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Thread: Calves are pathetic.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2004

    Calves are pathetic.

    I've been searching a bunch of posts and it seems like the rep range should be about 12-15. I am embarassed to do calves...its that bad. 8 months ago I could barely squat 1 plate on a smith machine. Now I can get around 4 deep reps with 4 plates. Thats the good news. My calves refuse to grow or get stronger. After reading some posts tonight I think I'm not training them enough. All my gym has is standing raise machine for calves. I've been doing

    10-14 reps 1st set
    10-14 reps 2nd set drop weight from 135 to 90 and go till failure (about 6-8) with toes in
    10-14 reps 3rd set drop weight and go till failure toes out.

    I can see slightly better defintion, but my calves are WEAK. Please advise.

    around 10% bf

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2004
    San Diego
    Try doing them on a hip sled or with a barbell on a squat rack or smythe machine. you can do them 3 ways. with your heels parallel, with your heels coming togethor or with your toes coming togethor.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    I hear ya -I have the same problem but I am now starting to work them 3 times a week instead of once like the rest of my body.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    or get calf implants like that guy on MTV truelife did, lol

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    crazyrc: there are many solutions to your problem. Id work em 2 times a week: once heavy 6-10reps with 2 different exercises(total failure), then after a few days lighter with 15-20(even 50 reps) with emphasis on stretch(in top and bottom positions; and no P'**y stretch....real good and slow).
    Make sure to stretch calves after your done with em on both days. Also add in one exercis for "front calves": place a weight on your foot and raise your foot and squeese.
    If you dont have a seated calf machine: you can put a barbell or something on your knees and calf raises (can also use a smith machine), another exercises is standing calf press in a smith machine, an other option is one legged calf raises holding a dumbbell.Calves can also bee worked in a leg press machine. Donkey raises is another option (someone sitting on your back)
    To all of this add: when you brush your teeth do toe raises alt with standing on one leg (seriously).
    Good luck.


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Don't feel bad. A lot of people have a hard time with calfs. The calf muscle is a little different than the rest of the muscles and you have to figure out how they respond (which is almost always different than the rest of your muscles).

    Try the different things that people suggest and keep a close eye on yourself. Take measurements and keep a record of how much weight you can push. Stick to each thing for like a month and see which one worked the best, then stick to that one thing and see if you can improve on it. It's a lot of trial and error, but we all have to go through it when it comes to calfs.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    South of Heaven
    bro, what worked great for me is this:

    use the smith machine, load it with weights. get a platform, block of wood or even plates and position them where you would normally put your feet. stand on top of em and position your feet at the edge. lower your heel as low as you can then rise. do 10-20 reps if you can. I guarantee improvements in a month.

    Also i would suggest doing a weight MORE than your body weight in your case more than 185lbs. the reason is your calves are used to carrying your weight all day. to make these stubborn parts grow, you should stimulate em by going real heavy. good luck.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    Thanks for all the responses guys. I appreciate the info.

  9. #9
    LM1332 Guest
    yea like someone stated above 3 times a week every other day plus your leg day. I do 20 reps on seated calf raises with two 45 plates works for me they are soar but then again they are in the ****tiest shape ever hah but they are getting better now.

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