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  1. #81
    Iranon's Avatar
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    Delts & Traps

    Lying rear delts cable 4x10-12
    Capped delts cable lying incline 4x10
    Uni lateral cable laterals 4x10-12
    Front delts DB 3x12-15

    Standing cable shrugs 4x10-12
    Lower trap shrugs 2x12

    Rope pullovers 2x20
    Cable crossovers 2x20-30

  2. #82
    Iranon's Avatar
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    Chest & Back

    Uni lateral low lat pull downs: 110-130lbsx12,10,10,8+4
    Lying incline functional trainer press: 100lbsx12,12,10,8+4
    Wide grip pull downs: 65/65x 12,12,11, 55/55x12
    Lower chest cable fly/press standing: 90lbsx10,10,10,9
    Uni lateral cable rows: 120lbsx10,10,8,8
    Smith floor press: 235lbs 2x12
    Rope pullovers: 3x12
    Peck deck: 2x15

    Cap delt cable laterals: 2x20
    Rear delts 1x20

  3. #83
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    Lying hamstring curls: 105lbsx10,10,8+2, 90lbsx10
    Hammer uni lateral leg press 8/45lb platesx10,10,10,8+2 tows out
    Seated hamstring curls: 140lbsx12, 160lbsx12,170lbsx10,10
    Lying unilateral leg press: 4/45 plates a side x10,10,10. Toes straight
    Standing uni lateral calf raise: 4x10-12


    On prep but cycle just kicked in, love going from 230 to 237 on a cut.
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  4. #84
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    Tri rope ext push down: 80lbsx12,12. 90lbsx10,8+2
    Standing alternate DB curls (super slow reps): 45lbsxs10,10. 40lbsx10,8
    Tri rope over head: 100-110lbs 4x10
    Uni lateral cable curls: 50lbsx10,10,9,8+4
    Reverse tri ext: 2x12
    Incline DB curls:30lbsx10,10,10
    Lying DB tri ext:45lbsx10,01. 40lbsx10,8
    Hammer curls (super slow reps): 25lbs 2x10-12

  5. #85
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    Delts & Traps

    Face down lying on slight incline rear delt uni lateral cable ext:
    Reverse pec-dek rear delts: 2x12-15
    Functional trainer cable side delts: 4x10-12
    Cap delt on high incline bench: 25lbs 4x10-12
    Smith military press 1/2 rep, top half only: 115lbs 3x10-12 (new, did not bother my three rotator cuff injuries)
    Seated DB shrugs: 80lbs 4x10-12

    Rope pullovers (lats): 80lbs 2x15-20
    Cable cross overs incline and decline: 1x20 each

    AM weight 241 up 11lbs on prep, this is crazy
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  6. #86
    Iranon's Avatar
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    Back & Chest

    Low latt PD: 3x12
    Uni lateral low latt PD:3x10
    Functional trainer incline press: 4x10-12
    Incline peck-deck: 2x12-15
    Wide grip PD: 3x10-12
    Floor press smith: 225lbs 4x10-12
    Pullovers: 3x10-12
    Flys lower chest 3x10-12
    T-bar supported rows: 2x12
    Cable rows 110lbs 3x10-12

    Cap delt laterals: 2x20
    DB seated shrugs: 70lbs 1x15

    AM weight 245lbs

  7. #87
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    Been in Chicago the past two weeks training with a friend. Fat is coming off nicely and I have not lost any strength on this cut, even gained a little.


    Standing DB curls alternating: 45lbs 4x10
    Standing rope tri ext over head: 4x10-12
    Lying incline DB curls: 35lbs 4x10
    Tri push downs: 4x10
    Precher curls: 4x10-12
    Tri DB lying ext: 45lbs 4x10

    AM weight 7/2/2022 232lbs

  8. #88
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    Chest and back

    Wide grip PD: 4x10-12
    Incline DB press: 75lbs Blue band x12,10,8. 65lbs Red bandx10
    Uni lateral lat PD: 4x10-12
    Low chest cables: 4x10-12
    Pullovers: 4x10-12
    Uni lateral chest fly Incline: 2x12
    Uni lateral chest fly decline: 2x12
    Cable rows: 4x8-10

    Capped delt laterals: 2x15-20
    Rear delts: 2x15-20

    Body is changing every day, still I thing I am 4 weeks behind where I should be.
    Last edited by Iranon; 07-19-2022 at 04:39 PM.

  9. #89
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    Lying hamstring curls: 105x10,10,10 90x12
    Uni lateral leg press: 365lbs x 10,10,10,9
    Seated hamstring curls: 140x12 160x10,10,10 170x8+2
    Pendlum squat: 50lbsx10,10,10,10

    Hip thrusts: 225x10,10,8

    Standing uni lateral calf raise: 6x10-12

    AM Weight 228lbs

  10. #90
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    Tri rope ext over head: 4x10
    Alternating standing DB curls: 45lbs x10,10,9 40lbs x8 drop set to 30lbs got 4 or 5 more
    Tri push downs: 130lbs 4x12
    Cable curls uni lateral, two sets out, two in: 4x10-14
    Tri DB lying ext: 45lbs 2x10 droped to 40lbs did 2x10-12
    Precher curls 3x10
    Hammer curls super slow reps: 25lbs 2x12

  11. #91
    Iranon's Avatar
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    Delts and traps and a little more

    Lying full range of motion cable rear latterals: 4x10-12
    Peck deck rear latterals 3x12 Did this uni lateral to get a better range of motion, amazing
    High incline face down DB laterals: 25lbs 4x10
    Reverse grip DB press: 45lbs 2x12
    Cable laterals: 4x10-14

    Seated DB shrugs super slow hold at top for 2-3 seconds: 80lbs 3x10
    Smith shrugs: 205lbx 2x12
    Face pulls: 3x12

    Cable pullovers: 2x20
    Low latt PD: 2x15

    Cable cross overs but I do not cross over: 2x20
    Incline of the same movement: 2x15-20

  12. #92
    Iranon's Avatar
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    Chest & Back and more

    Low latt PD 3x10
    DB incline press with Blue band 75lbs 4x10-12
    More low latt PD: 3x12-15
    Low chest cable fly/press: 4x10-12
    Floor press: 315 2x10
    Wide grip PD: 4x12
    T-bar chest supported: 3x10-12

    Capped delt cable laterals: 3x15
    Rear delts full ROM: 3x12-15

    Seated DB shrugs: 65lbs 2x15-20

    ON off days I have been walking in my neighborhood 3.2 miles in about 50 minutes

  13. #93
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    Lying hamstring curls: 105x10 115lbs 10,10,10,8+3
    Uni lateral leg press: 365lbs x 10 385lbsx10,10 405x9
    Seated hamstring curls: 140x12 160x10,10,10,9+2
    Pendlum squat: 50lbsx10 70lbs x10,10,10,8

    Hip thrusts: two young sluts hogged this my entire workout so I skipped it

    Standing uni lateral calf raise: 4x10-12 four sets toes pointed out one set straight

    AM Weight 229lbs

    Weight loss has been stuck for 3-4 weeks, cut back fat a bit (15g) added 3 mile walks done in 50min 3-4x a week, and most important cut booze out completely, getting lit once a week is not working for this cut so that shit is over till Oct 2.
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  14. #94
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    Arm day

    Tri rope push downs: 105lbs 4x15
    Standing alternate DB curls:40lbs 4x10 last set dropped to 30lbs with no rest and did 5 more
    Tri seated behind the back ext: 4x12
    Precher curls:5x10-12
    Tri ext DB slight incline: 45lbs 2x10, 40lbs 2x10,8
    Hammer curls super slow reps: 25lbs 2x10

    Changed show date to October because I am fat

  15. #95
    Iranon's Avatar
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    Delts & traps

    Lying full range of motion cable rear laterals: 4x10-12
    Peck deck rear laterals 2x12
    face down DB laterals capped delt: 25lbs 4x10-12
    Cable laterals: 4x10-14
    standing DB 1/3 range of motion laterals: 35lbs 3x10

    Seated DB shrugs super slow hold at top for 2-3 seconds: 80lbs 4x10
    Neutral grip DB upright rows 30-35lbs: 3x12
    Face pulls: 2x10

    Seated uni lateral cable rows: 2x20
    Wide grip PD: 2x20PD: 2x15

    Low chest Cable flys: 2x20
    Incline of the same movement: 2x20

    AM weight 228

  16. #96
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    Cardio plus low volume high rep leg day

    40min treadmill 3.6mph at 1.5 incline going to do a 3 mile walk at home later tonight

    Seated hamstring curls 120lbs: 2x20
    Roman chairs (focus on hams and glutes) 1 set only got about 9 or ten
    Hack squat: 3x20

    glute ham raise: 2x15

    standing calves: 3x15-20
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  17. #97
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    Chest & Back and more

    High latt uni lateral row 3x10-12
    Incline press functional trainer neutral grip: 110lbs 4x10
    low latt PD uni lateral: 100-110lbs 3x12
    Low press functional trainer neutral grip: 100lbs 4x10
    Wide grip PD: 4x12
    Incline machine flys: 150lbs 2x10-12
    Decline machine flys: 130lbs 2x10-12
    T-bar chest supported: 75lbs 3x10-12

    Capped delt cable laterals: 3x18
    Rear delts full ROM: 2x12-16

    Seated DB shrugs: 60lbs 2x201
    Low trap shrugs: 60lbs 1x15
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  18. #98
    Cylon357's Avatar
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    Contest is getting close for you, right? This month?
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  19. #99
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cylon357 View Post
    Contest is getting close for you, right? This month?
    8 weeks out, but I am going to Vegas to train and work on posing with my coach and he will determine when I am ready, we have two other shows out here after mine so I am 8,11 or 14 weeks out depending.
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  20. #100
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    GYM was closed had to workout at Planet fitness...hate planet fitness

    Seated hamstring curls 5x10-12
    Some crappy leg press machine 4x12
    Lying leg press 4x10
    Hamstring curls lying 5x10-12

    abductor 2x12 inside area only
    kick backs (glutes) 3x12
    Standing uni lateral calves 3x12-20
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  21. #101
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    Quote Originally Posted by Iranon View Post


    GYM was closed had to workout at Planet fitness...hate planet fitness

    Seated hamstring curls 5x10-12
    Some crappy leg press machine 4x12
    Lying leg press 4x10
    Hamstring curls lying 5x10-12

    abductor 2x12 inside area only
    kick backs (glutes) 3x12
    Standing uni lateral calves 3x12-20
    I can only use machines and an occasional dumbbell. Plus our Planet Fitness is a 5 minute drive away. For dudes like yourself, I could see how that place wouldn’t work, but for me it’s perfect.

    Congrats on the continued contest prep.
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  22. #102
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    Totally re-vamped leg workout. Did this 2 or 3 days ago with Tony in Vegas.

    Raw Squat to parallel but only going up about 3/4 of the way (constant tension) weight on the balls of my feet,not my toes. Trained very light with the focus on form only for the first few workouts. 4x12

    Sumo squats,focus on upper inner thigh. 3x12
    Thigh ext, varying angles 4x12

    Walking lunges, long steps 2x 50 yards

    Lying leg curls varying angles 6x12 ( back day I will be hitting a variation of a DB stiff leg dead lift)

    Calfs on leg press varying angles 3x12-15

    228lbs Trainer thinks I am 15lbs out, show in 7 weeks going to do it and one 10 weeks out.
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  23. #103
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    Chest and Back

    DB flys: 50lbs 4x10-12
    Peck deck last half of movement only 4x12
    Slight incline DB press: 80lbs 2x10-12
    Slight decline DB press: 80lbs 2x10

    Close grip PD 3x10-12
    Pullovers 3x12
    Wide grip PD 4x10-12
    Cable rows 3x8-10

    Cap delt ext 2x15
    Rear delts 2x15
    DB shrugs 60lbs 1x22
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  24. #104
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    Standing DB curls: 40lbs 4x10-12
    Barbell curls: 90lbsx10, 80lbs 2x10
    Cable curls: 3x12
    Hammer curls: 30lbs 2x10-12

    Tri rope push down superset with tri rope ext over head: 4x8+8
    Bench dips bodyweight: 4x12
    Tri reverse ext: 3x12

    AM weight 227 and that was after a weekend of crazy food, go figure.
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  25. #105
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    Delts and traps

    Rear cablle delt ext 4x15
    Peck deck rear delts 2x12
    Cable capped delt 4x12
    Incline rear delts 25lb DB's 4x12
    Press 2x12

    Seated DB shrugs 80lbs 3x12
    Low trap shrugs 65lbs 2x12

    did 3 sets of chest & lats 15-20 reps

    228lbs today, need to drop 10lbs more in the next 5 weeks

    Competing in over 50 classic physique only
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Contest everything log-pxl_20220829_170426434.jpg   Contest everything log-pxl_20220829_164729364-1-.jpg   Contest everything log-pxl_20220829_170424837.jpg  
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  26. #106
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    Smith squat, past parallel only 3/4 of the way up. Constant tension. 225lbs 4x15

    Sumo Squats 185lbs 3x15

    Leg press 5 plates a side 4x12
    Thigh ext 2x15-20

    Seated hamstring curls 5x10-12
    Lying hamstring curls 4x12

    Standing uni lateral claf raises 3x12-15

    Glute kick backs 3x12

    231 today, weight gain is mainly due to TBol for one week (amazing drug) then last 4 weeks anavar . So fake weight gain, probably 90% water.
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  27. #107
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    Looking good, great pics. Did you take any pics before your prep? I know you’ve been working at this a while…congrats on the progress!

    What lab are you running?

    (Just curious regarding the Tbol - I’ve never run it)
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  28. #108
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    Quote Originally Posted by SampsonandDelilah View Post
    Looking good, great pics. Did you take any pics before your prep? I know you’ve been working at this a while…congrats on the progress!

    What lab are you running?

    (Just curious regarding the Tbol - I’ve never run it)
    My test cyp and anavar are through my TRT clinic. The other gear is made by a friend of mine.

    I have a few pre prep photos.

    tbol puts on size fast with very little water retention but like all orals the effects fade away fast once you stop using it.
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  29. #109
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    Excited for you, the progress pics look great and I know you’ve been at it for a while! I feel like everything is more difficult in the summertime too
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  30. #110
    JaneDoe is offline Banned
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    A recommendation for you to read the book "Be Your Own Bodybuilding Coach Dr Scott Stevenson" an excellent book with the latest peak week approaches
    Last edited by JaneDoe; 09-03-2022 at 12:56 AM.

  31. #111
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    9-1-2022 Chest and Back
    9-3-2022 Arms
    9-4-2022 Delts and traps



    10min cardio (walking at 3.6mph) to warmup

    Smith squat: 225-245lbs 12-15 reps 4 sets
    Sumo Squats: 185lbs 3x12
    Uni lateral leg press: 3x12
    Thigh ext: 2x15

    Seated Hamstring curls: 10x10-15 Varying foot position
    Calf raise standing 3x12-15

    235lbs,holding some water and carb loaded so not a real weight

  32. #112
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    Chest & Back

    Low latt PD 3x12-14
    Decline cable press 90lbs 4x12
    Decline Flys 3x12
    WIDE GRIP PD 4x12
    Incline cable fly/press 4x12
    Incline Peck deck 3x15
    Cable rows 3x10
    T bar row 3x10-12

    Capped delt cable ext 2x15-20
    Rear delts 2x15
    233lbs today,looked as lean but more pop as I did at 225 2 weeks ago.

  33. #113
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    9-10 Arms

    9-11 Delts & Traps

    Weight 228lbs

  34. #114
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    Chest & Back

    Low lat uni lateral PD: 3x12
    Decline cable press: 3x12
    Decline flys: 2x12
    Uni lateral cable rows: 3x10-12
    Incline cable press: 3x12
    Incline flys: 2x12
    Wide grip PD: 4x10-12
    Peck deck:2x15
    T-Bar rows: 3x12

    No sets beyond failure, most one rep shy of technical failure at this point.

    AM weight 227lbs.

    Think I will walk on at 215-217 show day, Not sure my weight cap, might be 220 so I am on point for that. 20 days out right now.

  35. #115
    JaneDoe is offline Banned
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    Has your competition already taken place or changed the date? Last time I read you said it would be in August!

  36. #116
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    Quote Originally Posted by davimeireles View Post
    Has your competition already taken place or changed the date? Last time I read you said it would be in August!
    Over 50 classic physique October 1st
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  37. #117
    JaneDoe is offline Banned
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    I understand brother; good luck in your competition.
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  38. #118
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    Lying hamstring curls: 5x12
    Seated hamstring curls: 5x12
    Raw Smith squat: 245lbs 4x12-15
    Bulgarian squat raw 185lbs 3x15
    Uni lateral leg press: 3x12
    Hip thrusts 225lbs 2x12
    Unilateral calfs standing: Heavy Chain on shoulders 4x12-15

    Last 4 weeks cycle: 100 mast P eod, 100mg primo M/W/F (300mg total weekly) 25+25 Anavar daily (50 ED) Test 200mg week 4, 160mg week 3, 120 week 2, cutting it out 7-9 days before show. Arimadex at 0.25 EOD
    Last edited by Iranon; 09-14-2022 at 03:42 PM.

  39. #119
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    Arm day

    Tri rope push down and over head ext: 3x10+6
    Standing Barbell curls: 70lbs 4x15
    Bench dips with 45lb plate in lap: 4x12-15
    Standing DB curls 35lbs 3x12
    Reverse tri push down: 3x12
    Precher curls 3x12
    Lying tri ext DB 35lbs 3x15
    Hammer curls 30lbs 3x12

    Everything about one rep shy of technical failure, did a few failure sets but far less than in the off season

    Diet the last two weeks will be a bit extreme since I believe I am a bit behind. Sub 2000 cal, carbs only on weight training days and only 35g before and after. I wont go below 1500 cals.

  40. #120
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    Delts & traps

    Rear cabledelst: 5x12-14
    Capped delts cables: 4x12
    Lying incline face down capped delts: 5x10-14
    Neutral grip DB upright rows: 3x12
    DB shrugs standing:75lbs 4x12

    ABS rope crunch 3 sets 15-20 reps
    Vacuum work several sets

    229lbs WTF gained 2lbs after a day of perfect eating and doubled cardio.

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