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Thread: one body part a day

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    south africa

    one body part a day

    hey guys i thought it is time i change my workout routine.
    so i want to try the one body part a day. it will look like this
    mon. legs quads an hams
    tea-day2 chest
    wen-day back
    thur-day shoulders
    fri-day biceps an triceps
    an will do calves every second day.

    do you guys think this will be fine it just look a bit to easy
    only one body part a day.iam use to the 2 body parts a day workout.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    east coast
    My split is like this:
    1 - chest and triceps
    2 - back
    3 - quads and hams
    4 - shoulders
    5 - biceps
    6 - abs and calves
    7 - rest

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Where I lay my head
    Quote Originally Posted by nsa
    My split is like this:
    1 - chest and triceps
    2 - back
    3 - quads and hams
    4 - shoulders
    5 - biceps
    6 - abs and calves
    7 - rest
    How many exercises do you do per body part per day?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Where I lay my head
    Quote Originally Posted by dannyisaacs
    hey guys i thought it is time i change my workout routine.
    so i want to try the one body part a day. it will look like this
    mon. legs quads an hams
    tea-day2 chest
    wen-day back
    thur-day shoulders
    fri-day biceps an triceps
    an will do calves every second day.

    do you guys think this will be fine it just look a bit to easy
    only one body part a day.iam use to the 2 body parts a day workout.
    I do 1 part per day bro at 5 or 6 exercises per part. But I am changing it because I am getting stag, but it is effective.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by dannyisaacs
    hey guys i thought it is time i change my workout routine.
    so i want to try the one body part a day. it will look like this
    mon. legs quads an hams
    tea-day2 chest
    wen-day back
    thur-day shoulders
    fri-day biceps an triceps
    an will do calves every second day.

    do you guys think this will be fine it just look a bit to easy
    only one body part a day.iam use to the 2 body parts a day workout.

    Looks good to me. As long as you don't slack off, it definitely won't be easier than your normal workout.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Under the gym
    The only problem I've had with doing one workout per week is that if you miss a day then it throws you off a lot mroe than if you were to split it with chest/tris, back/bis or however else. JMO but its easier for me to do 2 complementary groups in one workout.


  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Where I lay my head
    Quote Originally Posted by brian11
    The only problem I've had with doing one workout per week is that if you miss a day then it throws you off a lot mroe than if you were to split it with chest/tris, back/bis or however else. JMO but its easier for me to do 2 complementary groups in one workout.

    Well if you 2 in 1 day, how many exercises per part to you do in order to keep your time down, like under 2 hours? And how does your split look?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Under the gym
    2 hours? I have a strong feeling if youa re in the gym for 2 hours that you rae over training, even doing 2 muscle groups. I vary my workouts quite a bit, but here is a general schedule of what i might do...

    WO1- 3-4 sets flat bench @ 8 reps; 6 total sets of triceps (3 sets usually being dips)

    WO2- back ( 4 to 5 different excersizes including deadlifts with 3 sets a piece @8-10 reps; I do more total sets on back days bc there are so many muscles to train)

    WO3 - biceps and legs (10 total sets of biceps @ 8-10 reps; 5 sets on leg press, 3 sets leg ext, 3 sets leg curl, 3 sets calves)

    I dont have these on certain days, and i usually have each workout twice in 10 days.


  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Under the gym
    I'm rarely at the gym longer than an hour


  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Where I lay my head
    Quote Originally Posted by brian11
    I'm rarely at the gym longer than an hour

    I agreee there..... Im out in about an hour. But like chest and tri day you say 4 sets of chest and 3 sets of dips, and like 3 sets of kick backs, thats it? What kind of results have you had? Just curious. Thanks

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Under the gym
    no, maybe it was confusing....

    A typical chest day will be 3 excersizes for chest. 3-4 sets for flat bench, 3 sets incline and 3 sets decline. then I will do the pec dec and doing 1 set of about 12-15 reps with low weight very slowly and getting a really good stretch. Then i do 3 sets of whatever tricep excersize i feel like doing then 3 sets of dips. Thats it.


  12. #12
    Join Date
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    Where I lay my head
    Quote Originally Posted by brian11
    no, maybe it was confusing....

    A typical chest day will be 3 excersizes for chest. 3-4 sets for flat bench, 3 sets incline and 3 sets decline. then I will do the pec dec and doing 1 set of about 12-15 reps with low weight very slowly and getting a really good stretch. Then i do 3 sets of whatever tricep excersize i feel like doing then 3 sets of dips. Thats it.

    OK gotcha bro. that makes A TON more sense. I am currently doing 1 part a day with 5 or 6 exercises per part per day @ 4 sets each

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    North Charlotte
    when bulkin its like this
    shoulders, traps

    when cuttin up
    shoulders traps
    chest tris
    back bies

  14. #14
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Where I lay my head
    Quote Originally Posted by Decadbal
    when bulkin its like this
    shoulders, traps

    when cuttin up
    shoulders traps
    chest tris
    back bies
    1 body part a day....... for about 15-20 sets right? Thats what I do now

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Getting Fat
    Thats good that you changed your frequency, but there are many other variables to be considered~

  16. #16
    LM1332 Guest
    Youll be good mate thats what i do and it works great for me. But lately ive been doing whatever i feel like. Like if i did chest id throw in couple of excersises of tris as konw

    Quote Originally Posted by dannyisaacs
    hey guys i thought it is time i change my workout routine.
    so i want to try the one body part a day. it will look like this
    mon. legs quads an hams
    tea-day2 chest
    wen-day back
    thur-day shoulders
    fri-day biceps an triceps
    an will do calves every second day.

    do you guys think this will be fine it just look a bit to easy
    only one body part a day.iam use to the 2 body parts a day workout.

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    East Coast
    my days are set on a 4 day routine.. not in thie order but..
    back and bis
    tris and legs
    doing traps, abs and some forearms workouts every couple days after what i have scheduled.. i do a 5 day workout week so i always do one thing twice a week.. mondays and fridays again.. works pretty well for me..

  18. #18
    Join Date
    May 2003
    I go by that routine sometimes. Maybe if I am too tired to workout, I will just do some arm curls and dips until failure. Next day arms have been done so I only have to do shoulders. The rest of the week follows. Very good program if you know you are gonna have a busy and tired week. It helps you isolate body parts more and you usually spend more time on it since it is just one muscle group instead of 2 or 3.

    If you miss a day, just incorporate it into tomorrows workout. Good luck.

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Might want to put a rest day in the middle

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    south africa


    thanks for your reply guys. i just done back today about three hours ago. an i already feel it my back is sore. i think i am going to like ths split. it will allow me to hit each body part really hard.
    i do four set 15 12 10 8 an do five excerise per body part.

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    At the gym
    danny isaacs. I like your split! It's almost the same as mine, except I do legs at the end of the week. Keeping bis and tris as last in the week for upper body is good as training either one at the start of the week could affect the rest of your weeks workouts for upper body.

    Doing one body part a day I look to do 3 or 4 exercises on each staying to around14 - 17 sets. If you work to this you won't worry about it being too easy!

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    Yeah the one part a day split has really really worked for me. Sure, I'm always open for new methods, because one can ALWAYS improve. But I'd like to believe the one a day split is very very effective.
    I do stuff once a week, but stuff gets hit like twice a week. For instance, I do close grip decline bench, and dips on tricep day. And both of those work my chest a little. And on chest days, my tri's get hit a little as well. That way it's kind of like a little hit to the other muscle groups to keep them on their toes. I do deads on leg days to hit the back, and bi's always get hit slightly on back day. Shoulders get hit all the time, so it's all good.
    So basically every part is hit like once a week hard, and once a week lightly.
    And I also do like a trap,abs,forearm day. I'll usually throw it in as a "rest" day when I'm overloaded from everything else.

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