trying it again and actually going through with it because joint relief would definitely benefit right now. I’ll probably look into it today.
Im looking forward to trying it (primo) . Always heard it was weak and expensive but i got a good deal on it so figured wth ill try it
Monday night legs
Hack squats
2 platesx 10
4 plates x10
6 plates x 10
8 plates x 10
10 plates x6
Leg extension 3-4 sets
Leg curls 1 set only due to back pump
Hacks felt great my legs are getting stronger
Yesterday was delts, bis and tris.
I may say it was the best ive ever looked in the gym
Nothing fancy just presses, side laterals and a few sets for rear delts. Most light work for arms just trying to rehab those elbows. They felt alot better.
So i fucked around with back today. Im not blasting right now and damn I can tell it strength has took a shit oh well at least i look good hah.
Sumo deadlifts
Bent over rows
Dumbell rows
Tbar machine 2 plates
Some other rehab work
Agreed man. Im not getting as much food right now, ever since i stopped Mk my appetite just crashed so im starting another MK cycle soon. My chest is so sore from friday night pulling sumo really felt it in my chest so i didnt try and go heavy. Always neat learning new things
Did back yesterday
5 sets pullups
Plus 25lb x10
Plus 45lb x 8
Plus 90lb x5
Plus 135lb x 3
Rack pulls while standing on 2 plates
495x 6
One arm machine rows
3 plates x 12
4 plates x 12
Tricep work (couple of warmers and working set)
Back is fried today
2 sets leg extensions
8 sets leg press including drop set
4-16 plates. 35 minutes
Did you post a picture of the wheels anywhere?
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