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Thread: Do you need maximal weight to get stronger and bigger

  1. #1
    IronReload04's Avatar
    IronReload04 is offline "Rancid Protein Powder Mastermind Technician"
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    Do you need maximal weight to get stronger and bigger

    This is my question. When you warm up to do 1-2 sets like d.c. you can obviously lift with 100% intenstity because you havnt already burned yourself out with other sets. But when pyramiding, my last set only is taken to failure, and because of the other 3 sets, my last set suffers. Had i done my last set first, i will have been able to get more reps.

    so my question is this, when i am pyramiding, will i still get bigger and stronger even though my last set set suffers a little and i cant get as much reps as i could have.

    lets say, i can do 255 on the bench for 9 reps my first set. But on my 4th set of a pryamid, i can only do 255 for 5-6 reps. i will keep at it for a couple of weeks, and eventually be able to do 255 for 9 on my last set. After that adaption, to you think my strength would have increased and now be able to do say 265-270 for 9 on my first set. Thanks in advance.

  2. #2
    read about DC's method :

    you might change your mind about the pyramid

  3. #3
    IronReload04's Avatar
    IronReload04 is offline "Rancid Protein Powder Mastermind Technician"
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    everywhere and nowhere
    i have actually read it, but i hit a wall with a philosophy similar to d.c.

  4. #4
    LM1332 Guest
    when i read that my brain almost fused. So freaking complicated im sure it could have been writtein in a much simplier way

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Not that I have a clue what I'm doing. This is a system I used back when I was first a gym addict. I'm using it now and have had some good lift increases.

    If one week I do three sets on the bench.
    First set is 225
    Second is 245
    Third is 265

    Then the next week I will do 4 sets.
    First 3 sets will be the same as the week before except I'll do a fourth of 5-10 pounds higher than the third. Even if it's only one rep it's something.

    Before I know it I'm upping the first set by 10 pounds and going up from there.

    Not saying this will work for everyone but it's working for me now 7 years after steroids. When I started back to weights in April I could only bench 185. Now alot of this may be muscle memory as well but I hit 315 pounds a few weeks ago.

    Again please dont take this a suggestion. Training routines are a dime a dozen. This is just the one that has worked for me.

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