Sept. 9 will be 1 year since my last injection. Got off everything to regain fertility and do the whole IVF thing with my girl. I regained fertility and we were able to fertilize 7 out of the 8 eggs she had stored.
After finding out the news I immediately had an urge to open up my safe and load up some test, but of course I wanted to wait until I did blood work to see where everything stands. So this saturday I have blood work scheduled early to find out once and for all where my hormone levels stand, among other parameters I'm interested in.
Thoughts on workouts over the last year:
After going "natty," the workouts dwindled. I was getting in a handful of workouts per month, if that. It's just the last few weeks that I really started training more consistently. I figured I needed all the help I could get, so I incorporated creatine and protein powder. My strength hasn't taken a huge hit, I'm still lifting pretty much the same weight. My days of benching a ton of weight and maxing out are over, so I'm doing moderately heavy weight. I don't run out of breathe as easily now than when I was on gear.
About 5 months ago I woke up one night to use the bathroom and noticed my hands hurt. Especially the knuckles on the index and middle fingers. I've still been struggling with joint pains in my hands and wrist, something I didn't experience while on gear/trt. The pain was pretty bad and I had to really push through it during the workouts. A few times I lost control of the handles on the cable machine because it hurt too much to make a strong grip. I will have to see how this progresses with the workouts (it seems to be getting a little better as the workouts progress).
Back to the hormone stuff: My natural levels before starting TRT were 470 ng/dl total test, and my free test was even lower on the range (I think 11 on a 8-25 scale). I doubt my levels will be higher after 4 years of gear + 1 year off. I am thinking I'm going to start TRT/cycles again... but I really don't want to unless I need to. I feel overall healthier being off. I sleep like a baby, I don't have sleep apnea any more, and my mood is much more stable. However, there are things I miss like that aggressive confidence and drive. I definitely don't miss the hair loss and back acne. I haven't had a single zit on my body in many months. Long story short - it's not like I'm dying to hop back on, but I also can't live at a low test level for the rest of my life.
I'll update this with the new blood work and decide where to go from there.