here's my workout. I finally have it to how I like it and I just want to see if theres anything I missed. I just started my test/dbol cycle and I'm not sure if this will be enough. I change up the order of exerices from week to week. I'm assuming everyone knows that rest pause sets are basically 3 sets?
Mon (chest)
Flat Bench - 2 warm up sets, 1 rest pause set
Decline Bench - rest pause set
Incline Bench - rest pause set
Pec Dec Burnouts - 3 sets, 20 half reps
Tues (back)
Lat Pull-downs - 2 warm up sets, 1 rest pause set
Wide Grip Pull-Ups - rest pause set
Dead Lifts - 2 warm up sets, 1 straight set
Hammer Strength Machine - 3 straight sets
Wed (legs)
Standing Calve Raises - 3 straight sets until failure, 30 sec intervals
Lying Leg Curls - 2 warm ups, 1 rest pause
Standing Leg Curls - 1 rest pause
Squats - 3 straight sets until failure
Thurs - off
Fri (arms) (I like to change it up from week to week)
(warm up 2 sets barbell curls)
Power Rack Curls - 3 straight sets 30-40 sec intervals
Alternating Dumbell Curls or Preacher Curls - 1 rest pause
Barbell Curls Superset (burning out bis)
Overhead Extensions - 2 warm ups, 1 rest pause
Close Grip Bench Press or Lying Barbell Pullovers - 1 rest pause
Tricep Kick Backs - 3 straight sets
Sat (shoulders)
Seated Military Press or Standing Front Press - 2 warm ups, 1 rest pause
Upright Rows - 1 warm up, 1 rest pause
Machine Shrugs - 1 rest pause
One Arm Lateral Raises w/Dumbell - 3 straight sets
Sun - off