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Forgot to log it. But I did chest two days ago.
Today was my back routine. The gym got a new weight belt so the pull-ups were weighted with 35 extra pounds.
Otherwise back routine was the same.
Last day of NPP today, that's 8 solid weeks 250mg a week. And 500mg test prop After next week I'll be starting a body fat cut. And changing compounds.
200mg testosterone and 400mg primobolan. Work outs tailored more towards cardio. (I got 10 bottles of good UGL 200mg/ml primobolan on hand, I figured on using about 3 or so this cycle, stopping in late June right after New Orleans)
I work in a forge, summer is brutal so I want to cruise / trt all summer starting in June. Cycle/ blast again in November.
Plus, I Got a trip with my beauty in late June to New Orleans. Plan to be looking good for it. Nice and lean. Got some decent gains with the npp. Lot's of cardio and sweating in the forge, with primobolan to protect the gains. I should be looking good. Visible 6 pack and all.
Crawfish and whiskey days coming.
I know she'll be horny.