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Thread: IFBB Pro Killionb12 Euro-Pharmacies Log

  1. #1

    IFBB Pro Killionb12 Euro-Pharmacies Log

    Hey guys this will be my new log moving forward as I continue as a Pro competitive bodybuilder. Hope you guys will follow my journey. Feel free to recommend any content you would like to see from me moving forward.

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  2. #2
    My pull day from yesterday. Trying Hunter Labrada’s new push pull leg split. One difference from mine is he combines his 2nd leg day (hamstring focused) and pull day (back thickness).

    9-8-21 Pull A

    Straight arm pulldowns 65lbs - 14, 13

    Prime pulldowns 4 plates - 12, 10

    Single arm cable row 70lbs - 17, 16

    Bent over BB rows 225lbs - 13, 12

    Prime rows 6 plates - 13, 11

    Cable Rear delt flys 20lbs - 12, 11

    Incline DB curls 40lbs - 13, 12

    Prime bicep curls 45lbs - 12, 10

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  3. #3
    Family pic from my warmup show where my wife and son both competed as well. Such a great time.

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  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by Cylon357 View Post
    Holy crap, your wife's legs are sliced! How did she do?
    She got 1st in her masters class and two 2nd places for both open classes in Figure.

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  5. #5
    Nice TD! As always packaging was discrete and delivery was fast. Products are spot on!

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  6. #6
    Had an awesome back/hamstring workout the other day. Loving this new push pull leg split. Deadlifts will be a major part of my posterior day moving forward. One of my critiques from judge was bigger lower lats and fuller glutes. Well that’s what I will do! Hamstrings can always be better as well.

    Here is what went down.

    9-11-21 Back/hamstrings

    Straight arm pulldowns 65lbs - 15, 14, 14

    HS front lat pulldowns 4 plates & 50lbs - 12, 12, 11

    Deadlifts 405lbs - 10, 9
    Backoff set 365lbs - 12

    Seated hamstring curls 160lbs - 14, 13, 12

    Lying hamstring curls 90lbs - 15, 12, 10

    Abductors 130lbs - 13, 12, 12,

    Adductors 130lbs - 18, 16, 14

    Horizontal calf presses 170lbs - 20, 18, 18

    Seated calf raises 2 plates - 18, 16, 14

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  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2020
    Quote Originally Posted by killionb12 View Post
    Family pic from my warmup show where my wife and son both competed as well. Such a great time.

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    Meal prep must be crazy in your home! And congrats on the pro card!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2020
    Quote Originally Posted by killionb12 View Post
    Nice TD! As always packaging was discrete and delivery was fast. Products are spot on!

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    I love their stuff!

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by wango View Post
    Meal prep must be crazy in your home! And congrats on the pro card!
    Haha yep and the amount of food we eat is ridiculous. Very expensive grocery bill. LOL

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  10. #10
    Push isolation day from yesterday. Part of my new PPL split is a push isolation day. Mainly cables and machine work. Love this day since i start the week with it and then move into a heavy pull and leg day. So it’s less taxing on the CNS but still gets the job done. A little higher rep and a lot of squeezing and slow negatives. Crazy pumps

    9-13-21 push isolation

    Cable flys high to low 140lbs - 15, 14, 14

    Cable lateral raises 15lbs - 16, 14, 13

    Pec deck 210lbs - 16, 15, 14

    Machine seated lateral raises 140lbs - 16, 14, 12

    HS decline press 6 plates - 15, 12, 10

    Rope tri ext. 60lbs - 15, 14

    Sword draws 20lbs - 2 sets to failure

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  11. #11

    IFBB Pro Killionb12 Euro-Pharmacies Log

    Crazy leg day yesterday. It was a quad focused day. This was probably the most intense one I had in awhile. I was literally in pain from the pumps. I could barely walk out of the gym. Might have been the TNE I used preworkout by EP but damn it was gnarly.

    9-15-21 Quad B

    Standing calf raises 4 plates & 50lbs - 16, 13, 11

    Seated calf raises 2 plates - 20, 20, 19
    Drop set 1 plates - 15 reps

    Abductors 130lbs - 15, 14

    Adductors 135lbs - 16, 14

    Hack squats 3 sec negs. 8 plates - 12, 11

    Belt squats 4 plates & 50lbs - 15, 12

    Leg ext. 3 plates - 15, 13
    Drop set 2 plates - 5
    Drop set 1 plate - 6

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  12. #12
    My back/hamstring focus day from Saturday. Had company up this weekend so was busy with all of that. Did some TopGolf and went to an NFL game on Sunday. Had a great time. Overall I’m exhausted from this weekend but definitely a good time with family and friends.

    9-18-21 Back/hamstring

    Straight arm pulldowns 72.5lbs - 14, 12, 11

    HS Front Lat pulldowns 6 plates - 13, 12, 12

    Deadlifts 405lbs - 11, 10

    Seated hamstring curls 160lbs - 16, 12

    Horizontal calf presses 190lbs - 20, 17, 16,

    Super set
    Standing hamstring curls 55lbs - 20, 17
    Seated calf raises 2 plates & 20lbs - 22, 18

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  13. #13
    Had an awesome pull day yesterday. Back was pumped to the extreme. Biceps were also toast as well. Really enjoy this new PPL variation. Focused on bringing up weak areas including lower lats. These row variations are definitely doing the trick.

    9-21-21 Pull A

    Straight arm pulldowns 160lbs - 15, 14, 11

    Nautilus pulldowns 100lbs - 15, 14

    Single arm cable rows 60lbs - 16, 14

    BB bent over rows 225lbs - 14, 13

    HS iso lateral low row 6 plates - 13, 12

    Cable Rear delt flys 20lbs - 15, 14, 12

    Incline DB curls 50lbs - 12, 11

    Preacher curls 2 plates - 14, 12

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  14. #14
    Hmm pretty interesting. Not a fan anyway

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  15. #15
    Killer hamstring/back day yesterday. All weights went up and felt strong.

    9-25-21 hamstrings/back

    Straight arm pulldowns 160lbs - 13, 12

    HS Pullovers 6 plates - 13, 11

    Deadlifts 455lbs - 10, 8

    Seated hamstring curls 180lbs - 13, 12, 10

    Prime Lying hamstring curls 2 plates & 25lbs - 14, 13, 12
    Drop set 1 plate and 25lbs - 11
    Drop set 1 plate - 16

    Horizontal calf presses 210lbs - 20, 17, 15, 15, 13

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  16. #16
    Pull workout from yesterday. Destroyed my back.

    9-28-21 Pull B

    Straight arm pulldowns 165lbs - 15, 14

    Nautilus pulldowns 110lbs one arm - 15, 13

    One arm cable row 75lbs - 15, 14

    Smith Bent over rows 225lbs - 15, 13

    HS low row single arm 3 plates - 14, 13

    Rear delt cable fly’s 15lbs - 16, 15, 15

    Preacher curls 2 plates - 20, 18, 16

    Incline DB curls 50lbs - 15, 14

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  17. #17
    Quad day yesterday didn’t start out too well. Had some lower back pain and so I couldn’t go as heavy with smith squats. Ended up doing only do a few sets and moving to hack squats. Much easier on lower back. Still had a crazy quad day and could barely walk afterwards. I’m sore as hell today which is weird since I haven’t been sore like this in a long time.

    9-29-21 Quads B

    Standing calf raises 6 plates - 14, 14, 12

    Horizontal calf presses 215lbs - 20, 18, 16

    Heals elevated Smith squats 365lbs - 10, 8
    Backoff set 315lbs - 12

    Hack squats 8 plates - 12, 10
    Backoff set 6 plates - 13

    Leg ext 4 plates & 25lbs - 15, 12, 10

    Abductors 130lbs - 16, 15

    Adductors 150lbs - 12, 11

    HS iso leg press one leg 5 plates - 15, 13

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  18. #18
    Weekly checkins. Currently sitting at 268lbs I’m up 30lbs since contest in a little over 4 weeks.

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  19. #19
    Killer hamstring/back day yesterday. I had to push it back a few days since I was out of town visiting family. Definitely needed that extra time off. Still could have used even another day. My back was smashed even before I started deadlifts. It affected the amount of reps I got. I got a few more last week at this weight but made the best of It though and wrecked my back. Hamstrings were toast afterwards as well. Feeling it today for sure.

    10-4-21 hamstring/back

    Straight arm pulldowns 165lbs - 14, 13, 11

    HS pullover 6 plates - 12, 11, 10

    Deadlifts 495lbs - 4, 455lbs - 9, 8
    Backoff set 405lbs - 10

    Seated hamstring curls 180lbs - 13, 11, 10

    Horizontal calf presses 210lbs - 18, 16, 16

    Lying hamstring curls 2 plates - 16, 14, 11

    Seated calf raises 2 plates & 20lbs - 16, 15, 12

    Standing hamstring curls 55lbs -
    2 sets to failure

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  20. #20
    10-5-21 push isolation

    Pec deck 165lbs - 12, 11

    Cable lateral raises 20lbs - 14, 12, 11

    Cable flys high to low 170lbs - 15, 13

    Cable flys low to high 120lbs - 14, 12

    Seated lateral raises 150lbs - 15, 13, 12

    HS incline press 8 plates - 8
    6 plates - 12, 11

    Sword draws 22.5 - 20, 19, 16

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  21. #21
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by killionb12 View Post
    Hmm pretty interesting. Not a fan anyway

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    If I had a choice I would choose MENT and Trenbolone stack together over any steroids. I love that stuff but it makes you stink terribly. If you run MENT Trenbolone and testosterone together with a good insulin protocol you are on track for a great build

  22. #22
    Updates from yesterday. Body is pretty beat up from pushing hard these past few weeks. Took the weekend off from lifting. Sitting at 271.4lbs.

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  23. #23
    Workout from yesterday. Really enjoying the back and hamstring day. It’s a tough one for sure but hitting the entire posterior feels good.

    10-11-21 Hamstring/back

    Straight arm pulldowns 72.5 - 16, 12, 11

    HS pullovers 4 plates & 50lbs - 13, 12, 10

    Deadlifts 495lbs - 5
    455lbs - 8, 8

    Seated hamstring curls 130lbs - 13, 12, 12

    Standing calf raises 105lbs - 16, 13, 12, 12

    Standing hamstring curls 60lbs - 13, 12, 10
    Drop set 40lbs - 10

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  24. #24
    Current macros on training days.

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  25. #25
    Hey guys I will be on vacation until Saturday next week. Won’t be lifting but will get my steps in for cardio all week. Won’t be sticking to any plan but will keep things relatively clean over vacation. Have a good week!

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  26. #26
    Hey guys back from vacation. Had an amazing time with the family. Got to do some jet skiing, parasailing, tubing, and a dolphin excursion. Overall it was a great trip. Body feels a ton better as well.

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  27. #27

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  28. #28
    Had a great pull session yesterday. 2nd day being back in the gym. Did a light push session the day before to ease back into it. Feel good overall and refreshed. We are 8 weeks post contest and will run another 4 weeks before pushing it a bit. Tightening the diet back up and getting cardio in on a regular basis. Already dropped 3lbs and sitting at 272lbs right now.

    10-26-21 pull B

    Straight arm pulldowns 65 - 18, 15

    HS front lat pulldowns 2 plates - 14, 12

    Single arm cable row 75 lbs - 13, 11

    BB Bent over rows 225lbs - 12, 11, 11

    Cable rear delt flys 20 - 11, 10, 10

    DB Hammer curls 60lbs - 12, 11, 11

    HS high curls 80lbs - 15, 14, 12

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  29. #29
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    May be the first time I've seen this log!
    Really nice! Great work!
    -*- NO SOURCE CHECKS -*-

  30. #30
    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel View Post
    May be the first time I've seen this log!
    Really nice! Great work!
    Thank you! Glad to have you man!

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  31. #31
    Had an awesome quad day yesterday. My legs are sore as hell today. Got some ideas of some different exercises for quads from another bodybuilder and it was killer. Started with some belt squats then moved onto a smith barbell hack squats with heals elevated with a reverse band. I only did 135lbs and I could barely get 11-12 reps. My quads were on fire. Will definitely keep those in moving forward for one of my quad rotations.

    10-27-21 quads/calves A

    Standing calf raises 4 plates - 16, 13
    Single leg 10lbs - 7, 6

    Seated calf presses single leg 70lbs - 16, 15, 13

    Belt squats 4 plates & 50lbs - 12, 11, 10

    BB smith hack squats reverse banded heals elevated 135lbs - 12, 11, 11

    Smith Bulgarian split squats 135lbs - 12, 11

    Single leg ext. 55lbs - 15, 13

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  32. #32
    Nice TD and quick delivery. Deca, Mast E, EuroTropins and cialis. Can’t wait for growth phase!

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  33. #33
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    new orleans, louisiana

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  34. #34
    Hey guys just getting back from being out of town all weekend. Got a quick push workout in today. Felt good. Getting stronger by the day it seems. Can’t wait to push it here in a few weeks. Got bloods drawn last week so should have results here soon. Been cruising on 250mg of EP Test E and 3iu of EuroTropins.

    11-8-21 push isolation

    Pec deck 210lbs - 15, 12

    Cable lateral raises 22.5 - 13, 12

    Cable flys high to low 160lbs - 12, 11

    Cable flys low to high 140lbs - 14, 12

    Seated machine lateral raises 145lbs - 14, 13

    Upright rows 80lbs - 13, 12, 11

    Cable close grip chest press 120lbs - 20, 17

    Sword draws 22.5 - 18, 16, 15

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  35. #35
    Bloods came back. This is cruising on 250mg of Test E and 3iu of HGH from EP. Looks pretty good to me!

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  36. #36
    Join Date
    May 2012
    Curious as to what a general day of eating looks like to you currently?

  37. #37
    Quote Originally Posted by Cylon357 View Post
    Your Estradiol seems low. Is it still beat down from drying out for your comp or ?
    Yeah I discontinued adex. I was using 1mg weekly but I guess that was too much on a cruise.

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  38. #38
    Join Date
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    new orleans, louisiana
    Awesome results. Euro Pharmacies had been great over the years and continues to shine.

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  39. #39
    Leg day from yesterday. Legs were pumped through the roof.

    11-10-21 quads A

    Standing calf raises 4 plates & 50lbs - 11, 10, 10

    Seated calf presses single leg 110lbs - 18, 18, 16

    Adductors 150lbs - 12, 11

    Pendulum squats 4 plates - 11, 10, 8

    Leg press 18 plates - 12, 10

    Leg ext. 4 plates - 12, 11
    Drop set 2 plates - 11

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  40. #40
    Checkins from yesterday. Weight is at 275lbs fasted. Two more weeks before we kick things into gear!

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