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Thread: Incline help

  1. #1

    Incline help

    I have been havin trouble really workin my chest while doing incline. My chest doesnt seem to get any kind of workout while my shoulder get worked like crazy. My shoulders have both been injured, dislocated both during football about 2 years ago so i am fairly hesitant to go too crazy. My incline max is about 100 lbs less than my flat bench. Any advice?? I want to really develop my upper chest but cant seem to isolate it without running into the same problem. Thanks late

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    South of Heaven
    Quote Originally Posted by ToughGuy13
    I have been havin trouble really workin my chest while doing incline. My chest doesnt seem to get any kind of workout while my shoulder get worked like crazy. My shoulders have both been injured, dislocated both during football about 2 years ago so i am fairly hesitant to go too crazy. My incline max is about 100 lbs less than my flat bench. Any advice?? I want to really develop my upper chest but cant seem to isolate it without running into the same problem. Thanks late

    try using dumbels only. start at a weight you can handle and eventually increase, eventually you will catch up with your bench provided your diet is on check. good luck.

  3. #3
    I did switch to dumbells for about a month but saw little increases in strenth, maybe 10 lbs, but no increase in size. Also dumbells are a little scary since i dont always have a workout partner and my shoulders like to give out whenever they want, ive had 85's thump me in the forehead a couple times. Should i drop down in weight alot and go for more reps? i usually dont do more than 10.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    South of Heaven
    Quote Originally Posted by ToughGuy13
    I did switch to dumbells for about a month but saw little increases in strenth, maybe 10 lbs, but no increase in size. Also dumbells are a little scary since i dont always have a workout partner and my shoulders like to give out whenever they want, ive had 85's thump me in the forehead a couple times. Should i drop down in weight alot and go for more reps? i usually dont do more than 10.

    85's are heavy if you are having a hard time without a partner. i personally do only 70's for dumbel incline. if i want to go heavy il go barbell incline. im stronger at my incline that bench. also you may want to do barbell incline on a smith machine to assist you. good luck

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    You are probably at too steep of an incline. Try incline dumbells at 30 degrees. Worked wonders for me.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by MMC78
    You are probably at too steep of an incline. Try incline dumbells at 30 degrees. Worked wonders for me.
    My thoughts exactly. Once you drop the angle down some,your going to be working your chest a lot more then your shoulders. I've seen fixed inclines that were horrible. Made me wonder if the owner of the gyms even worked out.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    South of Heaven
    Quote Originally Posted by goodtobeapimp
    My thoughts exactly. Once you drop the angle down some,your going to be working your chest a lot more then your shoulders. I've seen fixed inclines that were horrible. Made me wonder if the owner of the gyms even worked out.

    at what angle is too low for incline? what is the cut-off angle for an effectice incline?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Spoon
    at what angle is too low for incline? what is the cut-off angle for an effectice incline?
    Like the bro's said above, I would go with 30 degrees. Don't go much lower than that, since you would almost be doing a flat bench. 30 is perfect.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    San Diego
    on incline i've got my bench at about 30 degrees, works just fine for me.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    30 degrees is the absolute maximum that the incline bench should be. I've gotten great upper chest work with the bench only bumped up one notch.

  11. #11
    I tried lowering the bench and it made a world of difference. Much easier on shoulders. Thanks for all the input.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    May 2003
    lookin for a new home
    Sounds like your incline is a little steep. Play around with that for a bit and you should notice some good size gains.

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