I've been searching a bunch of posts and it seems like the rep range should be about 12-15. I am embarassed to do calves...its that bad. 8 months ago I could barely squat 1 plate on a smith machine. Now I can get around 4 deep reps with 4 plates. Thats the good news. My calves refuse to grow or get stronger. After reading some posts tonight I think I'm not training them enough. All my gym has is standing raise machine for calves. I've been doing
10-14 reps 1st set
10-14 reps 2nd set drop weight from 135 to 90 and go till failure (about 6-8) with toes in
10-14 reps 3rd set drop weight and go till failure toes out.
I can see slightly better defintion, but my calves are WEAK. Please advise.
around 10% bf