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Thread: Another DC question

  1. #1

    Question Another DC question

    How many warm-up sets are required before your one, all out, balls-to-the wall, set? Also, do you always need a spotter to re-rack the weights for you after each mini-set that makes up your main set? Finally, how should I split up my body parts on a MON,WED, FRI split?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    on the dip rack.
    are you asking, how many warmup sets you need before trying to max out?if so, i used to be on a powerlifting team, and 1 of the most important things before your actual max lift, was warming up properly.

    if you dont warm up enough, it'll lead to strain/injury or a failed lift(meaning you missed your lift).but if you warm up too much, it could lead to loss of energy, and that will cause you to miss your lift also.

    this all depends on how much poundages you can push.

    if your maxing out with under 300 lbs on whatever excercise. you should only need around 2 or 3 warm up sets. ALWAYS warm up with only the bar first. this increases blood flow and helps your muscle loosen up to whatever excercise your body is going to throw on around 35-40% of your max lift, do it only a few times ( if you do it too many times its wasted energy), after that wait a couple mins till you feel ready again, and throw on 65-75% of your max lift and do it for a few more reps, rest up and gather all your intensity/energy/focus on your max lift.

    dont rest too long, or else your body will go cold, and you will need to re-warmup.

    as your poundages increase, and you start to bench more weight, you would need to throw in a couple extra warm up sets. so say if your pushing over 350, and your into the 400's heres how i used to warm up.

    warm up with the bar-around 20/25 reps, quickly
    throw on 135-do it 3-4 times.wait a few mins
    throw on 225-do it 3-4 times.wait a few mins
    throw on 275-do it a couple times. wait a few mins
    throw on 330-do it a couple times .wait a few mins

    my opening lift was 350, and my closing lift was around 380-390. thats how i used to warm up. in between my warm up sets i would try and relax and not waste energy, only about 2 mins to my lift, would i pull out the ammonia packs, and throw on some slipknot or somethin. i would also, grab a 5/10 lb weight and do a large circular motion to warm up my rotor cuff/shoulder area.

    hope this helped, good luck

  3. #3
    I appreciate the advice but it doesn't tailor to the rest-pause system. Also, can someone answer my other questions?

  4. #4
    Swellin Guest
    The warm ups for DC training depend on your body and how much it takes you to get warm. Usually, the bigger guys and the older guys require a bit more warming up than the rest. Your warm up sets should not be difficult to perform...they should simply warm you up.

    If you have not found enough info to know the splits, there is no way you have a handle on the exercises or the way to perform them. Don't sweat it, it takes everybody alot of research! I spent close to 40 hours figuring out this stuff, and I'm still getting corrections from some of DC's clients.

    You set up 6 work outs. You pick three exercises per body part. these exercises need to be compound isolation stuff here. The point is to lift heavy weights and grow bigger and takes heavy weight to do that.

    You alternate days and exercises.
    back width
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    Just rotate these formats for each day you train...switching the exercises each time (keep a log so you will know what you did the last time).

    There is alot of other stuff you need to read first. Good luck.

  5. #5
    do u have to have a spotter to help you re-rack the weight? I like to train alone.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    If you dont want to drop the bar on your neck I would say a spotter is a good investment. Ask a dude at the gym to spot you one set. Or find a bench with "Oh $hit" bars or handles, metal that sticks out very low above the bench so you can catch yourself.

  7. #7
    Swellin Guest
    Actually, the rep ends on the negative in DC training, so reracking after the negative is usually best done by a spotter. Otherwise, you are not going to complete failure.

    I use the smythe whenever possible. I also use some poor by-stander whenever possibel, too!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by tallyjuice
    do u have to have a spotter to help you re-rack the weight? I like to train alone.
    Swellin is correct, use a Smythe Machine when ever possible when you are using this program, its much safer when you train alone.

    itsallmental, I have been training for quite a few years and I can get up in weights pretty high so I need a lot of warm up sets, but remember you are not pushing yourself here, they are just warm ups, for Benching exercises I can do up to 5 or 6 warm ups and on some exercises like Biceps I do maybe 2 warm ups and Calves and Forearms I do 1 set of warms...

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