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Thread: critique my workout

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2004

    critique my workout

    here's my workout. I finally have it to how I like it and I just want to see if theres anything I missed. I just started my test/dbol cycle and I'm not sure if this will be enough. I change up the order of exerices from week to week. I'm assuming everyone knows that rest pause sets are basically 3 sets?

    Mon (chest)
    Flat Bench - 2 warm up sets, 1 rest pause set
    Decline Bench - rest pause set
    Incline Bench - rest pause set
    Pec Dec Burnouts - 3 sets, 20 half reps

    Tues (back)
    Lat Pull-downs - 2 warm up sets, 1 rest pause set
    Wide Grip Pull-Ups - rest pause set
    Dead Lifts - 2 warm up sets, 1 straight set
    Hammer Strength Machine - 3 straight sets

    Wed (legs)
    Standing Calve Raises - 3 straight sets until failure, 30 sec intervals
    Lying Leg Curls - 2 warm ups, 1 rest pause
    Standing Leg Curls - 1 rest pause
    Squats - 3 straight sets until failure

    Thurs - off

    Fri (arms) (I like to change it up from week to week)
    (warm up 2 sets barbell curls)
    Power Rack Curls - 3 straight sets 30-40 sec intervals
    Alternating Dumbell Curls or Preacher Curls - 1 rest pause
    Barbell Curls Superset (burning out bis)
    Overhead Extensions - 2 warm ups, 1 rest pause
    Close Grip Bench Press or Lying Barbell Pullovers - 1 rest pause
    Tricep Kick Backs - 3 straight sets

    Sat (shoulders)
    Seated Military Press or Standing Front Press - 2 warm ups, 1 rest pause
    Upright Rows - 1 warm up, 1 rest pause
    Machine Shrugs - 1 rest pause
    One Arm Lateral Raises w/Dumbell - 3 straight sets

    Sun - off
    Last edited by PrairieDawg; 07-17-2004 at 12:42 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    East Coast
    its a pretty good routine, i personally dont like to do both bis and tris the same day.. also i would look more into those arm excersices theres alot you can switch up with and some that will burn better then jsut doing like alternating dumbell curls... jmo..

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    cool. what do you think I could use for arms? they're a big problem for me and I have a hard time making up a routine for them that works

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    East Coast
    i switch up on them, i will either feel like burning them out or lifting heavy for mass.. if i am burning out i start with dumbell curls for a warm up, then i go into doing 3 sets of 7-guns, i then do 3 sets of preacher curls with dumbells, then dumbell curls on a incline bench, after that i may fit something else in but i finish off with curling a bar(45lbs) by itself for 3 sets of 15 burns..
    if im feeling like a bulk, i will start with doing regular curls with the ez bar.. 4 sets of a regular grip, first set usually do about 80lbs and try to get 10-12 reps.. then i will go up to 100lbs and shoot for 8-10 reps, 110lbs 6-8reps and then i will put on like 125 and do like 4... i also do right after that like 2 or 3 sets of close grip curls on like 80-90lbs... i like to do next single arm dumbells where id normally do preacher curls..lifting heavy as i can..another cool excersize is doing curls on an incline bench but with your chest on the bench and your arms hanging in front.. its cool.. alot of the stuff i switch up with and use come from excersizes i see in magazines and others at the gym that i think would be effective...

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