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Thread: trainer for daughter

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    bay area ca.

    trainer for daughter

    My question is would it be beneficial for me to get a trainer for my 13 year old daughter? She is 5'2 and about 145lbs, she is very muscular. She is very active she plays basketball for a school team and she loves to swim. The problem is she has hypothyroidism that she takes meds for to help her thyroid work properly she eats six meals a day fist portions of protein carbs and veges. but she has a hard time with looking the way she wants. When I suggest things it helps but for a short time but it seems when she plays sports and there is a competitive situation going on she pushes her self to the limit. Let me know what any of you think? thanks
    lifes too short so live it up !!!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    inside your head
    I'd get her a trainer, but only if u have access to one who is related to the sports she plays...she will get more out of it and most likely be more receptive if its training for specific in if she plays soccer and the trainer will be showing her exercises directed at that, and not just getting her to lift weights, she will more likely get more out of it. Almost more of a 'strength coach' as they are called on the college level.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Sydney, Australia
    isn't she a little young to start serious training like that?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    I'd try to find a trainer that will work with her and a couple of other little ones at the same time. I'd try to use her competative trait to help her. Whatever her goals are, just try to find a trainer that has experience in that specific area and also willing to train her with another girl around her age or a little older.

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