Looking to track my progress here. Using just TC 200. First dose 9.Jan 1cc
Wk 1 400
Week 2-10 600
Week 11-12 400
Blood work week 8
Looking to track my progress here. Using just TC 200. First dose 9.Jan 1cc
Wk 1 400
Week 2-10 600
Week 11-12 400
Blood work week 8
#2 today 1cc. Feeling very irritable but probably just a bad day. Biceps did seem a little more swollen today and moved up 20lbs on preacher curl. Gotta be all mental at this point.
16.Jan #3 1cc. Still nothing new to report. Gym closed today due to snow, had custody of the baby all weekend so haven’t been to the gym since Thursday night. Hoping they open back up in the AM so I can get my cardio in.
#4 on 19.Jan and #5 on 22.Jan. Nothing out of the ordinary. Lifts are all the same, no more intensity, no more reps.
#6 25.Jan. Tricep work out today (27.Jan) feeling very full, had plenty of “go” could have busted out triceps all night without failure.
P.S. - going to lengthen this cycle from 12 weeks to 16 weeks. I’m testing new suppliers. Going to run Test C 200 from supplier #1 till bloodwork at week 8, then switch over to supplier #2 same Test C except it’s 250. Going to keep the Mg’s the same then do blood work again at week 16 and compare. Figured I’d go this route instead of doing 12 weeks of supplier #1, PCT for 6 weeks, then start supplier #2 and do blood work at week 8. Anyone disagree?
Last edited by Swilderbeast; 01-27-2022 at 05:58 PM.
#7 28.Jan and #8 31.Jan. Changed up workout tonight to new lifts. Felt pretty swollen during workout still feel this initial gear is low dosed maybe. Feels “in and out” for lack of a better explanation. Don’t know but blood test can begin the week of 21.Feb
Decided not to wait till blood work in 2 weeks. Body pains were atrocious, switched over to supplier #2. Body pains seem to have reduced. Still lots of pain in my neck/trap areas that seems to radiate down to my shoulders. Really fucking up my flat bench but incline seems unaffected. Dose #9 3.Feb. Looking to add masteron for the second half of this cycle. But think I may be getting ahead of myself. Primary goal is still to find quality gear.
Last edited by Swilderbeast; 02-07-2022 at 09:53 AM.
I burned through a lot of meal prep yesterday ended up having to get peanut butter to stave off the cravings. Again today I can’t stop thinking about eating, constantly hungry. I’m starting to think the 1st supplier was low dosed and the 2nd supplier is proper (or at least higher) dosed. I’m only 2 doses in on 2nd supplier but a much noticeable difference in hunger.
Coming along bro! Congrats!
Simply put, some VERY sweet ink buddy. Great quality & beautiful pieces. I love Marilyn and Anna.
Cycle is over. Need to update this with final pictures. Just started PCT Monday, I don’t feel like I’m losing anything in the gym although the scale is finally showing me losing weight. I’m thinking the Test C had me retaining water heavily and that’s the drop in weight I’m seeing. I believe I’m looking more dried out but holding on to the gains I made. Going no upper body unfortunately for a few weeks as shoulders are flaring up again, will need to rehab all the while will be upping the amount of leg days. May 1 starts the next cycle. Pumped already for it
Since I was using Test Cyp my last injection was 7.March, followed by 2 weeks without injections, started PCT 21.Mar, will discontinue PCT 17.Apr, will begin next cycle 1.May. That’ll be 4 full weeks of PCT (arguably a bit short) followed by 2 weeks of nothing leading in to next cycle.
Absolutely not happy with the progress on my chest, been battling shoulder issues but spending this off cycle rehabbing, hopefully will be ready to go once next cycle kicks off. Happy with back though.
Yes that’s my little pony up on the wall lol. Just realize the camera caught that. Me and my two kids are jammed in a 2 bedroom apartment until my house is ready to be moved in to.
Fuck anyone that doesn’t get down with my little pony…shit is a classic.
Good luck on the house and nice progress.
If you keep pushing cycles on these short turnarounds, you should probably consider TRT. Just something to think about…
Recovery is going to get harder each time
Yea my dr seems pretty cool I just switched about a year ago. I have an appointment on Monday and imma ask the question. She’s concerned about my blood pressure but having dropped about 15 lbs since I last seen her should help out quite a bit. Last time I was in there the bottom number had dropped to a level she was quite happy with. The top one I think was still in the 130s.
What are you gettin done? Or are you leaving it a secret till an unveiling?
I just cancelled all my remaining appointments for the year. My bank account hit the golden number I won’t go below because I was dropping a grand on more work every month for the last 6 months. Once it hit that number (I honestly thought we’d be a lot further along but dude is slooooooooow and detailed which is a good thing in the long run just not on the pocket book lol) I pulled the trigger and was like nah no more. Although he did ask me to get tattooed for the convention here in RVA come the fall so if he live streams it I’ll try and get the website or social app he’s using so y’all can peek at it.
Last edited by Swilderbeast; 03-26-2022 at 10:18 AM. Reason: Added in last note
Good ole blood pressure is a pain in my behind too, which is why I made the recent decision to not blast again and drop my TRT dose to 100-125/wk.
Just left the studio and saw my guy. Damn, can’t believe I’ve known Mark for 20 years now. He’s cool with the design/size and I’ve got the green light to schedule with the dude who manages his schedule.
The pic is a dedication to my recently passed little best friend. Not going to do the words.
First blood test for TRT today. Last injection of Cyp was 7.March. Definitely could tell last week a difference in how I’d been feeling. So here’s to the results I want on this blood test. Next blood test is 2 weeks. I waited till 3pm I’m up at 5am for work, figured this would be my best opportunity for the lowest reading possible. Any other tips to hit the testosterone dip of the day?
2 weeks back on blast 500 sus (250mgs x2 per week), Prop 150 (50mg x3 per week, dropping after 5 weeks), DECA 375 (125mg x3 per week). Was finally able to kick the adderall which seemed to be heavily affecting my pump and performance in the gym. Trying to upload new photos but I’m a tech moron
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