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Thread: muscle imbalances

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Sydney, Australia

    muscle imbalances

    I've noticed for a while now that one side of my chest is bigger then the other and i've tried everything from using dumbbells to only taining the weaker side, to doing pushups on a wobble board. Does anyone have the same problem or know of any way to correct this? - I know spot injections only temporarily make a muscle look bigger but its nothing permanant.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    At the gym
    My legs are naturally like this also, i.e. my left quad is quite a bit smaller than my right. I so far have not gone to any lengths to correct this but remember reading about a supplement called "Capristan" by Biohazard that is especially made for correcting such discrepancies or for just adding size to muscle groups. It is an injectable that is put straight into the required muscle. I don't know if this would be of any use to you. It is not a steroid and is totally legal. It was designed by the late and great Paul Borreson. I do not know if it is available through American Biohazard branch and I noticed that the UK Biohazard website has not been updated this year I do not know if they are still open for business, but the contact numbers on there work, however one of the contact numbers voice mail messaging service was full the last time I called it (this was on a Monday though). This link should take you to the contact page of their website, if it does not, let me know -

    Capristan is on their "shop" list at £125 (sterling) a bottle.

    Hope this helps!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    NoWhere, TX
    How long have you been lifting? If only like a year or so, assymetrical muscles are common. Over time they will work themselves back to symmetry. If you've been lifting for like 5 years or so, then it's just genetics, and sorry about your luck. Alot of people try laying off the heavy lifting of that body part for awile and work in more reps to try to balance that out, but I can't say from personal experience that works.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Sydney, Australia
    I've been working out for more then 5 years. I guess its just genetics i suppose.

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