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Open up your mind, you're losing out. You owe to yourself to at least give that site a look, even if you don't think you will learn anything, if you stop trying, you will never learn anything again ever.
Here's an interesting quote from an article that can be equally applied to throwing.
"The other day I got off the phone with a friend of mine who coaches college football. I told him that I had recently consulted with Dave Tate about applying the Westside principles for a college football player. He asked if these ideas were applicable for athletes, since Westside is a powerlifting gym. I responded by asking him what was wrong with having explosive athletes with a strong posterior chain, setting and breaking records every week, keeping a high intensity level in the gym and competition amongst players. Training with these methods do have a carryover to athletics, especially football, as I learned during my college football career. "
"The bottom line is to ask if I thought that using the Westside Methods made me a better football player. Without a doubt I got faster, stronger and was much more confidant on the field. And when combined with a proper speed and agility program, I believe that using them can and will lead to better football players. I think there is a lot of hesitation to fully commit to such a different program. Too many times people are scared to step outside of what they think they know and take a chance. But what chance are you really taking? It is a proven program with outstanding results; so don't be scared to succeed. Quit asking "What If?" and get in the weight room. "