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Thread: need a good split

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2004

    need a good split

    aight ive been readin tring to find a good split and i cant make my mind up. so im just going to post my work out and let u pro's make me a good split. these workouts are what i like doing and feel the best pump from feel free to give me advice about new workouts i can throw in

    chest-flatbench barbell, incline barbell, incline dumbell, flat bench flyes
    triceps- rope pull downs(or push downs whatever), t bar push downs, and dips.
    biceps- standing barebell curls, sittin dumbell curls, standing dumbell curls and hammer curls
    back- deadlifts, wide grip pull downs, cable rows, and chins if i still can
    shoulders- arnold presses,side dumbell laterals, other things i cant thing of the exact name right now.
    legs- just the normal calves,hams and all that good stuff

    id really appreciate any advice on a split and other good workout methods yall can give me. thanks alot

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2004
    In the woods
    triceps- skull crushers are the shiznitle.
    chest- try weighted dips for chest, lean forward to use chest, straight up to use triceps.
    back-bentover rows with dumbell or BB.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    any ideas on the best split for that workout? anybody

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by biggun24
    any ideas on the best split for that workout? anybody
    what are your goals? how many days can you make it into the gym? there are tons of ways to split up your workout but we need to know when you can workout at least...

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Is that the order of days you work out? If not heres my suggestion.


    Notice the splitting of near muscle groups. This will allow for better pumpatude becuase the near group wont be sore the next day. I dunno if thats the best way of explaining, but its late and you can prolly figger it out. Those exersices are pretty good, I do alot of the same ones. Dont do the same routine all the time, switch it up every 2-3 weeks to shock your muscles. Poke around here and you can find all sorts of new exercises or ask for specific ones. On your leg day, the "good stuff" better include squats.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    At the gym
    How long have you got to train?

    Are you going to include cardio or just stick to the weights?

    How many days a week do you want to/are going to train?

    How long have you been training?

    Do you want get big and strong or just keep in shape or just lose fat weight?

    What's the intensity of your workouts so far been?

    Basic principles are to not let your split clash as you may find certain muscle groups are being overtrained, if on cycle then clashing might not have such an impact but whilst off cycle it's likely to affect you in some way whether it be tiredness, soreness, recovery, strength, size etc.

    Slow progression is the key. When on cycle you will obviously progress at a greater rate, but remember the parts of you that are not affected by AS is not going at the same speed as the rest of you. This obviously has consequences short term/long term injuries being the main one. So even when on cycle be mindful of your progress speed. Further supplementation can help balance things out, but not all of us can afford big a$$ cycles of GH, AS, and every known supp on the market, money has GOT TO be kept aside for pct. If you haven't been training long you'll find that keeping slow progression in mind will help keep your enthusiasm too, trying to bust yourself in the gym from the outset can lead to quick loss of motivation when you realise how hard it is, and how tired you get.

    It's good to have favourite exercises, but it's very often the ones you don't like doing that reap the most benefits.

    Having a good split is one thing, having a good diet is something else. And the same with diet, if you're not use to high protein and calorie intake then don't try and get 4-5000 cals with 300g of protein down your neck as soon as you start training. Take your time, slow progression, get your body use to the change, it will respond better and you are less likely to make yourself ill.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2004
    In the woods
    Quote Originally Posted by Bouncer272001
    How long have you got to train?

    Are you going to include cardio or just stick to the weights?

    How many days a week do you want to/are going to train?

    How long have you been training?

    Do you want get big and strong or just keep in shape or just lose fat weight?

    What's the intensity of your workouts so far been?

    Basic principles are to not let your split clash as you may find certain muscle groups are being overtrained, if on cycle then clashing might not have such an impact but whilst off cycle it's likely to affect you in some way whether it be tiredness, soreness, recovery, strength, size etc.

    Slow progression is the key. When on cycle you will obviously progress at a greater rate, but remember the parts of you that are not affected by AS is not going at the same speed as the rest of you. This obviously has consequences short term/long term injuries being the main one. So even when on cycle be mindful of your progress speed. Further supplementation can help balance things out, but not all of us can afford big a$$ cycles of GH, AS, and every known supp on the market, money has GOT TO be kept aside for pct. If you haven't been training long you'll find that keeping slow progression in mind will help keep your enthusiasm too, trying to bust yourself in the gym from the outset can lead to quick loss of motivation when you realise how hard it is, and how tired you get.

    It's good to have favourite exercises, but it's very often the ones you don't like doing that reap the most benefits.

    Having a good split is one thing, having a good diet is something else. And the same with diet, if you're not use to high protein and calorie intake then don't try and get 4-5000 cals with 300g of protein down your neck as soon as you start training. Take your time, slow progression, get your body use to the change, it will respond better and you are less likely to make yourself ill.
    great post bro, when i started i went too quick and wanted to quit. i slowed down a bit and worked my way into where i am now.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    Toronto, Canada
    Quote Originally Posted by NIU ROTC
    This will allow for better pumpatude

    Haha...I get what you're saying, just sounds funny.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    want to gain mass and strength. i can be at the gym everyday. been working out on and off a few years, but nothin serious. i guess the best split id like to do is a 5 day but with a day off and weekends off.

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