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Hi Guys Im 5 11 190lbs 13% bf and my 3 day split looks abit like this below and would like to have some feedback on what you guys think Im 2 1/2 years training now and on second cycle Prop/Fina/Eq and would like some feedback if this training method is reasonable kind of Training or a little under !!!???
My main area of work is top half of body as feel my lower half alot more advance ( besides my eggs at the moment lol)
appreciate your advice
Day 1 ( Monday) Chest
5 x 5 Bench press ( Dumbells and Barbell alternate weekly)
3 x 7-9 Incline Press ( " " " )
2 x 7-9 Incline Flys
5 x 5 Barbell Curl
3 x 7-9 Dumbell alternating curl
2 x 7-9 Hammer curl
Day 2 ( Wednesday ) Back and forearms
5 x 5 Deadlifts
3 x 7-9 Bendover rows
2 x 7-9 Wide grip chinups to failure
Forearms ( not sure of crorect exercise names )
3 x 12-15 Behind back reverse wrist curls Barbell
Compound 3 x 10 - failure with a weight to match)
Dumbel wrist curl arms surported on bench
and hammer wrist curls Lever like.
Day 3 Friday
Legs Sholders Triceps
Legs ( do not go to much legs as more advanced than top half)
5x5 Squats
5 x 5 Behind head press up
3 x 7-9 Lateral raises
2 x 7-9 Bendover Lateral raises
5x5 Tricep extension straight Bar or V Bar
3 x 7-9 Scull crushers
2 x Bench Dips to failure