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Thread: heart rate for optimal fat burning?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    at the gym

    Question heart rate for optimal fat burning?

    I've always thought that you burn fat fat most effeciently when your heart rate is around60 % of your maximum, which would be equivalent to walking at a fast rate. You need to do this for at least 20 min.'s before starting fat burning, so a good cardio session should be peformed for som 45-60 min.'s.

    My gf just started a fat burning diet and was adviced by her trainer to 30 min. cardio sessions at the highest possible heart rate. She said that recent studies shows that the higher the heart rate the higher the fat burning.

    Any of you guys have some opinions about this and links to some studies about this topic????

    I've started to clean my diet up a little and today I'll do my first cardio session (treadmill) for God knows how long. Hope my heart doesn't explode Anyways wanna get the most out of it, so if anyone could share some light on this topic it would be great.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    south africa
    i would like to now the answer to. i also heard that

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Getting Fat
    She will burn a "higher percentage" of fat as fuel during moderate intensity cardio (60%-75%), however she will burn more "total fat" and more kcal from higher intensity cardio for the same amount of time, but it will be a slightly lower fat percentage. Also, intensity and duration share and inverse relationship. So, the trainer is not wrong by telling her that. 30 minutes as hard as she can will translate into a moderate intensity due to the inverse relationship that i mentioned above. The intensity 60% - 70% thrown around on this board for fat burning is misleading. In a well trained person, an intensity such as 85% could be very efficient to burn fat due to an increased cardiac output and enhacned oxygen extraction at the cellular level.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Atlanta, GA
    Ok...burning fat by itself only lasts for roughly 20 mins, at which time your body starts burning fat and muscle. The formula for target heart rate is ((225 - your age) * .66) I believe. That puts mine at 130. Give or take 5 bpm.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by co2boi
    Ok...burning fat by itself only lasts for roughly 20 mins, at which time your body starts burning fat and muscle. The formula for target heart rate is ((225 - your age) * .66) I believe. That puts mine at 130. Give or take 5 bpm.

    I don't know where you got the 20 minutes of ONLY fat burning thing, but to be safe don't go over 60 minutes of cardio. Figure out your target heart rate by using the forumla (220 - age) *.6 and then (220 - age) * .7 and stay between those two numbers for 45-60 minutes in the AM on an empty stomach. The reason you need to go so long for cardio is that fat burning doesn't begin to happen until the 20 minute mark or somewhere in that area depending on how much sugar is in the blood.


  6. #6
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    Its all about your goals....You will lose more weight by running/jogging as opposed to walking as often talked about on here. However you will also be burning muscle, hence the more weight loss. Fortunately, most women arent interested in muscle so this is not a problem. Also, cardiovascular health may be an issue. Your heart is a muscle too and it is good to give it a workout. Just find a balance and adjust per your goals


  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Atlanta, GA
    Well I suppose the 20 min thing stems from the fact that, up until this week, I've been doing 20 minutes of fat targeted cardio immediately after my workout. The theory being that your muscles have used up most of the available glycogen, leaving fat as the first thing your body will grab for energy.

    Also, weight training itself is good for fat loss because it burn calories and builds muscle tissue, which in turn burns more calories.

    My bf hovers around 8% and I normally gain about 1 pound a week, (sometimes 2, sometimes none) . I've gained 18 pound and gone down 1 waist size since Feb.

    After getting so much backlash about my regime, I've decided to try it the "other way" and see how it goes. i.e. Longer cardio only on non-workout days
    Last edited by co2boi; 07-14-2004 at 11:25 AM. Reason: Can't spell

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    You can burn more fat by having a higher heart rate, but how long can you maintain a maximum heart rate? How much stress is being put on your heart and the ventricals by maintaining such a high heart rate for so long?

    You (in the long run) will burn more fat by keeping your heart rate at about 60% and you also greatly decrease your risk of stroke, heart attack, and dislocation of a ventrical.

  9. #9
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    I agree with DBarcelo. You can burn more fat with a higher heart rate, simply because you burn more calories, but the percentage of fat is higher with a 60% HR.

  10. #10
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    So basicly a HR at 60% for 30-45 min. would be optimal for burning fat while maintaining as much muscle as possible???

    Did 30 min. on treadmill yesterday (have to start out somewhere ) and I was totally wasted afterwards. Today my calves are pretty soar. I think I'm gonna try and do this 3 times a week on non workout days. Maybe extend it to 45 min. eventually.

    Is it good to have a PWO shake when doing cardio?? Should it have proteins and simple carbs like usual or what??

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by SonGoku
    So basicly a HR at 60% for 30-45 min. would be optimal for burning fat while maintaining as much muscle as possible???

    Did 30 min. on treadmill yesterday (have to start out somewhere ) and I was totally wasted afterwards. Today my calves are pretty soar. I think I'm gonna try and do this 3 times a week on non workout days. Maybe extend it to 45 min. eventually.

    Is it good to have a PWO shake when doing cardio?? Should it have proteins and simple carbs like usual or what??
    No! carbs after cardio is a no no. Have a pro/fat meal or shake after cardio. Also, if you are doing 30 mins of cardio then that means you are only in the optimal fat burning zone for 10 mins (it takes approx. 20 mins to burn off your existing glycogen supply and start burning fat.) You shouldnt be too wasted after 45 mins of cardio if you are walking on an incline.


  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by brian11
    No! carbs after cardio is a no no. Have a pro/fat meal or shake after cardio. Also, if you are doing 30 mins of cardio then that means you are only in the optimal fat burning zone for 10 mins (it takes approx. 20 mins to burn off your existing glycogen supply and start burning fat.) You shouldnt be too wasted after 45 mins of cardio if you are walking on an incline.


    Looks like you've learned a lot since you've come here, bri

  13. #13
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by slizzut
    Looks like you've learned a lot since you've come here, bri
    Thanks to you guys!!!


  14. #14
    Join Date
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    Atlanta, GA
    if you are wasted after doing 30 minutes of cardio then you should probably think about varying your cardio between fat / heart types of cardio....IMHO

  15. #15
    Join Date
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    Under the gym
    Quote Originally Posted by co2boi
    if you are wasted after doing 30 minutes of cardio then you should probably think about varying your cardio between fat / heart types of cardio....IMHO
    i agree bro, if 30 mins of walking leaves you spent, then you need to worry more about your heart right now than anything else.


  16. #16
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    yeah I know my form is terrible, I even get tired walking up the stairs to my apartment. Kind of sad when you take in my excellent form before starting working out with weights in consideration. Had to start some where so 30 seemed ok. Tomorrow I'll have another go at it, maybe try incline walking for 45 min. and see how I hold up.

  17. #17
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    Ive recently heard from a organization that 50% to 85% is best for fatburning. Of corse anything above that is just cardio in which you're burning more calories and not fat which can be a good and bad thing.

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    85% = cardiovascular (anerobic)

    i wouldnt go over 75%.. i always stick to 70% just to be sure..

  19. #19
    Join Date
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    try the Eliptal man,..preferably Precor. You will burn more calories in the same amount of time ( 30min ) and wont fell as bad afterwards from the constant pounding on your joints ( non impact machine )...

  20. #20
    Join Date
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