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Thread: Arnolds Workout

  1. #1
    Tryin2getHUGE's Avatar
    Tryin2getHUGE is offline Senior Member
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    Question Arnolds Workout

    I am changing my routine now as I have become a little stag. My question is this though: There are a ton of studies that say to only lift sayt 1 body part every 6 or 7 days to be effective. Yet there are tons of studies that say to lift a part 2 to 3x per week. I just read for example that Arnold lifted each body part 3x per week on a 6 on 1 off split. Now does anyone lift each part this frequently anymore, and what have been the results?

  2. #2
    cokdiesl is offline Junior Member
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    everyone is different what works for arnold definately doesnt work for me and probably won't work for alot of other ppl i think that is way too fast and your muscles have no time to arnold was on a ton of gear. That definately helps....stay w/ a routine for eight weeks and go over your progress if you made good gains and everything is still increasing stay with it if not..throw it out and try something new...i make my gains right now by hitting everything within 7 days you might be able to do it in 3 or 4

  3. #3
    Tryin2getHUGE's Avatar
    Tryin2getHUGE is offline Senior Member
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    Thats a good point. I am just curious because even though our bodies are different, we all still have all the same muscles. I may try a 2x week and see how that works.

  4. #4
    Cuttup's Avatar
    Cuttup is offline Senior Member
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    yeah,..ive got that book,..i think that is for a serious advanced individual with alot of time on his hands. I tried it dor like 3 - 4 months because I work at a gym so im always surrounded by the stuff. You really have to through in lenty of juice,..get plenty of sleep and eat like a horse meanwhile trying not to overtrain. Id tune it down a bit if it gets to difficult.

  5. #5
    Tryin2getHUGE's Avatar
    Tryin2getHUGE is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cuttup
    yeah,..ive got that book,..i think that is for a serious advanced individual with alot of time on his hands. I tried it dor like 3 - 4 months because I work at a gym so im always surrounded by the stuff. You really have to through in lenty of juice,..get plenty of sleep and eat like a horse meanwhile trying not to overtrain. Id tune it down a bit if it gets to difficult.
    Thanks bro....... Yeah its a sick routine and hella committment. I am going to try it for 2 months and see what happens.

  6. #6
    Todd Scott is offline Junior Member
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    If you are using AAS you recover faster than someonw who is natural

  7. #7
    bluethunder is offline Anabolic Member
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    Advanced lifters can get away with it. They also eat good to feed the body. Some will work the muscle 2 times but one day its all about the pump higher reps/lighter and the other day heavy low reps. They still mix it up

  8. #8
    LM1332 Guest
    yea there is no way to tell what will work for you unless you try it so if you dont try it its hard to say wha sup, you know?

  9. #9
    MMC78's Avatar
    MMC78 is offline Senior Member
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    I use a modified version of Schwarzenegger's routine; working the body about 2x every week:

    Day 1: Chest/Back
    Day 2: Quads/Hams
    Day 3: Arms/Shoulders
    Day 4: Off

  10. #10
    63190's Avatar
    63190 is offline Anabolic Member
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    I was doing the beginners arnold training. I was doing good, but got stail. I've gone to what I posted, but no one seems to even have commented.

  11. #11
    Bound for Muscle's Avatar
    Bound for Muscle is offline Associate Member
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    i find that hitting the gym 3 times a week works well for me, i've been getting steady gains and it keeps me from getting burned out

    for me, working out is more about consistency than all out quantity, when i'm in the gym i hit it as hard as i can, then i give my body plenty of time to recover (at least 2 days)

  12. #12
    LM1332 Guest
    You know his routines are not all that bad when i started to workout thats what i did and i liked it i gained a lot of streignth.

  13. #13
    Join Date
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    my chest grows best when i work it 3 times a week. mondays wednesdays and fridays, but it taxes your mentality and energy levels alot when you try and go heavy for 3 days straight. the growth on my chest and tris was unstopable though. now i just settle with twice a week.

  14. #14
    Bruce willis's Avatar
    Bruce willis is offline Associate Member
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    i used to do chest 3 times a week when i was in highschool. i cant do it anymore, only once a week cuz my chest is usually sore for 5 days

  15. #15
    63190's Avatar
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    Hit it heavy Monday, light, neuro-muscular Wednesday, and then moderatly heavy 70% of 1 RM, Friday. See what happens then.

  16. #16
    bermich's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tryin2getHUGE
    Thats a good point. I am just curious because even though our bodies are different, we all still have all the same muscles. I may try a 2x week and see how that works.
    Depends on metabolism and such. Fast metabolism sometimes equals faster recovery time. Depends on how hard you work the muscle group. Did you work out to failure or was it just a maintanace workout. Do you get enough rest. Does your job involve heavy lifting. Do you eat enough good food.

    Are you trying for bulk mass or are you trying for ripped cut look.
    Bulk mass would cause you to work to failure during workouts with heavy weights. Rest longer.
    Cut and ripped (IMO) usually means lighter weights with less rest time between reps. Also not to failure. Your muscles recover faster since they are not broken down as much as they could be allowing you to get another workout per week in. Maybe 3 workouts.

    All depends on this and that....

  17. #17
    se11 is offline Associate Member
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    I herd his arm workout was crazy. Like 45 min bi, 45 tri, 30 forearm.

  18. #18
    Quake is offline Member
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    The length of time you have been training is definitely a big factor coupled with previous intensity of your workouts and workout plans. If you have been hitting one body part each day and training 5 days a week with 2 rest days, and have been doing this for a year or two then stepping up to hitting each body part twice a week will be an easier step than for someone who usually trains 3 times a week. Your body gets used to taking the regular strain and providing it isn't too great a step it will still grow in higher intensity workouts/weeks. Diet is obviously extremely important if you're going to be hitting each body part twice a week, as too is recovery so you may occasionaly want to take 2 days off instead of 1 to allow for good growth. If you are using AS whilst stepping up your workouts this will obviously be beneficial, but only if your diet is right too.

  19. #19
    Paingain is offline Banned
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    Arnold Schawzennegers beginners training program is still way too much for me ,and i've been training going on 8 years now. Unless your on a ton of gear, half the programs out there are overtraining IMO.

  20. #20
    MrDezel is offline Banned
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    As a few of you know I have been doing the DoggCrapp routine for a few months now and I have to tell you that it has been working great for me!

    You should really read some of the lengthier posts on the DC subject because it really gets your mind in check rather then just going out there and putting a routine together with no reasoning behind it.

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