Hello, I tried to lean up and ton about 6 months ago and lost about 10 lbs, but stayed the same bf, which means i lost all muscle, though I did lose size (waist, legs, arms etc). Now i'm trying to gain some of that muscle back. I have been doing a 3 days split routine, with a day rest every three days plus doing cardio 40 minutes about 4 times a week. Day 1: chest back Day 2: bi's, tri's, shoulders, Day 3: legs. Day 4 rest then start all over again. Been doing 3-4 exercises each body part about 4sets of 15,12, 10, 8 reps. I need some suggestions on what to fix to maximal benefits. Probably going to change to chest and tri, back bi, etc. Any suggestions are appreciated. Thanks in advance!