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Thread: Contest everything log

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2021

    Contest everything log

    Training for my first show. Would love to win the masters class (over 45) and better yet be in the best shape of my life. I am about 8 months out just started my first cycle in 17 years and very excited to see what I can do at 50+. I have been on TRT for the last 12 months, my script is 120mg Test Cyp weekly.

    Height 6' 1.25''
    Weight 241lbs
    Bodyfat 16%


    1. 400mg Test Cyp + 500mg EQ+Anavar 50mg
    2. 400mg Test Cyp + 500mg EQ+Anavar 50mg
    3. 400mg Test Cyp + 500mg EQ
    4. 400mg Test Cyp + 500mg EQ
    5. 400mg Test Cyp + 500mg EQ
    6. 400mg Test Cyp + 500mg EQ
    7. 400mg Test Cyp + 500mg EQ
    8. 400mg Test Cyp + 500mg EQ
    9. 400mg Test Cyp + 500mg EQ
    10. 400mg Test Cyp + 500mg EQ

    Cycle goals are to drop 5-10lbs fat in ten weeks while gaining at least 10lbs of muscle tissue.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	241lbs Dec 2021.jpg 
Views:	204 
Size:	460.6 KB 
ID:	181603  
    Last edited by Iranon; 01-21-2022 at 09:29 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2012
    What does the diet look like?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2021
    Quote Originally Posted by tarmyg View Post
    What does the diet look like?
    Protein 270, Fat 80, carbs 250.

    Goal is to drop 10lbs of fat and re-gain 10lbs of muscle.

    Four meals a day and two protein shakes.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2021
    Leg Day

    Lying hamstring curls 4x12
    Seated hamstring curls 4x10

    Thigh ext 4x15
    Pendulum squats 5x10

    Glute ham raise 2x12

    Standing calves 4x12-15

    Weight 237lbs

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2021

    Functional trainer incline press 5x10-12
    Functional trainer decline 4x12
    Cable flys 2x15

    Capped delt laterals 25lbs 4x12
    1/2 rep side lateral DB. 35lbs 3x10
    Seated press 3x12-15

    Tri rope ext 4x12-15
    Lying tri DB ext 40lb 4x10-12

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2021

    Pull Day

    Low lat pull downs 3x12
    Wide grip pull downs 3x12
    Cable rows, uni lateral 4x10
    Low lat reverse uni lateral pull downs 2x15
    Pull overs 1x20

    Seated DB shrugs 80lbs 3x10-12
    Low trap shrugs 60lbs 2x12

    Rear delt extensions 4x12-15

    Standing DB curls super slow reps 40lbs 2x10
    Preacher curls 2x12
    Cable curls 3x10-12
    DB hammer curls super slow reps 25lbs 2x15

    Weight 241

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2021
    Leg Day

    Seated Hamstring curs 4x12
    Lying hamstring curls 4x12
    Thigh ext 3x12
    Pendulum squats 4x12
    Seated leg press 3 sets 10 reps

    Glute kick backs 2x12
    Standing calves uni lateral 3x12-15

    Weight 239

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2021

    Functional trainer incline press/fly 4x12
    DB incline press 70lbs with red band 2x15
    Functional trainer decline press/fly 3x12
    Floor press 2x10

    Cable latter caped delts 4x12
    Military press 4x10-12
    DB lateterals 3x15

    Tri rope ext 3x12
    DB lying tri ext 35lbs 3x12-15
    Tri seated ext 2x12

    weight 243lbs

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2021
    Pull Day

    Low lat high rows
    130lbs x12,12
    Wide grip pulldowns
    120lbs x12,12,10
    Reverse grip uni lateral low lat pulldowns
    Cable rows uni lateral
    100lbs x12,12,10
    High rows 2x10

    seated DB shrugs (super slow reps)
    75lbs x12,10,10
    Low trap rows 60lbs 2x12

    Rear delt cable ext 3x12

    Preacher curls 3x12
    uni lateral cable curls 3x10
    Straight bar curls 100lbs 2x12
    Reverse curls 1x12

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2021
    Leg day

    Seated hamstring curls 4x12
    Lying hamstring curls 4x8-12 ( last two sets drop sets beyond failure)

    Thigh ext light and slow reps 2x15
    Pendulum squats 5x12
    Thigh ext 3x12

    Glute kick backs 2x12

    Standing uni lateral calf raises toes out 4x12 holding 30lb DB

    Weight 240. Three weeks into cycle, ABS looking better, all lifts going up, morning wood just like when I was 18. Cold upper arms up 1/4 of an inch, cold relaxed chest up 1 inch, cold thighs up 1/2 inch, calves only up 1/8 of an inch....never had to train these when I was young, age is a bitch, waist down 1/2 inch. So far so good.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Dec 2021
    New IM procedure

    Mon//Fri: 1ml Test cyp (total of 400mg EW)
    Mon/Fri: 1ml EQ (total 500mg EW)

    EXCEL 1ml luer lock insulin syringe with 28g 3/4 pins for delts, 27g 1.25 for glutes. These pins with insulin syringes are like butter, smooth and easy. So twice the shots, smaller pins and shots that take 1/4 of the time.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Dec 2021

    Functional trainer incline press/fly 80lbs 4x12
    DB incline press 75lbs with red band 3x15
    Functional trainer decline press/fly 80lbs 4x12
    S.S with peck deck 2x8

    capped delt DB ext 20lbs 4x12-15
    Military press 4x10-12
    (45lbs level 1 and 2)
    cable laterals 30lbs 3x15

    Tri rope ext over head 3x12
    DB lying tri ext 40lbs 3x12
    Tri push downs 90lbs 2x15

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Dec 2021

    Pull day

    Front lat pull downs 4x12
    Cable rows uni lateral 4x10-12
    Uni lateral low latt pull downs 3x12-15
    Wide grip pull downs 3x10-12

    Seated DB shrugs 75lbs 4x12
    Low trap shrugs/rows 60lbs 2x10

    Incline DB curls super slow reps 35lbs 3x10-12
    Precher curls 2x15
    Barbell curls 100lbs 3x10-12

    Rear delt ext 4x10-15

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Dec 2021

    Functional trainer incline press/fly 70lbs 4x15
    DB incline press 80lbs with red band 4x12
    Functional trainer decline press/fly 70lbs 4x12

    capped delt DB ext 20lbs 3x12-15
    Military press 4x10-12
    (55lbs level 1 and 2)
    cable laterals 30lbs 3x15

    Tri rope ext over head 90lbs 3x12
    DB lying tri ext 45lbs 3x12
    Tri push downs 100lbs 2x15

    weight 241lbs

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Dec 2021
    Leg day

    Seated hamstring curls 120-140lbs 4x10-12
    Lying hamstring curls x12

    Thigh ext 4x12-15
    Pendulum squats 4x10-12

    Glute kick backs 2x12-15
    Standing calf raise 3x12-15

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Dec 2021
    Pull day

    Uni lateral low latt PD 3x12
    Low latt pull downs 3x12
    Wide grip pull downs 4x12
    Cable rows 4x10

    Shrugs 4x12
    Low trap shrugs 3x10

    Rear delt ext 4x12

    Incline DB curls super slow reps
    35lbs 3x12
    BB cable curls 3x12
    Uni lateral curl 2x15

  17. #17
    I'm following..... How many weeks are you from your show?

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    updated pics?

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Dec 2021
    Quote Originally Posted by davimeireles View Post
    I'm following..... How many weeks are you from your show?
    My show is in August so about 6 months out.

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Dec 2021
    Quote Originally Posted by Mooseman33 View Post
    updated pics?
    Plan on doing some in a few weeks.

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Dec 2021
    Push day II (high rep, low volume pump workout)


    Functional trainer incline fly/press 3x20
    Functional trainer decline fly/press 3x20

    Cable lateral capped delts 5x20

    Tri rope ext over head 2x20
    Tri rope ext behind back 2x20

    Weight 243

  22. #22
    Quote Originally Posted by Iranon View Post
    My show is in August so about 6 months out.
    Got it bro!

    You have plenty of time to make adjustments, 24 weeks until competition day! Have you started your cut or are you just eating on your TDEE for now?

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Dec 2021
    So I did blood work two days ago, did it 3 days after my last Testosterone injection ( on 400mg a week, 200mg 2x a week). My Doctor somehow forgot to order my other labs so I will get the rest off them next week.

    Question. I'm on 400mg test cyp a week, for 4 weeks now and my test level was >1600ng/dl.

    Not sure what this symbol means (>)? Is it under 1600 or over or is that the exact amount???

    Just wondering, did the test level test to make sure my gear was real.


    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Test Feb 2022.jpg 
Views:	204 
Size:	130.3 KB 
ID:	181667

  24. #24
    Join Date
    Dec 2021
    Quote Originally Posted by davimeireles View Post
    Got it bro!

    You have plenty of time to make adjustments, 24 weeks until competition day! Have you started your cut or are you just eating on your TDEE for now?
    This is my first cycle in about 17 or 18 years so I figured I could grow and cut at the same time. A very mild cut, goal is to just drop 5 or 6lbs of fat in 10 weeks while re-gaining muscle, so far it is working. On my 8 week cruise I will do a slightly harder cut and also bump my HRT from 120mg a week to 200mg a week, aiming to drop 10lbs in those 8 weeks.

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Dec 2021
    I did not post them but the last 3 days I did low volume pump workouts, kind of like 1/2 days with no training to failure.

    So 3 hard workouts then one day off, followed by 3 mild workouts (total of 6 a week). I'm over 50 so blasting 5 or 6 times a week is beyond me at this age.

  26. #26
    Join Date
    Nov 2018
    AKA "Nice Guy Cy"
    Quote Originally Posted by Iranon View Post
    So I did blood work two days ago, did it 3 days after my last Testosterone injection ( on 400mg a week, 200mg 2x a week). My Doctor somehow forgot to order my other labs so I will get the rest off them next week.

    Question. I'm on 400mg test cyp a week, for 4 weeks now and my test level was >1600ng/dl.

    Not sure what this symbol means (>)? Is it under 1600 or over or is that the exact amount???

    Just wondering, did the test level test to make sure my gear was real.


    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Test Feb 2022.jpg 
Views:	204 
Size:	130.3 KB 
ID:	181667
    "Greater than". 1600 is likely the cut off for that test, so anything over that just shows as ">1600".

    You have to look for specific testosterone tests that read the full amount. Something like MC / LS, though I don't remember if that is EXACTLY right. It will say something on the test like "will give exact levels over 1500" or something like that. Basically, there is no cutoff for that one.

  27. #27
    Join Date
    Dec 2021

    Functional trainer incline press/fly 70lbsx12, 80x12,12
    DB incline press 80lbs with red band x12,12,10+4
    Functional trainer decline press/fly 70lbs x12,80x12,12, 10+2

    capped delt functional trainer 30lbs 3x12
    capped delt DB ext 20lbs 4x12-15
    Military press 4x12
    (55lbs level 1 and 2)

    Tri rope ext over head 90lbs x12, 12, 10
    reverse tri ext 2x12
    DB lying tri ext 35lbs 3x12

    weight 239lbs

  28. #28
    Join Date
    Dec 2021

    Seated hamstring curls 130lbs 4x10-12
    Lying hamstring curls 90lbs 4x12

    Thigh ext (not even close to failure) 3x12
    Pendulum squat 5x10-12
    Thigh ext 3x12 slow reps to failure or one rep shy

    Glute kick backs 40lbs 3x12-15

    Standing calves 3x10-12 super slow reps

  29. #29
    Join Date
    Dec 2021
    Pull day

    Uni lateral low latt pull downs 50x12, 60x12,12,10+2
    Low latt bilateral Pull downs 3x10-12 110lbs
    Wide grip pull downs 100lbs 4x12
    Cable rows 100lbs 3x10

    seated DB shrugs 80lbs 4x10-12 super slow reps
    Low trap shrugs 60lbs 2x12

    DB incline curls 35lbs 3x12 super slow reps
    Prime precher curls 4x10-12
    DB hammer curls 25lbs 2x15 super slow reps

    Rear delts functional trained 3x12

  30. #30
    Join Date
    Dec 2021
    Light push day (no failure training)

    Functional trainer incline press 2x20
    Functional trainer decline press 2x20

    capped delt cable laterals 4x20

    Tri rope ext 2x20

  31. #31
    Join Date
    Dec 2021
    Light leg day

    Bulgarian split squats body weight 3x20
    Hamstring curls 3x20
    Standing claves 1x20

  32. #32
    Join Date
    Dec 2021
    Light Pull day

    Medium grip pull downs 3x20
    Cable rows 2x20

    Cable shrugs 3x20
    Rear delts 2x20

    Standing DB curls 30lbs 2x20
    Concentration curls 25lbs 1x20

  33. #33
    Join Date
    Dec 2021

    Functional trainer incline press/fly 70lbsx15, 80x12,12
    DB incline press 80lbs with red band x14,12, 12 but not using band on this set
    Functional trainer decline press/fly ,80x12,12,12
    Floor BB press 225lbs 2x12-15

    capped delt functional trainer 30lbs 3x12
    Military press prime 210lbs 3x12
    Side delt DB laterals 25lbs 3x12-15

    Tri rope ext over head 90lbs x12, 12, 100lbs x10
    DB lying tri ext 40lbs 3x12
    Behind head tri rope ext 2x12 forget the weight

    weight 238lbs

  34. #34
    Join Date
    Dec 2021
    Lying hamstring curls 90lbs 5x10-12
    Seated hamstring curls 130-140lbs 5x12

    Pendulum squat 5x10
    Leg press 2x12
    Thigh ext 3x12 slow reps to failure or one rep shy

    Glute kick backs 40lbs 3x15

    Pendulum squat Standing calves 4x12-15 super slow reps


  35. #35
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    La Cocina
    Quote Originally Posted by Cylon357 View Post
    "Greater than". 1600 is likely the cut off for that test, so anything over that just shows as ">1600".

    You have to look for specific testosterone tests that read the full amount. Something like MC / LS, though I don't remember if that is EXACTLY right. It will say something on the test like "will give exact levels over 1500" or something like that. Basically, there is no cutoff for that one.

    This ^^^^^

    Try and find your free test score as well as well as your sensitive estrogen numbers and your SHBG levels (make sure the extra test you have isn’t being gobbled up before it becomes bioavailable)

    Keep pushing, keep eating. August is far and close at the same time.

  36. #36
    Join Date
    Dec 2021
    Pull day

    Low latt pull downs 130lbs 3x12
    Wide grip pull downs 4x12
    Uni lateral Cable rows 100-110lbs 4x10
    Pull overs 2x15

    DB Shrugs seated 80lbs 3x12 two second hold at top

    Rear delt ext 4x12

    Incline DB curls super slow reps 35lbs 2x12
    Precher curls 3x10-12
    Uni lateral cable curls 40lbs 2x12
    Hammer DB curls 25lbs 2x10 super slow reps

  37. #37
    Join Date
    Dec 2021
    Quote Originally Posted by SampsonandDelilah View Post
    This ^^^^^

    Try and find your free test score as well as well as your sensitive estrogen numbers and your SHBG levels (make sure the extra test you have isn’t being gobbled up before it becomes bioavailable)

    Keep pushing, keep eating. August is far and close at the same time.
    Thanks for the advice, getting that blood work next week.

    It is very odd how far and close 6 months away appears to be when you need to be ripped for a show.

  38. #38
    Join Date
    Dec 2021
    Push Day

    Functional trainer incline 70lbs 3x15
    DB Incline press/fly 80lbs + red band 4x12,12,10+2
    Functional trainer decline 80lbs 3x12
    Floor press 225lbs 2x12

    Capped delt cable laterals 4x12-15
    DB 1/3 rep DB latterals 35lbs 4x12
    Cable laterals 3x10-12

    Tri rope ext/push down 90lbs 2x-15
    DB tri ext seated unilateral 35lbs 3x12
    Lying DB tri ext 40lbs 3x12

    Joints felt very good today, best they have in 4-5 years.

  39. #39
    Join Date
    Dec 2021

    Seated hamstring curl 120-140lbs 5x10-12
    seated hamstring curl 4x12

    Hack squat 225lbs 5x10-12
    Pendulum squat 4x12

    Hip thrusts 225lbs 2x12-15
    Glute kick backs 50lbs 2x12

    Calf raises standing 3x12-15

  40. #40
    Join Date
    Dec 2021
    Pull day

    Cable rows 5x8-10
    Close grip PD 3x12
    Rope pullovers 2x12
    Wide grip PD 3x12-15

    Shrugs standing 3x12
    Low trap shrugs 2x12

    Cable curls 4x10-12
    Single arm cable curls 4x10

    Rear delt ext 4x12

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